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조현옥(Hyun-Ok Cho),배현주(Hyun-Joo Bae) 한국식품영양과학회 2016 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.45 No.2
사업체 급식소 조리종사원을 대상으로 위생교육을 한 후 교육 효과를 평가하고자 위생 교육 전후에 조리종사원 손의 미생물 수준을 검사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 조리종사원의 개인위생관리 실태 조사 결과 위생복 · 위생모 · 위생화는 전원 착용하였으나 위생화를 착용한 채 화장실을 가는 경우가 전체의 96%였다. 또한 조리종사원 손 씻기 방법은 비누 세척→헹굼→건조→소독을 하는 경우가 20%였고, 온수 사용은 32%, 일회용 종이수건으로 건조하는 경우는 36%였다. 손을 씻는 경우는 용변을 본 후(100%), 식사 후(76%), 일회용 장갑 착용 전(76%) 등이 많았고, 작업이 바뀔 때(24%)가 가장 낮았다. 그리고 조리작업 전 조리종사원 손의 미생물학적 위해분석 결과 일반세균수는 평균 5.53 log CFU/hand, 대장균군수는 평균 2.95 log CFU/hand, 황색포도상구균의 검출률은 10%였고, 조리작업 중의 조리종사원 손의 위해분석 결과는 일반세균수가 평균 6.49 log CFU/hand, 대장균 군수가 평균 3.92 log CFU/hand, 황색포도상구균의 검출률은 5%였다. 총 4회의 위생교육 후와 추후관리를 위한 미생물 검사 결과에서 위생교육 전에 비해 조리종사원 손의 미생물 검출량은 조리작업 전 일반세균수(P<0.01)와 대장균군수(P<0.001), 조리작업 중 일반세균수(P<0.001)와 대장균군수(P<0.001)가 모두 유의적으로 감소하였고, 황색포도상구균은 1회차 위생교육 시행 후부터 추후관리 검사 결과까지 조리작업 전과 조리작업 중에 조리종사원의 손에서 전혀 검출되지 않았다. 위의 결과를 종합해볼 때 조리종사원의 손 위생 수준은 다양한 교육매체와 도구를 활용하여 체계적으로 위생교육을 했을 때 효과적으로 개선할 수 있다고 판단된다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the personal hygiene status of foodservice employees as well as microbiological counts of their hands according to food safety education. A survey was conducted for employees who worked at five foodservice facilities, and the results of the survey were assessed using the SAS program (ver. 9.3). A total of 20 employees" hands were sampled to analyze aerobic plate counts (APCs), coliforms counts (CCs), and Staphylococcus aureus. The food safety education program was composed of four education sessions, including microbiological evaluation of employees" hands. According to the survey results, all employees wore a sanitary uniform, hair cap, and shoes. However, 96% of employees used the restroom wearing sanitary shoes, whereas just 20% of them washed their hands using the standard method. Additionally, employees washed hands after using the restroom (100%), before using single-use gloves (76%), after eating (76%). The results of the microbiological hazards analysis of foodservice employees" hands showed that the average numbers of APCs and CCs before cooking were 5.53 log CFU/hand and 2.95 log CFU/hand respectively, whereas the average numbers of APCs and CCs while cooking at foodservice facilities were 6.49 log CFU/hand and 3.29 log CFU/hand, respectively. Staphylococcus aureus was detected in 10% of their hands before cooking and 5% of their hands while cooking. The average numbers of APCs and CCs were significantly reduced before cooking as well as while cooking, and Staphylococcus aureus was not detected in any of the samples as the frequency of food safety education increased. In conclusion, this study shows that it is necessary for foodservice employees to regularly participate in food safety education with effective instruments in order to improve their hygiene level.
Development of $F_o-value$ Measuring System
조현덕,한봉호,김상봉,옥영건,CHO Hyun-Duk,HAN Bong-Ho,KIM Sang-Bong,OK Young-Gun The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Scienc 1992 한국수산과학회지 Vol.25 No.6
In order to establish the standard conditions for thermal sterilization of foods, a microcomputer based $F_o-value$ measuring system was developed upon the basis of the time-temperature profile in food. $F_o-value$ was calculated simultaneously from the time-temperature profile, and described as integrated lethality during the whole sterilization process. The accuracy of system was evaluated by the analysis of thermal diffusivity of the model solid food, Alaska pollack surimi. The $F_o-value$ could be measured precisely under the different sterilizing conditions as the varied time and temperature. The practical thermal diffusivities from various sterilizing conditions agreed well to the values predicted by some experimental equations suggested in the literatures. The differences were within the range of $\pm12\%$.
진통 소염제를 사용한 환자에서 발견된 대동맥 식도 누공의 1예
조현옥 ( Hyun Ok Cho ),김권배 ( Kwon Bae Kim ),남창욱 ( Chang Wook Nam ),김형섭 ( Hyung Seop Kim ),한성욱 ( Seong Wook Han ),허승호 ( Seung Ho Hur ),김윤년 ( Yoon Nyun Kim ) 대한내과학회 2008 대한내과학회지 Vol.75 No.4
Aortoesophageal fistula secondary to thoracic aortic aneurysm is an uncommon cause of gastrointestinal bleeding and is uniformly fatal without surgical intervention. We report a case of aortoesophageal fistula in an 83-year-old male who presented with massive hematemesis after 4 days of NSAID use. Endoscopy showed a kissing esophageal ulcer with a pulsating mass lesion in the mid esophagus. HRCT showed a fusiform aortic aneurysm in the descending aorta that was affecting the mid esophagus. (Korean J Med 75:471-474, 2008)
혈관 내 초음파 후퇴 중 발생한 스텐트 변형을 성공적으로 시술한
조현옥 ( Hyun Ok Cho ),조윤경 ( Yun Kyeong Cho ),윤혁준 ( Hyuck Jun Yoon ),김형섭 ( Hyung Seop Kim ),남창욱 ( Chang Wook Nam ),허승호 ( Seung Ho Hur ),김권배 ( Kwon Bae Kim ) 대한내과학회 2013 대한내과학회지 Vol.84 No.2
Entrapment of an intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) catheter during coronary intervention is rare, but can cause serious complications. Retrieval of an entrapped catheter can also lead to adverse results for implanted stents. We report a case in which the sheath tip at the guidewire exit port was entrapped and caused stent distortion during a post-stent IVUS procedure with automatic pullback. (Korean J Med 2013;84:274-278)