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아임계 레이놀즈 수에서 트위스트 실린더 주위 유동의 LES 해석
정재환(J.H. Jung),윤현식(H.S. Yoon) 한국전산유체공학회 2012 한국전산유체공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.5
The flow around a twisted cylinder at a subcritical Reynolds number (Re) of 3000 is investigated using large eddy simulation (LES). The instantaneous wake structures of the twisted cylinder is compared with those of a circular and a wavy cylinder at the same Re. The shear layer of the twisted cylinder covering the recirculation region is more elongated than those of the circular and the wavy cylinder. Successively, vortex shedding of the twisted cylinder is considerably suppressed, compared with those of the circular and the wavy cylinder. Consequently, the mean drag coefficient and the fluctuating lift of the twisted cylinder are less than those of the circular and the wavy cylinder.
가진 주파수에 따른 이차원 사각탱크 내부의 슬로싱에 관한 수치적 연구
정재환(J.H. Jung),이창열(C.Y. Lee),윤현식(H.S. Yoon),김효주(H.J. Kim) 한국전산유체공학회 2015 한국전산유체공학회지 Vol.20 No.1
The present study investigates the sloshing phenomena in a two-dimensional rectangular tank at a low filling level by using a level set method based on finite volume method. The code validations are performed by comparing between the present results and previous numerical and experimental results, which gives a good agreement. Various excitation frequencies and excitation amplitude of the 30% filling height tank have been considered in order to observe the dependence of the sloshing behavior on the excitation frequency and amplitude. Regardless of excitation amplitude, the maximum value of wall pressure occurs when the excitation frequency reaches the natural frequency. The time sequence of free surface and corresponding streamlines for excitation frequencies have been presented to analysis the variation of wall pressure according to time, which contributes to explain the double peaks in the time variation of wall pressure.
개선된 PANS 난류 모델을 이용한 높은 레이놀즈 수를 갖는 실린더 주위 난류 유동에 대한 수치 모사
강민재(M.J. Kang),정재환(J.H. Jung),석우찬(W. Seok),조석규(S.K. Cho),이상봉(S.B. Lee) 한국전산유체공학회 2020 한국전산유체공학회지 Vol.25 No.3
Computational simulations of turbulent flows around a circular cylinder were performed to investigate the drag coefficient and Strouhal number at sub-critical and critical Reynolds numbers. Unstructured grids with 3.1 million cells including prism layers were used in the present study. Both RANS and PANS simulations using k-ω SST model failed to predict a transitional behavior of drag coefficient and vortex shedding frequency at sub-critical and critical Reynolds numbers due to the absence of laminar separation bubble. But a hybrid combination of unresolved turbulence viscosity in PANS and sub-grid scale turbulence viscosity in LES provided a good agreement of drag coefficient and vortex shedding frequency with previous results.