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      • KCI등재

        색조화장품 브랜드 "MAKE UP FOR EVER" 광고에 나타난 메이크업 트렌드 분석 - 2008년부터 2012년 인쇄매체 광고를 중심으로 -

        채지혜 ( Ji Hye Chae ),장혜현 ( Hye Hyun Jang ),신세영 ( Se Young Shin ) 한국미용예술경영학회 2012 미용예술경영연구 Vol.6 No.4

        Modern women are thinking priority that their emotions and images look. Also, they try to express their strong desires of own character. They use the cosmetics as tool, because of the cosmetic is the self-representation way that can make a change and show in their life. So, make up cosmetics is loved by all of woman, because that give a confidence to woman and change their appearance, directly. For this study, analysis the change of color-cosmetics brand throughout the theory establish of color-cosmetics concept and classification. And analysis the make -up design that is changing for every 5 years. Merge newly broadcasted data about color cosmetic’s introduction and flowing the country, selected 'Make Up Forever' brand whicn is credited for pro make up artist. So we analyze that brand’s history, background of establishment and change of each season’s models since 2008 to 2012, and sercah cocept of image from a lot of materials and company’s internal data. According to define present make -up trend, produce basic data about change of make -up trend’s age and cultural influence and analysis of make-up design. I will expect the basic data produced by this study could provide to develop new make-up product and beauty market and define new make-up trend.

      • KCI등재

        하기와라 사쿠타로 시에 나타난 그로테스크 : 한일 시문학 비교를 중심으로

        채지혜(Chae, Ji-Hye) 일본어문학회 2021 일본어문학 Vol.93 No.-

        萩原朔太郎の代表詩集である『月に吠える』と『青猫』に登場する詩的主体からグロテスクさが読める。醜いという日常的で異常な感覚から出発するグロテスクが現われる朔太郎と韓国作品を中心に比較してみよう。本稿では、第一にグロテスクの否定性と異常性の中から現れたグロテスクのリアリズムについて述べる。朔太郎の「天上縊死」でグロテスクの限界を超えて、否定性に否定性をそのままにする形をとったグロテスクの真正性を考察してみて、奇亨度の「植木祭」とともに比較してみた。第二はグロテスクの中で際立つユーモアをどう表現しているか、隠さない欲望が表れている朔太郎の「愛憐」を考察してみた。詩的対象とのエロスから脱し、快楽の極致を味わっているグロテスク的背景について、徐廷柱の「真昼」とともに比較してみよう。そして「酒精中毒者の死」において、身体のイメージが奇異に解体されて描写され、嫌悪感と戯画化が共存し、緊張感を加速させる装置として使われていることを確認してみた。最後に第三として、グロテスクの醜さの中で現れている崇高さについて考察してみた。「内部に居る人が畸形な病人に見える理由」と「夜明け」そして吳章煥の「古典」に見られる身体イメージのうち、腰の損傷という共通点を発見することができる。 The present article shows that the sense of grotesqueness is felt in the poetic subjects portrayed in Tsuki-ni Hoeru and Aoneko, the representative poem books by Sakutaro Hagiwara. In these Sakutaro’s works, the notion of grotesque stems from a daily and abnormal sense of “ugly.” We clarify the notion by comparing these works by Sakutaro with some comparable Korean works. Firstly, we discuss the realism of grotesque that arises from its negativity and abnormality. The analysis focusses on the authenticity of grotesqueness represented in Tenjo Ishi, which surpasses the limitation of grotesqueness and reflects negativity as it is, and it is compared with Hyeong- do Gi’s Planting Festival. Secondly, we analyse Sakutaro’s “compassion,” which reveals his unhidden desire, in order to see how the humour that stands out in grotesqueness is expressed. It is compared with Jeong-ju Seo’s Midday in terms of the grotesque background that departs from “eros” as a poetic object and represents the acme of pleasure. Further, we confirm that in The Death of An Alcoholic, the image of body is portrayed as if it were strangely scrapped, and the sense of hatred and caricaturisation co-exist as a device for accelerating the sense of tension. Finally, we analyse the nobility expressed in the ugliness of grotesqueness, revealing that a waist injury is represented as a commonality among The Reason Why the Hospital Looks Malformed to the People Inside, Dawn, and Chang-hwan O’s Classics.

      • KCI등재

        唐 前期 北方 羈縻府州의 設置와 變化

        채지혜(Chae, ji hye) 동양사학회 2013 東洋史學硏究 Vol.125 No.-

        This article divided the period into four parts according to the establishments of Jimifuzhou and its changing aspects. This article mainly examined how Tang Dynasty established the Jimifuzhou system and preserved it. The characteristics of each part are as follows. First, it is a foundation period from 630 to 646 and Jimifuzhou was first introduced. Tang dynasty first established five Jimifuzhou in 630. Jimifuzhou in the north had regular autonomy and it was controlled administratively. also, Jimifuzhou was under high-handed control as it had to be burdened with a tax and defend the northern frontier. The second period is from 647 to 678 when the Jimifuzhou system in the north was settled. At this period, Jimifuzhou was established to the northern part of the Gobi Deser, and Protectorate General was established to control Jimifuzhou. Tang Dynasty split other people’s villages into pieces through Jimifuzhou just as they intended, and the system established at this time was employed for a relatively long period. Third, it is a period of contraction from 679 to 720 At this period, the range of Jimifuzhou in the north was reduced according to the foreign situation. Also, its role was cut back as it did not work properly according to its existing rules. About this, Tang was flexible in responding to the complicated situation of the north Jimifuzhou. Fourth, it is a period of reestablishment from 721 to 755. At this period. Shuocfangjiedushi exercised administrative contrl over Jimifuzhou within the district of jurisdiction as held the additional office of Yafanshi in 728. It meant that Tang used the Jimi system through Jiedushi with the military force and administrative power. To summarize, Jimifuzhou in the north had autonomy but it was under administrative control of Tang dynasty. Moreover, Jimifuzhou was coercively controlled by Tang Dynasty with some actions. However, the role of Jimifuzhou was reduced according to the situation of the north, so Tang needed to control Jimifuzhou more physically. As a result, Jimifuzhou in the north lost autonomy more and more as most Jimifuzhou was under control of Jiedushi.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        하기와라 사쿠타로의 시적대상 연구

        채지혜(Chae Ji Hye) 일본어문학회 2017 일본어문학 Vol.76 No.-

        本論文は、萩原朔太郎の作品において、特に詩的対象について研究するのが目的である。作品の中に空間という概念が実在する空間も登場しているが、ここには実在してない無意識の領域までも空間だと言っておきたい。 萩原朔太郎の詩世界をもっと拡張し解釈してみられる機会であり、明確にその空間という範囲を実在と非実在の分類することこそ詩的主体の位置把握になる。また詩的主体と詩的対象の関係分析において明確な判断になると思うからである。 言い換えると意識と無意識という領域だと言える。ここに出入りする存在として現われる小さな昆虫の中で、特に蝶に集中して分析を提示する。他の昆虫も『月に吠える』と『青猫』と『蝶を夢む』三つの詩集の中で登場しているが、一詩集の中で何回も繰り返して登場している点、そして朔太郎が序文から蝶を言及していた点を基点として蝶という詩語が表象する意味を比較してみたい。この分析により朔太郎の詩世界に一歩近付くことができると思う。したがって、この蝶と表現された詩的対象の分析を通じて詩的主体が意向することと詩的主体と詩的対象の関係について明らかにすることを試みる。 The present article extends, and re-interprets, the poetic world described in Sakutaro Hagiwara’s literary works. For the better understanding of the poetic subject, we argue for the importance of clearly classifying the notion of space into the existence and the inexistence. Furthermore, it also provides a solid ground on which the relation between the poetic subject and the poetic object is analyzed. In other words, what matterare the realms of consciousness and unconsciousness. Among several small insects which enter into these realms, we focus on butterflies. Though other insects are introduced in three poem collections Tsuki niHoeru, Aoneko, and Cho o Yumemu, butterflies are introduced several times in each of these poem collections, and Sakutaromentions butterflies in their preambles. For these reasons, we explore several meanings symbolized by the poem word of butterfly. Our analysis, we argue, leads to the better understanding of the poetic world of Sakutaro. Therefore, we attempt to reveal what is intended by the poetic subject as well as the relation between the poetic subject and the poetic object, through the analysis of the concept of butterfly and the poetic object represented.

      • KCI등재

        하기와라 사쿠타로의 자아표현

        채지혜(Chae Ji Hye,蔡智寭,) 일본어문학회 2015 일본어문학 Vol.69 No.-

        本論文は萩原朔太郎の多様な一人称表現の分析を通して、自我を他者 化させる技巧的表現を解析し、作家自身の存在を実質的存在として立証ㆍ把握することが目的である。特に、詩の解釈において客観性を立証するため、一人称表現の分類表を提示し、それを通じて単純な一人称としての表現以上の意味を究明し、自我の存在の有無を確認する。また、複数で構成された自我が相互共存している点も分析を通して解明しようと思う。 そして詩的主体として登場する詩語を中心に見据え、自我と他者化さ れた自我、二つの存在の分析を試みる。本論文は一人称表現と詩的主体である自我と他者化される自我から、朔太郎の精神世界を明らかにする。他者化される存在を単純に人間として表現するより、病んだ犬、犯罪者のように形象化させることが朔太郎の表現の特質であり、人間の存在を鋭利に描き出す詩的素材である。『月に吠える』から、他者化される自我としての存在を超越する実在を立証すると共に、自身の同一性の間に絶えず揺れ動いていることを炙り出す。朔太郎の自我認識と実在の間に存在するものこそ『月の吠える』の本質であり、それを可視化させようとしたと思われる。

      • KCI등재

        하기와라 사쿠타로(萩原朔太郎)의 『빙도(氷島)』와 ‘퇴각(Retreat)’

        채지혜(Chae Ji Hye) 일본어문학회 2017 일본어문학 Vol.78 No.-

        本稿では萩原朔太郎の六番目の詩集『氷島』について分析する。『氷島』は日記のように事実を書き留めておくという手法で構成されている。この事実を踏まえながら、都会の中で生きていく詩的主体である近代人の家庭崩壊に焦点を合わせ、作品の中で自己対象化がどのように表象されたのかについて分析を試みる。方法としては『氷島』で数少ない恋愛詩4編と、詩集を代表するキーワードである「家庭崩壊」に関わる作品を比較対照することで、詩的主体の内面世界がどのように表象されているかを明らかにする。また『氷島』は形式的な側面からも朔太郎の作品において異彩を放つ。口語自由詩の完成者と称えられる朔太郎だが、この詩集では漢文調文章語という表現技法を駆使したことで、文学界の評価を著しく落とした作品でもあった。このようなリスクを負いながらも漢文調文章語を使用した朔太郎に、どのような意図が存在したのか。これに関する研究も『氷島』の本質的価値を究明するのに大きく貢献できるものと思われる。 In this article, we analyze Sakutaro Hagiwara’s sixth collection of poems, “Ice Island.” This work is organized in such a way that one writes about facts in a diary. Taking into account this style of writing, we concentrate on the collapse of family as seen in those who live in cities during the modern times, who are conceptualized as the poetic subject, and attempt to reveal the way in which self objectification is represented in the work. This attempt is conducted by comparing four love themed poems with poems featuring the “collapse of family,” a representative keyword in the collection of poems. Another distinctive feature of “Ice Island” concerns formal aspects. Sakutaro is considered the master of colloquial free verses, but the poem collection damaged his reputation in the literature field due to the kanji based‐written‐language style of the work. The question, then, is why Sakutaro employed such a style despite its risk. An inquiry into this issue, we believe, will largely help us to identify substantial values of “Ice Island.”

      • KCI등재

        唐代 羈縻府州 관리체제의 변화 원인 검토

        위안원징(原文靜),정병준(번역자),채지혜(CHAE Ji-hye) 고구려발해학회 2012 고구려발해연구 Vol.44 No.-

        당대 변경 관리 방식은 큰 변화가 있었다. 前期에는 정치 통제를 위주로 한 都護府·都督府 체제가 시행되었으나, 후기에는 군사 통제 위주의 軍城 節度使 체제로 전환되었다. 이런 변화가 발생한 주요원인은 ① 당 세력의 약화, ② 토번의 대두와 동돌궐의 재건 및 동북 각 민족의 반항이라는 변경 형세의 변화에 의해 변경 지역 주둔군이 크게 증가하면서 절도사 체제가 건립되고 도호부와 도독부 및 기미부주가 모두 이에 편입된 데 있다.

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of Media Literacy Education and its Influence on Digital Citizenship: Focusing on CMF Education Programs in Korea

        박윤미 ( Park¸ Yun Mi ),채지혜 ( Chae¸ Ji Hye ),김슬기 ( Kim¸ Seul Ki ),권혜선 ( Kwon¸ Hye Seon ) 한국정보시스템학회 2021 情報시스템硏究 Vol.30 No.3

        Purpose This study aims to measure the effects of media literacy education through the social science method and find out the impact of media literacy education on digital citizenship in Korea and its implications for the development of democracy. Design/methodology/approach This study used an independent t-test to analyze relativeness between media literacy education and media literacy factors. We also adopted an independent t-test to investigate media literacy influence on digital citizenship. Furthermore, we found out age differences using ‘the one-way analysis of variance (the one-way ANOVA)’. Findings We have found four media literacy factors, MC, CT, C&P, R&R, have been significantly affected by media literacy education. We have also pulled out three digital citizenship factors, IPA, TS, and CP, involved in media literacy education. Moreover, we have analyzed our survey by different age groups. The lower the age, the higher the TS. CP was highest among those from 30 to 59, followed by those under the 30s.

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