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        요인분석과 군집분석을 통한 세분화 및 전략방향 제시: 특수법인 사례를 중심으로

        조용준,김영화,Cho, Yong-Jun,Kim, Yeong-Hwa 한국통계학회 2007 응용통계연구 Vol.20 No.1

        세분화는 크게 목적변수의 유무에 따라 분석방법이 달라지게 된다. 본 논문은 특수법인의 경영지표를 바탕으로 목적변수가 존재하지 않을 경우의 세분화를 통해 전략방향을 도출하는 사례 연구를 제안하고자 한다. 군집분석을 통한 세분화의 경우, 많은 변수를 사용하여 분류를 하게 되면 군집별 특성화가 어렵게 된다. 따라서 군집의 특성을 잘 반영할 수 있는 대표적 요인변수를 요인분석을 통해 추출하고 이 대표요인을 바탕으로 2단계 군집분석을 통한 세분화를 고려하였다. 이를 통해 총 6개의 세분화 군집을 도출하고 각 군집 별 강점요인을 강화하고 약점요인을 보완하는 방향으로 전략방향을 설정하여 제안하고자 한다. Corporations adopt a segmentation depends on the existence of target variables, in general. In this paper, for the case of no target variables, a strategy through segmentation is proposed for corporations having a special status based on the management index. In case of segmentation using cluster analysis, however, if one classify according to many variables then he will be in face of difficulties in characterizing. Therefore, after extracting representative factors by factor analysis, a segmentation method through 2 step cluster analysis is employed on the basis of these representative factors. As a result, six segmentation groups are found and the resulting strategy is proposed which strengthens prominent factors and makes up defective factors for each group.


        개방성 분쇄 함몰 두개골절의 즉각 골편 복위술

        조용준,김영옥,송준호,황장회,김성민,안명수,오세문,안무업,Cho, Yong Jun,Kim, Young Ock,Song, Joon Ho,Hwang, Jang Hoi,Kim, Sung Min,Ahn, Myung Soo,Oh, Sae Moon,Ahn, Moo Eob 대한신경외과학회 2000 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.29 No.5

        Objective : The classic and accepted surgical method of compound comminuted depressed skull fractures (FCCD) involves total resection of all the contaminated bone and fragments at the fracture site. A second operation for cranioplasty is then performed at a later date. However, we have believed that primary repair of these bony defects can be achieved by the replacement of bone fragments at the time of the initial debridement, and this can be accomplished without danger to patient. The authors retrospectively reviewed the surgical results to assess the advantages and disadvantages, and also propose the selection criteria of replacement of fractured bone fragments as a primary procedure in FCCD. Materials and Methods : The authors analyzed the data extracted from medical records, and radiological findings in 22 of 71 patients with FCCD, who underwent immediate replacement of fractured bone fragments between April 1993 and October 1998. The mean follow-up period was 13.7 months. The selection criteria for the operation included the patients with mild to moderate severity, regardless of the degree of contamination or dural violation, which presented in hospital within 24 hours of injury. Results : The ages of the patients varied from 4 to 63 years, and there were 20 males and 2 females. Seventeen of 22 patients were fully conscious on admission and the others also had relatively good Glasgow coma scales. Sixteen fractures were located in the frontal area, 9 with involvement of the frontal sinuses, and 6 in the parietal and temporoparietal areas. Of the 22 patients, 8(36.3%) had dural lacerations with 3 of these requiring patching with pericranium, and 12(54.5%) had intracranial hematoma requiring wide craniotomy. The degree of wound contamination was also variable. Fifteen patients had relatively clean wounds, while seven(31.8%) had seriously contaminated wounds with soil, sand, hair, and wood. Only one patient(4.5%) developed infection, and the bone fragments were removed. All wounds healed primarily without pulsatile defect, the skull has remained solid, and no complications have occurred, except the infected case. Conclusion : It is proposed that bone fragments removal for FCCD, regardless of the degree of contamination or dural violation, is not necessary and that primary bone fragments replacement avoids a second operation for cranioplasty.

      • KCI등재

        브랜드 자산가치 지수 모형 개발 및 브랜드 가치 향상을 위한 전략방향 : 수협을 중심으로

        조용준,명수아,Cho, Yong Jun,Myoung, Soo Ah 한국데이터정보과학회 2013 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.24 No.6

        최근 기업의 경쟁력을 강화하고 고객의 충성도를 높이기 위해서는 무엇보다 브랜드에 대한 성공적인 관리가 중요시되고 있다. 고객은 특정기업의 상품, 서비스 등을 구매하면서 생긴 경험에 의해 기업에 대한 평가, 가치, 이미지 등을 모두 판단하기 때문이다. 본 연구는 수협을 중심으로 대표적인 협동조합에 대한 마케팅 관점의 브랜드 인지도 및 태도를 파악할 수 있는 측정체계를 수립하고 수협의 브랜드 자산에 대한 가치지수 (brand equity index; BEI)를 측정할 수 있는 모형을 개발한다. 이를 통해 수협 브랜드에 대한 인지도 및 BEI를 측정하고, 현상을 진단하여 수협 브랜드 자산가치 향상을 위한 방향 및 인지도 향상을 위한 마케팅 전략방향을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. Recently, successful management of the brand is more important than anything else to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and increase customer loyalty. Most customers evaluate value and image of an enterprise in accordance with their experience of its goods and service. This study focused on the Fisheries Cooperative Association representative brand for the marketing point of view and attitude shall establish a scheme that can identify. We suggest a model that can measure the brand equity index (BEI) for equity. Based on the survey, we intended to provide the strategic direction and derive important factors for improving brand equity.

      • KCI등재

        2단계 군집분석을 통한 해구별 조업정보의 유사성 분석

        조용준,Cho, Yong-Jun 한국데이터정보과학회 2009 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        수협의 어선조업정보는 국가 공식 통계가 가지고 있지 못한 위치별 조업정보를 가지고 있다는 장점이 있다. 위치별 조업정보는 해당 지역의 어업피해보상, 자원가치 산출 등을 추정할 수 있어 국가통계자료로의 가치가 매우 높으나 어업인들의 자기 정보의 노출에 대한 기피로 인해 신뢰성이 떨어지는 단점을 지니고 있다. 본 연구는 유용성분석을 통해 이러한 수협의 어선조업정보의 활용을 위한 방안을 제시하고 위치별 조업패턴의 특성을 분류하여 해구별 유사성의 정보를 산출을 목적으로 하였다. 분석결과 수협의 어선조업정보는 정부 생산통계대비 어획량의 약 33% 수준이나 유용성 분석에서 그 패턴과 상관관계가 밀접해 위치별 패턴파악에 유용한 것으로 나타났다. 이를 바탕으로 대해구별 2단계 군집분석을 통해 어획량, 조업일수, 조업척수에 대해 각각 최적의 군집을 구분하고 이를 종합하여 8개의 군집으로 패턴을 구분하였다. In this paper, I would present a using method for The Fishing Operation Information(FOI) of National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives(NFFC) through the availabilities analysis and put out the similarities by the section of the sea through classifying characteristics of fishing patterns by their locations. As a result, although the catch of FOI is nothing more than 33% level to National Fishery Production Statistics(NFPS), FOI data is useful in understanding the patterns of fishing operation by the location because both patterns and correlation were very similar in the usability analysis, comparing the FOI data with NFPS. So I classified optimal clusters for catch, the number of fishing days and the number of fishing vessels through 2 step cluster analysis by the big marine zone and divided fishing patterns.

      • KCI등재

        고객만족도의 HYBRID 중요도 산출방법

        조용준,김영화,Cho Yong-Jun,Kim Yeong-Hwa 한국통계학회 2006 응용통계연구 Vol.19 No.1

        최근 들어 고객만족(CS)은 기업경영의 가장 중요한 개념으로 인식되고 있고 대부분의 기업에서 이를 측정하고 평가하여 고객만족수준의 향상을 위한 개선활동을 수행하고 있다. 따라서 정확한 고객만족수준의 측정은 기업이 고객만족경영을 추진함에 있어서 가장 중요한 것 이 라 할 수 있다. 그러나 고객 만족수준을 측정할 때, 고객 만족 요소에 대한 중요도(가중치) 산출방법에 따라 고객 만족도(CSI)가 변하게 되어 경영전략도 크게 변하게 된다. 본 연구는 고객만족도 측정에 대한 여러 가지 가중치 산출방법에 대하여 살펴보고, 통계적 중요도 산출방법에 따른 각각의 결과를 실제 사례를 통해 비교 분석하여 장단점을 제시하고자 한다. 또한 각 방법의 장단점을 바탕으로 hybrid가중치 적용방법을 제안한다. CS(Customer Satisfaction) has been focused as one of the most important factors in business administration nowadays. After measuring and evaluating CS level, most companies are performing many activities to improve it. Therefore, it is very important for driving CS management to measure the exact CS level. When measuring CS level, however, CSI(Customer Satisfaction Index) is changed by the computing method of importance for CS factors, and the corporate strategy is changed by CSI. In this research, some computing methods are reviewed and compared through the analysis of real data. Also, a hybrid computing method for CSI is proposed and compared it with other methods.

      • KCI등재

        상호금융 고객만족 제고를 위한 전략방향:수협을 중심으로

        조용준,박천건,Cho, Yong-Jun,Park, Chun-Gun 한국통계학회 2010 응용통계연구 Vol.23 No.5

        최근 소매금융시장에 제1금융권의 진출로 인해 그동안 제2금융업의 주된 영역이었던 서민층과 개인고객 중심의 소매금융시장에서도 경쟁이 가속화되고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 상황에서 생존을 위해 가장 핵심적인 요소는 고객만족을 통해 고객의 이탈을 방지하고 우수고객을 유치하는 것이라 할 수 있다. 따라서 고객만족경영이 가장 핵심적 생존전략으로 대두되고 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 상황에서 수협 상호금융업을 중심으로 서민층 중심의 소매금융업에서의 고객만족 요소가 무엇인지 확인하고, 조사를 통해 고객만족도, 충성도, NPS(NPS)를 산출한다. 이를 바탕으로 CS Portfolio분석을 통해 고객만족 제고를 위한 전략적 개선 요인을 도출하여 고객만족 경영을 위한 전략적 추진 방향을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. The public banking market (the main eld of the second banking sector) faces increased competition du to the expansion of the rst banking sector. In this situation, Customer Satisfaction Management(CSM is emerging as a core business factor to create continuous growth without competitive exclusion because it is possible to churn management and draw an advocate customer. In this pa- per, with Suhyup mutuality bank as a sample for research, I have looked for necessary Customer Satisfaction(CS) factors and deduced a Customer Satisfaction Index(CSI), Customer Loyalty and Net Promoter Score(NPS) of detail factors in CS through a survey. Based on these result, the strategic factors required to improve CS were found and strategic directions for CS were proposed through a CS portfolio analysis.

      • KCI등재

        저온 분사 공정을 위한 금속입자/에폭시 복합재료 접착제의 소성 거동의 균질화 기법 연구

        조용준,전재안,킴키날,이상의,Yong-Jun Cho,Jae-An Jeon,Kinal Kim,Po-Lun Feng,Steven Nutt,Sang-Eui Lee 한국복합재료학회 2023 Composites research Vol.36 No.3

        A combination of a metallic mesh and an adhesive layer of metallic particle/epoxy composite was introduced as an intermediate layer to enhance the adhesion between cold-sprayed particles and fiber-reinforced composites (FRCs). Aluminum was considered for both the metallic particles in the adhesive and the metallic mesh. To predict the mechanical characteristics of the intermediate bond layer under a high strain rate, the properties of the adhesive layer needed to be calculated or measured. Therefore, in this study, the Al particle/epoxy adhesive was homogenized by using a rule of mixture. To verify the homogenization, the penetration depth, and the thickness decrease after the cold spray deposition from the undeformed surface, was monitored with FE analysis and compared with experimental observation. The comparison displayed that the penetration depth was comparable to the diameters of one cold spray particle, and thus the homogenization approach can be reasonable for the prediction of the stress level of particulate polymer composite interlayer under a high strain rate for cold spray processing.

      • KCI등재

        곡면 슬릿 케이슨식 방파제의 연파 제어효과 수치해석

        조용준(Yong Jun Cho) 한국연안방재학회 2021 한국연안방재학회지 Vol.8 No.3

        Curved slit caisson has been the preferred structural type of breakwater in South Korea, and effective control of stem waves is a crucial design factor significantly affecting the performance of a curved slit caisson breakwater. Most of the past studies on stem waves heavily relied on wave drivers like the cubic Schrödinger Eq. due to the intrinsic difficulties in analyzing stem waves. However, considering the perturbation method evoked in the derivation of cubic Schrödinger Eq., the wave driver mentioned above could give erroneous results in the rough sea due to the higher-order waves that appeared in the wave field by resonance wave-wave interaction. In this rationale, in this study, the numerical simulation was implemented to verify the stem wave control effect of curved slit caisson using the ihFoam, toolbox having its roots on OpenFoam. It was shown that curved slit caisson breakwater effectively alleviates the scope and height of stem waves.

      • KCI등재

        사석방파제 거치로 인한 해저지형변화 수치해석:물리 기반 지형모형 SeoulFoam을 중심으로

        조용준(Yong Jun Cho) 한국연안방재학회 2021 한국연안방재학회지 Vol.8 No.3

        Among the many scouring-protection works near a rubble mound breakwater, stacking armoring rocks in multiple or single layers are most popular. The rationale of these scouring-protection works is based on the Equilibrium regime or the maximum scouring depth. However, considering natural beaches, which constantly change their shape according to sea waves conditions, the equilibrium regime or the maximum scouring depth mentioned above seems to foot on the fragile physical background. In this study, in order to test the above hypothesis, numerical simulations were carried out on the partial reflection from the slopes of rubble mound breakwater, and its ensuing standing waves formed in the front seas of a breakwater, the change in the bed profiles due to the formation of standing waves, and scouring depth at the base of a rubble mound breakwater. In doing so, numerical simulations were implemented using OlaFoam, an OpenFoam-based toolbox, and SeoulFoam (Cho, 2020), a physics-based morphology model. Numerical results show that the wave length of sand waves is closely linked with the incoming wave period, while amplitudes of sand waves are determined by incoming wave height. Moreover, the seabed profiles underwent significant changes due to the presence of a rubble mound breakwater. It was shown that the size of sand waves increased when compared before the installation, and the shape of sand waves is getting skewed toward the shore direction. It was also shown that as exposure time to standing waves increased, the amplitude of sand waves also increased, and the scouring depth near the base of a breakwater increased. These results are contrary to the Equilibrium regime, and the scouring prevention works based on the stacking of armoring rocks should be re-evaluated.

      • KCI등재

        기후변화에 대응하기 위한 항외곽시설 설계기준 개정에 관한 제언 : 설계 충실도 지수와 피복석 공칭지름 변화에 따른 파괴확률 변화율을 중심으로

        조용준(Yong Jun Cho),조성희(Sung Hee Cho) 한국연안방재학회 2022 한국연안방재학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        This study aims to develop an amendment to the design guidelines for the outer port facilities based on quantitative indexes to address harsh wave conditions due to climate change. To this end, the author first looked into the in situ data of damage to outer port facilities collected in about a dozen major ports in Korea, where the outer port facility has failed in fulfilling its intended disaster prevention against typhoons over the last decade. In doing so, the design fidelity index, a quantitative index that can rationally determine the scope of reinforcement of outer port facilities, was developed based on the specified failure mechanism. The design fidelity index evaluates the degree of loss of armoring rocks, erosion of main body of breakwater, displacement of cap-concrete, lee side damage by overtopping, and scouring near the toe, which are the primary failure mode of the outer port facilities, and displays these damage extents of each of 5 primary failure mode in polar coordinates. Among the various failure modes mentioned above, scouring near the toe has been found in most outer port facilities, and as a result, the current design practice like whether to install scouring-prevention work is determined based on the limit depth for the incipient sediment motion needs to be revised. Numerical simulation shows that with sediment motion triggered by harsh water surface displacement in the standing waves formed in front of vertical type breakwater being accounted for, the robustness of scouring prevention works, which takes the maximum scour depth as the maximum wave height, could be secured. In addition, among the various quantitative indexes that can provide information concerned with how robust or vulnerable the outer port facilities would be by adjusting design waves return period, it turns out that the increasing rate of failure probability associated with the unit change in the nominal diameter of armoring rocks could provide most promising results.

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