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        클라우드 환경에서 다중 클라이언트를 위한 동적 전원관리 시스템

        차승민,이봉환,Cha, Seung-Min,Lee, Bong-Hwan 한국정보통신학회 2012 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.16 No.2

        본 논문에서는 클라우드 컴퓨팅 환경에서 효율적인 에너지 절감을 위한 동적 전원관리 시스템을 제안한다. 제안한 시스템은 사용자에게 할당된 가상 머신 운용을 위한 키보드와 마우스의 움직임을 감지하고, 가용메모리와 CPU 활용률을 모니터링하게 된다. 만약 시스템이 일정 시간동안 키보드와 마우스의 움직임을 감지하지 못하거나, CPU와 가용 메모리가 미리 정의된 임계값에 도달하게 되면 가상머신 관리자 프로그램은 클라이언트에게 종료 명령을 내리게 되어 상당한 전력절감이 가능하다. 개발된 시스템은 대학 내 실제 컴퓨터 실습실에 적용하여 그 성능을 평가하였다. In this paper, a dynamic power management system is proposed to reduce energy consumption for multiple clients in cloud computing environments. The proposed system monitors both keyboard and mouse input from the user, available memory, and CPU usage in the virtual machine. If the system detects no keyboard and mouse input for a certain amount of time and both available memory and CPU usage reach predefined threshold value, the manager in the virtual machine orders the client to shutdown the client machine, which results in significant power save. The developed system is applied to the real university computer lab and the performance of the system is evaluated.

      • KCI우수등재

        개별기업의 국제다각화가 자기자본비용에 미치는 영향

        차승민(Seung Min Cha),정재호(Jai Ho Chung),유용근(Yong Keun Yoo) 한국경영학회 2010 經營學硏究 Vol.39 No.1

        This paper examines the potential effect of corporate international diversification on cost of equity capital for Korean firms. Corporate international diversification is defined as a firm`s strategy by which a firm conducts its businesses in multiple countries at the same time. In an ex-ante sense, more internationally diversified firms may decrease their cost of equity capital through reduced volatility of future cash flows and/or reducing more effectively unsystematic risks by investing into various countries. However, it is also possible that cost of equity capital of more internationally diversified firms may increase since they will be exposed to greater foreign exchange translation risks or political risks of other countries and/or since they may have higher agency costs for their controls of managers located out of their home country of domicile. By using 755 Korean firm/year observations between 2000 and 2005, we find that the level of corporate international diversification, which is measured by the relative ratio of overseas sales (or assets) to total sales (or assets), is positively associated with ex-ante cost of equity capital, which is proxied for by implied cost of equity capital derived from equity valuation model, even after well-known risk proxies are controlled for. Thus, we conclude that more internationally diversified Korean firms increase their cost of equity capital. This is the first study to examine the effect of corporate international diversification on cost of equity capital for Korean firms. We believe that our empirical evidence may shed some lights on our understanding of the potential effect of corporate international diversification on various aspects of firms.

      • KCI등재

        방송의 자유에 제한에 관한 연구 : 방송법 제5조의 공적책임과 관련하여

        차승민(Cha Seung-Min) 부산대학교 법학연구소 2004 법학연구 Vol.45 No.1

        In modern public democracy, the legitimacy of democratic politics is acknowledged by the public opinion. Generally, public opinion can be formed through the press media. The freedom of expression is the very precondition of the formation. It is a right of political liberty that is directly related to the destiny of democratic politics. Under the freedom, therefore, functions most basic and essential to the realization of democratic political order can be implemented. Broadcasting is more socially influential than any other press media. It will be still critically positioned in the 21st century represented as the era of new media or multimedia. In the past, the freedom of speech in this nation was understood mainly from U.S. and British views of liberalism. In modern public society, mass media including broadcasting have been enormously organized, emerging as a social power seeking towards business profit. In this era of public democracy, important functions of mass media are making it inevitable to modify the liberalistic view of the press so far believed. In public democracy, the freedom of expression cannot be considered only from the dimension of individual character realization. Democratic politics is justified by public opinion which is formed based on the freedom of expression. The freedom of speech is the very precondition of public opinion formation. It is a right of political liberty, on which the existence of democratic politics is dependent. Broadcasting has many characteristics including limitedness and high influence. For this reason, public benefit and public responsibility become obligations of broadcasting. The responsibility is provided in the Broadcasting Law. The Article 5 of the law specifies the public responsibility of broadcasting in detail, putting limits on the freedom of broadcasting. The law specifies many regulations about the freedom of broadcasting provided such responsibility as foresaid is ensured. The regulations contain provisions regarding the public benefit-oriented responsibility of broadcasting with references to 'the general theory of 'social responsibility' and 'the public function of the press' under the theory of the constitution. Such public responsibility specified in the law justifies regulating broadcasting, but it should not withdraw the freedom of broadcasting that has been advocated by the conventional theory of the freedom of expression. The regulation of broadcasting towards public responsibility is restricted to non-public benefit broadcasting. In any way, however, broadcasting that complies with public benefit should be thoroughly protected. Even if the public responsibility of broadcasting with public opinion is requested, the traditional freedom of expression with self-regulation based should be still effective.

      • KCI등재

        노인정신질환과 범죄행위의 연관성 및 특징에 관한 연구

        차승민(Seungmin Cha),임경옥(Kyung-Ok Lim),조성남(Sung-Nam Cho),장소영(Soyeong Jang),한송이(Songyi Han) 대한노인정신의학회 2021 노인정신의학 Vol.25 No.1

        Objective: As the population of the elderly increases, the prevalence of dementia and other mental diseases of the elderly is also increasing. Dementia is a typical elderly mental illness. Some people with dementia may cause a crime due to symptoms of mental behavior. The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of criminal behavior of various elderly mental patients. Methods: From January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2019, the court selected 65 years of age or older from among the criminal psychiatric appraisal cases commissioned by the court. A total of 205 medical records and mental assessments were reviewed retrospectively. All records were prepared through psychiatric interviews, clinical psychological examinations, and other examinations, and the information compiled was viewed in several aspects, including demographic factors, crime characteristics, and psychiatric opinions, at the level of technical analysis. Results: There was a statistically significant difference in the judgment of criminal liability according to the degree of cognitive impairment (p<0.001) in the elderly mentally ill, and a significant difference in criminal behavior depending on the type of mental illness (p<0.001). Conclusion: Not only dementia but also other elderly mental illnesses are related to violent crime. In particular, paranoid symptoms and alcohol abuse in older adults’ mental illness are related to the type of criminal behavior. In an aging society, appropriate therapeutic intervention is needed to prevent criminal behavior of the elderly mentally ill.

      • RTLS를 이용한 아동보호 시스템

        차승민 ( Seung-min Cha ),이봉환 ( Bong-hwan Lee ) 한국정보처리학회 2011 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.18 No.1

        최근 맞벌이 및 핵가족화 등으로 보호체계가 취약해짐에 따라 아동들을 대상으로 한 범죄가 늘고 있으며, 현재 아동범죄 처벌 강화 등 아동보호 대책들을 마련하고 있지만 예방을 위한 대책이 절실히 필요하다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 RTLS(Real Time Location System)를 이용하여 아동의 이동경로를 실시간으로 파악하여, 아동의 위험 상황을 인지하고 보호할 수 있는 아동보호 시스템을 개발하였다. 제안한 시스템은 보호자로 하여금 아동의 실시간 위치 정보를 확인하여 빠른 대처를 통해 아동을 범죄의 위험으로부터 조금이나마 벗어날 수 있게 해줄 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        위헌결정을 받은 형벌법령이 적용된 형사사건의 재심이유 : 대법원 2013. 4. 18.자 2010모363 결정을 중심으로

        차승민(Cha, Seung Min),정준섭(Chung, Joon Seup) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2021 圓光法學 Vol.37 No.3

        헌법재판소법 제47조 제4항에서는 “위헌으로 결정된 법률 또는 법률의 조항에 근거한 유죄의 확정판결에 대하여는 재심을 청구할 수 있다”고 규정하고 있어서, 이러한 경우에는 형사소송법상의 재심이유에 해당하는지 여부를 불문하고 재심청구가 가능한 것으로 규정하고 있다. 이에 관하여 대법원은 “형벌에 관한 법령이 당초부터 헌법에 위배되어 법원에서 위헌・무효라고 선언한 경우”도 형사소송법 제420조 제5호에서 규정한 “유죄의 선고를 받은 자에 대하여 무죄를 인정할 명백한 새로운 증거가 발견된 때”에 해당한다고 하여 소위 “신규형 재심사유”에 해당된다고 판시함으로써 헌법재판소법에 따른 재심사유를 별개로 인정하지 않는 취지의 결정을 하였는 바, 위 결정의 판시이유와 같이 재심개시의 근거가 된 유죄의 확정판결에 적용된 형벌법령에 대하여 위헌이 선고되었다는 사실이 “무죄를 인정할 만한 새로운 증거”의 발견에 해당된다고 해석할 수 있는지 의문이 있다. 형사소송법 제325조는 무죄판결의 이유에 관하여 규정하면서 전단에서는 피고사건이 “범죄로 되지 아니하”는 경우를, 동조 후단에서는 피고사건에 대하여 “범죄사실의 증명이 없”는 경우를 구분하여 규정하고 있는 바, 근거법령의 부존재나 범죄성립조각사유의 존재를 이유로 한 무죄의 경우가 전단의 무죄에 해당하고, 공소사실을 입증할 증거가 불충분함을 이유로 한 무죄의 경우가 후단의 무죄에 해당하는 것이므로, 형벌법규에 대한 위헌결정에 따라 당해 형벌법령이 소급하여 무효로 된 때에는 당해 사안에 적용할 근거법령이 애당초 존재하지 않는 것으로 평가되는 것이어서 이에 대하여 재심이 개시된 경우에는 법원으로서는 적용할 근거법령의 부존재를 이유로 무죄판결을 선고해야 함이 당연하므로 동조 전단의 무죄에 해당한다고 판시하여야 할 것임에도 “새로운 증거의 발견”이라는 점을 이유로 한 무죄판결에 해당한다는 대법원판결의 태도는 동조 후단의 무죄에 해당한다는 결론이어서 타당하다고 볼 수 없기 때문이다. 이러한 논지 하에서 본 논문에서는 대법원 2010모363 결정에 대한 비판적 검토를 통하여 위헌결정된 형벌법령을 적용하여 유죄의 확정판결이 선고된 때에 재심이 개시된 경우를, 형사소송법상의 신규형 재심사유에 의한 것이 아니라 헌법재판소법에 따른 별도의 재심사유로 보아 이를 근거로 재심개시결정을 내려야 한다는 결론을 도출하였다. 재판시 적용의 근거가 되는 형법법령의 존부 문제와 공소사실을 입증할 충분한 증거의 존부 문제는 명백히 구별된다는 점, 무죄를 입증할 새로운 증거의 발견이라는 증거의 신규성 문제와 법령의 위헌무효를 동일시할 수 없다는 점은 물론, 무죄의 이유를 구별하여 규정한 형사소송법 제325조 전단과 후단의 정합적 해석을 위해서라도 특별법에 따른 재심사유를 인정함이 타당하다고 본다. According to Constitutional Court Act Item 4 of Article 47 enacted as ‘In cases referred to in paragraph (3), a retrial may be requested with respect to a conviction based on the statute or provision there of decided as unconstitutional’, the accused can initiate new trial in a criminal action though corresponding case fail to satisfy the requirements of criminal procedure law. According to Supreme Court’s decision, when the laws concerning punishment are unconstitutional and invalid from the beginning by the court, it can be the nova retrial reason prescribed in a criminal procedure law which means not acknowledging the grounds for retrial under the Constitutional Court Act separately. As per the decision above, if new trial in a criminal action would be initiated about the conviction based on the statute or provision there of decided as unconstitutional, there are several issues that must be examined in more detail in this study. Furthermore, it is questionable whether the unconstitutional decision on the punishment regulation itself can be included in new evidence set out in the code of criminal procedure Item 5 of Article 420. The Article 325 of the Criminal Procedure Act defines the reason for the acquittal. The preceding paragraph of the same regulation above stipulates cases where the Defendant s case is not a crime, on the other hand the following paragraph of the same regulation above stipulates cases where there is no proof of crime. As previously stated, based on the Article 325 of the Criminal Procedure Act, when the laws concerning punishment are unconstitutional and invalid from the beginning by the court, it is reasonable to apply the former part of Article 325 of the Criminal Procedure Act. Because in the case of the above issue, it will be evaluated that the underlying laws to be applied to the relevant case do not exist in the first place. In this regard, it was concluded through a critical review of the Supreme Court s Decision 2010mo363 that the judgment of conviction should be regarded as the nova retrial reason under the Constitutional Court Act, not as a “special retrial” reason under the Criminal Procedure Act. I think it is reasonable to recognize the distinction between the application of the law and the judgment of evidence, the fact that the novelty of evidence cannot be equated with unconstitutional invalidity, and the necessity of a consistent interpretation of the preceding paragraph and following paragraph of Article 325 of the Criminal Procedure Act, which stipulates the reason for innocence.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        불이익재심의 필요성과 허용범위에 관한 소고

        차승민 ( Cha Seung-min ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2022 法과 政策 Vol.28 No.1

        The retrial system stipulated in Article 420 of the Criminal Procedure Act is an emergency system for already confirmed trials. Appeal is not allowed against a finalized trial, and it is allowed to dispute it again only if there are special reasons prescribed by the law. Under the current Criminal Procedure Act, retrial is allowed only when it benefits the Defendant, so retrial has been regarded as a means to guarantee the human rights of the Defendant. However, since the retrial does not only perform the function of protecting the Defendant, but also corrects the wrong judgment, it is necessary to expand the scope of the retrial by correcting the error even afterwards so that the correct conclusion can be reached. Considering the ideology of substantive truth in criminal proceedings, misjudgment needs to be corrected in a direction consistent with the objective truth, and it is necessary to correct the misjudgment itself regardless of whether it is beneficial to the Defendant. It is desirable to exercise the right to state punishment in the direction of determining the type and degree of punishment corresponding to crimes, and through this trial process, legal resolution of disputes caused by criminal facts will ultimately contribute to maintaining social integration. From this point of view, if justice is considered as a priority legal ideology over legal stability and trust protection, there is room for disadvantageous retrial under criminal procedure like Germany, and it is difficult to say that allowing disadvantageous retrial violates inviolable rights such as basic rights stipulated in the Constitution. In addition, even if a disadvantageous retrial is allowed, if the scope is limited to core crimes common to mankind, the human rights of victims affected by crime can be guaranteed, so it is a system consistent with human rights guarantees and legal justice.

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