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        조병찬 대한양계협회 1973 월간 양계 Vol.5 No.3

        그간 많은 양계인들이 육성율이 낮아 걱정 하는 것을 많이본다. 재래의 방법으로는 대규모로 좋은 성적을 기대할 수 없는 것이다. 본인은 한흥목장에서 육추경험 결과 20주령까지 96$\%$의 좋은 육성율을 얻었다. 양계를 처음 시작하려고 하는 분이나 대규모 양계를 하고 있는 분에게 육추실을 특별히 만들지 않고도 산란계사(평사)라면 어느 곳에든지 간단히 육추할 수 있음을 독자들에게 알리고자 저의 육추시설과 육추일기를 소개하고자 합니다.

      • 나는 이렇게 육추했다(2)

        조병찬 대한양계협회 1973 월간 양계 Vol.5 No.4

        근간 많은 양계인들이 육성율이 낮아 걱정 하는 것을 많이본다. 재래의 방법으로는 대규모로 좋은 성적을 기대할 수 없는 것이다. 본인은 한흥목장에서 육추경험 결과 20주령까지 96$\%$의 좋은 육성율을 얻었다. 양계를 처음 시작하려고 하는 분이나 대규모 양계를 하고 있는 분에게 육추실을 특별히 만들지 않고도 산란계사(평사)라면 어느 곳에든지 간단히 육추할 수 있음을 독자들에게 알리고자 저의 육추시설과 육추일기를 소개하고자 한다.

      • 離農現象과 農家 勞動利用構造에 關한 調査硏究

        趙炳贊 동국대학교 농림과학연구소 1971 農林科學 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        As generally known, the rural labor force in Korea is characterized by 1) over-employment in the agricultural sector, 2) shortage of manpower in the farming season even under over-employment condition and) lower coefficient of labor utilization. These factors suggest that the agricultural labor in Korea is still in a premordern state. It is to be noticed that in the recent years our agricultural labor force has shown a tendency to decrease due to ever-increasing out-flow to urban communities, causing a severe shortage of manpower in the farming season which affects agricultural productivity in Korea. Keeping the above problems in mind, the author surveyed the rural labor force on a village in the suburb of Seoul, in order to analyze and investigate the aspects of leaving farms and structure of labor utilization. Village surveyed; Village of Yadang-dong, Yadang-ri, Kyoha-myon, Paju-kun, Kyunggi-do. Method of survey; Complete survey of 50 households which comprise the village. Dates of survey; August 1-31, 1970. The results obtained from this survey are summarized as follows; 1. Phenomenon of leaving farms (1) The out-flow of these villagers to urban communities was observed, in general, among the group of the high teens and the first half of forties. The leaving rate is higher in young group. Accordingly, the manpower of this village was old aged; i.e., 34.7% of the age group of 15-24, 32.1% of 25-34 and 22.6% of 35-44 left the village during a period of Jan. 1965-Aug. 1970. (2) The leaving rate is markedly high in the group of higher educational background; i.e.,3.4% of uneducated or under primary school graduates, 20.1% of primary school graduates, 21.7% of secondary school graduates, 42.9% of high school graduates and 88.9% of college or university graduates. (3) In order to analyze the effect of the scale of cultivated area and farm household income on the leaving farms, the correlation between the two factors was investgated, The resultes revealed very low degree of correlation between them. 2. Utilization structure of labor The number of working days per capita in a year and rate of labor consumption (utilization) was 164.0 days and 54.7% for male, 113.7 days and 37.9% for female, and the average of the both sexes was 137.9 days and 46.0%(The percentage is based on 300 working days in a year - 25 days in a month). Such low coefficient of labor utilization may be attributed to the following factors; (1) The seasonal change in the demand of manpower; because of simple cropping method in our country, which depends entirely upon seasonal factors. (2) The fact that most of youth group in the village tend to avoid farming work and to find other jobs because of their inferiority complex with agriculture. Most of them refuse to engage in agriculture even if in the unemployment status. (3) The low participating ratio of labors of both sexes in non-farming work in the farming community; because they are rarely given the opportunity to find and to be trained for a proper job in and around their farm village. 3. Factors determining the labor utilization Upon analyzing, as the determining factors of individual labor utilization, 1) age of laborer, 2) scale of cultivated land, 3) scale of farm household income, it is revealed that the most significant factor is the age of laborer. The age means working capacity of individual farmer and his position or responsibility in the household; i.o., dependent or not. 4. Conclusion (1) The out-flow of the young and educated from this village resulted in; 1) that the average age of the remaining labor is high, 2) that the educational level of the remaining labor is low, causing intellectual vacuum in the village. (2) Utilization of labor The rate of labor utilization in this village is very low, mainly from; 1) the long farmer's slack season caused by the mono-cropping system which depends upon entirely seasonal factor. 2) the difficulties to find proper work (especially non-farming)during the farming slack season. 3) traditional family system of Korea with large number of dependents who can and should work, but whose widely recognized unconscious privilege prevents their positive participation in the farming work.

      • 主要農産物價格에 對한 供給反應分析

        趙炳贊,金東敏 東國大學校 1975 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        In order to explore feasible alternative price policies, this study attempts to measure how farmers have responded to price changes of major agricultural products such as rice, barley and naked barley. Ferris model was carefully examined and a Cobb-douglas type production function was presented as an alternative approach to determine the relationships between the production and the environmental factors. Y=f(A.P.W.T) where, Y=Production. A=Area planted. P=Price level. W=Weather conditions, T=Technology level The underlying assumptions of the study can be summarized into the following four items. (1) Past prices strongly influenced farmers' price expectation. (2) Farmers would begin to respond in a significant way a year after the price had changed. (3) Farmers would keenly respond to increases of rice price in absolute terms due to the lack of competitive uses of paddy land. (4) Farmers would keenly respond to increases of barely and naked barley price in relative terms due to its fierce competition with other crops for upland usage. In testing the foregoing assumptions to be valid, a multiple regression in a log-log form was derived. logY=x_0+alogx_1+blogx_2+clogx_3+dlogx_4+elogx_5+flogD+glogT Where, Y=Production, kg. z_0=Constant. x_1=Area planted, ha. x_2=Farm gate price at the previous year, Won/Bag(80kg). x_3=Farm gate price at the current year, Won/Bag(80kg). x_4=Farmer's terms of trade at the previous year (Ratio of price index between farmers' selling and purchasing). x_5=Farmer's terms of trade at the current year. D=Dummy variable representing weather. T=Time variable (technology level). Time series data was collected from the official statistics of M.A.F. and N.A.C.F. and the computation procedure was easily done through K.I.S.T computer by using T.S.P.(Time series data processing) program package. As a result, we could select eight plausible equations (three for rice and barley respectingly, and two for naked barley) were selected to estimate the regression coefficients. Those equations showed statistically meaningful correlation coefficients and significantly acceptable "t" values. Looking carefully at these result equations, the following observations logically could be concluded. (i) Farmers seemed to respond in a significant way a year after the price had risen. (2) Farmers seemed to respond sharply to increases of rice price in absolute terms rather than relative terms. (3) Farmers seemed to respond considerably to price changes of naked barley in relative terms rather than absolute terms. (4) All crops but not for barley have positive correlations between production and area planted, and thus the size of the average farmers could be infered to be far bellow the economically optimum level. (5) Rice probuction could be seen to be heavily influenced by the weather factors, meanwhile barley production relatively by technology improvements to the greater extent. Finally it is highly recommendable that the government continue to follow or adopt the agricultural price support policy toward the direction of food self-sufficiency realized in near future.

      • 小賣市場에 있어서의 「단골去來關係」에 관한 調査硏究 : 生活必需品을 中心으로 in case of the main necessaries of life

        趙炳贊 東國大學校 1977 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        This survey was conducted among 332 housewives throughout Seoul for a month (June 15, 1977-July 15, 1977). The survey is to examine the fixed relationship of customer and retailer in the retail market of the necessaries of life. The contents and result of the survey are as follws. Most items of the necessaries of life are purchased mainly by housewives who show the strong tendency to have the fixed retail shops in each item. The rate of the fixed shop by the items is; fuel 88.0% food 59.2% garment 50.3%. The itmized rate is; 1. yeontan (coal) 95.2% 2. grain 89.9% 3. kerosen 86.0% 4. gas (L.P.G.) 73.3% 5. meat 70.9% 6. garment (tailored) 64.7% 7. food (others) 54.5% 8. subsidiary food(except meat) 51.8% 9. underwear 50.0% 10. fish 49.0% 11. fruit 39.1% 12. garment (ready-made) 36.2% The housewives usually have one or two fixed retail shops in each item and the dominant factor in the choice of fuel and food is the distance from houses. The most important factor in the choice is "the creditability" and "the lack of kind service" in the avoidance. It is interesting to note that the outward economical inducement such as bargaining in price and quantity is not so important as it was generally believed to be. The important factors in the success of the retail shop, which is measured in the terms of the number of the fixed customers, and the achievement of the larger purposes of (a) rationalization of marketing, (b) maximization of the profit of the retailers, (c) protection of the consumers seems to be (a) creditability (b) kind service (c) list-price system. To achieve the above mentioned purpose, the effort for improvement on the part of the retailers and the proper and appropriate guidance on the part of the big industries and the government agencies concerned as the authority in charge of the marketing are needed. "The Model Retail Shop" must be selected on the basis of "the creditability" and "the kind service", along with the list-price and the issuance of the receipt.

      • 韓國 農業勞動力에 關한 硏究 : 潛在失業의 問題를 中心으로 With reference to disguised unemployment

        趙炳贊 동국대학교 농림과학연구소 1969 農林科學 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        54% of the total population of Korea are engaged in agriculture, and most of them have not been relieved as yet from the pre-modern farming method. Therefore, the over-population in the Korean agriculture has been a great concern in conjunction with the problem of disguised unemployment and it presents many difficult problems in the modernization of rural community. According to local research reports on this problem, most of the opinions seems to accept, without any criticism, the theory of R. Nurkse. In other words, these reports ?? that the disguised unemployment exists widely in the rural community of Korea, which is zero in the so-called marginal productivity of labor and can be eliminated from agriculture without the precondition of the development of agricultural technics and even without affecting agricultural production. However, the author does not agree with this opinion. From view of the present employment structure of farm village, it is in the stage of over-employment and the ratio of idle labor throughout the year to rural labor power is 46.1% which suggest very low consumption ratio of rural labor power. But, it is quite contradictory to mix up the very low consumption rotio of rural labor power and the existence of the labor power which is zero in the marginal productivity. This can be fully justified by the fact that even the idle labor power throughout the year has a higher percentage, there has been usually caused the labor shortage due to rapid increase in the demand of the labor power in the farming season which is closely related to the agricultural productivity in Korea. This may be attributable to the fact that the agriculture in Korea depends significantly upon seasonal factors and that the agricultural technics are not relieved from backwardness. Accordingly, in this paper the auther recognizes the fact that the rural community is relatively over=populated with over-employment of rural labor power in our country and denied the existence of the labor power which is zero in the so-called marginal productivity. Comparative study is also made on the significance of the improvement of cropping system, encouragement of side lines and the development of agricultural technics in an effort to improve structural contradiction of the rural labor power in Korea. It is indicated in the conclusion that the pressing requirement is the investments for the improvement of basic conditions of agricultural productivity including agricultural mechanization to economize labor and improvement of farm crops, thereby reforming the present structure of labor power in our country,

      • KCI등재후보

        환경교육에 관한 초등학교 교사의 인식 조사

        조병찬,김효남,박국태,류재인,정진수 한국환경교육학회 2005 環境 敎育 Vol.18 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the environmental awareness and attitude of elementary school teachers. For this study, 100 elementary school teachers from H graduate school of education were sampled. The results of this study were summarized as follows. First, the biggest concern of environmental problems were water-pollution and garbage problems by the lack of understanding about the environment and injudicious development. Second, most teachers recognized the need for environmental education and they answered that they were doing best to teach students with the main purpose of helping them develop values of environmental preservation. Third, most environmental education was carried out during class using current events and the emphasis on garbage separation and recycling. They also showed the lack of teaching materials and field trips for environmental education. Fourth, it appeared to come from media-oriented environmental education. Most teachers mainly used newspapers and visual materials. They were obtaining knowledge and information related to environmental education through the media. Since in-service teachers' conceptions could directly effect present education, it is necessary to establish a more systematic educational system for environmental education, for in-service elementary school teachers.

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