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        버어리종 담배(N.tabacum L. Cv. Burley)의 주요 형질에 대한 조합능력 및 유전에 관한 연구 1 : 각형질별 유전력 및 유전분석

        趙天俊,閔庚洙 韓國作物學會 1983 Korean journal of crop science Vol.28 No.4

        버어리종 신품종 육성을 위한 기초자료를 얻기 위하여 수량성·품질 및 내병성을 달리하는 Burley 21등 5품종을 full diallel cross하여 20개 F1 을 만들고 양친과 함께 공시하여 초장, 엽수 ; 초장·폭, 엽면적 및 개화일수 등 주요형질과 수량·품질에 관하여 유전력, 유전자의 분포상태 및 유전자 작용에 대하여 분석·검토한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 8개 형질에 대한 협의와 광의 유전력은 각각 0.1618-0.6914와, 0.7494-0.9537 범위였으며 초장, 개화일수에서 가장 높았고 수량·품질에서 가장 낮았다. 2. 초장의 유전은 장간이 단간에 대하여 부분우성을 나타냈으며 우성유전자의 관여가 컸고 우성유전자는 increaser로 작용하였다. L8은 열성친으로 다른 4품종은 우성친으로 나타났다. 3. 엽수의 유전에는 상가적 유전자 작용이 컸고 다엽이 소엽에 대하여 부분우성이었으며 모체 품종중에는 우성과 열성유전자가 거의 동수로 분포하는 것으로 추정되었다. 4. 엽장은 장엽이 단엽에 대하여 완전우성 유전을 하는 것으로 추정되며, 엽폭에서는 광엽이 세엽에 대하여 초월우성을 보여 F1 의 엽면적 증대를 가져와 수량증가의 요인으로 작용하였다. 5. 개화기 유전은 조성이 만성에 대하여 부분우성으로 상가적 유전자의 작용이 컸고 관여하는 유효인자수는 1-2개 정도였으며 우성유전자는 개화기를 단축시키는 작용을 하였다. 6. 수량은 다수성이 우성인 초월우성유전을 보였으며, 품질은 질량이 우성인 완전우성 유전으로 추정되었다. L8은 두가지 형질에 대하여 열성친으로 나타났으며 4개 품종들은 우성친으로 나타났다.아질수록, 그리고 황산나트륨의 첨가시용으로 출수기 지엽의 광합성 용력이 증대되었으며 수원 26004가 진흥보다 그 반응이 더 뚜렷하였다. 5. 염록소 함량 및 건물중과 엽신의 황의 함량과는 정의 상관을 보였으며 수원 26004가 진흥보다 더 큰 상관을 보였다. 황산암모니아와 요소를 각각 연용해온 논에서의 시험은 1. 엽록소 함량 및 건물중은 황산암모니아 시용구에서 더 컸으며 수확기 볏짚중의 질소 및 주요 무기성분의 함량은 황산암모니아구가 커서 양분의 잠재능력이 요소구보다 컸다. 2. 황산암모니아의 시용은 수수 및 등숙율을 높히는 경향이었고 통계적인 유의차는 없었으나 수량이 증대되었다.s-U601, -U603, -U604와 -U171은 성장을 더 이상하지 않았다.ta-exotoxin을 생산했는데, 48시간 배양 배지 m 당 70ug을 분비한 균주는 BTK-1이고, BTK-37 균주는 m 당 88ug(6.1 108 Cells/m ) BTK-35 균주는 m 당 81ug(5.2 108 Cells/m )을 생산했고. 그외는 모두 70ug미만이었다. 3. Beta-exotoxin과 B. thuringiensis 균체을 동시에 per os, interaperi Narrow and broad sense heritabilities for the characters ranged from 0.1618 to 0.6914 and from 0.7494 to 0.9357, respectively, in F1 hybrids of 5~times5 full diallel crosses. Plant height and days to flowering had the highest heritabilities and yield and quality the lowest. Partial dominance was exhibited by plant height, number of leaves, leaf area per plant and days to flowering. Over dorminance was detected by leaf width and yield of cured leaf. Leaf length and quality would be considered being controlled by a complete dominance effect.

      • 버어리종 고 DVT 계통 KB 301의 육성경과 및 농경적 특성

        조천준,정석훈,배성국,최상주,김도연 한국연초학회 2002 한국연초학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        The new burley tobacco variety, KB 301, was developed by the cross combination ’(Ky 17 x TI 1068)F$_4$ x TC 613’. The modified pedigree breeding method was used in the selection procedures. The agronomic traits and chemical constituents of KB 301 were very similar to those of Burley 21. But KB 301 had significantly higher content of total DVT than Burley 21. KB 301 was also resistant to black shank, TMV and PVY.

      • 버어리종 잎담배의 주맥비율과 형질 상호간의 관련성

        조천준,최상주,정석훈,Jo Chun-Joon,Choi Sang-Ju,Jung Suk-Hun 한국연초학회 2004 한국연초학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        This study was conducted to find out the relationship among agronomic characteristics including midrib ratio in Burley tobacco(N.tabacum L.) Four cultrivars, Burley 21, KB108, KB111 and KB301, were grown at Suwon Experimental Station in 2001. Several agronomic characteristics of these cultivars were measured for the analysis of correlations among agronomic characteristics. Midrib ratio of KB301 was somewhat higher than those of the other cultivars, but there is no significant differences among cultivars at $5\%$ probability level. Among four stalk positions, midrib ratio of cutters was the highest. Midrib ratio was correlated positively with length of leaf at $1\%$ level and negatively with weight of lamina at $5\%$ level, respectively.

      • Burley21품종의 변이에 관하여

        조천준,류점호,한철수,류익상 한국연초학회 1984 한국연초학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        This study was carried out to find out the variations in Burley 21 variety of Surely tobacco. Jeonjul and nine other selected lines of Burley 21 were evaluated. Plant height and several other characteristics were significantly different among tested lines. Especially, Jangsu-1, the earliest flowered line, flowered 5 to 7 days earlier than other lines and had the smallest length width ratio of the largest leaf. Narrow-leaved type, whose length/width ratio of the largest leaf was above 2, 16, was significantly different in number of leaves and weight per unit leaf area from broad-leaved type whose length/width ratio of the largest leaf being below 1.97. Among tested lines, Jeonju (2) - 2 was the best in major agronomic characteristics, yield and physical properties.

      • 연초의 감자바이러스 Y 저항성 웅성불임 일대잡종 KB 109 육성

        조천준,김대송,정석훈,최상주,조명조 한국연초학회 1994 한국연초학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        Potato Virus Y(PVY), vein necrosis strain, in Korea causes severe symptoms on burley tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum L.). As the results, programs to incorporate PVY resistance into commercial cultivars were initiatEd. But the development of the homozygous fertile line resistant to PVY is time consumming. This study was conducted whether the Fl hybrid could be used to reduce the yield losses caused by PVY. Four F1 hybrids were made between male - sterile(ms) NC 107 and KB 107 as maternal parent, and TC 612 and TC 613 as Pollen donor, respectively, and were evaluated for their PVY resistance and negatively associated traits. (ms NC 107 X TC 612) F1, named as KB 109, Ivas applied to yield trial and compared with commercial cultivars for the level of disease resistance, agronomic characteristics, chemical contents and physical properties. All Fl hybrid could be used commercially as the PVY resistant cultivar. Especially KB 109 have the resistance against PVY, tobacco mosaic virus and black shank(Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae). It had wider leaves, flowered one day later, and yield of acceptable quality was higher than that of Burley 21, standard cultivar in Korea.

      • 버어리종 역병저항성 계통 KB 104와 KB 106의 육성경과 및 특성

        조천준,김대송,정석훈,최상주,조명조 한국연초학회 1995 한국연초학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        Black shank(Phytophthora parasitira roar. nicotianae) resistant burley tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) germplasms, KB 104 and KB 106, were developed by Korea Ginseng & Tobacco Research Institute. KB 104 was developed from the single cross of Burley 21$\times$Newton 77, using a modified pedigree method. KB 104 was highly resistant to black shank, and its agronomic characteristics and chemical contents were comparable to those of Burley 21, and value per 10a was slightly higher than Burley 21, KB 106 is a maternally derived doubled haploid made by N. africana method from the single cross of Burley 21$\times$ Va 509. KB 106 was also highly resistant to black shank, had two more harvestable leaves per plant and flowered three days later than Burley 21 did. Total alkaloid and nicotine contents of KB 106 were significantly lower than those of Burley 21. But its nornicotine content was higher than Burley 21 5. Key wads : Burley tobacco germplasm, Black shank resistance.

      • 고 DVT 및 cis-abienol 함유 버어리종 계통 선발

        조천준,김대송,정석훈,최상주,조명조 한국연초학회 1993 한국연초학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        This study was carried out to obtain the basic information for breeding of aromatic burley tobacco, and to select the breeding lines with higher DVT (diterpenes $\alpha$-and $\beta$-4, 8, 13-duvatriene-1, 3-diols) and cis-abienol (Z-labda-12, 14-diene-8$\alpha$-ol) concentrations. The parental genotypes used to develop the Fl and Fl generations were Burley 21, Ky 17, male-sterile(MS) NC 107, TC 612, TC 613, Va 509 and Tl 1068. To estimated the modes of inheritances of DVT and cis-abienol known as the flavor and aroma compounds, the method of thin - layer chromatography (TLC) was used. It was considered that TLC procedure being relatively simple and reproducible in the selection of the breeding lines with higher DVT and cis-abienol. DVT was present in all of parents except MS NC 107, but cia-abienol presented only in Tl 1068. It was estimated from the TLC analysis of parents and Fl's that DVT and cis-abienol were each inherited by dominant gene or genes. But it was less clear to determine the presence or not of sucrose ester(SE) on the TLC plate. The eleven plants which had burley leaf color and also estimated to have DVT and cis-abienol were selected in the F2 population of three combinations.

      • 담배역병균(P. parasitica)에 오염된 포장에서의 Race 판별품종 및 육성품종(N. tabacum L.)의 발병반응

        조천준 한국연초학회 2000 한국연초학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        This study was conducted to identify useful germ plasm sources of resistance to black shank, Phytophthora. parasitica, in Nicotiana tabacum and to characterize the interaction between host plant resistance to black shank and pathogen variability. The six internationally represen-tative set of black shank resistant and susceptible tobacco genotypes and four Korean lines were tested for black shank on the field infested with P. parasitica at Chonju Experiment Station, Korea Ginseng & Tobacco Research Institute during the 1992~1997 growing season. Almost 100% of the plants of the most susceptible genotype, Ky 14, did not survive. Complete survival of (MS Ky 14 x L8)F$_1$, which is resistant to reee 0 and ausceptible to reace 1, suggests that Race 0 is the only race of the P. parasitica in this bield. Coker 371 Gold and Beinhart 1000-1 having excellent resistance to black shank could be recommended as the parental cultivars for improving black shank resistance in Korea. Data of the diseased plants showed that KB 101 and KB 110 were medium high resistant and KB 103 and KB 108 being low resistant to black shank.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 시비방법이 버어리종 잎담배의 농경적 특성에 미치는 영향

        조천준,배성국,임해건,김요태 한국연초학회 1997 한국연초학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        Recently the method of basal compound fertilizer (N : P : K = 18.2 : 9.8 : 35.0) Placement has been changed from banding to broadcasting in tobacco cultivation. The effects of the compound fertilizer placement, level of fertilizer and additional urea application on the agronomic characteristics, two chemical compositions and physical Properties of burley tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. KB 108) were investigated at Chonju Experiment Station, Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute in 1995-1996. Six treatments consisted of (1) band (method of fertilizer Placement) + In kg/10a(compound fertilizer) + 0(additional urea applied), (2) broadcast+140+0, (3) broadcast+140+25, (4) band+180+0, (5) broadcast+180+0, and (6) broadcast +180+25. The additional urea was applied at hilling. No significant differences were detected between banding and broadcasting method of compound fertilizer Placement in field 9rowth, wield, organoleptic qualify(price Per kilogram), chemical composition and Physical properties of cured leaf, The increased compound fertilizer by 30%(40k/10a) or the additional urea application by 25kg per 10a produced slightly higher yield than the recommended amount of basal compound fertilizer without additional urea application did. It also increased the total alkaloid content of cured leaf. It is recommended that no more basal fertilizer above the recommended amount and no additional urea application are needed in burley tobacco fertilization, even though the method of basal fertilizer placement being chanced from banding to broadcasting. Key words : Nicotiana tabacum, fertilizer placement, additional urea.

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