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      • KCI등재

        初等學校 漢字 敎授學習 方法에 대한探索과 提案

        진철용 한국한자한문교육학회 2010 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.25 No.-

        This study aims to investigate teaching and learning method of Chinese characters in elementary school and organize and suggest in my own way, teaching and learning methods of Chinese characters in elementary school in summary. In the field of elementary school, there requires the organized teaching and learning methods of Chinese character and Chinese word. principles and models for teaching and learning in an easily accessible manners. But in terms of teaching method of Chinese character and Chinese word. principles, there is no sufficient discussions even at the academic level and in terms of models for teaching and learning, they have been suggested in various and distracted manners depending on each researcher. Therefore, writer organized the method of teaching and learning of Chinese characters in elementary school by classifying them into models for teaching and learning and principles, and techniques based on the discussions, which have been announce so far, regarding the methods for teaching and learning. In this study, it is presumed that the content of education of Chinese characters in elementary school should be based on Chinese characters and vocabularies and the system of the education of Chinese characters in elementary school is suggested. In addition, the previous discussions for the Chinese characters are reviewed in the aspects of the application of the theory of teaching and learning, principles of teaching and learning, strategy, technique and model of class and also the previously made statements regarding teaching of Chinese characters have been extracted. Also, together with that, the achievement of studies related with character education, language education, neuroscience were reviewed in order to obtain implications regarding the instruction of Chinese characters. The results obtained from above reviews have been readjusted in writer's own way, the principles and the teaching method of Chinese character in elementary school were suggested by classifying them into the principles and strategies(methods) depending on the scope of the content. It was believed that suggesting of the basic class model for Chinese characters in elementary school was more desirable than the patternization of Chinese character classes in elementary school, so basic model for teaching and learning of Chinese characters in elementary school was designed and suggested. It is thought that it is necessary that the research and organizing of the teaching method of Chinese character and Chinese in elementary school, including the teaching method of Chinese character should be proceeded more systematically and throughly and then the method of teaching and learning which has been systematically organized, should be distributed to the teachers at the chalkface as soon as possible. 이 연구는 초등학교 漢字 敎授學習 方法을 탐색해 보고, 필자 나름대로 초등학교 漢字 敎授學習 方法을 정리하여 제시하는 데에 목적이 있다. 초등학교 현장에서는 일목요연하게 정리된 漢字와 漢字語의 지도 기법, 원리, 교수학습 모형이 필요하다. 그렇지만 漢字와 漢字語의 지도 기법과 원리는 학문적 수준에서 논의조차 미흡한 편이며, 교수학습 모형은 연구자마다의 기본적 입장에 따라 매우 다양하고 산만하게 제시되어 있다. 이에 필자는 그동안 발표된 敎授學習 方法에 관한 논의들을 토대로 초등학교 漢字 敎授學習 方法을 교수학습 모형과 원리, 기법으로 구분하여 정리하여 보았다. 이 연구에서는 우선 초등학교 漢字 교육의 내용은 漢字와 어휘를 중심으로 이루어져야 한다고 보고, 초등학교 漢字 교육의 내용 체계를 제시하였다. 그리고 초등학교 漢字에 관한 기존의 논의를 교수학습 이론의 적용, 교수학습 원리, 전략이나 기법, 수업 모형 측면에서 검토하고, 또 漢字 지도에 관한 기존의 진술들을 추출하여 보았다. 또한 이와 아울러 문자교육관련, 언어교육관련, 뇌과학 관련 연구 성과들을 검토하여 초등학교 漢字 지도에 관한 시사점을 얻고자 하였다. 위와 같은 검토에서 얻어진 결과들을 필자가 나름대로 가감하여 필자는, 초등학교 漢字 지도의 원리와 기법을 내용 영역에 따라 원리와 전략(기법)으로 분류하여 제시하였고, 초등학교 漢字 수업 모형을 유형화하기 보다는 초등학교 漢字 수업의 기본적인 모형을 제시하는 것이 더 바람직하다고 생각하여, 초등학교 漢字 교수학습의 기본적인 모형을 구안하여 제시하였다. 초등학교 漢字 敎授學習 方法을 포함한 漢字 한문 敎授學習 方法에 대한 연구와 정리는 앞으로 더욱더 체계적이고 치밀하게 진행되어야 할 필요성이 있다고 생각하며, 또 체계적으로 정리된 敎授學習 方法이 일선의 교육 현장에 하루 빨리 보급되어야 할 필요성이 있다고 생각된다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        길경이 고지방식이로 유발된 비만흰쥐의 체중 및 혈청중지질성분의 변화에 미치는 영향

        진철용,변부형,박지하,이은숙,최해윤,이병욱,서부일 대한본초학회 2002 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.17 No.2

        Objectives : This experimental study was designed to investigate the effects of Platycodon grandiflorum powder on body weight and serum biological composition. Methods : A series of experiments have been conducted in order to measure the effects of the body weight changes and serum lipid profiles. The measurement have been performed on; (1) the changes amount of body weight; (2) the quantity of total cholesterol, triglyceride, free fatty acid in serum. Results : Rats given feed containing high fat and Platycodon grandiflorum powder showed significant decrease in net weight gain in comparison with high fat diet feeding group. The quantity of total cholesterol, triglyceride, free fatty acid in serum was significant decrease in high fat and Platycodon grandiflorum powder group in comparison with that of high fat feeding group. Conclusion : Results of our research in this paper show that Platycodon frandiflorum powder might improve lipid composition and body wight in rats Fed with high fat diet.

      • KCI등재

        初等學校 「漢字」의 評價 방향과 실제

        진철용 한국한자한문교육학회 2011 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.27 No.-

        This study is aimed to present content, type, form and guideline of evaluation for the elementary school teachers to more concretely refer to, discussion was developed aiming at 'written examination' and limited to 'intelligent learning evaluation.'In the Chapter 2, firstly, the content of 「Chinese Characters」of elementary school was reviewed to discuss evaluation on 「Chinese Characters」of elementary school. The researcher considered the Elementary School Education in Chinese Characters is necessary to be performed in a large outline of education in the interconnection with the Middle School Education in Chinese Characters, and extracted items among the Chinese Characters in the Middle School education and the content of vocabulary to be selected as available content for Chinese Characters in Elementary School. In the Chapter 3, the content of Evaluation on Chinese Characters of elementary school was selected. First, among the content of evaluation on Elementary School's 「Chinese Characters」, the items seemed to be proper for evaluation were arranged. And the researcher suggested considerately whether any among the questions of rating examination having many relations to the evaluation on the elementary school's 「Chinese Characters」 are proper for the evaluation of Elementary School. In the Chapter 4, the content of evaluation on Elementary School's 「Chinese Characters」 was selected on the basis of the Chapter 2 and the Chapter 3, and the researcher considerately set up the standard of achievement proper for the content. And the representative type and form of question according to each standard of achievement were suggested. If putting together the above matters, the Content of Evaluation on the 「Chinese Characters」 in Elementary School contain 13 kinds such as 'the shape․sound․meaning of Chinese Characters, organization of Chinese Characters, combination of the words, sound of the words, meaning of the words, application of the words, sound of the phrase, the outside meaning of the phrase, the inside meaning of the phrase, application of the phrase,' Standard of Achievement of each is 'to know the sound and the meaning of the Chinese Characters and read rightly, to read the sound of Chinese Characters rightly which have various sounds,' etc. And the types of the questions in evaluation on the elementary school's 「Chinese Characters」 were suggested with 20 examples, the form of the question in evaluation according to each type was suggested through being referred to existing studies. This study did not newly suggested new discussions scientifically. This study is relevant having tried to a little bit more concretely arrange and suggest the contents required when the general elementary school teachers decide the direction of evaluation on 'Chinese Characters' and compose the questions thereof. It is necessary to keep up researching concrete matters of evaluation on the elementary school's 「Chinese Characters」more minutely so as to prepare more detail and concrete guideline, and the direction of the evaluation on the Elementary school's 「Chinese Characters」, type and form of questions in Evaluation. 이 연구는 초등학교 교사들에게 보다 더 구체적으로 안내할 수 있는 評價 내용과 유형, 형식, 지침을 마련하고자 한 것이며, ‘지필평가’를 대상으로 하고 ‘지적 학습 평가’로 한정하여 논의를 전개하였다. 2장에서는 初等學校 「漢字」의 評價를 논의하기 위해서 먼저, 初等學校 「漢字」의 내용을 검토하였다. 필자는 初等學校 漢字敎育은 큰 틀에서 中學校 漢文敎育 연계선상에서 이루어져야 할 필요가 있다고 보고, 중학교의 한문과 교육과정의 한자, 어휘의 내용 중에서 초등학교 한자의 내용으로 선정할 만한 것을 추출하였다. 3장에서는 初等學校 「漢字」의 評價의 내용을 선정해 보았다. 우선 2장에서 추출한 初等學校 「漢字」의 評價의 내용들 중에서, 評價의 내용으로 적합하다고 생각되는 것들을 정리하여 보았다. 그리고 初等學校 「漢字」의 評價와 많은 관련을 가지고 있는 급수시험의 문제들 중에서 초등학교 評價에 적용할 내용인지의 여부를 필자 나름대로 제시하여 보았다. 4장에서는 2장, 3장의 내용을 토대로 初等學校 「漢字」의 評價 내용을 선정하고, 필자 나름대로 그 내용에 맞는 성취 기준을 설정하여 보았다. 그리고 각각의 성취 기준에 따른 대표적인 문항의 유형과 형식을 제시하여 보았다. 이상의 내용을 종합하면, 初等學校 「漢字」에서 評價할 내용은 ‘한자의 形․ 音․ 義, 한자의 짜임, 단어의 조합, 단어의 음, 단어의 뜻, 단어의 활용, 성어의 음, 성어의 겉뜻, 성어의 속뜻, 성어의 활용’이며, 각각에 대한 성취 기준은 ‘한자의 음과 뜻을 알고 바르게 읽기, 여러 가지 음을 가진 한자의 음을 바르게 읽기’ 등 13가지이다. 그리고 初等學校 「漢字」 評價 문항의 유형을 20가지 예시로 제시하였고, 각 유형에 따른 評價 문항의 형식을 기존의 연구를 참고하여 제시하였다. 이 연구는 학문적으로 새로운 논의를 새롭게 제시한 것은 아니다. 이 연구는 일선의 초등학교 교사들이 ‘한자’ 評價의 방향을 정하고 문항을 작성할 때에 필요로 하는 내용들을 조금 더 구체적으로 정리하여 제시하려 했다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 앞으로 初等學校 「漢字」 評價의 구체적인 사항들이 좀더 치밀하게 연구되어 보다 더 자세하고 구체적인 初等學校 「漢字」 評價의 지침과 방향, 評價 문항의 유형과 형식이 마련될 필요성이 있다.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 한자 교재의 구성과 활용 현황

        진철용 한국한문교육학회 2009 한문교육논집 Vol.32 No.-

        This study was intended to classify the elementary school’s Chinese characters textbook into the book authorized by municipal and provincial superintendent, the book produced by office of education and the book produced by school, and to analyze the structure and characteristics of textbook by type. With respect to the textbook’s characteristics by type, the utilization status of the elementary school’s Chinese characters textbook was analyzed. The book authorized by municipal and provincial superintendent is now the most ideal Chinese characters textbook of elementary schools, but its utilization falls short of the expectation in schools. Because the book produced by school has the simple structure, corresponding schools will utilize it, but it is not suitable for a curriculum acceptance, reflection of academic performance, teaching/learning level setting, and textbook system, as the result of reviewing the contents structure. Because the book produced by office of education is composed in the form of workbook which can apply to the grade system, flexible hours formation, and many types’ classes and learning in terms of the external structure, it can be widely utilized by schools. Contents structure also accepts the curriculum and the academic performance. Accordingly, this textbook can apply during the hours other than the authorized books like a morning work, as well as an optional activity. Up to now, the study on the elementary school’s Chinese characters textbook was focused only on the authorized books. However, if it is considered that the utilization of authorized books at the elementary school falls shorter of expectation and it is not easy to apply to hours other than the optional activities in terms of the authorized book’s structure, it is necessary to do the study on the textbook which can be utilized applying to other hours than the optional activity time as one of alternatives. Also, connectivity with the middle school’s Chinese characters education and the specialty of the elementary school’s Chinese characters education needs to be considered. Also, by considering a direction of the revised curriculum, the study on the elementary school’s curriculum and the textbook structure seems to be required. 이 연구에서는 초등학교 한자 교재를 시도교육감 인정도서, 교육청 제작 자료, 학교 제작 자료로 분류하고, 각 유형별로 교재의 구성과 특징을 알아보았다. 그리고 유형별로 지니고 있는 교재의 특성과 관련지어서 초등학교 한자 교재의 활용 현황을 알아보았다. 시도교육감 인정도서는 현재로서는 가장 이상적인 초등학교 한자 교재이기는 하나, 실상 현장에서의 활용은 기대에 못 미치는 실정이다. 학교에서 자체 제작한 자료들은 그 외적 구성 체제가 단순하기 때문에 해당 학교에서 만큼은 활용도가 높을 수 있으나, 내용 구성을 검토하여 보면, 교육과정의 수용, 학문적 성과의 반영, 교수학습 단계의 설정, 교과서적인 체제와는 거리가 매우 멀다. 교육청 자료의 경우는, 외적 구성 체제 면에서 품급제 적용, 융통성 있는 시간 운영 편제, 여러 형태의 수업과 학습에 적용할 수 있는 워크북의 형태로 구성되어 있어, 학교에서의 활용 폭이 넓다. 또한 내용 구성도 교육과정과 학문적 성과를 어느 정도 수용하고 있다. 따라서 이 교재와 같은 경우는 재량활동시간 뿐만이 아니라 아침자습과 같이 인정도서가 담당하지 못하는 시간에도 적용이 가능하다. 그동안 초등학교 한자 교재에 관한 연구는 인정도서만을 대상으로 삼아 연구가 이루어졌다. 그러나 초등학교에서 인정도서의 활용도가 생각보다 저조하고, 또 인정도서의 구성 체제상 재량활동 이외의 시간에는 적용하기가 쉽지 않다는 점을 감안한다면, 하나의 대안으로서 재량활동시간 이외에 적용하여 활용할 수 있는 교재에 대한 연구가 이루어질 필요가 있다. 또한 중학교 한문 교육과의 연계성과 초등학교 한자 교육의 특수성을 고려하고, 개정 교육과정의 방향성을 고려하여 초등학교 교육과정과 교재 구성에 대한 연구가 필요할 것으로 여겨진다.

      • KCI등재

        國漢文 倂用 表記가 漢字語 意味 理解에 미치는 영향 연구-초등학교 5학년 읽기 교과서를 중심으로-

        진철용(陳哲鏞) 한국어문교육연구회 2007 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.35 No.2

        ■ ABSTRACT A Study on the Effects of Acquisition of Chinese Characters on Declaration of Korean and Chinese Characters Used in Combination -Focused on a Reading Textbook for the Students in the 5th Grade of Elementary School- Jin, Cheol-yong This study aims to develop a textbook of Korean and Chinese characters used in combination for elementary school, and I developed ‘a reading textbook of Korean and Chinese characters used in combination for the students in the 5th grade of elementary school' in this study and carried out an experiment to examine the efficiency of the textbook. According to the result summary, students understood the meaning of a word written in Chinese characters quite incorrectly when Chinese characters were not written in combination. But when it was written with Chinese characters and the Korean equivalent in combination, students were able to understand the meaning of a word written in Chinese characters more accurately than before and a percentage of correct answers by individuals increased substantially(37.8% increase in average correct answers). Based on these findings, it is convinced that to use Chinese characters in combination and to show the meaning of Chinese characters by adding Korean renderings is very effective in helping students to understand the meaning of a word written in Chinese characters more accurately. So it is necessary to develop a textbook of Korean and Chinese characters used in combination. To this end, the Chinese characters should be selected for a textbook of Korean and Chinese characters used in combination for elementary school and the meanings of Chinese characters need to be summarized. 이 연구는 國漢文 倂用 表記가 漢字語 意味 理解에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구로, 연구자는 이 연구를 진행하면서 ‘초등학교 5학년 읽기 國漢文 倂用 敎科書’를 개발하였고, 그 교과서의 효용성을 실험을 통해 알아 보았다. 실험 결과를 요약해 보면, 학생들은 漢字를 倂用하지 않았을 때 漢字語의 意味를 매우 부정확하게 이해하고 있었다. 그런데 漢字語에 漢字를 倂記하고 漢字의 訓을 밝혀 주었더니 학생들이 漢字語의 意味를 보다 정확하게 이해하게 되었고, 개인별 정답률도 큰 폭으로 향상되었다.(평균 정답률 37.8% 상승) 이러한 결과로 미루어 보면, 교과서에 漢字를 병용하는 것이 학생들에게 漢字語의 意味를 보다 더 정확하게 이해시키는 데에 효과적이라고 여겨진다. 따라서 國漢文 倂用 敎科書 개발은 필요하다고 생각되며, 初等學校 國漢文 倂用 敎科書를 위한 漢字 選定, 漢字語에서 사용되는 漢字의 뜻에 대한 정리가 필요하다고 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 한자 교육의 현황과 전망

        진철용 ( Cheol Yong Jin ) 한국한자한문교육학회 2009 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.23 No.-

        This study has attempted to know about the situation of Chinese-character education and teacher/parent opinions about the Chinese-character education of elementary school through a questionnaire survey. Then, this study has compared the result with the policies currently applied to the Chinese-character education of elementary school. The time that elementary schools can provide Chinese-character education was only 1 hour from the discretional activity time of 2 hours. However as the healthcare education is conducted for 17 hours/year during the discretional activity time for the students in the 5th and 6th year, it became difficult to secure even the remaining 1 hour of Chinese-character education. Likewise, the conditions for the Chinese-character education of elementary school are very poor. Under these conditions, the enthusiasm in the elementary school Chinese-character education has not cooled down. The schools that have organized Chinese-character education in their curriculum were found to be 63.1%, those that perform a certain form of Chinese-character education were 90.2%, and those of operating Chinese-character related test or contest were 44.3%. 36.9% of the responding schools were operating Chinese-character related classes during the special activity time and 29.5% of them were running the Chinese-character related classes in the after-school classes (specialized class). Looking at the opinions of teachers and parents about the need in the Chinese-character education of elementary school, over 90% of the teachers and parents were aware of the need in the Chinese-character education. The greatest reason that the Chinese-character education is not performed well in the elementary school is that the Chinese-character course is not a regular subject. The reason that the Chinese-character education of elementary school is greatly needed is that it helps to improve vocabulary and they consider it desirable to improve vocabulary by using Chinese characters. Currently, the Chinese-character education of elementary school is made around Chinese characters and vocabulary. Since this is matched well with the opinions of teachers and parents, the Chinese-character education would be desirable to be performed by focusing on the Chinese-character vocabulary. As for the directions in the Chinese-character education of elementary school, the majority of teachers and parents prefer to be done by following the self-regulating rule of schools. However, this is contributable to the burden of increasing course hours. As for the reason that elementary schools do not want to have Chinese character education, the majority of respondents have replied the burden of increasing course hours. Accordingly for the Chinese-character education of elementary school entering into the regular course and activation in the future, an alternative measure shall be prepared not to increase the burden of increasing course hours.

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