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      • Poland의 눈으로 본 Joseph Conrad : Lord Jim을 中心으로

        曺雲錫 慶北大學校 英語英文學 硏究會 1982 英語英文論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        1857년에 폴란드에서 태어나 1886년 영국에 귀화하여 위대한 영국작가가 된 조셉 콘라드의 소설을 그의 본국인인 폴란드 사람들은 어떻게 보느냐 하는 것은 흥미도 있거니와 서지학적인 면에서도 일단은 고찰해볼 의의가 있다고 생각된다. 본론에 들어가기 전에 필자로서 분명히 해두어야 할 점이 하나 있다. 본고의 제목이 나타내듯이 폴란드의 눈으로 본 조셉 콘라드를 다루었기 때문에 본고에서 인용 내지 언급하는 학자는 거의가 폴란드 사람들이다. 그러나 폴란드어를 전연 모르는 필자로서는 폴란드학자들이 폴란드어로 써놓은 원문 즉 1차자료를 이용할 수가 없다. 그러면 차선의 방법으로 이들 논문의 영문요약을 2차적인 자료로 이용하면 되겠는데 여기에도 극복할 수 없는 난관이 있으니 그것은 영문요약 중의 가장 대표적인 책자인 The Living Conrad: An English Summary of the Polish Test마저 이미 절판된지가 오래이어서 입수불가능하다는 사실이다. 결국 또 한걸음 후퇴하여 제3차 자료에 의존할 수 밖에 없는데 이 3차적인 자료는 누구나 용이하게 구할 수 있는 것으로서 책명은 Joseph Conrad: An Annotated Bibliography of Writings about Him이다. 이 책이 2차적 자료의 구실을 못하고 3차적 자료의 구실 밖에 못하는 이유는 여기 실린 영문 Summary가 전문이 아니라 그 Abstract에 지나지 않기 때문이다. 이처럼 불충분한 3차적인 자료에 의존하면서까지 논문을 쓸 필요가 있을까 하고 의심도 해보았지만 우리나라에서는 이 방면의 연구에 착수한 사람이 아직껏 전무하니 불완전하더라도 없는 것보다는 나을 것이며 또 앞으로 더 훌륭한 연구가 나올 계기가 되리라고 믿고 감히 붓을 들었다.

      • 韓日間의 敎育實習의 比較 : 敎育實習에서의 Micro-Teaching의 位置 The Function of Micro-Teaching

        曺雲錫,李潤樹 경북대학교 교육대학원 1985 논문집 Vol.17 No.-

        The curriculum of teachers training institute puts an emphasis on the performance competency of the teacher. But this does not mean that the teacher's knowledge competency counts little. The integration of the both competencies is strongly demanded. Micro-teaching is a method of improving instruction skill. How the teacher exhibits his view of subject matters, of students, and of teaching influences much his instruction skill. So in teaching the instruction design and the instruction skill must be closely related. In other words, the teachers college education must give students the academic knowledge and train their practical teaching ability at the same time. The teachers college education in Japan is giving the matter a full consideration and high School getting due effects. The discrepancy between our college education and high School education has brought forth many problems. To solve some of these problems in microteaching the writers suggest the following: 1) the amendment of teachers college curriculm 2) the balance among an academic, a practical, and a specialized education 3) a clarification on the corelation between the class climate of high school and the teaching behavior of student teacher 4) as for the micro-teaching itself, the premeasurement of the micro-class behavior. Finally the practice, observation, and analysis of micro-teaching must be carefully planned to improve their practice teaching.

      • Moral Squalor와 Fatuous Complacency : The Secret Agent의 人間像

        曺雲錫 慶北大學校 英語英文學 硏究會 1984 英語英文論叢 Vol.4 No.-

        서론에서 말한 것처럼 The Secret Agent는 Conrad가 작가로서의 "popularity"를 의식하고, 1894년에 일어난 Greenwich 천문대폭파미수사건을 source로 하여 쓴 작품이다. Greenwich 폭파사건을 취급하자니 자연 anarchist들이 등장하게 되는데, anarchist들은 moral squalor와 fatuous complacency는 물론 physical disabilities마저 지니고 있는 인물들로 묘사되어 있다. 이는 물론, Conrad의 anarchist에 대한 혐오의 발로라고 볼 수 있다. 그러나 필자가 강조하고자 하는 것은, 이 작품에서는 anarchist에 못지않은 moral squalor와 fatuous complacency와 physical disabilities를 지니고 있다는 점이다. Winnie의 생활철학은 "wasted no portion of this transient life in seeking for fundamental information"(144), "not to know too much"(144), "declined to look under the surface of things"(156)등 여러가지로 표현되어 있지만, 한마디로 "not taking notice of the inside of facts"(133)이다. 그런데, Winnie가 이런 생활철학을 갖는 이유는 역시 여러가지로 표현되어 있지만, 단적으로 말하여 "things do not stand much looking into"이기 때문이다. 그러나 어느 누구의 본의도 아니게 Stevie가 폭사한 후에는 Winnie는 "the inside of facts"에서 눈을 돌릴 수 없게 되어 남편을 죽이고 자기도 자살하게 된다. 그럼 이 작품에서 말하는 "the inside of the facts"는 무엇인가 하면, 본론에서 구명한 것처럼 인간성의 moral squalor와 self-complacency와 physical disabilities이다. 그러니, The Secret Agent는 anarchists와 London경찰과 노서아 대사관의 삼각관계안에 또 하나의 조그만 삼각의 세계인 Verloc집안을 몰입시켜, 인간의 moral squalor와 fatuous complacency와 physical disabilities를 dramatize한 작품이라고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 이 작품의 Key words인 "things do not stand much looking into"를 집요하게 되풀이 하는 것은 Winnie가 아니라 Conrad자신이라고 생각할 수 있다. 결국, The Secret Agent는 serious하고 pessimistic한 Conrad가 comin-ironic한 masque를 쓰고 "..do not stand much looking into"한 인간상, 다시말하여 직시할 수 없을 정도의 moral squalor와 fatuous complacency는 물론 physical disabilites까지 지니고 있는 인간상을 dramatize하여 보여준 작품이다.

      • Leggatt의 正體 : The Secret Sharer의 硏究

        曺雲錫 慶北大學校 師範大學 1972 敎育硏究誌 Vol.14 No.-

        It is said that "The Secret Sharer" is a story of an identity between the narrator-captain and Leggatt. To put it in a more concrete form, the narrator-captain is equal to Leggatt, and vice versa. And both the reading of the story and the writings of such critics as Guerard, Stallman, Baines, and Meyers suggest to some extent the probability of this sort of interpretation. But, disagreeing with this sort of monitic interpretation, the writer takes rather a dualistic interpretation. It is generally admitted that "The Secret Sharer" is a very symbolic work. So it can be easily reasoned that the ship and the captain's cabin are also loaded with symbolical meanings; the ship standing for a man, and the captain's cabin for the heart of a man. Consequently, the captain and Leggatt, the sharers of the cabin, represent respectively good and evil at the bottom of the heart. Therefore, it is very natural that the captain's cabin should be shaped like the letter L which is the initial of Leggatt, that the captain's white hat, a symbol of 'light', should fall off the head of swimming Leggatt and save the ship, and that the captain should "shave the land as close as possible" in order to prove his recognition and acceptance of Leggatt whose true character is one side of the captain's personality, 'the dark power.' In short, "The Secret Sharer", adapted from the Cutty Sark incident, is avery symbolical dramatization of the potential evil of man.

      • Implications of 'one of us' and the Singnificance of the Patusan Section in Lord Jim

        曺雲錫 慶北大學校 1962 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        Joseph Conrad의 Lord Jim을 一讀하여 보면 ‘one of us'라는 句節이 Author's Note에서부터 始作하여, 讀者에서 사리지지 않을 程度로 屢次 되풀이 되어 注意를 끌고 있다. 元來가 難解한 作家인데다가 그의 文筆生活 29年(1895∼1924)間의 作品數가 小說, 短篇, 隨筆, 戱曲等 都合 31券이나 되니, 이것을 全部 讀破하여 그 全貌에 對한 評이나 論文을 쓴다는 것은 筆者의 能力이나 時間的 餘裕로 미루어 보아 當分間 不可能한 일이므로, 于先 그의 作品中에서 가장 널리 알려져 있는 Lord Jim,을 對象으로 하여, 그 中에서도 特히 ’one of us'라는 句節에 焦點을 두고 몇 가지 問題를 考察해 보고자 한다. 上記한 바와 같이 複雜 難澁한 作家인 만치 이 ‘one of us'란 句節을 作品解釋의 key word의 하나로 본다면, 自然 여러 가지 錯雜한 問題가 惹起되겠으나, 筆者로서는 여기서 다만 ’one of us'라는 句節이 text 自體에 依據하여 究明해 볼 때 어떠한 self-evident한 意味를 가지나 規定에 비추어 重要人物들 中 ‘one of us'에 屬하는 것은 누구 누구이며, 屬하지 않는 것은 누구 누구인가 분류한 다음 결론적으로 Patusan section 이 어떠한 意義를 가지나 다루어 보고자 한다. The first time the writer read through Lord Jim, his attention was attracted by the phrase 'one of us' which the author Conrad repeated over and over again. So the writer aimed here to clarify the implications of 'one of us' and the consequent significance of Patusan section in Lord Jim. As the writer discussed in detail in the main discourse, 'one of us' stands for an isolated mortal who suffers in the conflict between moral honesty and moral corruption-the struggle of courage and fidelity against fear and betrayal, and who is not only appealing and romantic but inscrutable and secluded like a ghost astray. And the situation and characters in Patusan section represent abstract symbols rather than actual incidents and physical persons. In other words, Patusan section is an extremely confined world, a world in the test-tube, to follow up the personality of Jim who is 'one of us'. Therefore, it is on the Patusan section that Conrad put stress, and consequently it might be suggested that Frederick Karl and Mavin Magalaner's opinion that Patusan section is much inferior to the Patna episode is open to doubt.

      • KCI등재후보

        개인사용자와 PC판매자의 소프트웨어 사용에 관한 인식 연구

        조운석,이상준 한국지식정보기술학회 2010 한국지식정보기술학회 논문지 Vol.5 No.6

        The using of Information Technologies is essential for every sector of any industry, and the role of software is becoming more important for enlargement of its practical application. While the purchasing prices for software are increasing, the willing for producing pirated copies are existing as well. Therefore in this work, the problems associated with the reasons which cause the piracy, its process and the present software piracy situation of individual users were discovered. According to PC seller’s opinion, the high prices for the software are the main reason which leads to piracy. The possible relationship between PC sellers and software piracy was trying to be found. PC selling stores workers and the ordinary users – who visited these stores for buying a computer – as well as company workers and students were participating in the survey to gather the information. After the analysis of the survey we came to the following consequences. Acceptable prices are needed to use the genuine software, and it was found that campaigning can be more effective rather than fighting against the piracy. Based on survey several types of programs were discussed with regard to promotion of using genuine software.

      • The Naked and the Dead에 나타난 Humanism

        曺雲錫,金大明 慶北大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.39 No.-

        Norman Mailer (1923∼ ) is generally called a war novelist just like James Jones, Irwin Shaw, Herman Wouk and so on. He is sometimes named a Jewish writer similar to Bernard Malamud, Saul Bellow, J.D. Salinger. But it is necessary to notice Ihab Hassan's comment as follows: All Jewish writers, of course, do not concern themselves exclusively with the "Jewish experience." Some, like Mailer, Bellow, or Salinger, accept no restriction on their material; others, like Malamud, writing mainly about Jews, move always into a far broader nexus of life, Here it might be said that the center of Mailer's literary world is the dramatization of human conditions in World War Ⅱ. It also might be said that Mailer's Humanism is the consistent center of his literary world in The Naked and the Dead (1948), as is shown by the characterization of General Cummings, Sergent Croft and Lieutenant Hearn. The various symbolic levels of the novel are dramatized in the conflict between three central characters: General Cummings, a symbol of 'Faustian Fascist'; Sergent Croft, an incarnation of 'Satanic Individualist'; and Lieutenant Hearn, an emblem of 'Liberalistic Humanist.' Sergent Croft is General Cummings' emotional twin and they are of a piece, as is expressed by Philip H. Bufithis; and Lieutenant Hearn is the modern liberal humanist, as is expressed by Howard M. Harper Jr. Therefore, it can be defined that The Naked and the Dead dramatizes the conflict between satanic fascists and a liberalistic humanist; in other words, the conflict between 'Fascism' and 'Humanism'. Mailer's Humanism is also shown by the creative technique such as 'Time Machine' and 'Chorus Section' devices. To give dramatic form to his characterization, Mailer dispenses throughout his narrative ten 'Time Machine' sequences, or flashbacks, in which he records the personal history of his main characters and thereby shows us how they have come to be what they are. Therefore, it might be said that 'Time Machine' gives us an open window through which we can look into the main characters' past. 'Chorus Section' device plays an important part in expressing Mailer's Humanism as well as the 'Time Machine' device. With the aim of giving dramatic form to his characterization, Mailer dispenses throughout his humanistic description five 'Chorus Section' sequences, in which he records the inner feeling of private soldiers and thereby shows us what they are feeling about what they are. In brief, it might be said that 'Chorus Section' represents the emotional sounding board of private soldiers, as is expressed by Thomas F. Van Laan. Finally, it can be stated that Mailer is a humanist fighting against satanic fascism named a mechanism of World War Ⅱ through the characterization of Cummings, Croft, Hearn, and common soldiers in The Naked and the Dead. The writer uses both 'Time Machine' and 'Chorus Section' devices in order to dramatize his own humanistic struggle. Here lies Mailer's greatness.

      • Conrad의 Decline : Jim-Brown의 경우와 Heyst-Jones의 경우

        曺雲錫 경북대학교 교육대학원 1979 논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        It is established that Conrad's later works are all failures with the exceptions of The Shadow Line and Victory. Although The Shadow Line is generally admitted to be a masterpiece, the critical opinion on Victory is not fixed yet. Guerard and Hewitt make little of it while Curle, Bradbrook, Leavis, and Warner estimate it highly. I tried to exemplify the weak points of Victory by comparing it with Lord Jim which is the one work Conrad referred to in his "Author's Note" of Victory and which has so many parallels with Victory. The focus of the comparison was centered on the relationship between the hero and the villains. On occasion, the comparison covered such matters as the heroine, the construction, the style, etc. The comparison evinces that Victory is quite a failure and that one of the greatest reasons for the failure is his rehash of Lord Jim.

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