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        形質轉換에 의한 殺蟲性遺傳子 cryⅡA의 배추로의 導入

        Hyun Suk Cho(趙顯奭),Yeon Hee Lee(李娟姬),Bum Suk Park(朴範錫),Ho Il Kim(金虎一),Jae Keun Sohn(孫再根) 한국육종학회 1997 한국육종학회지 Vol.29 No.1

        This study was carried out to find out the method to control the diamond backmoth (Plutella xylostella L.) in Chinese cabbage by introduction of biotechnological techniques. Firstly, plant expression vector containing Bt toxin gene was constructed and tissue culture system of Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis) was established. Bt toxin gene was transformed through infection of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. And the gene expression of transformed plants were confirmed by PCR analysis, southern blot analysis and bioassay. The results obtained are summarised as follows : Expression vectors pSRL2 (14.4 kb) containing insecticidal toxin gene cry Ⅱ A were introduced via infection of Agrobacterium strain LBA 4404. E. coli containing cry Ⅱ A gene was investigated on toxicity against four Lepidopteran insects. The results showed 100% insecticidal activity against Plutella xylostella, Heliothis assulta and Spodoptera litura, whereas only 12.0% insecticidal activity was expressed against Spodoptera exigua. In selection of transformed Chinese cabbage, optimum concentration of kanamycin was 10 mg/L, optimum density of Agrobacterium tumefaciens was 2×10⁷ cells/mL and optimum pH of selection medium was pH 5.6. MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/L NAA and 4 mg/L BAP was the most effective on cocultivation and selection medium. Transformation efficiency between two explants such as cotyledons and hypocotyls showed big difference and especially in hypocotyls continuous biweekly subculture was essential after infection of Agrobacterium. PCR analysis of regenerated Chinese cabbage on selection medium showed 1. 1 kb bands suggesting that it has cry Ⅱ A gene. When genomic southern blot analysis was conducted on three transformants, the plants containing GUS gene showed 3.0 kb bands and the plants containing cry Ⅱ A gene showed 2.2 kb bands, respectively. Bioassay was conducted on Chinese cabbage transformed with cry Ⅱ A. It was confirmed that insecticidal activities of transformants are higher so far than that of control plants. And in progeny test of transformants, twenty nine percent of T₁ seeds were resistant on selection medium containing 30 mg/L kanamycin.

      • KCI등재

        한국주식시장의 수익률 군집행태에 대한 실증연구

        조현석 ( Cho Hyun-suk ),정대성 ( Jung Dae-sung ) 경남대학교 산업경영연구소 2023 지역산업연구 Vol.46 No.2

        본 연구는 한국주식시장의 수익률 군집행태를 검증하였다. 군집행태는 Chiang and Zheng(2010)의 모형을 사용 개별주식수익률의 횡단면절대편차를 통한 시장수익률대비 개별주식 수익률의 산포도를 측정하는 방법을 사용하였다. 분석결과는 1) 주식시장별(코스피시장과 코스닥시장), 2) 기업규모별(대규모, 중규모 및 소규모 기업), 3) 시장상황별(시장 상승구간과 하락구간), 4) 시장 극단적인 상황(임계치 1%, 5%, 10%)을 고려하여 군집행태의 횡단면 분석결과를 제시 하였다. 그리고 아시아금융위기, 닷컴버블, 글로벌 금융위기 등 주요 위기기간과 정상기간을 시계열로 구분하여 군집행태를 분석함으로써 군집행태을 다각도로 분석하였다. 주요 실증결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한국주식시장에서 수익률 군집행태는 코스피(KOSPI)시장과 코스닥(KOSDAQ)시장 모두 관찰 되었다. 그리고 기업규모가 상대적으로 작은 KOSDAQ시장의 수익률 군집행태가 더욱 강하게 나타났다. 둘째, 시장별 기업규모에 따른 군집행태는 KOSPI시장의 소형주에서 강하게 나타났으며, KOSDAQ시장의 대형주에서 강하게 나타났다. KOSPI시장의 분석결과는 기업규모가 작은 기업일수록 수익률 군집행태의 양상이 강하게 나타난다는 김상환(2010)의 연구결과를 지지하였다. 반면 KOSDAQ시장에서는 대형주의 군집행태가 강하게 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 코스닥시장의 거래가 대형주 위주로 거래되며, 수익률 군집행태는 거래유동성과 밀접한 관계가 있음을 시사한다. 넷째 군집행태는 시장 하락기와 시장의 극단적인 위기구간에서 강하게 나타났으며, 정보제공의 빈도가 상대적으로 낮고 위기에 민감하게 반응하는 KOSDAQ시장에서 군집행태가 강하게 나타났다. 다섯째, 군집행태의 시계열 분석결과, 각 위기상황에서 급락이 심화되는 주요시장에서 군집행태가 강하게 나타났으며, 기간별로 아시아금융위기 기간에서는 KOSPI시장의 군집행태가 강하게 나타나며, 닷컴버블에서는 KOSDAQ시장의 군집행태가 강하게 나타났다. 그리고 군집행태는 시간이 지나면서 점차 약화되는데, 이는 한국주식시장이 점차 성숙되고 있음을 시사한다. 이상의 연구결과를 바탕으로 시장의 위기상황에서 군집행태가 심화되는 측면을 고려해볼 때, 주식시장에서의 위기상황 등 금융상황을 판단할 때 대표적으로 사용하는 지표인 VIX 등의 변동성 지수와 더불어 군집행태도 시장의 미시적 위기상황을 진단할 수 있는 지표로 활용될 수 있음을 시사한다. This study examines the return clustering behavior of the Korean stock market. We used Chiang and Zheng(2010)'s model to analyze herding behavior by measuring the scatter of individual stock returns relative to market returns through the cross-sectional absolute deviation of individual stock returns. The results of the analysis show that the KOSPI market and the KOSDAQ market have been analyzed for the presence of herding behavior. In addition, this study considers various market conditions such as rising and falling periods, market crises, and time series of normal and crisis periods. The main empirical results are as follows. First, we find that herding behavior exists in both the KOSPI and KOSDAQ markets. Second, herding behavior is stronger in the KOSDAQ market than in the KOSPI market. Third, when comparing the herding behavior by market and firm size, we find that herding behavior is stronger for small-cap stocks in the KOSPI market, while it is stronger for large-cap stocks in the KOSDAQ market. Fourth, clustering behavior is stronger during extreme downturns, with the KOSDAQ market becoming more clustered than the KOSPI market. Fifth, the herding behavior of the KOSPI market is stronger during the Asian financial crisis, and the KOSDAQ market shows a time series characteristic of stronger herding behavior during the dot-com bubble. In addition, we find that herding behavior weakens or disappears in the more recent time series.

      • KCI등재

        한국 정보산업의 공간맥락

        조현석(Cho, Hyun Suk),소진광(So, Jin Kwang) 한국지역개발학회 2019 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.31 No.2

        This paper aims to show the evidences of spatial contexts in the growth of information industries at the province level in the Republic of Korea. The information industry is widely acknowledged and defined as a dynamic driver sustaining the economic growth of regions, and placed much importance on its sharply increased contribution to the increase of GDP in various regions. In this paper, the concept of spatial contextual growth of the information industry in Korea primarily relates to the existence of spatial concentration or specialization followed by urbanization or localization economies. This paper analyses those statistical data published by the Korean Statistical Information Services and the Bank of Korea to draw out the spatial patterns of information industries in Korea by the shift-share analysis method. The analysis shows strong urbanization economies of information industries in Korea.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        모바일 인터넷 혁명과 한국 IT산업의 세계화

        조현석(Hyun Suk Cho) 21세기정치학회 2014 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.24 No.1

        The paper is trying to explain the way how Korea's IT firms are weaving strategic coupling with global IT leading firms in the global production networks in the wireless phone sector and to what extent they capture values there in. The paper shows the impact of the mode of strategic coupling with global IT firms and the extent of value capturing of Korea's IT firms on state-firm relationship and the role of state in the Korean political economy. For this analysis, the paper employs a global production networks perspective and political economic theories on state-firm relationship. Based on these analyses, the paper argues that the mode of strategic coupling and the extent of value capturing which Korea's IT firms take in global production networks are very complicated. The implications of these analyses are following. Theoretically, we need to reexamine the conventional premise of the cooperative nature of state-firm relation mainly shown in most political economic literature. In policy aspect, we propose the type of catalyst state mainly employing horizontal policy means being non-discriminatory to any type of firm and industrial sector in terms of policy effects.

      • KCI등재

        생명공학의 글로벌 거버넌스

        조현석(Hyun Suk Cho) 21세기정치학회 2008 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.18 No.2

        This paper is to explore the nature of global governance concerned with the production and commercial trade of GMOs on one hand, and the management and regulation of safety and health related risks derived from GMOs on the other hand by analyzing an international trade dispute in GMOs between the United States and the European Union. Who leads the global governance and what is the nature and the structure of the global governance? To answer these theoretical questions, I employe three IR perspectives: realist, liberal institutionalist, and constructivist. This paper argues that one of three perspectives cannot alone answer the question. Both the realist perspective and the constructivist perspective are needed to be employed to explain the unique nature of the global governance of GMO trade. The factors causing the international trade dispute in GMOs can ostensibly be found in different regulatory policies of GMO trade of the two economic powers. But the difference in regulatory policies of GMO are deeply rooted in not only economic conflict between the two powers but also in the deep seated difference in value judgement related to the regulation of GMO trade. The EU's strict regulation of GMO trade is argued to reflect successful efforts of NGOs to promote value judgement different from the that of the US.

      • KCI등재

        지적재산권 제도의 글로벌화와 미국의 지식 패권

        조현석(Hyun Suk Cho) 21세기정치학회 2009 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.19 No.3

        This paper explains that international IPRs(intellectual property rights) institutions such as TRIPs work as structural power to support the global knowledge hegemony of the United States in global biotechnology. The theoretical framework is based on S. Strange's knowledge structure concept and R. Cox's hegemony theory. For the explanation, this paper examines the formative process of TRIPs(Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) led by the United States. In global biotechnology sector, a new global leading technology, the international IPRs institutions, together with superior basic research capabilities and efficient technology innovation mechanisms within the United States, contribute to maintaining the global leadership of the United States in biotechnology sector.

      • ‘카타리파’의 목회적 의미

        조현석 ( Cho Hyun Suk ) 개혁주의생명신학회 2017 생명과 말씀 Vol.19 No.-

        중세시대 변질되고 타락한 가톨릭교회에 대한 반동으로 이단들이 등장하게 된다. 크게 두 부류로 분류해 본다면 첫째 정통적 기독교 신앙의 근본들을 수용한 이단들과 둘째 초대교회와는 다른 이원론적인 사고를 가진 이단들이다. 중세 이단 중 카타리파는 둘째 부류에 속하는 이단으로 당시 큰 영향력을 가지고 세력을 떨치게 되었다. 이 글에서 카타리파를 주목하는 이유는 그들의 신학보다는 그들이 가졌던 신앙과 삶의 관계이다. 카타리파는 두 부류의 신분을 가지는데 그 중 상위 그룹이 지도자계급이다. 지도자들은 당시 가톨릭신부들과는 다르게 금욕과 절제, 검소함으로 자신들의 말을 행동으로 실천하였다. 중세시대 가톨릭의 이단정죄는 성경적이기 보다는 정치적인 고려가 많았다는 점에서 카타리파의 이단성에 주목하기 보다는 그렇게 정죄 받을 정도로 중세교회에 큰 영향을 준 이유가 무엇인지를 살펴보는 것이 유익할 것이다. 이 글은 카타리파의 생성배경과 그 특징, 그리고 그로 인해 발생한 영향 등을 살펴보며 현재 신앙과 삶이 분리되어 나타나는 한국교회에 대한 시대적 요청이 무엇인지를 생각하려 한다 Cathari is one of medieval sects in Europe as the movement against depraved Catholic Church. The movement could be divided by two parts. One is based on traditional church theology and the other is not. Cathari sect is related Dualism and spread rapidly in French during 12C to 13C. The reason why we need to look at this sect is their lives are more powerful than Catholic Church fathers and monks. There are some backgrounds related with spread of Cathari: first increased social fear, second the practice of Eschatological belief, the need of biblical piety and last the abuse of church power and corruption of church leader. People followed Cathari in North Italy, southern French and some parts of German. They called Cathari as apostolic Christians because of their practical lives. Catholic Church responds to them seriously by two ways, Albigensian Crusade, and Inquisition. Also because of devotional life, passion and asceticism of Cathari Dominican and Franciscan should establish their order related with poverty and integrity. Reformed life theology is about practical life. People ask reformed church to practice what church believes in. Does reformed church show to them what she trusts? Does she listen what people cry out for their souls? If we don’t live according to what we believe, people ignore Gospel we preach. The true of Church will be considered as non-truth. It is teaching of Cathari to reformed church in post-modern age.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        국제 보건 문제와 지적재산권 제도의 세계정치

        조현석 ( Hyun Suk Cho ) 한국세계지역학회 2011 世界地域硏究論叢 Vol.29 No.3

        이 논문은 WTO TRIPs 체제의 형성과 변화의 사례를 분석함으로써 글로벌 시민사회가 도하 선언이 이루어지는데 큰 역할을 하였다는 점을 밝힌다. 또 글로벌 시민사회의 영향력은 국가 권력이나 물질적 이익에서 파생하는 경제적 권력이 아니고 이것과는 다른 차원의 규범적 권력이라는 점을 보여준다. 이를 위해 이 연구는 도하 선언에 나타난 TRIPs 체제의 변화에 대해 설명하는 강대국 역할론, 다국적 대기업 역할론을 분석하고 이러한 분석들은 TRIPs의 유연성 조항을 명확히 한 도하 선언을 설명하기 어렵다고 주장한다. 이 연구는 기존의 두 가지 설명 대신에 글로벌 시민사회 역할론을 제시한다. ACT UP, MSF, OXfam과 같은 국제 NGO들이 한편으로는 개도국들을 지원하고 다른 한편으로는 개도국과 연대하여 TRIPs 조항의 개정을 가져 온 도하 선언을 이끌어 내는데 성공한 것이다. 이 논문은 글로벌 시민사회의 이러한 영향력 행사를 설명하는데 있어서 현실주의의 도구적 권력 내념이나 자유주의의 구조적 권력 개념보다 사회구성주의의 구성적 권력 개념이 더 적절하다고 주장한다. 왜냐하면 구성적 권력개념은 무엇보다 규범 요소를 중시하는 관점이기 때문이다. This paper is to analyze the formation and change of WTO TRIPs showing that the global civil society did a decisive role in the enactment of the Doha Declaration, late 2001. This study also maintains that the influences of the global NGOs are not like hard power such as political power exercised by great powers or economic power held by global big companies but are like normative power constituted by global NGOs. Based on this analysis, this paper purports that more theoretical concerns are directed to the study about the role of global civil society in international politics and its influences derived from normative power.

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