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      • A Unified Analysis of Glottal Sounds

        초미희 새한영어영문학회 1999 새한영어영문학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.1999 No.5

        영어에서 성문 마찰음 [h]와 무성 파열음을 발음할 때 특정한 환경에서 동반되는 기식음은 모두 [spread glottis]라는 후두의 움직임을 수반한다. 전통적인 분석들에서는 성문 마찰음과 기식음이 실현되는 현상을 각각 다른 별개의 음운 현상으로 취급해 왔다. 또한 전통적인 분석들에서는 성문 마찰음과 기식음이 모두 어두나 강세가 일어나는 음보 초에서만 실현되는 분포상의 유사점도 간과되어 왔다. 게다가, 여러 음성학여구들에서도 성문 마찰음과 기식음의 실현 상의 연관 관계가 놀랄 만큼 일치한다는 사실을 밝히고 있다. 따라서, 본 논문은 성문 마찰음과 기식음이 실현되거나 비실현되는 현상을 최적 이론에서 발전된 대응 이론의 틀 안에서 통합하여 분석하고 있다. 구체적으로, 정렬 제약군이 어두와 음보 초 위치에서 나타나는 성문 마찰음과 무성 파열음의 기식음화를 통합하여 설명할 수 있으며, 또한 어두와 음보 초 이외의 위치에서 성문 마찰음이 탈락되거나 파열음의 기식음화 대신에 설탄음화가 일어나는 현상도 정렬 제약군 아래에 유표성 제약인 *h와 설탄음화 제약을 둠으로써 설명할 수 있음을 보여주고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Perception and production of English vowels by Korean learners: A Case study

        초미희,정순용 한국음운론학회 2013 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.19 No.1

        The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between perception and production of English vowels by Korean EFL learners. To this end, 21 Korean students participated in perception and production tests in order to probe the extent to which the perception and production accuracies conform to each other. Overall, the participants had difficulty perceiving and producing English vowels since the mean accuracies of perception and production only amounted to 60%. The results showed that perception accuracy was not always higher than production accuracy, which runs counter to the traditional assumption that perception precedes production. Moreover, it was revealed that no significant correlation between perception and production was found, thus suggesting that perception and production may not be related and that perception and production capabilities may be developing independently depending on vowels and individuals. As for the results of the perception test, monophthong and short vowels were more difficult to perceive in relation to their counterpart diphthong and long vowels. Regarding the results of the production test, the participants were better at producing tense vowels than lax vowels. In addition, confusion matrixes for perception and production were presented and confusion patterns as well as the direction of confusability are discussed in detail.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        영어 모음사이 자음의 인지와 발화에서 철자의 영향: 파일럿 연구

        초미희,정주연 한국콘텐츠학회 2009 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.9 No.12

        한국어에서는 모음사이에서 겹자음이 나타날 수 있으나 영어에서는 이것이 불가능하므로 영어를 배우는 한국 학생들이 summer와 같이 겹자음 철자를 포함하는 단어들을 발음할 때 철자의 겹자음을 모두 발음하는 오류를 흔히 범한다. 따라서 본 파일럿 연구에서는 한국 학생들이 영어 겹자음 철자를 어떻게 발음하고 인지하는지 살펴보기 위해서 영어 겹자음과 단자음의 (유사) 최소변별쌍으로 구성된 36개의 실제어를 20명의 대학생이 듣고 발음하는 인지와 발화 실험을 실행하였다. 실험 결과 한국 학생들은 철자의 영향으로 영어 단자음 철자 단어를 발음할 때보다 겹자음 철자 단어를 발음할 때 이중으로 길게 발음하는 오류를 더 흔히 범해서 겹자음 철자 단어의 정확율보다 단자음의 정확율이 크게 높았으며, 인지의 경우에도 마찬가지로 단자음 철자 단어의 인지 정확율이 겹자음 철자보다 확연하게 높았다. 덧붙여, 한국 학생들의 영어 유성 파열음의 발화 오류율이 낮은 이유를 한국어 음운 체계의 전이로 설명하였다. 끝으로, 한국학생들의 발화를 스펙트로그램을 통해서 분석함으로써 영어 단자음 철자보다는 겹자음 철자에서 더 많은 발화오류를 일으키는 것도 보여주었고 또한 교육적인 함축점도 제안하였다. While Korean allows the same consonants at the coda of the preceding syllable and at the onset of the following syllable, English does not allow the geminate consonants in the same intervocalic position. Due to this difference between Korean and English, Korean learners of English tend to incorrectly produce geminate consonants for English geminate graphemes as in summer. Based on this observation, a pilot study was designed to investigate how Korean learners of English perceive and produce English doubleton graphemes and singleton graphemes. Twenty Korean college students were asked to perform a forced-choice perception test as well as a production test for the 36 real word stimuli which consist of (near) minimal pairs of singleton and doubleton graphemes. The result showed that the accuracy rates for the words with singleton graphemes were higher than those for the words with doubleton graphemes both in perception and production because the subjects misperceived and misproduced the doubleton graphemes as geminates due to orthographic influence. In addition, the low error rates of the word with voiced stops were accounted for by Korean language transfer. Further, spectrographic analyses were provided where more production errors were witnessed in doubleton grapheme words than singleton grapheme words. Finally, pedagogical implications are provided.

      • KCI등재후보

        영어 단음절 차용어의 음절수 예측을 위한 알고리즘

        초미희 한국콘텐츠학회 2005 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.5 No.2

        When English monosyllabic words are adapted to the Korean language, the loanwords tend to carry extra syllables. The purpose of this paper is to find the syllable augmentation conditions in loanword adaptation and further to provide an algorithm to predict the syllable numbers of English monosylabic loanwords. Three syllable augmentation conditions are found as follows: 1) the existence of diphthong, 2) the existence of consonant clusters, and 3) the quality of the final consonant (and the preceding vowel). Based on these three conditions, an algorithm to predict the syllable number of English monosyllabic loanwords are proposed as three rules applied iteratively with ordering. In addition, the applications of the algorithm to data are given. 영어 단음절 차용어가 한국어에 적응될 때 여분의 음절이 더해져서 음절수가 증가하는 경향이 있다. 본 논문에서는 음절수를 증가시키는 구체적인 조건을 밝힐 뿐만 아니라, 음절수를 예측하는 알고리즘을 제안하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 음절수를 증가시키는 요인은 3가지가 있는데, 우선 단어에 이중 모음이나 자음군이 있으면 음절수가 증가한다. 세 번째 요인으로는, 단어에서 마지막 자음의 특성에 따라서 어말 모음이 삽입될 수 있다. 이 세 가지 요인에 근거하여 단음절 차용어의 음절수 예측 알고리즘을 3가지 규칙으로 제시하고 그 구체적인 적용과정을 데이터를 통해서 보여주고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Different adaptation patterns of English /f/ in Korean loanword phonology: cases of direct borrowing and indirect borrowing

        초미희,이신숙 한국음운론학회 2010 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.16 No.2

        This paper investigates the different adaptation patterns of English /f/ in Korean loanword phonology, employing Optimality Theory. In Korean loanword phonology, the target /f/ can be realized in various ways depending on borrowing sources: [ph] in direct borrowing from English /f/ and/or [hw]/[hu] in indirect borrowing via Japanese /Φ/. The same constraint ranking is posited to account for the various realizations of the target /f/ in both direct borrowing and indirect borrowing across different prosodic locations. Specifically, deviated forms from the target /f/ emerge because of the high-ranked markedness constraint of *Structure which prohibits segments that are not present in the Korean phonemic inventory. The realization of [hw]/[hu] in indirect borrowing via Japanese is accounted for by the constraint of Category preservation whereby the source /Φ/ best matches to the Korean /h/ in terms of category. Category preservation is irrelevant for the realization of [ph] in direct borrowing because there is no matching category in Korean for the target /f/. Further, it is shown that /f/ is realized as [hu] in word-initial onset position when the target /f/ occurs in a consonant cluster in the source language, due to the constraint OCP. It is also shown that the realization of /f/ as [ph□] in word-final coda position can be accounted for by the generalized Release-to-vowel insertion constraint.

      • KCI우수등재

        English Vowel Adaptation in Korean: Differential Degrees of Perceptual Influence on Individual

        초미희 한국언어학회 2018 언어 Vol.43 No.1

        Cho, Mi-Hui. 2018. English Vowel Adaptation in Korean: Differential Degrees of Perceptual Influence on Individual Vowels. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 43-1. 155- 174. Motivated by the fact that Korean learners of English are confused with American English back monophthongs such as /ɑ/, /ɔ/, and /ʌ/, the present paper tested the possibility that loanword adaptation of English targets with perceptual confusion is less likely to be mediated by perceptual factors. To this end, perceptual patterns of English-to-Korean vowel mapping was drawn from a perceptual database and loanword patterns were drawn from a loanword database for English back monophthongs /ɑ, ɔ, ʌ, ʊ, u/ in order to compare loanword maps with perceptual maps. The overall results showed that perceptual influence on loanword adaptation was significant so that loanword patterns were constrained strongly by perceptual matching of phonetic segments between the donor and recipient languages. The degree of perceptual influence, however, varied depending on vowels such that loanword adaptation of English vowels with a dominant perceptual map is more likely to be mediated by perceptual factors while those without a dominant perceptual map is less likely to be mediated by perceptual factors. When perceptual influence was decreased, other factors such as orthography and standardization took on an important role in loanword adaptation as well. (Kyonggi University)

      • KCI등재

        영어 성문 마찰음과 기식음의 통합 분석

        초미희,이신숙 한국현대언어학회 1998 언어연구 Vol.14 No.2

        The pronunciation of the glottal fricative /h/ and voiceless aspirated stops both involve laryngeal gestures. However, in traditional analyses the realization of /h/ and aspiration have been treated differently. In particular, h-deletion and the occurrence of aspiration in English have been analyzed as totally different phonological processes. Thus, in this paper we provide a unified analysis of /h/ behavior in English within the framework of Correspondence Theory (McCarthy and Prince 1995). Specifically, the realizations of /h/ in stem-initial position and in foot-initial position in English are due to the constraints Align-Left(spread glottis, stem) and Align-Left(spread glottis, foot) respectively. Likewise, the Align-Left constraint family is responsible for the occurrence of aspiration in English, both in stem-initial and foot-initial positions Thus, by ranking the Align-Left constraint family above the markedness constraints *h and Flapping, the realization of /h/ and aspiration in English are uniformly analyzed. This implies that the constraints for ease of perception are ranked above those for ease of articulation in the behavior of /h/. Furthermore, an unexpected identity effect in aspiration is accounted for by the constraint ranking in which the constraint Base-Identity dominates the markedness constraints, without recourse to cyclic nile applications as in a derivational approach.

      • KCI등재

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