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      • 성경적 원리를 통한 가치 혁신으로 승부하라 : 김위찬: 르네 마보안의 「블루 오션 전략」

        주우진 두란노 2005 목회와 신학 Vol.- No.195

        「블루 오션 전략」이 목회에 주는 시사점을 몇 가지로 정리해 보았지만, 서두에서 말한 대로 목회의 요소들을 경영에 접목하는 것이 더 많은 유익을 주리라고 생각한다. 지금 기업 경영의 영역은 물질 만능주의, 구성원의 도구화, 해고에 대한 두려움과 과로 속에서 효율을 추구하는 메마른 사막과도 같은 곳이다. 경영이 어려운 기업은 물론이고 이익을 많이 내고 있는 블루 오션 기업도 풍요 가운데 구성원들의 마음이 피폐해지고 있는 실정이다. 이런 곳에 성경적 경영의 원리를 적용해 좋은 모델을 제시하는 기업이야말로 진정한 블루 오션이다.

      • KCI등재

        Exploring the Role of Preference Heterogeneity and Causal Attribution in Online Ratings Dynamics

        주우진,노민정 한국마케팅학회 2014 ASIA MARKETING JOURNAL Vol.15 No.4

        This study investigates when and how disagreements in online customer ratings prompt more favorable product evaluations. Among the three metrics of volume, valence, and variance that feature in the research on online customer ratings, volume and valence have exhibited consistently positive patterns in their effects on product sales or evaluations (e.g., Dellarocas, Zhang, and Awad 2007; Liu 2006). Ratings variance, or the degree of disagreement among reviewers, however, has shown rather mixed results, with some studies reporting positive effects on product sales (e.g., Clement, Proppe, and Rott 2007) while others finding negative effects on product evaluations (e.g., Zhu and Zhang 2010). This study aims to resolve these contradictory findings by introducing preference heterogeneity as a possible moderator and causal attribution as a mediator to account for the moderating effect. The main proposition of this study is that when preference heterogeneity is perceived as high, a disagreement in ratings is attributed more to reviewers’ different preferences than to unreliable product quality, which in turn prompts better quality evaluations of a product. Because disagreements mostly result from differences in reviewers’ tastes or the low reliability of a product’s quality (Mizerski 1982; Sen and Lerman 2007), a greater level of attribution to reviewer tastes can mitigate the negative effect of disagreement on product evaluations. Specifically, if consumers infer that reviewers’ heterogeneous preferences result in subjectively different experiences and thereby highly diverse ratings, they would not disregard the overall quality of a product. However, if consumers infer that reviewers’ preferences are quite homogeneous and thus the low reliability of the product quality contributes to such disagreements, they would discount the overall product quality. Therefore, consumers would respond more favorably to disagreements in ratings when preference heterogeneity is perceived as high rather than low. This study furthermore extends this prediction to the various levels of average ratings. The heuristic- systematic processing model so far indicates that the engagement in effortful systematic processing occurs only when sufficient motivation is present (Hann et al. 2007; Maheswaran and Chaiken 1991; Martin and Davies 1998). One of the key factors affecting this motivation is the aspiration level of the decision maker. Only under conditions that meet or exceed his aspiration level does he tend to engage in systematic processing (Patzelt and Shepherd 2008; Stephanous and Sage 1987). Therefore, systematic causal attribution processing regarding ratings variance is likely more activated when the average rating is high enough to meet the aspiration level than when it is too low to meet it. Considering that the interaction between ratings variance and preference heterogeneity occurs through the mediation of causal attribution, this greater activation of causal attribution in high versus low average ratings would lead to more pronounced interaction between ratings variance and preference heterogeneity in high versus low average ratings. Overall, this study proposes that the interaction between ratings variance and preference heterogeneity is more pronounced when the average rating is high as compared to when it is low. Two laboratory studies lend support to these predictions. Study 1 reveals that participants exposed to a high-preference heterogeneity book title (i.e., a novel) attributed disagreement in ratings more to reviewers’ tastes, and thereby more favorably evaluated books with such ratings, compared to those exposed to a low-preference heterogeneity title (i.e., an English listening practice book). Study 2 then extended these findings to the various levels of average ratings and found that this greater preference for disagreement options under high preference heterogeneity is more pronounced when the average rating is hig...

      • 대형할인점과 공급업체의 협력-상생 가능성에 대한 이론적 고찰

        주우진,김현식 한국유통학회 2007 한국유통학회 학술대회 발표논문집 Vol.- No.-

        체인화, 대형화 등을 통해 대형화한 소수의 대형할인점이 범위의 경제 및 규모의 경제를 통해 구매협상력을 강화하고 경제 전체에서 차지하는 비중이 지속적으로 증가하는 소매집중현상은 중소형 공급업체 등 수직적 거래의 상대에게 다양한 압박 요인으로 작용하고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 국내외 관련문헌에 대한 조사를 통해 소매집중 현상이 공급업체와 소비자에 미치는 효과의 실태를 확인해보고, 대형할인점과 공급업체의 협력-상생 가능성을 이론적으로 모색해보았다. 본 연구의 체계는 다음과 같다. 우선 §1에서 소매집중현상에 대한 문제제기를 한 후, §2에서 관련 연구 문헌에 대한 메타 분석을 통해 소매집중현상에 대한 사실관계의 이해를 시도하고, §3에서 갈등이론을 통해 대형할인점과 공급업체 간 협력-상생의 개념을 정리해보고, §4에서 협상이론을 통해 대형할인점과 공급업체 간 협력­상생의 가능성을 모색해본 후, §5에서 요약, 실무적, 이론적 시사점에 대해 논하였다. 본 연구의 결론은 다음과 같다: 첫째, 소매집중현상이 공급업체의 성과를 악화시키고 사회후생을 악화시킬 것이라는 우려는 근거가 약하다. 지나치지 않을 경우, 대형할인점의 협상력 증대는 이중마진을 축소시켜 경로 전체 파이를 증대시킴으로써 공급업체의 이익도 증가시킬 수 있다. 둘째, 소매집중에 의해 대형할인점 협상력이 증대되는 환경 속에서도 대형할인점과 공급업체 간 협력-상생의 가능성은 분명히 존재한다. 셋째, 대형할인점과 공급업체는 상호간 이해의 조화성이 높은 문제를 개발, 선택, 집중함으로써 협력-상생을 이끌어내는 것이 바람직하다.

      • KCI등재

        Jeju Air: Branding of a K-Pop Airline

        주우진,백은수,고경표 한국마케팅학회 2013 ASIA MARKETING JOURNAL Vol.14 No.4

        South Korea’s LCC (Low Cost Carrier) industry, which started from the 2000s, brought upon a new lifestyle within the country. In Korea, unlike European or U.S. markets, air travel was limited and previous domestic airlines mostly focused on the business sector. The LCC industry had a shaky start with high initial investment and low load factors, but soon started to take root as they started to take over the domestic market and competed for overseas routes, making air travel a reality for the masses. Today, profitability of low-cost airlines have been improving as their routes expanded and load factors went up, especially in routes connecting China, Korea and Japan. Also, greater aircraft usage by utilizing “red-eye” flights to Southeast Asian destinations greatly improved the efficiency of aircraft operations. Further, the decrease of the public’s initial rejection of low-cost airlines also served as a contributing factor. A significant portion of the market for domestic flights is now owned by low-cost airlines. The market share of domestic flights for low-cost airlines, which was only 2.17% in2006, increased to 9.72% in 2008, to 27.35% in 2009, and to 34.1% in 2010. In the first half of 2011, the market share for domestic flights went over 40%. An industry specialist pointed out, “because domestic flights have short travel distances, price is more of a significant factor than service. Comparatively, this provides a structure in which low-cost airlines can easily advance.” Even in short-distance international flights such as flights to Japan, the advancement of low-cost airlines is continuing as of today. Jeju Air, which has shown the fastest growth rate among all domestic low-cost airlines, has exceeded 2 billion won in sales in 2011. Since its inaugural flight in 2006, its average yearly growth rate was 91%, and it has been earning surplus profits since the second half of 2010. In 2011, Jeju Air’s sales from international flights began to exceed those of domestic flights. In the fast growing market for low-cost airlines, there are many airlines from other Asian countries competing in the same market. In terms of price, Korean LCCs are positioned somewhere between a full service carrier (FSC) and a traditional LCC which charges as low as 50% of the FSCs fare. The ticket cost of domestic low-cost airlines is about 70%~80% that of major airlines such as Korean Air, or Asiana. In the following case study, we will examine and analyze the results of brand building strategies of Jeju Air, which has secured a new competitive advantage in the intensifying competitive landscape and is pursuing a significant leap as an Asian LCC. Specifically, we will analyze and contrast the brand building strategies, various customer satisfaction activities, and service management programs of successful global LCC firms such as Air Asia, Jetstar, and JetBlue. Jeju Air has benchmarked their success factors, and such principles have been reflected in Jeju Air’s brand building strategies, which began in April of 2012. Through the analysis of customer feedback collected in September of the same year, we aim to show the effectiveness and limitations of Jeju Air’s brand building strategies as well as present future challenges.

      • What is Coming Next in Asia?: Emerging Research Issues

        주우진,유필화,김경자,김상용 Academy of Asian Business (AAB) 2015 Academy of Asian Business Review Vol.1 No.2

        Why is it important to talk about Asian business? This question was the main theme of this journal from its inception. Since we currently have readers from all parts of the world, we would like them to understand why they should care about Asian businesses and consumers. We would also like to learn how to better prepare for our future research, businesses, and career paths in the context of very fast-moving Asian businesses. This article is based on a keynote panel discussion held by four distinguished experts on Asian business and marketing issues during the inaugural AAB International Conference. This article offers a fruitful research agenda for both scholars and practitioners. The panel members were asked two questions. The first was, “What is your assessment on what is happening and what is coming next in Asia from your perspective as a researcher and a research domain expert?” The second question was, “What are the implications of those expected changes to scholars and practitioners for the preparation of their research and businesses?” This article focuses on the four major issues that have emerged in recent times according to the expert panel members: (1) Global branding and CSR in Asia, (2) Ultra-low class segments versus luxury segments in Asia, (3) Diversity and similarity among Asian consumers, and (4) Services marketing challenges in Asia. These four broad research areas are not exhaustive of all emerging research topics, but they are among the most challenging issues in the near future. We kept the narrative form of presentation in its original form instead of rewriting the whole presentation with the exception of minor edits for clarity.

      • KCI등재

        소비자의 가치 추구 동인이 블로그 리뷰의 신뢰성 지각에 미치는 영향: 유대강도에 따른 조절효과를 중심으로

        주우진,노민정 한국마케팅학회 2012 ASIA MARKETING JOURNAL Vol.13 No.4

        What attracts consumers to bloggers’ reviews? Consumers would be attracted both by the Bloggers’ expertise (i.e., knowledge and experience) and by his/her unbiased manner of delivering information. Expertise and trustworthiness are both virtues of information sources, particularly when there is uncertainty in decision-making. Noting this point, we postulate that consumers’ motives determine the relative weights they place on expertise and trustworthiness. In addition, our hypotheses assume that tie strength moderates consumers’ expectation on bloggers’ expertise and trustworthiness: with expectation on expertise enhanced for power-blog user-group (weak-ties), and an expectation on trustworthiness elevated for personal-blog user-group (strong-ties). Finally, we theorize that the effect of credibility on willingness to accept a review is moderated by tie strength; the predictive power of credibility is more prominent for the personal-blog user-groups than for the power-blog user groups. To support these assumptions, we conducted a field survey with blog users, collecting retrospective self-report data. The “gourmet shop” was chosen as a target product category, and obtained data analyzed by structural equations modeling. Findings from these data provide empirical support for our theoretical predictions. First, we found that the purposive motive aimed at satisfying instrumental information needs increases reliance on bloggers’ expertise, but interpersonal connectivity value for alleviating loneliness elevates reliance on bloggers’ trustworthiness. Second, expertise-based credibility is more prominent for power-blog user-groups than for personal- blog user-groups. While strong ties attract consumers with trustworthiness based on close emotional bonds, weak ties gain consumers’ attention with new, non-redundant information (Levin & Cross, 2004). Thus, when the existing knowledge system, used in strong ties, does not work as smoothly for addressing an impending problem, the weak-tie source can be utilized as a handy reference. Thus, we can anticipate that power bloggers secure credibility by virtue of their expertise while personal bloggers trade off on their trustworthiness. Our analysis demonstrates that power bloggers appeal more strongly to consumers than do personal bloggers in the area of expertise-based credibility. Finally, the effect of review credibility on willingness to accept a review is higher for the personal- blog user-group than for the power-blog user-group. Actually, the inference that review credibility is a potent predictor of assessing willingness to accept a review is grounded on the analogy that attitude is an effective indicator of purchase intention. However, if memory about established attitudes is blocked, the predictive power of attitude on purchase intention is considerably diminished. Likewise, the effect of credibility on willingness to accept a review can be affected by certain moderators. Inspired by this analogy, we introduced tie strength as a possible moderator and demonstrated that tie strength moderated the effect of credibility on willingness to accept a review. Previously, Levin and Cross (2004) showed that credibility mediates strong-ties through receipt of knowledge, but this credibility mediation is not observed for weak-ties, where a direct path to it is activated. Thus, the predictive power of credibility on behavioral intention – that is, willingness to accept a review − is expected to be higher for strong-ties. 블로그의 상품 리뷰가 소비자의 주목을 끄는 데에는 정보 원천인 블로거에 대한 신뢰가 자리잡고 있다. 블로거가 해당 상품 카테고리와 관련하여 충분한 지식 및 경험을 습득하고 있다는 전문성에 대한 믿음, 그리고 어떤 다른 이해 관계에 얽매여 정보를 왜곡하려는 등의 불순한 의도를 지니고 있지 않다는 진실성에 대한 믿음이 있기에 소비자들은 구매 의사 결정에 뒤따르는 불확실성을 줄일 요량으로 블로그의 상품 리뷰를 참조하게 된다. 본 연구는 이러한 점에 착안하여 소비자들이 리뷰 정보를 통해 추구하는 가치 동인이 무엇이냐에 따라 신뢰성의 하위 차원인 전문성 및 진실성에 이르는 경로 계수의 비중이 분화하며, 나아가 유대 강도의 강약에 따라 전문성 및 진실성 기반 신뢰성에 대한 기대치가 분기하게 될 것이라 예측하였다. 아울러, 유대 강도가 태도로서의 신뢰성이 리뷰 수용 의사에 대해 갖는 예측력에 조절 효과를 미쳐 파워블로그 사용 집단에서보다 개인블로그 사용 집단에서 이러한 예측력이 보다 고양될 것이라 가정하였다. 분석 결과, 도구적 정보 니즈를 충족시키고자 하는 유목적적 가치 동인은 정보 원천의 전문성에 대한 기대 의존도를 증폭시키지만, 고립감을 해소하고자 하는 대인간 연결의 가치 동인은 정보 원천의 진실성에 대한 의존도를 높이는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고, 전문성에 대한 기대치는 강한 유대 관계의 개인블로그 사용 집단에서보다 약한 유대 관계의 파워블로그 사용 집단에서 보다 증진되며, 태도로서의 신뢰성이 리뷰 수용 의사에 대해 갖는 예측력은 파워블로그 사용 집단에서보다 개인블로그 사용 집단에서 보다 고양되는 것으로 나타났다.

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