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        초등 예비 교사들의 교실 영어 활용 능력을 향상시키기 위한 교수·학습 활동 탐색

        정은숙(Jeong Eun sook) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2018 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.18 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 중도시의 한 교육대학교에서 교실 영어 과목을 수강하는 1학년 171명의 학생들을 대상으로 한 학기 동안 이들을 지도하는 과정을 통해 교실 영어활용 능력을 향상시킬 수 있는 교수·학습 활동들을 탐색해 보는 데 있다. 수업에서 중점적으로 활용된 7가지 활동들은 학생들이 교실 영어 표현들을 스스로 탐색하고, 협의를 통해 유용한 표현들을 도출해 내거나 만들어 보며, 그룹원들이나 전체 학생들과 양방향 협력 학습 등을 하는데 초점이 맞추어져 있었다. 이러한 활동들의 효과성, 그리고 학생들의 교실 영어의 개념에 대한 이해도, 교실 영어 활용에 대한 자신감과 흥미도를 파악하기 위해 5단계 척도의 선택형, 순위형, 서술형 문항들로 구성된 중간 및 기말 설문 조사를 실시하였다. 결과 분석은 빈도 분석, 대응 표본 t-검정, 다중 응답 빈도 분석을 중심으로 이루어졌으나, 서술형 문항 분석 및 연구자의 수업 관찰도 포함되었다. 연구 결과로서 시도되었던 교수·학습 활동들의 효과성 면에서는 대부분의 활동들이 도움이 된다는 긍정적인 결과가 나타났다. 또한 학생들의 교실영어의 개념에 대한 이해, 활용에 대한 자신감과 흥미도도 유의하게 향상하였는데, 이는 교실 영어 강좌를 일반 영어 회화 강좌와 동일시하며, 그 필요성에 대해 크게 생각지 못했던 학생들에게 있어 큰 변화라 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서 제시된 구체적인 교수·학습 활동들과 그 효과성은 교육대학교에서 초등 예비 교사들을 대상으로 이루어지는 교실 영어 관련 강좌에 아이디어와 방향성을 제시할 수 있을 것이다. This study aims to explore what teaching and learning activities are helpful for improving pre-service teachers classroom English. For this purpose, seven activities in which learners are expected to search for useful classroom English expressions, work with group members to think and make new expressions, and do some teaching demonstrations, were developed and introduced to 171 freshmen during 15-week course of Classroom English in a university of education. In order to figure out the usefulness of the seven activities, two surveys (after week 7 and 15) were conducted. The results show that most of the activities were turned out to be helpful. Particularly, the pre-service teachers were satisfied with activities such as doing direct teaching demonstrations within groups or in whole classes, building their understanding of the National Curriculum of English, English textbooks and lessons, and utilizing real activities from English textbooks. In addition, the pre-service teachers reported their improved self-confidence and interest in using classroom English, as well as their better understanding on what classroom English is and why using it is necessary for their prospective students. Based on these findings, some pedagogical suggestions were drawn for improving pre-service teachers classroom English skills through classroom English related courses.

      • KCI등재

        엘리자베스 김의『만 가지 슬픔』에 나타난 혼혈입양인의 국가적,인종적 비체화

        정은숙 ( Eun Sook Jeong ) 한국영어영문학회 2013 영어 영문학 Vol.59 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze the national and racial abjection and re-colonialization on the mixed racial adoptee in Ten Thousand Sorrows. I read the body of the mixed-race adoptee as the metaphor which stands for Korea`s recolonial condition after the Korean War and signals the failure of the American state to make room in the national family for the racialized figure of difference. I also read Kim`s work as the account not only to destroy Korean narrative of patriarchal nationalism but also to reveal the failure of American benevolence. The story of the international adoptee represented in Kim`s memoir is intertwined with Korean history and shows the overlapping trauma of Korean war, American neocolonialism and entry of the racialized body into American hegemony. The theoretical basis of my argument is Kristeva`s feministic psychoanalysis, in particular, her notion of abjection. In analyzing Elizabeth Kim`s Ten Thousand Sorrows I also use Kriesteva` notion of abject in connection with the body of the mixed blood Korean and I put Kim`s position in the paradigm of ``abjection`` to reveal Kim`s unstable identity in Korean and American society. Kim exists as an abject child in her mother country, Korea, because of her mixed blood body and was expelled, excluded, rejected and repressed to preserve the nation`s racial purity and patriarchal culture. Kim also exists as an abject child in her adopted country, the United States, because of her racialized body different from white Americans and she is reconlonized there.

      • KCI등재

        킹스턴의 『 여인무사 』 에 나타난 대화적 기법 - 권위적 담론을 내적 설득담론으로 다시 쓰기 -

        정은숙(Eun Sook Jeong) 한국현대영미소설학회 1999 현대영미소설 Vol.6 No.2

        This paper, a study of Kingston`s The Woman Warrior, focuses on her dialogic technique. Kingston in The Woman Warrior does not make use of multiple narrators, but in some ways her book is just as dialogic because she utilizes stories from a variety of sources and reveals to the reader the effect these stories have on her. Whether through multiple representations or through the use of what feminists call palimpsest techniques, Kingston insistently subverts a monologic reality. Her dialogic vision is rooted in her marginal position as woman and as a member of ethnic minority. The narrator of The Womanconflicting belief systems: Chinese vs. American; male vs. female; old vs. young. How she comes to terms with these conflicts and develops her own world view by listening to stories comprises the text. In The Woman Warrior the narrator Kingston takes the stories - the stories of her aunt, the warrior woman Fa Mu Lan, her mother Brave Orchid, her mother`s sister Moon Orchid, a Chinese poetess Ts`ai Yen - her mother has told her and adapts them for her own purposes. Kingston`s mother intends the stories to serve as a kind of authoritative discourse, complete and unquestionable. Kingston, however, turns the stories into internally persuasive discourse by applying them to new material, that is, her own life and creating details about the stories. In other words, by separating herself from her mother`s world, by negating and subverting that world`s presumptive meaning, Kingston can sort out a new integration of her mother`s stories and finally find a way to articulate her voice. In particular, in the end of the text, by recomposing Ts`ai Yen`s poem, Kingston moved beyond simple binary oppositions to multiple perspectives and meanings, to open - endedness. She has, in a sense, accepted the heteroglossic nature of society and contributed to it.

      • KCI등재

        자메이카 킨케이드의『애니 존』에 나타난 어머니/식민지 본국의 비체화

        정은숙 ( Eun Sook Jeong ) 한국영어영문학회 2011 영어 영문학 Vol.57 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to analyse the mother-daughter structure presented in Annie John, Kincaid`s autobiographical novel as a metaphor for the relationship between the powerful colonizer and the powerless colonized. The representation of the mother in Annie John is ambiguous and ambivalent. On the one hand, the mother in the childhood, in its association with the Africanrooted Caribbean world before Antigua was colonized, is represented as a person who nurtures the daughter, and embodies a paradisiacal pre-oedipal union with the daughter. On the other hand, the mother at the adolescent stage, placed in the specific colonial context of the Caribbean, is represented as a scornful person/colonizer who dominates and controls the daughter`s behavior to keep her as a dependent and subjugated subject. Therefore, the two conflicting worlds, the African and the European, coexist in the contradictory figure of the mother. The theoretical basis of my argument is a mixture of Chodorow`s and Kristeva`s feministic psychoanalysis and Bhabha`s notion of "mimicry" and "ambivalence." Kristeva`s work on "abjection" is especially useful and helpful for contextualizing Annie`s individuation and separation from the mother who is represented as enigmatic.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중소병원 간호사의 성인애착유형에 따른 직무스트레스 및 조직몰입

        정은숙 ( Eun-sook Jeong ),김지원 ( Jiwon Kim ),배성윤 ( Sung-yoon Bae ) 한국병원경영학회 2018 병원경영학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        This study was designed to identify the adult attachment style among hospital nurses, and to examine its effect on nurses’ job stress and organizational commitment. Self-administered survey questionnaires with structured instruments were developed, and a total of 281 responses from five small to medium-sized hospitals were used for statistical analyses with SPSS Windows version 24.0 program. Major findings of the study are three fold. First, among the four styles of adult attachment, found in 30.6% of survey respondents, stability style was the most popular, followed by fear style(28.5%), disregard style(24.2%), and devotion style(17.8%). Second, according to the general characteristics of study participants, adult attachment style showed a significant difference in age(χ<sup>2</sup>=23.29, p=.025). Third, multiple regression analyses showed that hospital nurses with the fear style among other adult attachment styles had a significantly higher job stress compared to those with the stability style. The fear style also affected the nurses’ organizational commitment level in a negative way, but the effect was only marginal. Results from this study suggest that customized program based on the nurses’ adult attachment style should be developed to enhance their organizational commitment while reducing job stress in small to medium-sized hospitals.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        의류업계 광고전략과 가수들의 패션에 관한 연구

        정은숙(Eun Sook Jeong) 한국복식학회 1996 服飾 Vol.29 No.-

        Study on the Apparel Advertising Strategy and Popular Music Singer. From the 1990s popular musics begin to reflect modern fashion. Especially those dance musics such as Rap or Reggae captivate teenagers though the mass media. So middle-low price causal clothing companies hire the most poular singers as their role model. This marketing strategy succeeds to increas their sales and now many compaines compete to engage famous singers. In western countries where the music and the fahion have interacted for some times, famouse singers express their personalities through the clothes they wear. The consumers try to imitate them by puchasing smiliar clothsing. And it makes the apparel company to produce more goods. However, if those companies continue to be shortsighted in terms of increasing sales in the shortrun with out their personality and differentiation brand concept, they will only instigate the teenager`s consumption and they`ll fail to create their own fashion-style.

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