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        신종 인플루엔자 대유행의 확산과 영향 모델링

        천병철,Chun, Byung-Chul 대한예방의학회 2005 예방의학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        The impact of the next influenza pandemic is difficult to predict. It is dependent on how virulent the virus is, how rapidly it spreads from population to population, and the effectiveness of prevention and response efforts. Despite the uncertainty about the magnitude of the next pandemic, estimates of the health and economic impact remain important to aid public health policy decisions and guide pandemic planning for health and emergency sectors. Planning ahead in preparation for an influenza pandemic, with its potentially very high morbidity and mortality rates, is essential for hospital administrators and public health officials. The estimat ion of pandemic impact is based on the previous pandemics- we had experienced at least 3 pandemics in 20th century. But the epidemiologi cal characteristics - ie, start season, the impact of 1st wave, pathogenicity and virulence of the viruses and the primary victims of population were quite different from one another. I reviewed methodology for estimation and modelling of pandemic impact and described some nations's results using them in their national preparedness plans. And then I showed the estimates of pandemic influenza impact in Korea with FluSurge and FluAid. And, I described the results of pandemic modelling with parameters of 1918 pandemic for the shake of education and training of the first-line responder health officials to the epidemics. In preparing influenza pandemics, the simulation and modelling are the keys to reduce the uncertainty of the future and to make proper policies to manage and control the pandemics.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        절삭유 취급 근로자의 피부질환에 관한 연구

        천병철,김희옥,김순덕,오칠환,염용태,Chun, Byung-Chul,Kim, Hee-Ok,Kim, Soon-Duck,Oh, Chil-Hwan,Yum, Yong-Tae 대한예방의학회 1996 예방의학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        절삭유의 사용과 피부질환의 관계를 알아보기 위하여 한 자동차공장의 엔진 및 구동부서 근로자 1,004명을 대상으로 피부 이상 증세에 대한 기초설문조사를 실시하여 응답을 해준 근로자 667명을 대상으로 분석 및 피부과적 검진을 실시하였다. 또한 절삭유의 노출 정도를 알기 위한 방법으로 공기 중 오일 미스트를 측정하였다. 이 조사의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 공기 중 오일미스트는 3개 부서로 나누어서 측정 하였는데, 전체 52건의 측정건수 중에서 8시간가중 평균 기준치인 $5mg/m^3$을 넘는 건수는 9건(17.3%)이었고, 로그정규분포상에서 95% 신뢰한계의 전체 상한치는 기준치 미만이었다. 2. 조사한 부서는 엔진가공부(258명), 가솔린 엔진조립부(210명), 디젤엔진조립부(96명), 구동부 가공반(86명), 구동부 조립반(17명)의 5개 부서였으며, 조사한 667명의 평균 나이는 34.5세였고, 근무연수의 중앙값은 7년 7개월이었다. 3. 이들 부서 중 엔진가공부와 구동부 가공반(A군)은 절삭유를 공정상 많이 사용하는 부서로 근로자 344명 중 298명 (86.6%)이 한 가지 이상의 절삭유를 사용하고 있는 반면, 가솔린엔진 조립부, 디젤엔진 조립부, 구동부 조립반의 근로자 323명(B군) 중에는 31명 (9.1%)만이 절삭유를 사용하고 있었다. 4. 피부 이상 증세의 경험자 227명 중 213명에 대하여 피부과전문의의 진찰을 시행하였는데, 이중에 172명이 검진당시 증세를 호소했는데, 1인당 평균 호소증세 건수가 1.5건 정도였다. 가장 많은 증세는 가려움증(32.5%), 구진(21.6%), 인설(15.7%), 소수포(12.5%), 반점(9.4%)의 순서였다. 5. 검진을 받은 근로자 231명 중 정상소견이나 뚜렷한 병변이 없는 사람으로 분류된 경우는 53명이었고, 나머지 160명에서 피부과적 질환이 발견되었다. 가장 많은 것은 접촉 피부염으로 전체 질환자 중 92명 (57.5%)을 차지하였고, 이들 중에는 여드름이나 낭포염 등 기타 다른 피부질환을 동반한 경우가 23명 (25%) 이었다. 기타 낭포염, 여드름만 있는 경우도 각각 9명(5.6%), 8명(5.0%)이었으며 , 각질화와 색소 이상도 1명 씩 발견되었다. 기타의 수부 습진은 비특이성 수부습진으로 분류되었는데 이들은 47명이었다. 6.피부질환이 있다고 진단받은 160명에서 발견된 피부과적 이상부위는 1인당 1.3부위였다. 이상이 발견된 부위는 손바닥(27.6%), 손가락과 손톱(22.7%), 상박부(16.0%), 손등(11.8%), 손가락 사이(10.3%)의 순이었고, 이들 수부 및 상박부위의 이상이 전체 이상의 약 88.7%였다. 7. 전체 피부질환의 유병상태는 각 부서별로 차이가 많았는데, 특히 접촉 피부염의 경우 엔진가공부는 1,000명당 213명, 가솔린엔진 조립부는 1,000명당 29명, 디젤엔진 조립부는 1,000명당 73명이었고, 구동부 가공반은 1,000명당 267명, 구동부 조립반은 1,000명당 59명으로 부서별로 차이가 매우 켰다. 이러한 경향은 절삭유 사용에 따라서 특히 수용성 절삭유만 사용하는 군과 두 종류의 절삭유를 모두 사용하는 근로자에서 마찬가지로 높게 관찰되었다. 8. 감별진단이 필요하다고 판단된 접촉 피부염 환자 49명은 첩포 검사를 시행하였다. 첩포 검사 결과, 기본 표준시료에 양성이 나타난사람이 12명, 기본표준시료와 오일시료에 모두 양성이 나타난 사람 3명, 그리고 오일 시료에만 양성이 나타난 사람 3명이 있었고, 기본 표준시료와 유기용제시료에 양성이 나타난 사람, 유기용제 시료에만 양성이 나타난 사람이 각각 1명 있었다. 9. 전체 피부질환의 유무에 대하여, 근 We investigated the 1,004 workers who worked in a automobile factory to study the epidemiologic characterists of dermatoses due to cutting oils. Among the workers, 667(66.4%) answered the questionaire. They are belong to 5 departments of the factory-the Engine-Work(258 workers), Gasoline engine Assembly(210), Diesel engine Assembly(96), Power train Work(86), Power train Assembly(17). We measured the oil mist concentration in air of the departments and examined the workers who had dermatologic symptoms. The results were follows; 1) Oil mist concentration ; Of all measured points(52),9 points(17.2%) exeeded $5mg/m^3$- the time-weighed PEL-and one department had a upper confidence limit(95%) higher than $5mg/m^3$. 2) Dermatologists examined 213 workers. 172 of them complained any skin symptoms at that time - itching(32.5%), papule(21.6%), scale(15.7%), vesicle(12.5%) in order. The abnormal skin site found by dermatologist were palm(29.3%), finger & nail(24.6%), forearm(16.2%), back of hand(8.4%) in order. 3) As the result of physical examination, we found that 160 workers had skin diseases. Contact dermatitis was the most common; 69 workers had contact dermatitis alone(43.1%), 11 had contact dermatitis with acne(6.9%), 10 had contact dermatitis with folliculitis(6.3%), 1 had contact dermatitis with acne & folliculitis, and 1 had contact dermatitis with abnormal pigmentation. Others were folliculitis(9 workers, 5.6%), acne(8, 5.0%), folliculitis & acne (2, 1.2%), keratosis(1, 0.6%), abnormal pigmentation (1, 0.6%), and non-specific hand eczema (47, 29.3%). 4) The prevalence of any skin diseases was 34.0 pet 100 in cutting oil users, and 13.3 per 100 in non- users. Especially, the prevalence of contact dermatitis was 23.0 per 100 in cutting oil users and 23.0 per 100 in non-users. 5) We tried patch test(standard serise, oil serise, organic solvents) on 49 patients to differentiate allergic contact dermatitis from irritant contact dermatitis and found 20 were positive. 6) In a multivariate analysis(independant=age, tenure, kinds of cutting oil), the risk of skin diseases was higher in the water-based cutting oil user and both oil user than non-user or neat oil user(odds ratio were 2.16 and 2.78, respectively). And the risk of contact dermatitis was much higher at the same groups(odds ratio were 5.16 and 6.82, respectively).

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        경기도 초등학교 아동의 심장질환 유병률

        천병철,염용태,김순덕,Chun, Byung-Chul,Yum, Yong-Tae,Kim, Soon-Duck 대한예방의학회 2000 예방의학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        Objective : The heart diseases are known as a major cause of sudden death, as well as a cause of poor life-quality of school-age children. But there have been few mass screening of heart diseases in these children in Korea. This study was done to estimate the prevalence of heart diseases of these population. Methods : We screened all elementary students(grade 1) in 12 cities and 16 counties(Gun) in Kyonggi province from 1992 to 1955. The first screening was done by auscultation of doctors and simultaneously by checking using 'auto-interpreter of EKG-cardiac sound' (Fukuda Densi ECP 50A). We conducted luther examinations to whom classified as being abnormal condition in first screening, by using EKG, chest x-ray, doppler echocardiograpy(if needed). Results : The total number of examined students was 161,308(92% of the population), the male were 83,238 and female were 78,070. The congenital heart diseases(CHD) patients were 290(18 per 10,000) - male 155(18.6 per 10,000) and female 135(17.3 per 10,000). The most frequent disease was ventricula septal defect(VSD, 45.5%), Atrial septal defect(ASD, 14.8%), Tetralogy of Follot(TOF, 11.7%), and Patent Dutus Arteriosis(PDA, 7.6%) in order. In female, the order was VSD(48.1%), ASD(13.3%), TOF(11.1%), and PDA(10.4%). The total number of EKG abnormality were 433(62.7 per 10,000) among 69,056 screened children in 1995. The complete right bundle branch block(CRBBB) and paroxymal ventricular contraction(PVC) were frequent(26.6%, 26.3% in each), and incomplete right bunddle branch block(IRBBB, 14.6%), paroxymal atrial contraction(PAC, 6.7%), abnormal Q(5.8%), Wolf-Pakinson-White syndrom (5.5%) in order. In female, the most frequent abnormality was PVC(29.8%), and CRBBB(19.9%) in order. Conclusion : We could present the stable prevalence of the rare heart disease. The prevalence of congenital heart diseases was 18.0 per 10,000 and of EKG abnormality was 62.7 per 10,000 among school children.

      • KCI등재

        21세기 건강증진과 질병예방 교육과정 개발 - 제5차 대한예방의학회 예방의학 학습목표 개정 방향 -

        천병철,조수헌,최보율,Chun, Byung-Chul,Cho, Soo-Hun,Choi, Bo-Yul 대한예방의학회 2006 예방의학회지 Vol.39 No.4

        The preventive medicine learning objectives, first developed in 1977 and subsequently supplemented, underwent necessary revision of the contents for the fourth time to create the fifth revision. However, the required educational contents of health promotion and disease prevention have been changed by the new trends of medical education such as PBL and integrated curriculum, the rapid change of the health and medical environment and the globalization of medicine. The Korean Society of Preventive Medicine formed a task force, led by the Undergraduate Education Committee in 2003, which surveyed all the medical colleges to describe the state of preventive medicine education in Korea, analyzed the changing education demand according to the change of health environment and quantitatively measured the validity and usefulness of each learning objective in the previous curriculum. Based on these data, some temporary objectives were formed and promulgated to all the medical schools. After multiple revisions, an almost completely new series of learning objectives for preventive medicine was created. The objectives comprised 4 classifications and 1 supplement: 1) health and disease, 2) epidemiology and its application, 3) environment and health, 4) patient-doctor-society, and supplementary clinical occupational health. The total number of learning objectives, contained within 13 sub-classifications, was 221 (including 35 of supplementary clinical occupational health). Future studies of the learning process and ongoing development of teaching materials according to the new learning objectives should be undertaken with persistence in order to ensure the progress of preventive medicine education.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        신종·재출현전염병 유행 모델링과 도상훈련

        천병철(Byung-Chul Chun) 한국역학회 2006 Epidemiology and Health Vol.28 No.1

          Understanding the spread of infections is of vital importance in the control of epidemics and the development of proper policies toprevent infectious diseases. Theory and techniques have been developed for the study of both the evolution of diseases with individual people and the transmission of infections through populations. From broad theoretical issues to specific practical problems, the mathematical modeling studies of infectious diseases have provided great insight to solve the mechanisms of disease spread and to predict the course of epidemics.   Emerging and reemerging infectious diseases have attracted widespread concern in Korea. While preparing the influenza pandemic plan in 2004, we developed a model of the new influenza pandemic to estimate the number of cases and deaths, the shortage of medical resources, and the effect of interventions such as isolation and vaccination. Based on this model, we constructed a possible pandemic scenario of the emerging virus, and designed a table-top exercise for public health officials and related administration staff. On March 30th, 2005, the exercise was performed and the results were evaluated as successful.   In the case of bioterrorism, a model of small pox epidemic was developed in 2005 to examine the speed of the disease spread in the population and to evaluate the intervention effects in a Korean city. The simulation results were also helpful to form a guideline to prepare for a small pox epidemic. These two experiments confirmed the usefulness of epidemic modeling in Korea.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        인플루엔자ㆍ조류인플루엔자의 역학 및 관리

        천병철(Byung-chul Chun),김재홍(Jae-hong Kim),이윤정(Yoon-jung Lee),강춘(Kang Chun),김현미(Hyun-mee Kim),권용국(Young-kuk Kwon),최준구(Jun-gu Choi),이은경(Eun-kyoung Lee),박최규(Choi-kyu Park),위성환(Sung-hwan Wee),최순자(Soon-ja Cho 한국역학회 2005 Epidemiology and Health Vol.27 No.1

        Natural infections with influenza A viruses have been reported in a variety of animal species including humans, pigs, horses, sea mammals, and birds. Although viruses of relatively few haemagglutinin(HA) and neuraminidase(NA) subtype combinations have been isolated from mammalian species, all subtypes, in most combinations, have been isolated from birds. During the past few years, several subtypes of avian influenza A have been shown to cross the species barrier and infect humans. During an outbreak of a highly pathogenic influenza A(H5N1) virus among poultry in Hong Kong in 1997, 6 of 18 people with confirmed infection died. And a total of 89 human infections with influenza A(H7N7), including 1 resulting in the death of a Dutch veterinarian, occurred during the extensive outbreak in 2003. During late 2003 and early 2004, there were reports of large outbreaks of H5Nl among poultry throughout Asia (including Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and China). In Korea, we had also highly pathogenic avian influenza(HPAI) outbreak in 2003-2004 with a first suspected case reported on 10 December 2003. The case was reported at a parent stock farm for broilers, which was locatcd in Chungbuk province, and the farm was immediately placed under movement restrictions. Laboratory tests confirmed the outbreak of HPAI on 12 December 2003. Up to 20 March 2004, a total of 19 farms were confirmed as having been infected with HPAI virus. No further outbreaks occurred after that date. Fortunately there were no human cases founded in this epidemic in Korea. In January 2004, there was confirmation that influcnza A(H5N1) virus had bcen isolated from patients who had died of a respiratory illness in Vietnam. Total 107 human confirmed cases were reported until June 2005 to WHO, threatening new pandemic outbreak. We reviewed our prevention and control strategies of avian influenza and preparedness to the pandemic outbreak.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        보건관련 교수들의 생물테러 교육현황에 관한 연구

        천병철(Chun, Byung-Chul),김경운(Kim, Kyeong-Uoon),김지희(Kim, Jee-Hee),김진우(Kim, Jin-Woo),노상균(Rho, Sang-Gyun) 한국산학기술학회 2012 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.13 No.2

        바이러스, 세균, 곰팡이, 독소 등을 이용한 생물테러는 사회불안을 일으키고 사람들에게 치명적인 병을 일으 킨다. 2001년 911테러를 겪으면서 생물테러 대비에 대한 중요성이 강조되고 있다. 따라서, 보건관련 종사자들은 이런 생물테러 발생이 있을 때 주도적인 역할을 하는 사람들이다. 본 연구의 목적은 보건관련 교수들에게 설문을 통해 생 물테러 교육현황에 대해 알아보고자 하는데 있다. 보건관련 대학에서 학생들에게 생물테러 대비에 대한 교육을 실시 하여 향후 언제 발생할지 모르는 생물테러에 대한 대비와 대처능력을 갖게 하는 것이 중요하다. 보건관련 대학에서 학생들에게 생물테러 대비에 대한 교육을 실시하여 향후 언제 발생할지 모르는 생물테러에 대한 대비와 대처능력을 갖게 하는 것이 중요하다. 연구는 2007년 3월 10일부터 6월 10일까지 3달간 우편설문조사로 진행되었다. 응급구조학 과 23개교, 임상병리학과 25개교, 기타 보건관련학과에도 우편으로 설문을 배포하였다. 응급구조학과, 임상병리학과, 기타 보건관련 교수들의 97.6%에서 생물테러 교육 경험이 없었다고 응답하였다. 생물테러 교육의 내용으로 비상사태 및 재난의 정의와 특성, 테러 및 생물테러의 정의, 생물테러의 역사, 생물테러의 일반적 특성, 생물테러 가능병원체 의 종류, 대비, 체계적 대응, 의학적 대응이다. 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 생물테러 교육과정을 개발하여 재난 대비 교육을 실시하고자 한다. A bioterrorism attack(BT) attack is the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and toxins used to cause illness or death in people, animal, and plants. Therefore, the healthcare workers are those who will take the main role in BT outbreak situations. The purpose of this study is to investigate current status of education for BT preparedness and response in health-related colleges. It is important to provide the BT preparedness and response to the health-allied students in case of unexpected BT outbreak. The questionnaires were collected from March 10 to June 10 in 2007 via mai l. Approximately 97.6% of the health-related professors answered that they had no experience of bioterrorism education. The contents of the bioterrorism curricula should contain the followings : definition and characteristics of the emergency and disaster, definition of bioterrorism, history of bioterrorism, general characteristics of bioterrorism, etiological agents of bioterrorism, bioterrorism response, systematic response, and medical response. Through these data, we will develop the disaster and bioterrorism preparedness curricula.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

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