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      • KCI등재

        『東京經濟雜誌』의 한국관련 자료와 사료적 가치

        차철욱(Cha Chul-Wook) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2007 한국민족문화 Vol.30 No.-

        This research is continuing the data related in Korea from Tokyo Economic Magazine. Taguchiukichi lunching this magazine systematized Joseon on the part of the theories of the heteronomy and the identity. Though he was liberalistic economist, he wrote articles that reflecting aggressive reality recognizing and understanding of Japan about the problem of Joseon. Accordingly, this magazine was a primary role for necessary policy of Japanese government and mobilizing Japanese in the process of invading Joseon. So this research are important in order to understand the recognition and invading policy about Joseon of Japanese intellectual. Although this magazine was economic magazine, articles related in Korea were most focused on politics and diplomacy. Taguchiukichi as a liberalistic economist might think the solution of political and diplomatic problems was the first to have the freedom of entering into Joseon of Japanese capital. What understanding these matters were the army rebellion in 1882, the political change in 1884, Bangkokryung, the peasantry war in 1894, the revolution in 1894, the event that Queen Min was killed in 1895, trade, the right of construction about railroads and so on. The consistent logic of this magazine was Japanese government could get rid of Chinese power before Chinese-Japanese war and Russian power before Russian-Japanese war. The theories of the heteronomy and the identity were evoked as the ideology for eliminating Chinese and Russian power surrounding Joseon. This magazine induced Japanese control enabled that solved. So the theories of the liberalism, the heteronomy and the identity advocated in this magazine were nothing but the ideology for Japanese control about Joseon.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁 피난민들의 정착과 장소성 : 부산 당감동 월남 피난민마을을 중심으로

        차철욱 ( Chul Wook Cha ),공윤경 ( Yoon Kyung Kong ) 東亞大學校附設 石堂傳統文化硏究院 2010 石堂論叢 Vol.0 No.47

        한국전쟁으로 장소이동을 강제 당했던 피난민들의 이주와 정착은 생활공간과 주변 환경과의 관계 속에서 나름대로의 로컬리티를 만들어나가는데 커다란 영향을 미치게 된다. 본 연구는 한국전쟁으로 인하여 형성된 부산 당감동 월남 피난민마을을 대상으로 중심에서 배제된 주변인들과 그들이 만들어낸 삶의 공간에 주목하였다. 당감동이라는 공간과 그곳에 터를 잡고 살아온 월남 피난민들의 삶의 경험을 상호관련성 속에서 분석하였다. 그리고 공간구조의 변화가 피난민들의 생애사에 미친 영향과 피난민들이 주변 사람들과 네트워크를 형성하며 당감동에 정착하는 과정을 살펴보면서 당감동에 대한 장소성을 읽어 보고자 하였다. 시간의 흐름과 공간구조의 변화에 따라 당감동의 장소성은 변하고 있었다. 당감동은 전쟁과 국가에 의해 쫓겨난 피난민들에 의해 만들어진 마을이었으며 근대화 영향으로 발전한 신발산업의 배후마을이 되기도 하였다. 하지만 근래에는 글로벌 자본의 영향으로 공장이 폐쇄되고 인구가 감소하면서 빈민마을로 변하고 있다. 당감동의 장소성을 변화시킨 가장 큰 원인은 바로 경제활동이라는 소통의 매개체를 통해 만들어진 인적 네트워크였다. 또한 장소성의 변화과정에서 피난민들의 출발지 정체성은 당감동 내 다양한 피난민 혹은 이주민들과 뒤섞이면서 유지·강화되기보다 오히려 약화되었으며 월남 피난민들은 당감동 사람으로서의 정체성을 가지게 되었다. The moving and settlement of refugees that was forced to shift the place because of 6?25 Korean War have an effect on making locality between living space and peripheral environment. This study notices the margin and their living space excluded from the center(nation) on the case of North Korea refugee village that was built up by 6?25 Korean War in Danggam-dong. The purpose of this study is to investigate the space of Danggam-dong and living experience of North Korea refugees by mutual relation. Also this study examines the sense of place on Danggam-dong by exploring the effects of the change of spatial structure on the refugees` life history and the process of settlement into Danggam-dong networking with peripheral person. The major findings of this study are as follows; the placeness of Danggam-dong has been changing according as the flow of time and the change of spatial structure. Danggam-dong was set up by the refugees expelled from the war and nation and also was the hinterland of footwear industry by the modernization. But recently footwear factory was closed(or moved) and the population falls for the global capital and then Danggam-dong has become a slum. The important reason that has been changed the placeness of Danggam-dong was the human network through the medium for communication of economic activity. In the process of changing the sense of place, the original identity of refugees had been rather weakened than maintained or strengthened through a mixture of refugees and settlers in Danggam-dong. Therefore North Korea Refugees have the identity as residents of Danggam-dong.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 부산상업[공]회의소 구성원의 변화와 ‘부산상품견본시(釜山商品見本市)’

        차철욱 ( Cha Chul Wook ) 부경역사연구소 2005 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.17

        The commerce committee that managed each by Korean and Japanese was united in June 1916. The government was going to controlled the korean, and to hold the Japanese nongovernmental organization. Because the unity committee was suited to be business tax of more than ten won qualifications for membership, so the member were much increased. The Japanese member were freed from export traders, then had a variety of business type. In the years 1920’s to 1930’s, the member were lighted in a wholesale dealer of Busan. It reflected industrialization in Busan and increase of import in Japan in the years 1930’s. On the one hand, the korean member were formed agents, Gu- Po(Keoyung-Nam) bank and founders of trade company in the years 1910’s. Most of them was ruined by poor operation but the agent were working until the year 1930. In the year 1930, it was the majority of seafood merchant, rice merchant and loaner with some pro-Japan character. In this time, the major working of the commerce committee was a sample trade of Busan. A sample trade of Busan aimed at expansion of Busan commercial area that became shrinking. A sample trade of Busan was held for eight times. The displayer were limited of producers and wholesalers, and sale-procedure was only wholesale. Display products were 2/3 filled with products that made Japan, and were 1/3 filled with products that made Busan. The product were the majority of industrial products. Leading group of the commerce committeee changed itself into major product or wholesaler. A sample trade of Busan was held for industrial products sale that handled by them. The activity and change of members of the commerce committee was in close connected with it’s working.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁기 임시(피란)수도 부산의 재현과 의미

        차철욱 ( Cha Chul-wook ) 부산광역시사편찬위원회 2018 항도부산 Vol.35 No.-

        This study examines the temporary capital and the Wartime capital, the re-presentation methods of Busan during the Korean War. Pusan was a city composed of refugees as well as the government of the Republic of Korea and the United Nations to carry out wars during the Korean War. The war experience of those who came to Busan was diverse and complex, which could not be explained simply and uniformly. And the experiences of this period have been re-present before us in various ways in combination with the situations that have been repeated until now. To study re-presentation, we must keep in mind that past facts are constantly coexisting with the present, and that coexisting past changes in various ways depending on the context of facing reality. It is also important to understand the diversity of Korean War members and living spaces, and the complexity of the experience. The re-presentation logic of the temporary capital is an emphasis on the activity stage of the cultural leaders in Seoul, the center of political in which President Rhee resides. This logic is related to the formation of discourses that hope for the glory of the past, the center, as the status of Busan falls. However, there is a limit to understanding multi-layered and complex Busan at that time with only the centralization logic of the capital. The re-presentation logic of the Wartime capital focuses on the interrelationship of the various elements facing the war. At that time, various elements interacted to form new Busan. This is called the locality of Busan. In the 1960s and 1970s, Busan could become a source of strength to grow. However, there is still no detailed conceptualization of the Wartime capital. In order to register the Korean War Busan legacy as a World Cultural Heritage, it is necessary to identify the meaning of each individual heritage in relation to various elements of the war.

      • KCI등재후보

        임진왜란시기 日本 水軍의 활동과 관련자료의 검토

        차철욱(Cha Chul-Wook) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2006 한국민족문화 Vol.27 No.-

        This paper is to examine Japanese navy's activity in Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592 trough Japanese datum. Main datum that treated Japanese navy's activity are Kouraisenzenki, Wakisakakedenki, Kouzankouzituroku, Seikanroku etc. Most are datum that Japanese admirals' family compiled. So there are overestimated or curtailed parts about the main character's activity. But there are many or few minutely described parts of battles that each admiral participated in the wars in these examined datum. Contents that can't confirm in Korean datum are contained. Arrangement of important datum and contents about each sea fight is nest. Wakisakakedenki and Kouraisenzenki are the representative datum about Hansan-island navy battle. We can confirm not only the process that Japanese navy defeated in early battle was relocated but also the movement of Japanese admirals. Yongchun navy battle is described at length in Wakisakakedenki. The Japanese navy's tactics alteration is arranged in this data. Toyotomihideyoshi made Japanese navy build the castle and defend. We can confirm Shimazuyoshihiro's activity in Selkanroku that is recorded datum about Jangmunpo and Youngdeungpo sea fights. Chilchun-island sea fight can be confirmed in Kouzankouzituroku, Wakisakakedenki, and Seikanroku etc. This data is recording Toudoutakatora's activity and fight device in detail. The contents that Toudoutukatora intercepted the road Joseon and Ming's soldiers escaped and attacked in Geoie-island is contained in Seikanroku. The contents that Japanese navy changed big vessels into small boat for crossing Myoungryang channel is contained in Kouzankouzituroku related Myoungryang navy battle. This is interesting thing as one of Japanese navy I s lost battle reasons. This research will be an opportunity the authenticity of datum related Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592 examining Japanese and Korean datum can be widened.

      • KCI등재

        개항기~1916년 부산 일본인상업회의소의 구성원 변화와 활동

        차철욱 ( Cha Chul Wook ) 부경역사연구소 2004 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.14

        Before 1910, members of Japanese Chamber of Commerce in Busan were occupied mainly by an export traders. They were mostly an rice exporters. On the other hand, an traders who imported an industrial goods from Japan were not so powerful. That's because Chosun's consumption did not widely spread in and around Busan differently from Incheon and Seoul. After 1910, with the increase of the consumption and wide distribution of the facilities in Chosun, it brought the import traders in Busan growing income, resulting in controlling the power. But it did not exceed the influence of the export traders. Members of Commerce's native place expanded from Yamakuchi and Hukuoka, southern Japan, to Osaka and Kobe, where are the industrial area. The activity of Chamber of Commerce put the emphasis on spread of the ruling ideology and the members' financial profit. The most prominent members were related to an exporting rice to Japan. They put stress on the investigation of the distribution process and the rice producing place, and the petition and recommendation of policy on Chosun and Japanese government. Second, they endeavored to increase the consumption power and the import of Japanese goods by holding all sort of goods fair. Thus they tried to justify the Japanese are superior to Chosun and they are bound to control the Chosun. Third, they pushed ahead with a reclamation and an construction of railway. These were related to the speculation in real state and the activation of business of Japanese. Japanese Chamber of Commerce inBusan played an important part that a japanese capitalist and the nation can control of the Chosun.

      • KCI등재

        영도 일산배기마을 사람들의 조내기고구마 생산경험과 기억의 재구성

        차철욱(Cha, Chul-Wook) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2015 한국민족문화 Vol.57 No.-

        본 연구는 영도에서 생산되다가 사라진 조내기고구마를 소재로 하였다. 영도는 역사적으로 부산의 도심 배후지로서 기능해 왔다. 고구마는 개항기 이래 우리나라에서도 드물게 영도에서 재배되었던 것으로 보인다. 조내기고구마를 생산한 일산배기마을은 지형적으로 산 정상에 가까운 곳이었다. 이곳의 토질은 수분이 적고 황토 흙이어서 고구마와 보리 이외의 농사는 불가능한 곳이었다. 일산배기마을 사람들이 ‘조내기고구마라’는 품종을 재배했다는 사실은 잘 알려져 있다. 하지만 고구마 생산은 40여 년 전에 중단되었다. 이들 기억 속에 조내기고구마는 주어진 환경 때문에 어쩔 수 없는 선택이었고, 최소한의 생존을 위해 재배되었다. 고구마 생산은 가난의 상징이었다. 이후 수익이 나은 채소농사로 변경한 이래 조내기고구마에 대한 기억은 전혀 드러나지 않고 가라앉아 있었다. 그런데 최근 지방자치단체에서 조내기고구마를 영도의 대표 표상으로 제안하면서 다양한 사업이 진행되었다. 조내기고구마 생산경험자들의 기억을 끌어내는 계기가 되었다. 마을 사람들은 자신들이 생산했던 고구마가 ‘가장 오래’되고 ‘가장 맛있는’ 상품으로 재구성하였다. 이 연구는 일상의 경험과 기억이 생활환경에 따라 재구성되는 방식을 탐구해 보려는 데 목적이 있다. The subject of this study is Jonaegi sweet potato, which had once been produced in Yeongdo. Historically, Yeongdo served as an urban hinterland of Busan. Records indicate that sweet potato was sometimes produced in Yeongdo since the opening port era. Ilsanbaegi village, which used to produce Jonaegi sweet potato was topographically located near the top of a mountain. Agricultural production in this area was limited to sweet potato and barley since the quality of the soil was mainly red clay lacking in moisture. It is a well known fact that Ilsanbaegi village people had produced a species of sweet potato called "Jonaegi." However, Ilsanbaegi village people stopped growing sweet potato some forty years ago. According to their memory, production of Jonaegi sweet potato was due to circumstances beyond their control, a minimum requirement to survive. Sweet potato production was a symbol of poverty. Later on, as people switched over to producing vegetables, which were more profitable, the memory of Jonaegi sweet potato sank into the limbo of oblivion. Recently, however, a variety of businesses has taken off with the local government"s proposal to use Jonaegi sweet potato as the representative emblem of Yeongdo. This motivated the local people to retrieve the memory of those who had experience in producing Jonaegi sweet potato. The village people started to reconstruct their memory of the sweet potato they had grown as "the oldest" and the "best tasting" sweet potato. The purpose of this study is to investigate how people"s everyday experience and memory are reconstructed according to their living environment.

      • KCI등재

        지방성 연구의 이론적 검토

        차철욱(Cha Chul-Wook) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2009 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.21

        본 연구는 지방사 연구에서 지방성 찾기가 가능한지를 검토한 것이다. 그동안 지방사가 국가사의 사례연구로 진행되어 민족성 연구에 일조하고 있었을 뿐 지방성에는 무관심했다. 기존 연구에서 지방성을 찾아내기란 쉽지 않다. 그러나 거대담론을 해명하기 위한 과정에서 밝혀진 과거 사실들은 지방성 연구에 필요한 의미소들로 반드시 검토해야 할 것들이다. 그리고 새로운 신문화사적인 방법론들에서는 지방이 지니고 있는 다양성과 역동성을 주로 검토하였다. 이들 요소는 지방사에서 다양한 의미소를 찾는 연구로 나아가게 할 가능성을 열어놓았다. 지방성을 찾기 위해 역사학적 방법으로는 한계가 많아 인접 분과학문의 이론을 활용하였다. 무엇보다 지방성 연구에서 큰 도움이 되는 인문지리학에서 추구하는 인간과 장소의 상호관계를 분석해 찾으려는 ‘장소성’은 지방성에 가장 근접한 개념이라 할 수 있다. 장소성을 구성하는 세 요소인 경관, 활동, 의미 가운데, 역사학에서 관심을 가져야 하는 활동에 대해 지리학의 구조학이론과 실재론은 구조와 인간활동의 상호작용을 제시한다. 신문화사가 배제한 구조를 오히려 특정 장소에서 인간과 결합해 양자의 상호작용을 검토하도록 한 이론은 지방성의 의미를 풍부하게 만든다. 역사학과 지리학의 조우로 만들어진 다양한 사실들을 하나의 논리적인 이론으로 정리해 줄 분야는 해석인류학, 문화연구나 기호학 등의 방법론이다. 다양한 의미소를 읽고 일반적이고 보편적인 용어로 개념화해 지방성으로 의미화할 수 있다. The purpose of study is to find out whether it is possible to find localities in the local history studies. We only have been interested in nationalities, not in localities even now, because localities have been parts of cases the study of the national history. Finding localities in existing studies are quite hard. However, historical facts which are found in the process of explanation of Meta-discourse must be examined by sememes that are needed in the locality study. Therefore, in the methods of new cultural history that questions to existing study methods of local-history, this study considers multiplicities and dynamics of local. These factors open potential heading to studies of various sememes. However, if we study about what kinds of subject we analyze for finding locality, what also we have to make, we will have lots of limitations of historical methodology. To overcome our weaknesses, we need to refer to how local is analyzed in other disciplines. Above all, placeness which is very helpful to locality studies, are looking for relationship between human and local in human geography and it is also nearest conception for the locality. The structuration and critical realism of geography present interaction between structure and human activity about operation in which history should be interested of 3 elements composing placeness--scenery, activity, and sense. A theory examined through interaction of excluded structure by new cultural histories and human in particular local, makes meaning of locality fruitfully. A field, various truths are made by encountering from history to geography put their ideas into a logical order, is methodology as interpretive anthropology, cultural study, semiotics and so on. When we read various sememes, and then conceptualize general and common concepts, we can make signification of locality.

      • KCI등재

        호남인들의 부산정착과 생활연결망

        차철욱(Cha, Chul-Wook) 역사문화학회 2012 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.15 No.2

        본 연구는 호남사람들이 부산에 정착하는 과정과 그들의 생활연결망을 탐색하는 작업이다. 생활연결망란 일상생활에서 맺는 관계망을 말한다. 국민국가가 추진한 포섭과 배제의 정치논리였던 지역주의가 일상생활에서 관철되는 방식이 궁금하였다. 해역(海域), 즉 바다와 연안을 무대로 생활하는 사람들의 생활에서 국민국가의 정치논리에 균열을 가할 수 있는 틈을 발견해 보려고 하였다. 부산과 호남의 여러 섬 사람들 사이의 교류는 개항 이후 일본인들의 수산업 진출과 함께 시작되었다. 1960, 70년대 수산업의 발전과 함께 양 지역 사이의 사람 이동은 훨씬 더 증가하였다. 부산으로 이주와 정착과정에서 필요한 직업과 주거지 알선은 고향 인맥이 중요하였다. 이주자들은 부산 영도에 정착하면서 대부분 선원으로 활동하였다. 선원들은 고향 출신자들로 구성되는 경우가 대부분이었으나, 간혹 타지역 사람들도 포함되었다. 힘들고 위험한 조업과정 때문에 지역주의의 논리는 제대로 작동하지 않았다. 1980, 90년대 어선들의 정박지인 영도는 어로활동과 관련한 업종들로 번성하였다. 호남인들은 어선 이외의 다양한 업종 종사자들과의 연결망도 확대하였다. 이들 연결망은 호남인들 사이의 거래가 중심이었다. 다양한 연결망 가운데 향우회는 같은 고향 사람들을 연결하는 가장 느슨한 형태였다. 호남인들이 강한 지역주의 분위기에서 부산 정착이 가능했던 것은 해역을 매개로 호남과 부산 영도를 연결하는 생활연결망 때문이었다. 한편 영도는 부산의 일부이기는 하지만 섬이라는 특성 때문에 바다와 연결된 다양한 출신자들의 이주지역이 될 수 있었다. 영도의 호남인 생활연결망은 지역주의 이데올로기를 비켜갈 수 있는 안전망이었다. This study involves the exploration of the settlement process and living network of Honam people in Busan. Living network refers to networking with people in conducting daily lives. This study began from an inquiry into the ways regionalism, which was the politics of inclusion and exclusion promoted by the nation-state, was carried out in the daily lives of Honam people. It’ aim was to find out whether there was a gap that could crack the politics of nation-state in the lives of the people that were based on the seas, that is the coastal area and the sea. Exchanges between people in Busan and the people from the many islands of Honam began with the advance of Japanese fisheries after the opening of ports. With the development of fishing industry during the 1960s and 1970s, people’ movement between the two regions increased much more. In the process of migrating and settling in Busan, hometown connection played an important role in helping Honam people find jobs and residence. As immigrants settled in Youngdo, Busan, most of them became sailors. In most cases, sailors were composed of people from the same hometown, but sometimes included people from other regions. Due to the difficult and dangerous process of fishing operations, the logic of regionalism did no work properly. Youngdo, which was an anchorage for fishing boats during the 1980s and the 1990s, flourished with businesses related to fishing activities. Honam people expanded their networks with workers involved in various sectors of business besides fishing. These networks became the center of trade among Honam people. Among these various networks, ‘yangwoohoe’was the most loose form of connecting people from hometown. The reason Hanam people were able to settle in Busan within a strong atmosphere of regionalism was because of the living network that connected Honam with Youngdo, Busan through the medium of the seas. Meanwhile, even though a part of Busan, Youngdo was able to become a migration place to where a variety of people connected through the seas migrated because of its natural characteristic as an island. The living network of Honam people in Youngdo served as a safety net to steer past the ideology of regionalism.

      • KCI등재

        1970~80년대 농촌근대화와 로컬시간의 재구성

        차철욱(Cha, Chul-Wook) 역사문화학회 2016 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.19 No.2

        본 연구는 1970~80년대 근대화를 경험하는 농촌의 로컬시간을 분석한 것이다. 로컬시간을 ‘로컬의 고유한 리듬 혹은 시간’으로 정의하였다. 이 시간은 로컬 구성원들의 일상생활 과정에서 만들어지는 것으로, 로컬의 내재적 속성 즉 에너지를 구성한다. 로컬시간은 다양하게 존재하며, 로컬외부에서 작동하는 국가시간이나 자본시간과 충돌, 포섭, 재구성 등의 양상을 보인다. 본 연구는 로컬시간 탐색을 위해 전라북도 임실군 창인리에서 살았던 최내우가 쓴 『창평일기』를 분석하였다. 이 일기는 1970~80년대 농촌근대화 과정을 상세하게 기록하고 있다. 이 마을사람들은 농업에 종사하였기 때문에 자연에 의존적인 시간을 가지고 있었다. 그런데 이 시기 국가의 국민 포섭의 한 방법은 시간 지배였다. 농민들의 생활리듬인 로컬시간은 성과주의로 대표되는 국가시간과 충돌하였다. 마을사람들은 국가시간에 포섭되기도 하지만, 국가시간을 비켜갈 수 있는 자신들의 시간을 구성하기도 하였다. 이 시기 국가시간은 마을사람들의 생활리듬을 빠르게 만들었고, 한편으로는 경제적으로 곤란하게 만들었다. 로컬시간의 연구는 글로벌시대의 빠른 시간에 무조건 흡수되지 않는 개체의 고유한 시간의 필요성을 제기한다. 이것이 로컬사람들의 삶을 안전하게 만들어 줄 수 있는 안전망이 될 수 있기 때문이다. This study analyzed local time of agricultural communities experienced modernization in the 1970s to 1980s. Local time was defined as ‘a unique local rhythm or time.’ This time is made in the process of local members’ daily life, which constitutes the implicit local property, that is, energy. Local time exists in various ways and shows aspects such as crashes, subsumption and reconstitution with national time or capital time operating outside the local area. This study analyzed Changpyung Diary written by Nae-u Choi who lived in Chang-in-ri, Imsil-gun, Jeollabuk-do Province in order to explore local time. This diary records the process of the modernization of agricultural communities in the 1970s and 1980s in detail. Since the village people worked in agriculture, they had a time dependent to nature. However, the state would dominate them by taking over the peasants’ time. There are increasing cases of the collision of local time, the rhythm of the peasants’ life to national time, characterized by the performance principle. Village people were persuaded by national time, while they constituted their own time by which they could move around national time. The national time during this period made the rhythms of village people’s life faster on the one hand and made it economically more difficult on the other hand. Studies of local time raise the necessity of a time peculiar to the individual, not absorbed into the fast time in the global era, unconditionally. It is because this can be a safety net that can make local people’s life safe.

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