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      • 한국형 사회재난 대응을 위한 임시수용시설 현황 및 공간디자인 방안 연구

        최성경(Choi, SeongKyung),문정민(Moon, JeongMin) 한국주거학회 2017 한국주거학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.29 No.1

        Many problems took place with regard to occurrence of Korea social disaster, but specific guidelines by type and by article for solving the problems are not fully prepared because of lack of awareness and safety ignorance. Thus, this study is dissertation about space design for responding to Korea social disaster, which figures out character of Korea social disaster, guidelines of temporary shelter in Korea, and supply status through a literature investigation. After analyzing Korea social disaster, occurrence and scale of damage increased and type of disaster also varied. However, the guidelines for managing social disaster are not suitably prepared. Temporary shelter has to prepare various functions and facility by disaster’s type and by scale of damage, but the same guideline which has already used in managing natural disaster is applied. So, it can not be fully utilized when social disaster happens. With regard to this problem, many studies has proceeded about social disaster since 2014. However, most of them are about guideline for facility operation and evacuation, so more specific methods for design need to be made. Therefore, depending on types of Korea social disaster, specific operation for temporary shelter and design guidelines for space plan have to be made under the cooperative relationship between each department.

      • KCI등재

        재난 대응력 향상을 위한 아동 재난안전 교육과 안전체험 교실 연구

        최성경 ( Seongkyung Choi ),문정민 ( Jeongmin Moon ) 한국공간디자인학회 2019 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.14 No.3

        (Background and Purpose) As various types of disaster happen all over the worlds world, unexpected social problems take place which threaten safety of citizens and cities. UNISDR focuses on importance of disaster risk management managements for relieving disaster in the stage of prevention, and adopts ‘Hyogo Action Plan(2015)’ which helps enhance levels of disaster prevention in various classes, for effective disaster response. Vulnerable children who could be potential risk factor from disaster disasters could trigger lots of various social problems if they are not prepared for disaster damages. Therefore, safety education is important which helps children acquire information about disaster, judge state of disaster by themselves, and perform safe behaviors properly. The purpose of this study grasp comprehensively current state of domestic education facilities for improving disaster responsive ability of children. Also, analyze current state of space composition and safety education program in Korea, focusing on safety training classes within school which helps empirical education and drills conducted continuously in school schools. (Method) As a research method, firstly, understand emotional risk which should be handled, to improve disaster resilience in the daily lives. Also, reflect theoretically on safe behaviors and safety psychology based on children. Secondly, research on general state of facility, and classify types of education facilities for children’s safety after comprehending regional characters of educational environment, persons concerned, and programs which are elements of safety education. Finally, examine current state of empirical safety classes within schools by analyzing characteristics of space composition and safety education programs in six safety training classes which opened from 2017 to 2019 for case study. (Results) As a result of studying safety training classes in Korea, most classes conduct safety education about drug, safety of elevator, disaster safety, first aid, and traffic safety, utilizing averagely 2.5 classes based on standard facility model. After analyzing character of space composition by domains, complexity, connectivity, and capability, empirical classes are composed of system of modulation according to programs and scale of space based on standard facility model in the aspect of domains, so most spaces are well divided. Also, various safety educations are conducted in 2.5 classes in combination. In the aspect of connectivity and capability, more utilizable spaces are needed by using variable rooms and connecting surrounding facilities even though empirical space by experience story and empirical facility, considering surrounding local character, are well conducted. (Conclusions) Recently, accessibility of empirical education increased a lot as empirical classes are built locally. Also, range of education are enlarged to build safe community by opening safety education to parents and local residents beyond children. Children can behave safely and are equipped with physical ability and proper judging ability for responding to disaster through safety training classes.

      • KCI등재

        재난·재해지역 구호활동 지원 서비스를 위한 공간 유형 연구

        최성경 ( Seongkyung Choi ),문정민 ( Jeongmin Moon ) 한국공간디자인학회 2018 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.13 No.5

        (Background and Purpose) As modern people in a civilized society with highly developed industries are offered opportunities to experience and enjoy many pleasures, many start expressing cultural or affective needs beyond physical ones. Thus, as a way of preventing, responding to, and recovering from disasters, more varied and more support services and spaces need to be provided for fulfilling security and psychological relief for victims; complex social system need to be rebuilt in the wake of disasters, in addition to recovering from physical damage and providing the necessities of life. (Method) For improving the efficiency of varied relief activities, a space atmosphere that accounts for users’ needs and activities’ characteristics should be provided. This study examined the type and characteristics of more varied relief activities, and then classified type of relief and users. We then classified the pace of organizations according to the duration of disaster and scale of damage. Lastly, we ascertained the status of spaces by disaster type domestically, based on format and space type. (Results) More varied programs, as relief service, should be provided by considering victims’ characteristics, disaster type, and damaged areas. The study analyzed four cases each of relief space and evacuation space provided after disaster, based on eight types of relief space, through theoretical contemplation. Administrative spaces for volunteers and spaces for consultation, medical service, and housing for victims are provided to some extent, but any space for revitalizing victims’ economy and space for volunteers to relax are not offered. In addition, some gymnasium and classrooms are used as evacuation spaces for victims. However, as these spaces are built for other purposes, they are not utilized systematically, only used temporarily using portable furniture, partitions, and tents. Considering all the facts, if a disaster would be prolonged, victims might feel psychologically nervous from the temporary nature of evacuation spaces. Moreover, as spaces for volunteers are temporary, they cannot perform their professional function and cannot support continuous relief activities, which reduce the efficiency of relief activities by exposing all of the activities to the elements. (Conclusions) Space planning for prolonged relief is needed for rebuilding cities and providing temporary evacuation, with consideration for the disaster’s scale and type. Many evacuation spaces are provided temporarily; if rebuilding after a disaster is prolonged, then victims would need to move their temporary spaces or be provided temporary container as living space. However, providing supporting spaces temporarily cannot help victims overcome their disaster-struck situation. In building a response system through cooperation with volunteers, victims, and local communities, highly efficient space design and the establishment of a supply system can be implemented, according to the situation of local communities, to fulfill citizens’ needs toward economic, cultural, and social recovery.

      • KCI등재

        공동주택 재난 회복력 향상을 위한 화재 안전 교육 서비스 디자인

        최성경 ( Choi Seongkyung ),문정민 ( Moon Jeongmin ) 한국공간디자인학회 2021 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.16 No.1

        (Background and Purpose) The importance of disaster safety education has been established due to a number of small accidents that have recently occurred in the living environment. The 2014 Sewol ferry incident and the 2017 Pohang earthquake indicated the people's ability to respond to disasters. These have created an opportunity to change the overall disaster safety education system. This study attempts to improve people's disaster resilience to deal with apartment fires that occur every year due to various causes. This study, through a fire safety education service toolkit, has collated the opinion of residents to recommend the direction of effective fire safety education for apartments. (Method) Through theoretical considerations and case studies, first, the relationship between disaster resilience in apartments and the current status of fire safety education is investigated. Second, to understand the current status of fire safety education and collate residents' opinions, a stakeholder map for resident education, a map of touch points and customer journeys, information cards, and a fire safety education toolkit, have been developed using service design methodology. Third, fire safety education was conducted to collect residents' opinions on fires in apartments using the designed tool kits. Based on this, the current status of fire safety education in apartments has been determined and the direction of disaster safety education for residents has been suggested to improve disaster resilience. (Results) The results of the survey on residents' opinions are summarized as follows. To improve the disaster resilience of old apartments, firefighting facilities should be installed to create a physically safe space. Additionally, information on firefighting facilities in each space should be shared with residents. In the event of a fire, to enable the residents to use the facilities in each space to evacuate safely, the fire safety information of the current house must be clearly delivered. Furthermore, continuous experiential education focusing on the residents of apartments should be conducted to improve the use of firefighting facilities and equipment, and enhance physical response capabilities. (Conclusions) To ensure effective multi-family fire safety education services, continuous education according to the characteristics of residents must be provided. For this purpose, safety education should be continuously conducted by linking it with existing public education subjects. It is important to link this education with local programs to ensure that it is not only provided by specialized educational institutions but allows children, parents, and neighbors to participate together after school.

      • KCI등재

        캐나다의 출생 관련 법제와 그 운영에 관한 소고

        최성경(Choi, Seongkyung) 한국비교사법학회 2019 비교사법 Vol.26 No.1

        아동은 생래적으로 권리를 보유하지만 그 행사와 향유를 위하여 출생신고가 되어야 최소한의 권리행사와 이익을 향유할 수 있는 현실에 놓여 있다. 아동의 권리는 국가에 인지되는 것을 전제로 실제로 행사될 수 있는 것이다. 그런데 최근까지 부모의 출생신고의 미비로 인한 많은 사건들이 일어났고, 이로 인하여 현행출생신고제도의 문제점들이 노출되고 있다. 현행 출생신고제도 하에서는 출생신고의 누락, 지연 및 허위출생신고 등의 위험이 존재하고, 이를 기화로 한 영아 유기, 방임, 매매, 학대 및 불법입양 등이 사회적인 문제가 되고 있다. 현행 「가족관계의 등록 등에 관한 법률」에서 정하고 있는 출생신고제도는 1차적으로 부모에게 출생신고 의무를 지우고 있고, 부 또는 모가 출생신고를 할 수 없는 경우 2차적으로 동거하는 친족, 분만에 관여한 의사, 검사, 지방자치단체의 장이 출생신고를 할 수 있도록 되어 있다. 그러나 외부에서 출생신고 여부를 모두 파악하기는 어렵기에 모든 아동의 출생등록을 담보하기에는 부족하다. 이러한 상황에서 각국의 출생통보 및 신고 제도의 의무자와 구체적 절차를 중심으로 해외 주요 국가의 출생신고제도 및 법령을 살펴보는 것이 의미가 있을 것이다. 그러나 본 연구의 대상인 캐나다에 대하여는 자세한 연구가 없었고, 부분적으로 소개한 경우는 있었으나, 잘못 소개된 경우도 있었다. 캐나다는 경제적으로나 사회적으로 우리와 밀접한 관계를 가지고 있는 국가이기도 하거니와 이 연구에서 도입하고자 하는 「의료기관의 출생통보」와 「부모의 출생신고」를 병행하고 있는 입법례이고, 현재 우리가 시범적으로 실시하고 있는 온라인 출생신고제도와 상당히 유사한 체계를 갖추고 있기 때문에, 그 입법례와 운영현황의 실제를 살피는 것은 우리에게 적절한 시사점을 줄 수 있을 것이다. 또 캐나다는 베이비 박스제도(Angel"s cradle)를 실제로 운영하면서도 그 입법을 하지 않고 있는데, 이러한 상황도 현재 우리나라의 경우와 유사하다. 의료기관의 출생통보제도 도입과 관련하여 자주 지적되는 영아유기 증가 우려와 관련하여 보조적인 제도로 베이비 박스 논의가 거론되기 때문에 캐나다의 Angel"s cradle에 대하여도 간략히 살펴본다. 이 연구에서는 먼저 우리나라의 출생신고제도에 대하여 간략히 정리·검토한 후, 그 뒤에 캐나다의 법제와 운영상황을 소개한다. 이후 간략히 이러한 입법례가 시사한 바를 정리해 보고자 한다. 그리하여 캐나다의 「의료기관의 출생통보」와 「부모의 출생신고」 병행 체계 도입이 우리에게 필요하다는 견지에서 출생신고제도 개선을 위한 인프라를 검토해 본다. Children need to be registrated for birth to enjoy rights and all the benefits even though they have in-born rights. In other words, the rights of children could be exercised only when they are recognized by nation. Until recent, many cases of omission of birth registration by parents occurred, thus come up the pitfalls of current birth registration systems. Under these circumstances, there are risks of omission, delay and false registrations resulting in social problems as abandonment, trafficking, child abuse and illegal adoption. Current Act on the Registration, etc. of Family Relationships regulates the duty of the report of birth primarily on the father or the mother and if it is not possible the duty goes to relatives living together, doctor, prosecutor or captain of local government. It is not sufficient to ensure every birth registrations are done though. Under these circumstances, it is imperative to review on the birth registration systems of other nations focusing on the specific procedures and who are responsible for registration. Until now there have been scare studies on Canadian system. Canada has close relationship to us both economically and socially, furthermore, they enacted both the notices of birth by medical facilities and the reporting of birth by parents, which this study intended to recommend and which has similarity to our online birth registration on trial, thus leaving us many probable beneficial points if studied. This study briefly reviews Korean birth registration systems, then those of Canada. And the meanings and backgrounds of them will follow. This study would like to recommend Canadian system of both the notices of birth by medical facilities and the reporting of birth by parents.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 법인정비법

        최성경(Choi, SeongKyung) 한양법학회 2009 漢陽法學 Vol.26 No.-

        It would be desirable in setting up laws to approach in two ways. The one is about the contents of itself, and the other would be to inspect the problems associated with the reform of the system thoroughly and to provide the solutions to them. Until now, the primary concern of most studies were about the former, because it formed the core of the law. Exceptionally, there could be some case where the study of the latter would be important as well, though. The whole reform of the basic system of the law would be the case. There could be many problems expected during law-making in immense turn-over, so legislatures are providing supportive legal procedures for the new system to be effectively accepted without reluctance or disorientation. In this respect, the reform of the systems on juridical person in Japan could be a good model, because they provided a separate law as a supportive legal measures in it. In Japan, there has been a turn-over in the systems on juridical person. It was the proclamation of three laws related to the reform of public-interest corporation system. The three laws are ?Ordinary Incorporated Non-Profit Association and Foundation Law , Qualification ??of Incorporated Public-Interest Association and Foundation Law?and ?Arrangement Law of Related-Laws on Juridical Persons?. These were established on 26th of May in 2006 and published on 2nd of June the same year and were enforced on 1st of December in 2008. Those three laws constitute the overall axis of the reform of the juridical person and were related to each other that it would be desirable to study them altogether. Nevertheless, the main focus of this study lies in legal measures to avoid the problems associated with the reform of the system, so this study will deal with ?Arrangement Law of Related-Laws on Juridical Persons?mainly. There were 25000 public-interest corporations in Japan when these laws were enforced and there would be a lot of disarrangement caused by the reform, so they tried to avoid it by enacting separate law. With this law, the beneficiaries of the public-interest corporations and the corporations themselves could dodge those problems. ?Arrangement Law of Related-Laws on Juridical Persons?was, as mentioned previously, enacted to avoid the problems associated with the reform of the system, and this could be a reference if we are to do it.

      • KCI등재

        ‘제3자 보호효력 있는 계약’의 의미에 대한 소고

        최성경 ( Seongkyung Choi ) 이화여자대학교 법학연구소 2021 法學論集 Vol.25 No.4

        계약 자유의 원칙상 당사자는 계약의 상대방 선택의 자유를 가지고 있고, 이것은 채권의 상대적 효력과 맞닿아 있다. 계약의 당사자들은 사적 자치에 의하여 특정된 자에게 효력을 가지는 약정을 할 수 있다. 그 특정된 자는 보통의 경우 계약의 상대방이지만, 제3자 약관이 있는 경우 제3자를 위한 계약이 된다. 이 외의 경우에는 채권의 효력은 원칙적으로 제3자에게는 효력이 미치지 않는다. 그러므로 당사자가 아닌 자가 계약의 효력 범위에 있는 것은 채권의 상대적 효력을 고정된 명제로 보는 시각에서는 받아들이기 어려운 일이다. 그런데, 계약의 당사자가 아닌 제3자가 채무자의 이행을 위하여 사용될 수 있고, 계약상의 급부와 밀접한 관계 등이 있는 제3자가 채무자측의 과실로 인하여 손해를 입을 수도 있다. 이렇듯 채권채무관계는 계약의 직접 당사자가 아닌 자가 관여 되는 경우가 얼마든지 존재한다. 이러한 환경에서 급부자의 이행보조자의 과실 있는 행위로 피해를 입은 제3자를 - 그가 계약상의 급부와 아무리 밀접한 관계에 있더라도 - 채권의 상대적 효력만을 내세워 불법행위로 인한 손해배상 청구권만을 행사할 수 있을 뿐이라고 한다면 불충분한 경우가 있다. 특히 이행보조자가 자력이 부족하여 피해자가 충분한 구제를 받을 수 없는 경우라면 더욱 그렇다. 이 연구의 대상 논문인 ‘제3자 보호효력 있는 계약’논문은 이처럼 피해를 입은 제3자가 사용자책임 규정인 제756조 1항 단서의 면책규정으로 인하여 보호받지 못하게 될 수 있으므로, 제3자를 충분히 보호하기에는 일반불법행위 규정만으로는 부족하다는 문제의식에서 출발하였다. 대상 논문은 계약의 효력의 제3자 보효효력과 관련하여 상세하고 새로운 시각을 제시한 우리나라 최초의 연구이자 시금석이 되는 연구이다. 대상 논문은 이전까지 채권의 상대적 효력이 불변의 원리라는 시각에 전환점이 되었고, 채권의 효력이 제3자에게 미치는 경우가 필요할 수 있다는 합리적인 사유의 공간을 마련하여 주었다. 계약책임의 인적 범위를 연구한 대상 논문은 다변화되는 현대 사회에서 또 다른 새로운 의미를 가질 수도 있다. 현대사회의 다양하고 복잡한 법률관계에서 채권의 상대적 효력의 완화가 필요한 영역이 다방면으로 발생하고 있다. 과거에는 미처 예상하지 못한 복잡한 법률관계가 존재하고 있고, 이 경우 계약의 당사자가 계약의 효력이 미치는 경우에 대하여 하나하나 약정할 수는 없으나 채권자처럼 보호를 받아야 하는 경우가 얼마든지 생겨날 수 있기 때문이다. 이 글에서는 대상논문의 ‘제3자 보호효력 있는 계약’이론 대한 검토와 시대적 의미 및 오늘날의 시사점을 검토하였다. 이후 장기간의 축적된 논의로 동 이론을 성문화한 독일처럼 우리나라도 계약의 時的 범위나 人的 범위와 관련한 다양한 연구를 통하여 현대사회에 걸맞은 합리적인 입법을 고려해 볼 필요가 있음을 밝힌다. According to the principle of Freedom of Contract, there is freedom to choose the other side of contract and there comes the relative effect of contract. Both contracting parties could make a deal to have an effect on each other regulated by the principle of private autonomy. The others are generally the other side of the contract. In some cases when there are regulations for the third parties, this could be a contract in favour of the third parties, though. Otherwise, the effect of contract is not to reach the third parties in principle. In some cases, though, the third could use this contract for the accomplishment of it, or could get damage by the intention or the negligence of the debtor. As the above cases, there are many conditions where parties other than those in contract are involved. Under these circumstances where the thirds have loss by the intention or the negligence of the performance assistant, it would be inappropriate that they could only exercise the rights for the compensation of the damage caused by tort, especially when the performance assistant is incapable of compensation. The paper “Contract with Protective Effect for the Third Parties” claims it is insufficient to protect the third by the regulations of general tort because the damage to the third could not be compensated by the proviso of article 756(1). This paper could be the cornerstone to the protection of the third from the effect of the contract. This provided a change to the view that the relative effect of the contract is constant, furthermore, a room to discuss the effect of contract could reach the third. To define the personal reach of the contract could have new meaning in modern complicated society. There are lots of complex legal relations not expected in the past, so contracting parties could not mention and agree all the third parties affected so comes the necessity to protect them like the debtor. This study reviewed the paper, the meaning to that time and the discussion of today. Like Germany that developed statutory law after cumulative discussions over a long time, we could unfold various studies on the reach of person and time of the contract to enact a rational law that fits modern society.

      • 정보 디스플레이 기술을 통한 미래 인터랙션 공간 연구

        최성경(Choi Seongkyung),문정민(Moon, Jungmin) 한국디자인지식학회 2012 디자인지식저널 Vol.24 No.-

        정보 사회 기술의 비약적 발전은 인간 삶의 조건을 근본적으로 바꾸어 놓았다. 인간과 인간의 소통을 넘어서 인텔리젼트 기술의 발달로 인해 인간과 공간, 공간과 환경의 정보소통이 가능해졌으며, 인간은 넘쳐나는 무한한 정보를 다양한 입·출력 방식으로 컨트롤 할 수 있게 되었다. 이는 공간에서 이루어지는 여가, 학습, 노동, 관리 방식에 있어 지난 시대와 너무 다른 삶의 방식을 지니게 되면서 인간 사회의 관계에 새로운 변화를 일으켰다. 이러한 사회적 변화를 통해 대두된 개념이 인간과 공간의 상호작용과 정보교류의 개념을 다룬 인터랙션 공간이다. 인터랙션 공간은 기술의 발달과 함께 종전에는 상상할 수 없었던 공간의 등장과 함께 실재공간과 사이버스페이스의 공존에까지 이르게 됐다. 따라서 본 연구는 정보 디스플레이 기술의 발달이 현재 인터랙션 공간과 앞으로 있을 미래 인터랙션 공간에 어떠한 영향을 미치게 되는지 분석하기 위해 정보 디스플레이의 개념 및 정보 인터랙션 방식과 인터랙션 공간의 상관성에 중점을 두고 현재 인터랙션 공간의 사례를 분석하였으며, 이를 토대로 컴퓨터 소프트웨어 회사에서 제시한 Future Display 동영상을 통해 미래 인터랙션 공간의 특성을 분석해본 결과 미래의 인터랙션 공간은 기술의 발달을 통해 사용자가 원하는 정보를 언제 어디에서나 다양한 방식으로 제공받을 수 있으며, 정보의 표시장치가 공간의 중요 구성 요소가 되면서 공간의 구조에 있어서도 많은 변화가 일어날 것이다. Rapid development of information society technology brought basic changes into conditions of human living. Communication between human and space, and space and environment is possible due to development of intelligent technology beyond communication between people. Humans are able to control infinite amount of information in various input and output ways. It has caused a change in human society and we have different living styles in respect to leisure, learning, labor and management in space. Therefore, to analyse what effect development of information display technology has on future interaction space, this study analysed the four seasons of the present interaction space, giving a focus on the concept of information display and the correlations between information interaction methods and interaction space. Based on the results, the characteristics of future interaction space were analysed through future display images presented by a computer software company.

      • KCI등재

        同時死亡 推定과 配偶者 代襲相續 - 對象判決 : 大法院 2001.3.9. 선고 99다13157 判決

        최성경(Seongkyung Choi) 한국가족법학회 2005 가족법연구 Vol.19 No.1

        This Case Comment deals with the Supreme Court's Decision of 2001.3.9, 99다 13157. The plaintiffs of this case were the 3rd place inheritors according to Paragraph(1) of Article 1000 of the Korean Civil Codes, who were the brothers and sisters of the inheritee. The defendant, who was the son-in-law of the inheritee, achieved the ownership of real estate in place of his wife, who was the 1st place inheritor but had died, by the succession by representation. The plaintiffs claimed the inheritance should be invalid but it was not accepted by Supreme Court. In this case, what we should reconsider is that the inheritee and his daughter had died by the same accident in which the exact time and the order of two deaths are obscure. It could be presumed that the time of deaths be the same by Article 30 of the Korean Civil Codes. On the other hand, Article 1003 says, "In the case mentioned in Article 1001, the spouse of the deceased or the disqualified person, before the commencement of inheritance, becomes a co-inheritor in the same order as the inheritors provided in the same Article. If there exists no inheritor, the spouse becomes the sole inheritor." So the first issue here is that the 'Succession by Representation by Article 1003' could be applied to the simultaneous death according to Article 30. The 2nd issue is about the Succession by Representation of spouse. I speculates on those two issues reflecting the current Civil Codes and reaches on the conclusion that in the case of simultaneous death, Succession by Representation could be applied and Supreme Court's decision which admitted the sole inheritance of the son-in-law is justified.

      • KCI등재

        노후 공공임대주택 그린 리모델링 디자인 요소별 전문가 인식도 조사

        최성경 ( Choi Seongkyung ),양소영 ( Yang Soyeong ),이문수 ( Lee Munsu ),문정민 ( Moon Jeongmin ) 한국공간디자인학회 2021 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.16 No.8

        (Background and Purpose) Since the ‘Green Remodeling Project’ is spotlighted as one of the 10 key tasks of the Korean Green New Deal policy, it has gained importance as a strategy for solving various problems to aging of buildings in Korea. Moreover, the building age of public rental housings has increased over 30 years since the public rental housings scheme started in 1990. Therefore, this study aims to explore design elements and evaluate the level of awareness of experts in various fields for achieving the goal of green remodeling by improving energy efficiency and the comfort of old spaces. (Method) Our research method was conducted in three major steps. First, the current status and problems of the overall project were identified based on previous literature and case studies related to the “green remodeling project for public rental housing” in Korea. Second, FGI (Focus Group Interview) with experts was conducted based on remodeling items analyzed through literature and case studies. From its results, remodeling items for each green remodeling design element for public rental housing were classified. Third, an expert survey was conducted to understand the level of awareness of experts in each field, based on the derived design elements and remodeling items. (Results) As a result of the FGI with experts, green remodeling design elements and remodeling items for the public rental housing were derived into 32 items in four parts: energy (8), space (10), design (8), and operation (6). In addition, as a result of conducting a survey of 72 experts based on the 5-point Likert scale to evaluate the importance of each element of the remodeling design, it shows energy (4.14) and operation (4.06) are more important than design (3.85) and space (3.94). And a result of evaluation on the specialized field shows urban regeneration, administration, housing welfare field (4.14) is more important than architecture, interior design, industrial design field (4.08), and energy and technology field (3.70). (Conclusions) In general, there have been various discussions on energy efficiency management and performance improvement of old buildings, and improvement of the quality of user-customized spaces. In order to solve this problem, various methods such as institutional change, promotion of new technology, and provision of welfare services, can be considered in each field. However, for sustainable and effective problem solving, it is necessary to explore interdisciplinary approach to new directions based on appropriate design elements for collaboration of experts from various fields.

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