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      • 서식처 적합성 지수 (HSI)를 활용한 맹꽁이 서식처 복원 계획

        조동길,심윤진,Cho, Dong-Gil,Shim, Yun-Jin 응용생태공학회 2016 Ecology and resilient infrastructure Vol.3 No.1

        맹꽁이는 Kaloula 속에 속하는 양서류로는 우리나라에서 유일하게 한 종이 서식하고 있으며 멸종위기야생생물 II 급으로 지정, 관리하고 있어 맹꽁이의 절멸 방지를 위해서는 맹꽁이에 대한 서식처 복원 연구가 절실히 필요하다. 본 연구는 훼손된 맹꽁이 서식처 복원이나 대체서식지와 같은 새로운 맹꽁이 서식처 복원 시 바람직한 생태적 복원 방향을 제시하기 위하여 연구 대상지인 전라남도 목포시에 맹꽁이 서식처 적합성 지수 (HSI)를 활용 및 실제 적용하여 맹꽁이 서식처 복원 계획을 제시하는 것을 주된 목적으로 하였다. 연구대상지의 역사적 맥락, 생태기반환경, 생태환경, 맹꽁이의 서식처 요구 조건 등을 분석한 후 UNESCO MAB (Man and Biosphere) 공간구획에 따라 연구 대상지를 핵심, 완충, 전이지역으로 토지이용 계획을 수립하였다. 기본계획으로 맹꽁이 서식처인 핵심지역에 대한 구체적인 맹꽁이 서식처 조성방안을 습지 (산란처), 초지 (은신처 및 먹이터), 수림대 (먹이터)로 구분하여 제시하고 서식처 계획 전, 후의 맹꽁이 서식처 적합도를 비교 평가하였다. 향후 맹꽁이 서식처 복원 계획에 따른 검증 연구로 테스트베드 (test-bed) 조성, 지속적인 모니터링, 과학적인 서식처 유지 관리에 대한 연구가 이루어져야 한다. Narrow-mouth frog (Kaloula borealis) is the only amphibian species of genus Kaloula living in South Korea. They are designated and managed as endangered class II wildlife by the Ministry of Environment, Korea. Therefore, there is a desperate need of a habitat restoration study to prevent the extinction of narrow-mouth frog. This study is primarily for the purpose of presenting the direction and practical applications to restore damaged narrow-mouth frog habitats or to suggest alternative habitat options. The habitat suitability index (HSI) of narrow-mouth frog was applied to the research area in Mokpo City of Jeollanam-do Province, in order to present a new narrow-mouth frog habitat. We analyzed the research area based on historical contexts, ecological environment, ecology, and habitat requirements. The research area was divided into the core, buffer, and transition zones according to UNESCO MAB (Man and Biosphere) to establish local land-use plans. As for the foundation of the plan, we divided the habitat composition of the core, where narrow-mouth frog live in, into wetland (spawning area), grassland (shelter and feeding grounds), and forestland (feeding ground). We had a comparative analysis of habitat suitability in pre and post planning of narrow-mouth frog habitat restoration. For the validation study of habitat restoration plans, the future research should be on the composition of test-bed, continuous monitoring, and scientific habitat maintenance.

      • KCI등재

        硏究論文(연구논문) : 여우(Vulpes vulpes) 복원을 위한 증식,복원장 공간 계획에 관한 연구

        조동길 ( Dong Gil Cho ),심윤진 ( Yun Jin Shim ),홍진표 ( Jin Pyo Hong ),차진열 ( Jin Yeol Cha ) 한국환경복원기술학회 2013 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        A species restoration plan requires a process where the first is to thoroughly study the target species, second is to provide them with an onsite reproduction and adaptation period, and finally, third is to release them to their natural habitat. This study focuses on the space planning for target species` successful onsite reproduction and adaptation. For the study, a site planning near Sobaeksan National Park was implemented with Red Fox`s behavior and habitat characteristics in mind for its recovery, reproduction, and natural adaptation. During site selection and planning, the basic aim was to incorporate the existing site as much as possible thus reducing the impact on the environment from the recovery plan. In addition, for a stable recovery of the Red Fox population, the site was classified into three different areas:core area, buffer zone, and transition area. Then, the facilities that help Red Fox`s reproduction and adaptation such as reproduction center, foraging site, adaptation training center were planned. Under the condition that the site will be off limit to the public, a limited number of paths for monitoring was provided. For the site`s vegetation, the existing species were planted as much as possible with the addition of plants that the Red Fox consume. The facilities included as Red Fox`s habitat were fox burrows for hiding and ecological ponds for drinking. From this study, the recovery of the endangered fox species is expected as well as the contribution to an effort to increase of awareness toward the biological resources in Korea through Nagoya protocol. Furthermore, it has the potential to change the public`s attitude toward endangered species recovery projects through publicizing and providing experience to the national park visitors.

      • KCI등재

        생태계보전협력금 반환사업의 추진 현황과 개선 과제

        조동길 ( Dong Gil Cho ),김상욱 ( Sang Wook Kim ) 한국환경보건기술학회(구 한국환경복원녹화기술학회) 2010 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        This study was conducted to investigate the current status and the improvement plans of the ecosystem conservation fund return projects. In 2007, there was a reformation of the ecosystem conservation fund system but the fund return projects were not vitalized up until now. In this study, 35 of ongoing and finished fund return projects were investigated on their types, sites, costs, local governments, and time required to return the fund. Through the on-site survey of 9 finished projects (4 biotope, 2 corridor and 3 natural conservation facility projects), construction and management conditions were investigated. The main findings are as follows: Among the five fund return types, 17 cases were biotope restoration projects, 4 cases were ecological corridor projects, and 1 case was a nature replacement project. In the case of project sites, there were 14 cases near schools and public facilities, 8 cases near rivers or streams, and 2 cases near ponds or wetlands. For the construction costs, there were 19 cases (65% of all the projects) that cost less than 300 million won. In terms of the involvement of the local government, most of the fund return projects were concentrated in Gyeonggi province and Ulsan city, and there were some local governments outside of these regions that did not carry out any return projects at all. Lastly, in the case of fund return time required, 35% of the fund returns were completed within 5 months, but the overall average fund return time was 9.8 months. In respond to the above study results, the improvement plans to encourage fund return projects are as follows: To diversify return types and sites, piloting and modeling projects for the representative types and sites should be preceded. To emerge from customary small-scaled projects, incentives to encourage large-scale and ecological networking projects should be considered. In addition, in order to write up business plans for the fund return projects, long-term investigations of at least 2 seasons from spring to fall are necessary. Finally, for the continuous management and maintenance of the ecological fund return sites, easier way for the citizens to actively participate in the projects should be incorporated.

      • KCI등재

        생태복원 식물종 사용 실태에 관한 연구 - 생태계보전협력금 반환사업을 중심으로 -

        조동길 ( Dong-gil Cho ) 한국환경생태학회 2021 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.35 No.5

        이 연구는 생태복원을 하는 데 있어서 식물종을 사용하는 현황을 파악하는 것이 주된 목적이다. 이를 위해서 최근 6년간 수행된 생태계보전협력금 반환사업 58개소에 대한 식재 도면을 수집하여 분석하였다. 식재한 식물의 분석은 준공 및 설계도면을 이용하여 전체 선정 현황과 함께 성상별, 규격별, 식생 기후대별, 육상 및 습지의 서식처별, 자생식물과 재배식물로 구분하여 빈도분석을 하였다. 조사 및 분석 과정에서 식물 이름이 잘못된 경우가 많아서 이에 대한 분석도 함께 실시하였다. 58개 대상지에서 식재에 사용한 식물은 282 분류군이었으며, 교목류는 91종, 관목류는 69종, 만경목 11종, 초본류는 111종으로 나타났다. 전체적으로 가장 많이 사용한 식물종은 조팝나무, 팥배나무, 상수리나무, 잔디, 좀작살나무와 병꽃나무 순으로 나타났다. 교목 중에서는 팥배나무, 상수리나무, 이팝나무, 느티나무, 산수유 순이었으며, 관목류는 조팝나무, 병꽃나무, 좀작살나무, 산철쭉, 화살나무 순이었다. 초본류는 잔디, 구절초, 벌개미취, 물억새, 수크령 순이었다. 식생기후대별 분석에서는 온대중부산림대와 난대수림대 모두에서 조팝나무, 좀작살나무 순으로 많이 사용되었는데, 이러한 패턴은 기후대별 특성을 반영하지 못한 것으로 판단하였다. 서식처별 분석 결과, 습지에서는 물억새와 털부처꽃이 가장 많이 사용되었다. 특히 자생식물과 재배식물의 선정 비율이 76% 대 24%로 재배식물의 선정 비율도 높게 나타났다. 또한 도면에 적시된 식물명은 국가표준식물목록 및 국가생물종목록에 나타나지 않는 보통명을 많이 사용하고 있었는데, 앞으로 식물명에 대한 올바른 사용이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 앞으로 생태복원을 위한 식재 식물의 사용과 관련해서는 선정 식물의 다양화와 함께 기후대의 특성을 고려한 식물 선정, 생태복원에 사용하는 식물 규격을 낮추는 접근 방법이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 습지식물의 경우에는 생태적 특성을 충분히 이해한 접근이 중요했고, 자생식물 중심의 식물 선정을 위해 재배식물 사용 비율을 최소화하는 것들이 필요한 과제로 나타났다. The main purpose of this study is to examine the use of plant species in ecological restoration projects. To this end, planting drawings from 58 sites that had completed the return of the ecosystem conservation cooperation fund for the past six years were collected and analyzed. The analysis used the construction completion and design drawings to determine the overall selection status and analyze frequency by classifying planted plants into wild and cultivated plants by nature, size, vegetation climate, and upland and wetland habitat. The investigation and analysis process found many cases of wrong plant names, so an analysis was also performed on the matter. In the 58 investigation sites, 282 plants were used for planting: 91 tree species, 69 shrub species, 11 vine species, and 111 herbal species. The most commonly used plant species was Spiraea prunifolia f. simpliciflora, followed by Sorbus alnifolia, Quercus acutissima, Zoysia japonica, Callicarpa dichotoma, and Weigela subsessilisin that order. The most commonly used tree species was Sorbus alnifolia,followed by Quercus acutissima, Zelkova serrata, Chionanthus retusus, and Cornus officinalis, in that order. The most commonly used shrub species was Spiraea prunifolia f. simpliciflora, followed by Weigela subsessilis, Callicarpa dichotoma, Rhododendron yedoense f. poukhanense. and Euonymus alatusin that order. The most commonly used herbal plant species was Zoysia japonica, followed by Dendranthema zawadskii var. latilobum, Aster koraiensis, Miscanthus sacchariflorus, and Pennisetum alopecuroidesin that order. In the analysis by vegetation climate, Spiraea prunifolia f. simpliciflora, Callicarpa dichotoma, and Sorbus alnifoliawere most used in that order in both the temperate central and the warm temperate forest zones, but the pattern does not properly reflect the climate characteristics. In the analysis by habitat, Miscanthus sacchariflorus and Lythrum salicariawere most used in the wetland. In particular, the ratio of wild plants to cultivated plants was 76% to 24%, indicating the ratio of selecting cultivated plants was high. The names of plants on the drawings were mostly common names that did not appear in the Korea National Arboretum or the National Species List of Korea. It is necessary to use proper plant names in the future. Regarding the use of planting plants for ecological restoration, it is necessary to adopt the approach of diversifying selected plants, selecting plants according to characteristics of climate zones, and lowering the specifications of plants used for ecological restoration. Moreover, it is important to fully understand the ecological characteristics of wetland plants and minimize the ratio of using cultivated plants to ensure the plant selection centered on wild plants.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 습지보호지역의 습지보전,이용시설 현황에 관한 기초 연구 -5개 습지보호지역을 대상으로-

        조동길 ( Dong Gil Cho ),박용수 ( Yong Su Park ),심윤진 ( Yun Jin Shim ),이지현 ( Ji Hyun Lee ),이동진 ( Dong Jin Lee ),김상혁 ( Sang Hyuk Kim ),차진열 ( Jin Yeol Cha ),박미영 ( Mi Young Park ),송유진 ( Yu Jin Song ),남춘희 ( Chun 한국환경복원기술학회(구 한국환경복원녹화기술학회) 2016 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        This research was completed to provide fundamental data regarding the guidelines to installing and managing utility facilities & structures in wetland protected area to advance the functions and sustainable use of ecology services by preserving the ecology within wetland protected area. There were 5 on-site researching areas that were used as the main subject with these areas chosen and considered from 21 inland wetlands that have been designated and are being managed from the Ministry of Environment and by their designated dates as a wetland protected area. The utility facilities in these wetland areas were categorized by their types and a detailed on-site investigation was proceeded with investigation items chosen whereas these facilities are working by their roles from their location, size, used materials, types, information contents and etc., The results showed that regarding informational structures, several locations of information boards were distanced from the main exploring routes which did not consider the visitor``s eye level which had their readability dropped and by sunlight, time lapse and water penetration, many information boards were damaged or corrupted so that it was hard to confirm the information noticed or understanding an image. Insufficient observation and educational structures were installed that considered the ecological characteristics of wild animals and their living conditions. Regarding convenience facilities, there were parking lots that were installed on the fore-land and to decrease non-point solution sources, some parking lots needed to be located in protected lowlands while some facilities`` shape and colors did not harmonize with their natural surroundings, creating a sense of awareness, which will need some more consideration. As for safety facilities, they were very insufficient compared to other facilities. This means that additional safety structures areneeded so that related personnel can be aware of where a visitor is located when an accident occurs. Protectional facilities strongly needed new structures and a management system to cut off entrances and do surveillance so that visitors do not go into areas outside of the managed areas and bring damages to restricted locations. Research labs needed to expand the use of automatic weather systems and water gauge equipments to build fundamental data regarding floodgates that are intimated to the forming of wetlands. Sensor cameras and other types of monitoring systems are needed to monitor the majority types of animals living in the wetlands as well.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        장애인을 위한 식물원 조성에 관한 인식조사에 관한 연구

        조동길 ( Dong Gil Cho ),진혜영 ( Hye Young Jin ),신지훈 ( Ji Hoon Shin ) 한국환경보건기술학회(구 한국환경복원녹화기술학회) 2010 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.13 No.5

        Because of various stresses with rapid change of social structure, the number of the disabled increase steadily. So, the interest of touch garden which the disabled interact with nature and communicate with the non-disabled is more in demand. This study carried out a survey for landuse, facilities, therapeutic garden in creating touch gardens targeting the disabled using them. The results are as follows: At first, the appropriate natural facilities can lead return visit of the disabled. The second, general facilities for information and barrier-free are insufficient. The third, the disabled demand more places for sense of touch and vision, and, also they demand more places for feeling various living things and sense of the season. And the last, the disabled have no experience in therapeutic gardens, but they have consensus for creating special places for the disabled. This study carried out a survey for specially designated user such as the disabled, but through it, it is expected to establish developed design guidelines for creating touch gardens and therapeutic gardens.

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