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      • KCI등재

        이호철의 <소시민>에 나타난 인식적 특성과 소설 미학적 특징

        정원채(Jeong, Won-chai) 국어국문학회 2011 국어국문학 Vol.- No.159

        This paper was studied about cognitive quality and aesthetic nature of <petit bourgeois>. Cognitive quality and aesthetic nature of <petit bourgeois> are "relative cognition and novel"s pluralism", "symbolism of limitary space and character"s polyphony", "form of memory and annotatory narration". The first, relative realization was found at <petit bourgeois>. The relativist cognition, which denied absolute validity of all truth and worth, was revealed at narrator"s viewpoint and attitude. This narrator refused deny or confirm about all character. He is not assimilate any person, and keep distance. Even he objectify himself. Comedy of <petit bourgeois> has began at relative realization. And relative realization producted diversification of life and reality. Therefore this novel attain pluralism. The second, space of <petit bourgeois> was symbolized, and characters shows polyphony"s quality. <Petit bourgeois> is novel of space. The writer set up characters which showed various situation of 1950"s society. So meaning of noodle making place above meaning of local place which revealed social condition of pusan. Noodle making place symbolized the space which revealed capital modernity of 1950"s society. And this novel showed polyphony characters, because of the symbolized space include autonomous and various characters. The third, <petit bourgeois> was found form of memory, annotatory narration, quality of ideal and essay. <Petit bourgeois> was composed by the method that flash back the age of the korean war from 1960"s time. This form of memory coincidentally combine to different time. This form lead reader who syntagmatically see to different times. And this form combine various element of different times. The particular point of this form is annotatory narration. The narrator intervene the event, and interpret meaning of events and situation. Of course the narrator don"t speak conclusively. Meanwhile use of annotatory narration gennerate this novel to quality of ideal and essay. <petit bourgeois> is the novel that historical and philosophically cosideration about reality and life were consolidated than before.

      • KCI등재

        ≪난장이가 쏘아올린 작은 공≫에 나타난 스타일의 다원성과 미학적 혁신

        정원채(Won Chai Jeong) 한국현대소설학회 2010 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.43

        This thesis was analyzed quality of novel`s esthetics of ≪A Small Ball Shot Up by a Dwarf≫. Purpose of this study is investigate that style`s pluralism and esthetics`s innovation of ≪A Small Ball Shot Up by a Dwarf≫. `synchronism`s realization through transform of Time-space, and cubism of language`, `non-biological form and disgraceful esthetics`, `dissolution`s sign of dichotomous cognition, and trend of genre`s crossover`, `double sidedness of accept and criticize of modernity` were treated to in this aim. The second chapter, reconstitution of time-space and particularity of verbalism were studied. This novelist transform time-space in this novel intentionally. In this point is connected with cubism of language. The third scene, non-biological form and disgraceful esthetics were considered. Jo Se-Hui made form non-biologically for reveal to true and reality of understand by himself. And so on, he has command of disgraceful esthetics for disclose and criticism of ugly reality. Chapter four, dissolution`s sign of dichotomous cognition and trend of genre`s crossover were treated. This novelist showed variation dichotomous cognition, and across attempt of dichotomous cognition at the novel. In this point that was showed pluralism connected with trend of genre`s crossover. Finally in chapter five, double sidedness of accept and criticize to modernity were examined. Jo Se-Hui accept various stimulation of bourgeois modernity, criticized problem of modernity in his novel.

      • KCI등재

        이태준의 중단편소설에 나타난 사랑의 문제

        정원채(Won Chai Jeong) 한국현대소설학회 2010 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.45

        Love`s issue of Lee, Tae-Jun`s short and medium-length story was analyzed in this thesis. Love`s attribute, recognition about sexual appetite, physical description about woman`s characters was examined in this paper. Character who appeared Lee, Tae-Jun`s short and medium-length story show strong desire about love. At this time, love that hero`s desire is romantic love, and viewpoint about love that he have is alike thinking of free love. But Lee, Tae-Jun is not novelist that believed romantic love and free love practicable in reality. This point was proved end of lose hero`s love. Desire and frustration, lust and disillusion of love were repeated on Lee, Tae-Jun`s love story. Sorrowful mood was producted between desire and frustration of love. And Sorrowful mood was built up with farewell motif. Meanwhile Lee, Tae-Jun show double and inconsistent attitude about sexual desire. Sexual appetite and physical charm were imagined negative in Lee, Tae-Jun`s short and medium-length story except a few works. Nevertheless interest about sex and sexual desire was still alive not solved. This interest on sex and sexual desire came to the surface narration about naked body of woman`s characters. In addition to description about woman`s body in Lee, Tae-Jun`s love story which claim our attention. Because Desire of love and sex were connected with interest and description about woman`s body. The woman`s body were showed by man`s viewpoint, and then description of woman was focused on face around eye, figure, dress. Eye, figure, dress are mark that appear personality and identity of woman`s character. Besides Lee, Tae-Jun raising romantic quality and pathetic mood of works with sick body. Woman`s body in the Lee, Tae-jun`s short and medium-length story had shown idealized figure that desire of man`s novelist was reflected. Work`s romantic quality was strengthened by idealized woman`s body.

      • KCI등재후보

        현대문학 : 나도향 소설에 나타난 가족의 문제와 주체의 굴절된 욕망

        정원채 ( Won Chai Jeong ) 한성대학교 한성어문학회 2013 漢城語文學 Vol.32 No.-

        Family problem and agent`s desire of Na Do-Hyang`s novel was studied in this thesis. Conflict of father and son stand out in Na Do-Hyang`s novel. At this point, father is existence who suppress desire and values of son. Also mother in Na Do-Hyang`s novel is insignificant existence. Absence of mother is connected with absouluzation of mother`s instinctive love. Family problem refract agent`s thought and desire. Characters of Na Do-Hyang`s novel were attracted by a fallen woman, and find refuge at art and love. Also, Characters shows aspects that mind and body are unjointed.

      • KCI등재

        1960년대 김승옥 소설에 나타난 웃음의 미학

        정원채(Won Chai Jeong) 한국현대소설학회 2008 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.38

        This thesis was studied about ‘the wit problem’ of 1960’s novels of Kim, seung-ok. At <exercise of life>, <a picnic>, <make sure a fixed idea of fifteen>, <a strong man>, <buy inexpensively>, <a cup of tea>, <seoul, winter of 1964’s>, <a notebook of fantasy>, <for understanding a younger sister>, <stolen summer>, <1960’s way>, Kim, seung-ok tried aesthetics of wit as an important writing methodology. A reader discovers wit on work, even if its degree’s different. This phenomenon could cause by specific characteristic of characters, or witty sentence that accurately express an ironic situation. Surely wit of Kim, seung-ok’s novels has much difference from giving a abroad smile or applause mingled with laughter. But if we could understand that the wit itself is including a smile on one’s lips, guffaw, applause mingled with laughter, then we could agree that it’s the very charming point of Kim, seung-ok’s novels, which is caused by wit. Wit is essential in his art, not only novels but also work of a comic strip and conte. But it’s rare to comment Kim, seung-ok’s art as a viewpoint of Wit because it’s difficult to demonstrate the concept of humor, jest and sarcasm. In the national standard dictionary of korean character, jest is defined by ‘comical but elegant act or talk’ and humor is defined by ‘instructive act among drollery’, but these kinds of concept is not enough to explain the wit of Kim, seung-ok’s art. Far from regular reacts of reader like a smile on one’s lips, guffaw and applause mingled with laughter, his wit has an internal metaphor of sorrow and grotesque. Moreover it’s hardly difficult to analyze it as a strongly aggressive sarcasm, as a matter of fact, because the characters in Kim, seung-ok’s art are undecisively weighing among apparently different values, it’s not representing aggressiveness to specific negative target which is correspond with sarcasm either. On the other hand it’s also hard to access with the concept of humor in his art. Generally humor should come up with delight, but Kim seung-ok’s art mostly has weirdness and cynical impression in its wit. So it’s not so delightful indeed. So this article wsill approach the concept of broad range of wit as well as the concept of humor, jest and sarcasm. In other words, it’ll demonstrate a primary factor and specific character of wit in 1960’s novels of Kim seung-ok in viewpoint of broad range of wit. In the point, this article will analyze the wit aesthetics of 1960’s novels of him focusing on ‘Exaggerated configuration of mental defect and dysphemism’, ‘Introduction of sexual and coprophobia content’, ‘Narration of discordance and wagging viewpoint’ and ‘Twisting sentence structure and paronomasia’.

      • KCI등재

        그로테스크 효과와 종합적 인식의 추구

        정원채(Won Chai Jeong) 한국현대소설학회 2006 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.32

        Lee, Chung-jun gather again his 1960`s works at ≪to show the star≫(1971). This work`s collection is observed by two reason. First, author use grotesque as a method of novel to display his own the theme. Second, author establish opposite clause to extend novel`s world, to recognize the situation overall. This point is found by the interior of the his work. Analysis of work is difficult to understand by mix the elements of opposite and both-sided. Here, I observed an aspect and function of grotesque, opposite clause and pursuit of synthetic cognition. Lee, Chung-jun show aspect of grotesque to mix the elements of opposite and both-sided. For example, narrator of <leaving hospital> show a figure of grotesque because of a clash at the interior of regression`s desire at mother and admission`s will at father`s world. Then art`s life and earthly living crash at works of a material of artisan. Character`s strange action and novel`s odd atmosphere are originated in clash of opposite clause. In addition to, novel of ≪to show the star≫ making grotesque atmosphere because of conflict opposite element without solution. While author create effect of estrangement to use grotesque. Effect of estrangement is a method to give mental impact at reader with mix opposite element, and to unfamiliar accustomed condition and world. Author making daily world and ordinary situation to unfamiliar with mix opposite factor and duplexity. So a reader is induced to recognize a human being once more, to have a question at inertia`s thinking. For example, <terrible saturday> and <flower and snake> belong to this. This works induce to reader recognize inside of phenomenon once more but treat with daily material. Author make a reader to recognize crack of modern wedded pair once more at <terrible saturday>, to perceive modern people`s condition of to lose nature and activity at <flower and snake>. In addition to Lee, Chung-jun extend novel`s world to establish opposite clause. By the way the reason of to extend novel`s denotation because that author pursuit synthetic recognition. Author approach synthetic recognition by establish opposite clause at work and work, at work`s inner part. For example, author deny affirmative and negative public opinion about murderer at <accomplice>. then author put into phenomenon to cover truth of event`s the other side. And pursuit of synthetic cognition is emerged by offer various vision about two man`s death at <a feigned sleep>.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        강경애의 소설에 나타난 지식인에 대한 인식

        정원채(Won Chai Jeong) 한국현대소설학회 2009 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.42

        This treatise was treated figuration and type of character intellectual, recognition and cause about intellectual in Kang Kyong-Ae`s novel. All the while Kang Kyong-Ae`s novel has been analyzed focus on women character and the people of the lower classes. But This treatise about Kang Kyong-Ae`s was analyzed focus on character of intellectual. In chapter two, two type`s recognition about intellectual was treated. And then, cause of Kang Kyong-Ae create novel of intellectual, theme`s quality on novel of intellectual, figuration of novel were treated. This analysis product critique about ideality and a petit bourgeois`s quality of intellectual, about protection socialistic intellectual. Also this sentence was mentioned that Kang Kyong-Ae`s novel call crossing and contrast of character`s eye, establishment self-reflection`s narrator of in the first person aim on figuration of this recognition. In chapter three, <anguish> and <human`s problem> were analyzed. Affirmative eye was exposed in <anguish> but rare in socialistic narrative. This point was showed both-sided recognition of intelletual. And this phenomenon well brought out in <human`s problem> rather than <anguish>. Kang Kyong-ae understanded the inside of intellectual of bourgeois, but doubted that intellectual of bourgeois practice socialism with joint proletarian classes focus on Shin-Chol of impotant character in this novel. In chapter four, origin of Kang Kyong-Ae`s recognition about intellectual was analyzed. intellectual of proletarian classes origin influenced strongly Kang Kyong`s recogniton of intellectual and her`s novel.

      • KCI등재후보

        대학 글쓰기에서의 첨삭 프로그램 현황과 개선 방안 -한성대학교를 중심으로-

        나은미 ( Eun Mi Na ),권정현 ( Jung Hyun Kwon ),김인경 ( In Kyung Kim ),이현주 ( Hyun Joo Lee ),정원채 ( Won Chai Jeong ) 한성대학교 한성어문학회 2009 漢城語文學 Vol.28 No.-

        The aim of this study is to introduce an online program construction for writing correction, developmental process thereof, and devising a `standard for correction.` Problems occurring during such process were managed aptly so that an efficient improvement plan of the online writing correction program can be designed. Accordingly a size of the institutes performing corrections in university and a current status of the correction programs are evaluated in chapter two of this study. A review was made on nine domestic universities to examine objects of correction, responsible personnel for correction, major activities related with correction. A current status of the online correction program of Hansung University was introduced in chapter three. Examined were the methods of operation, operation procedures, and correction methods of the Hansung University`s correction program. Moreover purpose and constructing process of devising a `standard for correction` were reviewed. Subsequently a case study of the correction based on the devised `standard for correction` was illustrated. Considerationin chapter four as follows: specific degree and parameter of correction; training program for the personnel performing correction; and correction feedback.

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