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한국(韓國)의 문화(文化) : 구봉 송익필의 서예연구 -『삼현수간』을 중심으로-
정태희 ( Taehee Jung ) 한국사상문화학회 2016 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.81 No.-
구봉 송익필은 16세기 조선유학자로서 당시 시의 삼걸(三傑)이며 8문장 가이자, 조선최초 4례서인 『가례주설』을 저술한 예학자이다. 『삼현수간』은 성혼과 이이 등과 나눈 편지글로서, 구봉을 비롯한 이이의 친필자료들이 담겨져 있어서 서예사적인 면에서도 중요한 자료가 되어 오늘날 보물 1415호로 지정 되었다.송익필은 초서에 뛰어나서 후대의 초서풍에 영향을 주었음에도 그의서예에 관한 학계의 기존연구는 찾아보기 드물어 본 연구가 처음이라고 사려 된다. 본 연구에서는 그의 글씨의 연원과 서풍을 『삼현수간』을 통해 구명하고자 하였다. 송익필은 성리학적 이상을 구현하고자 했던 도학자로서, 시종일관 왕희지체를 보이면서도 더욱 웅건하면서 골기가 강한 필세의 초서를 쓰고 있으며, “지극히 정밀한” 해서법의 기초 위에서 세워졌다고 사려 된다. 『삼현수간』을 통해 본 송익필의 글씨는 엄정웅일한 결구의특징을 지녔고, 담박순일한 정취를 지녔으며, 또한 농묵초서(濃墨草書)로귀결된다고 할 수 있다. 특히 시작(詩作)과 합치된 ‘시서일치(詩書一致)’는독자적 서풍을 이루어 낸 서예가로서 자리 매김하게 한다. 송익필의 서예관은 글씨는 마음의 표현이기 때문에 글씨를 씀에 있어 예학의 자세로 일관하였음을 알 수 있다. 이상으로 볼 때, 송익필의 글씨는 왕법(王法)과 예학(禮學)과 심법(心法)의 도학자적 사유방식과 행위규범으로 재해석하여 만들어낸 독자적인 산물이며, 당시나 후대 사람들에게 도학자 글씨의 전형으로 학습되면서 시대서풍을 주도해 가는데 결정적인 역할을 하였다고 하겠다. 아울러 송익필 초서풍의 글씨는 후학들에게 ‘학서(學書)’의 규범으로서 큰 역할을 하여, 17세기 기호예학파의 글씨 전형으로 자리 매김 되었음에서 그 서예학술사적 의의를 찾을 수 있다고 하겠다. Gubong Song Ik-pil is a confucianist in Chosun dynasty in the 16th century. He was one of the three important figures in poetry and eight writers of the period. He is represented by Garyejuseol which is a four formality for the first time in Chosun. Three Wise Men``s Letters(三賢手簡) is a collection of letters between Yi Yi and Seong Hon. It is a significant handwritten material with the meaningful statue in calligraphy history. It is designated as Korea’s treasure number 1415.Song Ik-pil was excellent in cursive writing. Even though he influenced on the later cursive writing style, previous academic researches on his calligraphy have not done enough. This paper takes an in-depth study on the origin of his handwriting and his writing style presented in Samhyunsugan. Song Ik-pil was a neo-confucianist who tried to realize the ideal neo-confucianism. He persisted with cursive script which was vigorous and strong.This paper suggests that his cursive script was founded on the basis of Haeseo which was extremely precise. His writing presented through Samhyunsugan is bold but simple. His philosophy in calligraphy was about expressions of hearts and he kept his attitude for politeness study.His writing has a significant role in leading the writing style which was acquired by people those days and later time as a model writing style of neo-confucianists. His cursive writing style plays a key role as a norm for academy and calligraphy for later scholars. His style established its statue as a model writing for Kiho politeness study which succeeded his academic line until 17th century with a significance in calligraphy history.
엔진클러치 접합 성능 개선을 위한 고성능 PI 속도제어기 개발
양병훈(Byunghoon Yang),정태희(Taehee Jung),고영관(Youngkwan Ko),안준모(Junmo An),목형수(Hyungsoo Mok) 한국자동차공학회 2018 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2018 No.6
In this paper, we propose an enhanced PI speed control algorithm to improve the engagement performance by synchronizing the engine rotation speed and the rotation speed of the drive motor at engine start in a parallel hybrid vehicle. By shortening the engine clutch engagement time as much as possible, the EV acceleration response characteristic, which is a disadvantage of the parallel hybrid vehicle, can be improved and the energy used to maintain heavy engine rotation can be minimized. The proposed algorithm has been validated through simulation using Matlab and vehicle test results on Grandeur hybrid vehicle
고성호(Sungho Ko),곽영균(Youngkyun Kwack),이상현(Sanghyun Lee),정태희(Taehee Jung),황경서(Kyungseo Hwang) 한국유체기계학회 2008 유체기계 연구개발 발표회 논문집 Vol.2008 No.-
A numerical analysis for silencers of the multi hole orifice valve has been performed. The Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations with K-ε turbulence model were employed to compute steady. incompressible flow, an symmetric computational domain. and unstructured grids. The resolution of flow field is observed by pressure distribution, flow streamline, valve flow coefficient and valve loss coefficient. The valve flow coefficient reduce approximately 9% but valve loss coefficient increse approximately 16%.