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      • KCI등재

        금연이침저주파지극기(HBN-001)의 개발 및 금연효과 Pilot Test

        차윤엽,이귀선,박노국,Cha, Yun-Yeop,Lee, Gui-Sun,Park, Roh-Gook 한국벤처창업학회 2012 벤처창업연구 Vol.7 No.3

        최근 수명 연장 등으로 건강에 대한 관심이 높아지면서 흡연자들의 금연에 대한 욕구가 높아지고 있다. 한의학에서는 금연치료법으로 이침요법(Auricular Acupuncturing)을 사용하는데, 저주파 자극을 통하여 금연에 효과 있는 폐점(Lung point)과 내분비점(Endocrine point)을 자극할 수 있는 기기를 만들어 실제 효과가 있는지 알아보았다. 먼저 이혈에 저주파 자극과 헤드셋이 결합된 금연이침저주파자극기(HBN-001)시제품을 개발하였고 이 기기를 이용하여 20명의 피험자에게 Pilot Test를 해보았다. 흡연량은 시술 전 12.19 개비였으며, 5회 이상 시술하여 2주후에는 10.34개비로 줄었으나 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 없었다. 수술 후 흡연에 대한 욕구는 변화 없다 4명(20%), 약간감소 4명(20%), 25-49% 감소 4명(20%), 50-75% 감소 6명(30%), 75-99% 감소 1명(5%), 욕구가 완전히 사라졌다 1명(5%) 이었다. 담배 맛의 변화에 대해서는 피험자 중 약간 좋아졌다 2명(10%), 변화없다 7명(35%), 약간 나빠졌다 6명(30%), 많이 나빠졌다 5명(25%) 이었다. Pilot Test 상으로는 긍정적으로 금연을 도울 수 있을 것으로 보이며, 향후 더 깊은 연구가 필요할 것으로 보인다. With recent increase in interest on health through extension of life expectancies of people, desire of smokers to stop smoking is also getting stronger. Korean medicine uses Auricular Acupuncturing as a treatment to stop smoking. This Study examined whether Auricular Acupuncturing is actually effective by manufacturing device that can stimulate lung point and endocrine point that are known to be effective in stop smoking through low frequency stimulation. Firstly, Low Frequency Stimulator for Auricular Acupuncturing to quit smoking (HBN-001) was developed as an experimental device by combining low frequency stimulation to auricular acupuncture points and headset, and was pilot tested on 20 subjects. The average quantity of cigarette smoked prior to the application of the procedure was 12.19, which was reduced to 10.34 cigarettes after 2 weeks with more than 5 sessions of Auricular Acupuncturing. However, there was no statistically significant difference. The changes in the desire to smoke following the procedure included 4 subjects (20%) with no change, 4 (20%) with slight reduction, 4 (20%) with 25%~49% reduction, 6 (30%) with 50%~75% reduction, 1 (5%) with 75%~99% reduction and 1 (5%) with complete elimination of desire to smoke. Changes in how cigarette smoking tasted included 2 subjects (10%) with slight improvement, 7 (35%) with no change, 6 (30%) with slight worsening and 5 (25%) with substantially worsened taste. Based on the results of the Pilot Test, it appears that Auricular Acupuncturing could be affirmatively helpful in quitting smoking, and further researches in greater depth would be necessary in the future.

      • KCI등재

        Alternative Medicine(대체의학)에서 적용되는 암환자 치료방법에 관한 고찰

        차윤엽 ( Cha Yun-Yeop ),Lee Eung-Se ( Lee Eung-Se ) 대한한의학회 한방재활의학과학회 1998 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        앞에서 대체의학적인 암의 예방방법 및 치료에 대해서 살펴보았다 예방방법에는 음식물과 영양, 가정에서의 독소방지, 전자기장에의 노출 감소, 스트레스 감소, 조기발견 등을 들 수 있으며, 치료방법에는 Nutri tional Therapy, Botanical Therapy, The New Pharmacological Therapy, Immune Enhanced Therapy, Metabolic Therapy, Physical Support Therap y, Energy Support Therapy 등이 있다. 이를 연구 및 발전시킨다면 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있을 것이다. 1. 암의 치료방법에 있어서 대체의학적인 방법들은 매우 다양하다. 최 근에 새로운 신약이 개발되었다는 등의 획기적인 발표들이 뒤따르고 있 지만 아직은 미완성의 단계이다. 따라서 위에서 언급한 방법들을 종합하 여 처치하고 환자관리를 한다면 암정복에 조금 더 가까워질 수 있을 것 이며 치료율을 높이는데 이바지 할 수 있을 것이다. 2. 그리고, 이러한 치료방법들이 한의학의 치료방법들과 같이 결합된다 면 서양에서 행해지고 있는 대체의학적인 방법으로만 치료했을 때 보다 더욱 더 효과가 있을 것이다. 3. 위에서도 살펴보았듯이 대체의학이라는 부분들이 거의 대부분이 우 리가 이미 알고 있는 한의학과 일치하므로 이 대체의학이라고 불리는 것 들을 잘 알고 연구를 하면 우리의 학문 분야도 더욱 더 넓어질 것이다. 4. 특히 암치료에 있어서도 위의 방법들만으로 많은 효과를 거두고 있 는 실정이므로 이를 더욱 더 연구하고 한의학과 접목을 시킨다면 획기적 인 암치료방법들이 나올 가능성은 더욱 더 클 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        산업장 근로자의 스트레스에 대한 한의계 연구경향

        차윤엽 ( Yun Yeop Cha ),고연석 ( Youn Seok Ko ),이정한 ( Jung Han Lee ),정원석 ( Won Suk Chung ),신병철 ( Byung Cheul Shin ),전찬용 ( Chan Yong Jeon ),고호연 ( Ho Yeon Go ),선승호 ( Seong Ho Sun ),장보형 ( Bo Hyoung Jang ),송윤경 한방재활의학과학회 2013 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        Objectives : The purpose of this study is to explore the trends of Korean medical study on stress in the industrial worker. Methods : We received numbers of the studies about stress in the industrial worker from 6 Korean web databases, using key words such as ‘Industry AND Stress’, ‘Oriental medicine AND Stress’, ‘Worker AND Stress’, ‘Workplace AND Stress’. We received 12 research papers and they were analyzed and the journals, the authors, the contents of 3 classification of those research papers. Results : Among them, we had 6 reviews of Dept. of preventive medicine and Dept. of third medicine, college of Korean Medicine, Won-kwang University, and the rest of them were 6 reviews. We had 4 reviews of Korean Journal of Oriental Preventive Medical Society, 2 reviews of the Journal of Traditional Korean Medicine, 2 reviews of Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry and so on. According to the contents of reviews, we had 7 reviews of correlation of industrial worker and stress, 4 reviews of cause on the industrial worker’s stress and 1 case report. Conclusions : We reviewed the trends of Korean medical study on stress in the industrial worker. The stress in the industrial workers were related with the type of occupation, social psychology, drinking, smoking, the satisfaction of job, the harmony of organization.And we knew that the musculoskeletal pain was related to the industrial worker’s stress. In the future, abundant case studies, follow-up trials and RCTs should be done about the industrial worker’s stress.

      • KCI등재후보

        비만 및 대사성질환에 적용 가능한 커피관장법 제안

        차윤엽 ( Yun Yeop Cha ) 한방비만학회 2014 한방비만학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        Coffee enema was started by American doctor Max Gerson for cancer patients in 1920s. Coffeeenema is known to remove waste material and toxins in the colon, and increase the enzymatic activity in the liver. In alternative medicine, It is to be used for fecal stasis removal, detoxification, obesity, pain control etc. In recently, The Society of Korean Medicine for Obesity Research make strenuous efforts to spread a new treatment about obesity. And Obesity is already known as one of the main causes of adult diseases. If we use the Korean medical treatment, and at the same time use coffee enema, maybe we will have a good or better clinical result about obesity and metabolic syndrome. In conclusion, we introduce a method that can be easily coffee enema. Thus, we hope that the reference to the teaching of patients.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대계(大계)의 HepG2 cell 산화억제(酸化抑制) 효과 및 유전자 발현 profile 분석(分析)에 대한 연구

        차윤엽 ( Yun Yeop Cha ),김성수 ( Sung Soo Kim ) 한방재활의학과학회 2003 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        Objectives : In recent years, We are concerned in disease protection, anti-aging, longlife, and many method are used in solving this problem, for example, Natural Detoxificaton therapy in point of Alternative medicine. Among that, `Milk thistle` protect a pollutant, chemistry material, radiation, poison of alcohol about Liver and used in ant-oxidant`s matter. It is proved that Cirsii Japonici Herba(CJH) grew up in Korea is better than other regions in point of detoxification-liver function, ant-oxidant`s working. Methods : The purpose of this study is to; 1) evaluate the recovery of damage by assessing the anti-oxidant effect of Cirsii Japonici Herba(CJH) on HepG2 cells, 2) identify candidate genes responsible for anti-oxidative effect on HepG2 cells by oligonucleotide chip microarray. The viability of cells treated with CJH was not significantly recovered from stressed HepG2 cell. But, wide range of concentrations of CJH shows dose-dependent inhibitory effect on ROS production in oxidative-stressed cells. Total RNAs of cells without treatment (Control group), only treated with H2O2 (Stressed group) and treated with both H2O2 and of CJH (CJH group) were isolated, cDNAs was synthesized using oligoT7-(dT)24 primer. The fragmented cRNAs, synthesized from cDNAs, were applied to Affymetrix GeneChip. Twenty-three kinds of genes were downregulated, whereas nine kinds of genes were upregulated in Stressed group comparing to Control group. Thirteen kinds of genes were downregulated, whereas ten kinds of genes were upregulated in CJH group comparing to Control group. Six kinds of genes were downregulated, whereas Twenty-five kinds of genes were upregulated in CJH group comparing to Stressed group. Result and Conclusions : The results suggest that decreased viability and ROS production of HepG2 cell by H2O2 may be, at lease, mediated by interfere with EGF signaling on oxidative stress of Epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 15 (EPS15), and Four kinds of ITPR2, CYR61, NCKAP1, NR3C1 play an important role of aging control, because of the improvement of cell metabolic function. The list of differentially expressed genes may implicate further insight on the action and mechanism behind the anti-oxidative effects of herbal extract Cirsii Japonici Herba.

      • KCI등재

        통증의 한의학적 개념에 대한 온경락요법(溫經絡療法)의 적용에 대한 고찰 -『황제내경(黃帝內經)』을 중심으로-

        차윤엽 ( Yun Yeop Cha ) 한방재활의학과학회 2010 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        Objectives and Methods :This study was performed to know about the reason of pain, the type of pain, etc. from 『Somun (素問)』 and 『Yeongchu (靈樞)』 of 『Hwangjenaegyeong (黃帝內經)』. And then we recognized the rational Korean medical physiotherapy about the pain control. Results :There was well described about the pain in 『Hwangjenaegyeong (黃帝內經)』. It was explained that the reason of pain was cold pathogenic factor one of the six exogenous pathogens. If the body was cold and qi-blood was lack of free flow, and the pain was occurred. Conclusions :According to above results, warming the meridian therapy is rational Korean medical physiotherapy about the pain control. And that gives positive effect about the pain control.

      • KCI등재후보

        원저 : 호박잎의 항산화 효과 연구

        차윤엽 ( Yun Yeop Cha ) 한방비만학회 2009 한방비만학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        In recent year, We are concerned about anti-aging, disease-protection, long-life, many methods are used in solving this problem. And Those are related with antioxidative ability. Recently, We heard that Cucurbita moschata Duch. has anti-hypertensive effect and good for health. So I let made a experiment for this result of the anti-oxidant effect of Cucurbita moschata Duch. used for 3 methods, those are DPPH radical scavenging activity, Nitric oxide(NO) radical scavenging activity and Bovine serum albumin(BSA). The results of this study were as follows: We measured level of DPPH radical scavenging activity. And we obtained results that the ability of DPPH radical``s elimination was increased when concentration of Cucurbita moschata Duch. was to 20 ㎎/㎖. We measured level of Nitric oxide(NO) radical scavenging activity. And we founded that the ability of NO radical``s elimination was increased when concentration of Cucurbita moschata Duch. was to 10 ㎎/㎖. When we inspected antioxidation with Bovine serum albumin(BSA). And we obtained that antioxidative ability was increased after 2.5 ㎎/㎖ of Cucurbita moschata Duch.. So I guess that Cucurbita moschata Duch. has effect of antioxidative ability. Hereafter we need differential experimental methods for evidence of antioxidative effect on Cucurbita moschata Duch.

      • KCI등재

        요추추간판탈출증에서의 굴곡신연기법에 대한 제언(提言)

        차윤엽(Yun-Yeop Cha) 척추신경추나의학회 2019 척추신경추나의학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Objectives : This study aimed to introduce a new traction therapy and proposes that a new Chuna manual therapy technique could be implemented. Methods : The patient is placed in the prone position and their ankle is fixed to the fixing table. Next, clinicians contact on the vertebral spinal process above herniated disc region with the tissue pulled head part of scaphoid bone and the lower part of the pelvis is pulled horizontally to the foot. Conclusions : It was recently identified that traction while maintaining lumbar lordosis is more effective for lumbar disc herniation and is associated with fewer side effects. Chuna manual therapy also uses a technique of lumbar flexion-distraction manipulation to treat HIVD. further research is required

      • KCI등재

        비기허약침(脾氣虛藥鍼)이 복부비만(腹部肥滿)에 미치는 효과(效果)에 관한 림상적(臨床的) 고찰(考察)

        차윤엽 ( Yun Yeop Cha ) 한방비만학회 2004 한방비만학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        Objectives : The Purpose of this study was to evidence the effect of Herbal Bigiheo Acupuncture therapy by comparing waist-hip ratio, abdominal circumference and abdominal muscle circumference of Group B(group of Herbal acupuncture therapy and general obesity treatment) with Group A(group of non-Herbal acupuncture therapy and general obesity treatment) in forty two patients who have received OPD treatment at Sang Ji oriental medical hospital and chiefly diagnosed obesity from October 2003 to September 2004. Methods : We checked the change of Obesity degree with Inbody 3.0. Results and Conclusions : Herbal acupuncture therapy group was significantly decreased in waist-hip ratio and abdominal circumference, and we have no difference of abdominal muscle circumference each groups. According to the above results, it is considered that Bigiheo Herbal Acupuncture therapy showed a significant decrease in Abdominal Obesity.

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