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      • 벼 검은빛 모썩음병에 관한 연구

        조용섭,Cho Y. S. 한국응용곤충학회 1965 한국식물보호학회지 Vol.4 No.-

        본 병은 그 병징이 종래에 알려진 일반 묘썩음병과는 달리 검은빛 균사가 수중의 종자표면을 뒤덮어 자라면서 종자표면을 흑변시킬 뿐만 아니라, 종자의 주위토양까지도 흑변시켰으며, 발아한 종자는 최고 3cm 이상은 자라지도 못하고 흑변하여 부패하였다. 병원균은 자연상태에서나 인공배양기상에서나 포자를 형성하지 않았으며, 균사는 현미경하에서 암색을 띄었고 뚜렷한 격막을 갖고 있었다. 따라서 종래의 벼모썩음병 병원균의 대부분이 Phycomysetes에 속했으나 본병원균은 불완전균을 닮아 있었으며, 앞으로 그 구명을 위한 계속적인 연구가 필요했다. 본병의 발병환경은 모든 면에서 종래의 벼 모썩음병과 거의 동일했으며, 특히 종자가 발아할 때의 환경조건이 절대적인 영향을 미쳤다. 본병균은 종자를 통해서 전염되는 경우는 없었으며, 오직 감염된 토양에 의해서만 전염된다는 것을 알 수 있었다. The study was carried on a new disease of rice seedling which named 'Black rot of rice seedling'. None of papers on this disease was reported recently. The symptom of this disease was quite different from other seedling rot of rice plant. Submerged mycelial growth in water was black colored and it was surrounded whole surface of seed. Soil on which diseased seedlings were placed was black colored by this disease and the seedlings, finally stopped to grow within 3 em in height, and appeared with black rot symptom. Sporulation of the pathogen does not occurred under both of natural and artificial conditions. The mycelium appeared in dark color and with distinguished septation under the microscope. With those results it is easily recognized that the pathogen does not belong to those which causal organism:; of other seedling rot of rice plant like as Phycomycetes or Fusarium species. The study should be continued on identification of the causal organism. Favorable environments for the disease did not differ from other seedling rot of rice plant, and varietal resistance also did not significantly differ among the varieties used in this experiment. Dissemination of the disease was carried out not by planted seeds but by infected soil.

      • KCI등재

        창극 <명창 임방울>에 나타난 장월중선의 작창기법

        김혜정 한국민속학회 2018 韓國民俗學 Vol.68 No.-

        Jang-woljungseon is a master of pansori, master of various instruments, dancer and choreographer, who showed his versatile talents. jang-woljungseon was also the editor of Changgeuk. This paper focuses on the composition technique of Jang wol Chung Sun. Pansori is used to ensure the unity of the pole in chang-geug <myeongchang imbang-ul>. The compositions were composed of 26 songs, and there were more composites than Pansori. In particular, he used a variety of jangdan, and in particular, he used ‘semachi’ in a strong sense of ‘reason’ and Jinyangjo in a strong sense of ‘sensibility’. Make a sense of speed by sticking the lyrics tightly. Since the length of the music piece is short, the modulation and the variation are also used briefly. 장월중선은 판소리 명창이면서 여러 악기의 명인이자 무용가 및 안무가로서 다재다능한 재능을 뽐냈던 명인이다. 장월중선은 창극의 작창을 맡기도 하였는데 그의 다양한 재능이 창극을 통해 어떻게 집약되어 표출되었는지 그 작창기법을 살펴보는데 본고의 목적을 두었다. 창극 <명창 임방울>은 판소리 명창 임방울의 일생을 그린 작품이기 때문에 작품 전체에서 임방울의 특장 대목들을 반복적으로 활용하고 기존 판소리를 활용하여 극 전체의 통일성을 확보하고 있다. 작품 내 장월중선의 작창 악곡은 모두 26곡이었으며, 판소리에 비해 장단 복합구성이나 여러 인물의 소리를 섞이는 경우가 많았다. 음악적으로 9종 이상의 다양한 장단을 사용하였고 특히 세마치는 ‘이성(理性)’이 강한 대목에 진양조는 ‘감성(感性)’이 강한 대목에 구분하여 사용하였다. 판소리와 달리 가사를 촘촘하게 붙여 속도감을 만들며, 악곡의 길이가 짧으므로 변조와 변청도 짧게 사용하였다.

      • 한국에 있어서의 'Kresek'에 관한 연구 III. 품종저항성 및 균주에 따른 도체내에서의 균증식과 발병과의 관계

        최용철,조용섭,Choi Y. C.,Cho Y. S. 한국응용곤충학회 1980 한국식물보호학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        수도 흰빛마름병 이병엽과 Kresek 발병주로부터 분리한 I균군(각5균주), II균군(각4균주)의 18균주를 "밀양23호"및 "유신" 품종 5엽기의 전개엽에 침접종한후 수도체내에서의 균증식과 병반장율 및 Kresek 발병율을 비교조사하여 균주간차이를 비교하였고, 밀양23호외28품종에 대해 II, IV균군을 사용하여 침접종및 근단접종법으로 품종간 저항성을 조사한 결과 1. 각균주간 수도체내에서의 증식은 큰 차이를 볼수 없었으나 "Kresek"발병주로부터 분리된 균주가 병반장률이 약간 높은 경향을 나타내었다. 2. Kresek 발병은 흰빛잎마름병 이병주에서 분리한 균주와 "Kresek"발병주로부터 분리한 균주간에는 아무런차이를 인정할수 없었고, 모두 발병을 볼수있었다. 3. Kresek에 대한 품종저항성에서는 흰빛잎마름병의 저항성반응과 비슷한경향을 나타내고 있으나 Wase Aikoku 품종군에서도 발병을 볼수있었다. 4. 황옥품종군인 "IR20"은 Kresek에라해 고도의 저항성반응을 나타내었다. 5. 접종반응으로는 근단접종법에서 침접종법에 비해 더욱 많은 발병율을 볼수있었다. The study has been carried to confirm pathogenesity among the isolates which obtained from leaf blight type symptoms and Kresek type symptoms, and also to observe varietal resistance among 29 varieties and/or lines through the introduction of two different pathotypes, of Xanthomonas oryzae, by the use of root clipping and pin prick methods. There was no significant differences among the isolates when their growth in plant tissue were compared. There was certain tendency, however, that the isolates from Kreseked plants showed longer lesion than those from blight type lesions. Both isolates from blight type and Kresek type induced the same degree of Kresek syptoms when they were introduced into plants by root cutting in the suspension prior to transplant. Varietal resistance to 'Kresek' appeared to be the same with those on leaf blight type though Wase Aikoku group varieties showed Kresek symptoms which is not the case with leaf blight type. IR 20 in Kogyoku group varieties showed highly resistant reaction to Kresek type. Root clipping method induced the more of Kresek than those by pin pricking method.

      • KCI등재후보

        벼멸구(Nilaparvata lugens Stal.)에 抵抗性인 찰벼계통 wx 318, wx 319

        M. H. Heu(許文會),S. Y. Choi(崔承允),H. S. Chung(鄭厚燮),Y. S. Cho(趙鏞涉) 한국육종학회 1975 한국육종학회지 Vol.7 No.3

        This paper reports about the procedures which they were bred and the agronomical characteristics of wx 318 and wx 319 lines which are resistant to brown planthopper(Nilaparvate. lugens Stal.). 1. The glutinous rice wx318 was bred from the crosses wx126²///Honam 36//IR24/Tongil and the glutinous rice, also, wx319 was bred from the crosses wx126//Honam36/Tongil. Where Honam 36 is the cross of KCL-4/IR1317-81-3², and KCL-4 is the cross of IR667-98-2-1-7/Mudgo. So, tine brown planthopper resistance of the lines wx318 and wx319 was originated from the Mudgo. 2. The wx318 and wx319 lines show also the resistance to the smaller brown planthopper(Laodelphax striatellus Fallen). The penetrance of the resistance were incomplete. 3. The resistance to the blast at both in field nursery and IA-65 race inoculated isolated nursery were complete. 4. Heading date of wx318 and wx319 are slightly later than “Glutinous Tongil” and earlier than “Tongil”. The performance and other traits of them were alike to the “Glutinous Tongil”.

      • KCI등재후보

        水稻 耐病 耐蟲 耐冷性 品種育成에 關한 硏究 1. 水稻 IR2061 의 흰빛잎마름病 抵抗性의 遺傳

        M. H. HEU(許文會),H. S. SUH(徐學洙),Y. S. CHO(趙鏞涉) 한국육종학회 1976 한국육종학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        The resistance to the bacterial leaf blight derived from cultivar IR2061-214-2 in rice was controlled by a single dominant gene, and it was located in linkage group II of Nagao and Takahashi. It was independent from the semi-dwarf plant type and resistance to brown plant hopper and smaller brown plant hopper which are not identified their linkage relations yet. To assure the inheritance of the resistance to the bacterial leaf blight(Xanthomonas oryzae) derived from cultivar IR2061-214-2 and 7 linkage tester lines. The cultivar IR2061-214-2 is a semi-dwarf line resistant to brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lugens) and smaller brown plant hopper(Laodelphax striatellus). Their F₁s and F₂s were grown along thir parents, and the segregation of the characters were studied. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The resistance to the bacterial leaf blight derived from cvltivar IR2061-214-2 inherits as coutrolled by a single dominant gene. 2. The resistance (Xa) showed linkage with the characters such as phenol staining (Ph), liguless (lg) and the complementary gene of purple pericarp (Pb) with the recombination values of 6.1%, 8.1% and 34.3% respectively. The serial loci are estimated as in the order of Pb-lg-Ph-Xa. 3. The resistance to the bacterial leaf blight was independent from the semi-dwarf plant type. 4. The resistance to the bacterial leaf blight was also independent from the resistance to the brown plant hopper and smaller brown plant hopper.

      • KCI우수등재

        KSTAR 중성빔 입사(NBI) 장치 배기계통 설계

        오병훈(B. H. Oh),인상렬(S. R. In),조용섭(Y. S. Cho),김계령(K. R. Kim),최병호(B. H. Choi) 한국진공학회(ASCT) 1999 Applied Science and Convergence Technology Vol.8 No.4(2)

        KSTAR 중성빔 입시장치는 이온원 (ion source), 중성화실 (neutralizer), 휨용전자석 (bending magnet), 이온빔 덤프 (ion dump) 및 칼로리메타 (calorimeter)들로 구성되는데, 중성빔의 생성 빛 수송을 최적화할 수 있도록 진공용기는 차동 배기계 (differential pumping system)로 되어있다. 배기계통의 설계를 위해 먼저 이온원의 정격 빔 출력 (120 ㎸, 65 A, 78 MW)에 필요한 수소 도입유량, 재전리 손실을 최소화할 수 있는 진공용기내의 압력분포 및 빔라인 부품들의 빔 손실율들을 결정한 후 , 이 값들에 의해 각 용기에서 필요한 진공펌프의 배기속도들과 이온 빔의 중성화 효율을 최적화 할 수 있는 중성화실의 기체유량 등을 입자평형식 (particle balance equation)을 사용하여 계산하였다. 또한 배기계의 동특성을 해석하여 0.5초 이하의 빔인출 실험은 보조펌프인 터보 분자펌프 만에 의해 가능하도록 하는 단펄스 빔인출 시나리오를 완성하였다. The NBI (Neutral Beam Injection) System for the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) is composed of ion sources, neutralizers, bending magnets, ion dumps, and calorimeters. The vacuum chamber, in which all of the beam line components are enclosed, is composed of differential pumping system for the effective transfer of the neutral beams. The needed pumping speeds of each of the divided vacuum chamber and the optimized gas flow rate to the neutralizer were calculated with the help of the particle balance equations. The minimum gas flow rate to the ion sources for producing needed beam current (120 ㎸, 65A, 78 MW), the pressure distributions in the vacuum chamber for minimizing re-ionization loss, and the beam loss rate on the beam line components were used as the input in the calculation. Also the scenario for short pulse operation was determined by analysing the time dependent equations. It showed that beam extraction during less than 0.5 see could be made only with TMP.

      • 벼 흰잎마름병균(Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae)의 形質轉換體에 관한 연구

        張誠完,趙鏞涉,朴恩雨 서울大學校 農科大學 1986 서울대농학연구지 Vol.11 No.1

        Transformation between races of Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae was attempted to illustrate possible occurrance of new races or strains of greater virulence than their parental strains. An auxotrophic mutant(JB206A-1(race K1)) requiring either methionine or cystein, and a white colony mutant(JB 8206W-1(race K1))were transformed to prototroph and yellow colony formation respectively, by treating with DNA of HB83216(race K2) or JN8041(race K3). On the average, transformants showed increased virulence to rice cultivar Milyang 23 as compared with their recipient strains. Three transformants of JB8206A-1 treated with DNA of JN8041 were virulent to rice cultivar Cheongcheong as well as Milyang 23. The standard deviations of lesion lengths on the differential cultivars were greater for transformants than for respective parental strains, suggesting that transformants were genetically more heterogeneous than their parental strains. Bacteriological characteristics of transformants were generally similar to those of their parental strains. However, Two transformants of JB8206W-1 exhibited positive reaction in nitrate reduction although their parental strains showed negative reaction.

      • 生長調節劑, 培地 및 植物部位가 배추의 器官分化에 미치는 影響

        徐相基,趙用燮,朴孝根 서울大學校 農科大學 1987 서울대농학연구지 Vol.12 No.1

        The cotyledon and hypocotyl segments of Chinese cabbage cv, Sam Jin were cultured on MS and B5 media supplemented with several growth regulators under a 16 hr regime at 25℃. Callus was well induced on MS medium containing NAA and BA. Rhizogenesis was well induced on this medium, too. Development from callus to shoot is not shown. Most calli which produced only aerial root or very fine root hairs was observed on the media without 2,4-D. Blue, yellow and red light were found to stimulate brown callus initiation, independent of growth regulators.

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