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        현대 문화와 하나님의 선교

        정승현(Seung Hyun Chung) 장로회신학대학교 세계선교연구원 2011 선교와 신학 Vol.27 No.-

        이 논문에서 필자는 문화 상품의 홍수 속에서 살고 있는 현대인들에게 어떻게 하나님의 선교를 감당할지에 대해 고찰하였다. 현대 사회에는 다양한 미디어가 존재한다. 고문서에서 인터넷에 이르기까지 각각의 미디어는 독특한 특징을 가지고 사람들 사이의 매개체 역할을 하고 있다. 지리적으로 멀리 떨어져 있던 지역은 그 어느 때보다도 미디어를 통해서 가까워지고 있으며 물리적 거리로 인해 느낄 수 있는 이질감은 감소하고 있다. 매스미디어를 통해 급속하게 세계화가 진행되고 있는 것이다. 매스 미디어와 연관하여 세계화를 원심적 세계화(Centripetal Globalization)와 구심적 세계화(Centrifugal Globalization)로 구분할 수 있다. 원심적 세계화는 각 개인이 인터넷 등을 통해 스스로 세계화에 참여하는 방식이고 구심적 세계화는 주로 서구의 미디어 기업들이 문화 상품을 제작하여 비서구 국가들에게 판매하면서 이루어 진다. 미디어를 통해 개인과 기업, 서구와 비서구 양방향에서 진행되는 세계화는 독특한 현대 문화를 창출하였다. 먼저는 비주얼(Visual) 문화이다. 현대인들은 갈수록 활자보다는 다양한 화면이 움직이는 동영상 미디어에 관심을 갖게 되었으며 그러한 경향을 반영하여 최근에는 미디어가 입체 영상 (3D)을 제공하는 시대에 이르게 되었다. 아울러서 일반인들은 재미를 최우선으로 추구한다. 복잡한 논리보다는 전세계에서 만들어진 다양한 문화 상품을 통해 자신들의 관심 분야에서 최고의 재미를 맛보기 원한다. 그리고 세계화 시대에는 갈수록 하나의 순수한 전통 문화는 사라져 가고 있으며 각 미디어는 개체로 존재하기보다는 다른 미디어들과 연합하여 하이브리드(Hybrid) 되어 가고 있다. 이러한 현대 문화의 복잡다단한 상황 가운데 매일 삶을 살아가는 사람들에게 하나님의 선교를 감당하기 위해 예수 그리스도의 사역에 초점을 맞춘다. 그는 하나님의 선교를 위해 이 땅에 보내심을 받고 유대인으로서 일평생을 살았다. 그는 죄에 물들어 있는 인간의 문화를 배척하지 않았고 오히려 그것들을 사용하여 구체적으로 하나님 나라를 선포하였다. 특별히 예수는 동시대에 대중적인 대화 방식인 비유를 사용하여 하나님 나리를 증거함으로 유대인들로 하여금 집중하도록 하였다. 이러한 예수의 선교는 오늘날 그리스도인들에게 어떻게 현대 문화를 사용하여 하나님의 선교에 참여 할지에 대한 열쇠를 제공한다.

      • C1-C6 스펙트럼과 내부자 운동에 관한 비평적 이해와 선교적 함의 모색

        정승현(Seung-hyun Chung) 중동아프리카연구소 2018 아랍과 이슬람 세계 Vol.5 No.-

        The origins and founders of the Insider Movement are difficult to clarify, but in general, the debate began when John Travis classified the Christian community in the Islamic region in 1998 on the C1-C6 spectrum. It seems that indigenous groups of insiders have existed for quite some time. Samuel Zwemer deals with ‘Hidden Disciples’, similar to insiders, in The Law of Apostasy in Islam, which was published in 1924. The insider movement is conducted in the field where the vast majority of the people are Muslims while Christian communities are often marginalized and oppressed. There are quite a few disagreements over the assessment of those who are actively involved in this movement. The majority of Christians never heard of it or are not well-informed about it, let alone, participated in this movement. Therefore, it is important to devise a comprehensive method to evaluate insider movements properly, and to determine the personnel who are qualified to conduct such assessment. The assessment of insider movements will be different depending on which is prioritized between the official and religious ‘proselytization’ of Muslims to Christians and true ‘conversion’ in Jesus Christ. The biggest concern for the insider movement is the syncretism. However, Travis argues that the danger can be minimized by an ‘alongsider’, a person who will walk with insiders to help them understand and practice the whole gospel through a continuous relationship. In addition, continuing education and training of insiders through the use of recent technologies can help overcome syncretism.

      • KCI등재

        랄프 윈터(Ralph D. Winter)의 선교학 재탐구

        정승현 ( Seung Hyun Chung ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2014 복음과 선교 Vol.25 No.-

        Ralph D. Winter (1924-2009) has been developed his missiology through a whole life. I will reexamine his missiological legacy chronologically, which are before 1974 (the Lausanne Movement), 1974-2000, and after 2000. It is because his missiology is very much related to these specific time periods. Before 1974, Winter had been a missionary in Guatemala (1956-66), then he became a professor of Missiology in Fuller Theological Seminary (1967-76). In this period, one of his most significant contributions is to adopt, Anthropological terms, modality and sodality, to describe the two structures of mission. He said a modality is a structured fellowship in which there is no distinction of sex or age, while a sodality is a structured fellowship in which membership involves an adult second decision beyond modality membership, and is limited by either age or sex or marital status. In this use of these terms, both the denomination and the local congregation are modalities, while a mission agency or a local men`s club are sodalities. Winter argued that both has been are biblical and historical, so they are legitimate for the mission of God. In this sense, local church and mission agency need to understand each other`s specific function and contribution and cooperate together for His mission. Since Winter worked with Donald A. McGavran, he passionately involved in ‘a people movement.’ He thought a people movement to Christ should be the basic goal of missionary activity. Yet, Winter focused on ‘the unreached people’ rather than ‘a church growth movement.’ It is because Winter discovered the fact that although in 1974 already most of territories in the World has been reached, but there were still so many unreached people. The real problem is that other 403 million non-Christians, who are 17 percent of the task, are the object of the attention of 38,000missionaries who are 95 percent of the force. Meanwhile, the Hindu, Muslim, and Chinese blocks, some 1993million people in all, are the object of the attention of only 5 percent of the missionary force. He developed ‘AD 2000 and Beyond Movement’ and its sloganis “A Church for Every People and the Gospel for Every Person By the Year 2000.” He said that we will be embarrassed only if when that day comes we cannot say we have done everything in our power to find and approach and reach every people and every person on earth. In other words, Winter encouraged all Christians work together for carrying out the mission of God to an unreached people. Yet, what does “A Church for Every People” mean for Winter? He described that a people movement is highly indigenous, and that the members of the people feel a sense of belonging to each other. When missionaries should take very seriously the tangible differences in dialect or vocabulary of different groups but may not often take seriously the many different kinds of intangible prejudice barriers that define additional subgroups. Then he argues that missionaries should reach one of many subgroups, not all of them. After 2000, Winter at least added two more significant insights on Missiology, which are ‘radical contextualization’ and ‘decontextualization.’ The idea of radical contextualization is not just how many minority peoples are left. It is how many large blocs are still untouched or unchosen. It is how many peoples which are supposedly already ‘reached’ that are not really reached. The decontextualization is focus on our own tradition, which means being willing to find major philosophic or Biblical or theological flaws in our own tradition. Winter claimed contextualization should be done in both places, mission field and Western Christendom.

      • KCI등재후보

        이슬라모포비아의 이해와 선교학적 함의

        정승현(Seung Hyun (Nathan) Chung) 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교 한국이슬람연구소 2016 Muslim - Christian Encounter Vol.9 No.2

        The prejudice of Islamophobia did not suddenly appear after the terrors of 9/11 2001. It has had long and deep historical roots. In November 1997, the Runnymede Report, Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All launched in the UK launched discussions in public and studies in academic level as well. According to Runnymede, “Islamophobia refers to unfounded hostility towards Islam. It refers also to the practical consequences of such hostility in unfair discrimination against Muslim individuals and communities, and to the exclusion of Muslims from mainstream political and social affairs.” Chris Allen insists that there are three different components of Islamophobia; 1) Islamophobia is an ideology, 2) it operates and functions in the public and privates spaces through a vast range of different actions, and 3) it performs as exclusionary practices against Islam and Muslim, including prejudice, discrimination, and vandalism and so on. One of prejudices of Islamophobia is monolithic view towards Islam and Muslim, although there are huge diversities among them. Muslims in Europe and the US have lived in different social and economic settings. Terrorists based on Islam like IS kill many Muslim themselves. In South Korea, the diversity of Muslims is growing as the population of them is increasing caused by the influx of immigrated labor population. Like the case of tragic accidents in France in 2015, most media only focus on religion of people who committed terror or massacre rather than deal with fundamental issues like discrimination which Muslims have to face daily lives. They are excluded and marginalized in a wider society of Europe. The sense of Islamophobia is increasing in Korea in relation to growing immigrant workers, terrors in the globe, and prejudice of the mass media. Since Christians experiences the unconditional love and grace of Jesus Christ, we need to view them in different ways compared to ordinary people. Like Jesus who talked to a woman in Samaria called Sychar, Christians should talk with them without prejudice so that they may get an opportunity to be introduced to the Kingdom of God.

      • KCI등재

        선교적 영성(Missional Spirituality)에 대한 소고: 대안 공동체로서, 일상에서, 하나님의 선교에 참여하는 영성

        정승현(Seung Hyun Chung) 장로회신학대학교 세계선교연구원 2021 선교와 신학 Vol.53 No.-

        기독교 영성은 삼위일체 하나님과의 관계에서 일어나는 것으로 인간의 영적인 부분만이 아니라 전존재에 해당한다. 그러므로 기독교 영성은 크리스텐덤의 이분법적인 세계관에서처럼, 오직 교회 안이나 수도원 안에서만 습득할 수 있는 것이 아니다. 현대인의 일상은 하나님과의 관계를 돈독히 하고 그것을 구현할 수 있는 영성의 현장(context)이다. 아울러서 기독교 영성은 예수 그리스도의 공생애에서 볼 수 있듯이, 공동체 안에서 이루어진다. 선교적 영성은 하나님의 선교(missio Dei)에 근거를 두는 영성이다. 그러므로 선교적 영성은 교회나 수도원 안에서 혹은 선교현장에서 사역하는 선교사나 목회자들만의 영성이 아니고, 장소가 어느 곳이든지 상관없이 일상에서 부름 받고 보냄 받은 모든 기독교인에게 필요한 영성이다. 마지막으로 선교적 영성은 개인적인 경건생활의 차원을 넘어서, 기독교 공동체가 이 땅에서 하나님의 선교에 참여하는 대안 공동체로서의 역할을 감당케 하는 영성이다. Christian spirituality arises from the relationship with the triune God and is not only the spiritual part of man, but the whole being. Therefore, Christian spirituality cannot be acquired only in churches or monasteries, as in Christendom’s dichotomous world-view. The daily life of contemporary people is the context of spirituality that can strengthen the relationship with God and realize it. In addition, Christian spirituality takes place within the community, as seen in the public life of Jesus Christ. Missional spirituality is a spirituality based on the God’s mission(missio Dei). Therefore, missional spirituality is not unique to missionaries or pastors who work in churches or monasteries or in mission fields. Rather, it is the spirituality necessary for all Christians called and sent out in their daily lives, no matter where they are located. Finally, missional spirituality is a spirituality that goes beyond the dimension of personal godliness and allows the Christian community to take on the role of an alternative community participating in God’s mission in any given context.

      • KCI등재

        수피즘의 동향 연구: 인도네시아를 중심으로

        정승현 ( Seung Hyun Chung ),이승현 ( Seung Hyun Lee ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2016 복음과 선교 Vol.33 No.-

        무슬림은 개인과 지역에 따라 차이가 있지만 대부분 정통(Orthodox) 이슬람과 민간(Folk) 이슬람을 동시에 받아들이고 있다. 이슬람 신비주의 운동인 수피즘은 1,400년 이상 무슬림들에게 많은 영향력을 행사하였고 21세기에도 여전히 존재하고 있다. 본고의 목적은 수피즘이 과거에서 현재까지 민간 무슬림들에게 깊은 영향을 주고 있음을 인도네시아의 상황을 통해 고찰하는 데 있다. 초창기 수피즘은 이슬람의 세속화에 대한 저항으로 금욕주의(asceticism)를 추구함과 동시에 율법주의로부터 해방을 시도한 영적운동이었다. 이 운동은 점차적으로 신과의 깊은 교감을 목적으로 발전하게 되었다. 수피즘은 신비스러운 행동을 하지만 이슬람전통인 꾸란과 하디스, 그리고 이슬람 초기의 관행에 뿌리를 두고 있다. 가잘리(Abu-Hamid al-Ghazzali, 1058-1111)는 샤리아의 준수와 수피의 길을 가는 것이 무슬림의 두 가지 의무라고 주장하였다. 수피즘은 사랑의 알라로부터 영지를 습득하여 직접적인 만남을 시도하는데, 자아소멸의 상태인 파나(fana)와 알라와의 합일이 지속되는 상태인 바까(baqa)가 궁극적 목표이다. 왈리(wali)는 알라와의 만남을 체험하고 선택을 받은 존귀한 자이다. 대중들은 중재자 역할을 해주는 왈리를 통해 알라를 간접적으로 경험할 뿐 아니라 삶의 문제 해결에도 도움을 받는다. 비(非)아랍권 지역에서 비폭력적인 방식으로 수피즘이 빠르게 전파될 수 있었던 큰 요인은 각 지역의 언어를 쓰는 성자의 존재와 역할 때문이었다. 인도네시아의 무슬림은 사회적으로, 종교적으로, 그리고 정치적으로 무함마디야(Muhammadiyah)와 NU(Nahdlatul Ulama)의 두 개의 커다란 그룹으로 나뉜다. 무함마디야는 근대주의 개혁운동을 실천하며 이슬람 신앙의 순수성을 회복을 강조한다. 반면 NU는 샤리아를 강조하지만 수피의 명상을 실천하는 가장 큰 무슬림 단체이다. 수피즘은 근대주의와 전통주의의 갈등을 해결해주는 역할을 하였다. 그리고 인도네시아에서 수피즘은 20세기 후반 도시의 중산층을 중심으로 미디어를 통하여 다양한 모습으로 발전하였다. 무슬림들에게 온전히 복음을 전하기 위해 그들의 세계관을 형성하는 수피즘을 이해하면서 그들에게 십자가의 사랑을 지속적으로 전해야 한다. Although each muslim has a different background, most of them accept both Orthodox Islam and Folk Islam. Sufism has more than a 1,400 year history and still have tremendous influences to contemporary muslims. The thesis of this paper is that Sufism has influenced most muslims from the origin of it, so Christians need to understand its goals and practices. Sufism is rooted in not only asceticism and mysticism but also Quran and Hadith. The goal of mystical practice is to cleanse the soul so that it may be drawn close to Allah. This kind of action is to be motivated only by love for him. Abu-Hamid al-Ghazzali(1058-1111) is the one who combine the orthodox Islam and Sufism. In Islam the most common meaning of Wali is the saint or holy person who experienced Allah. Wali is a mediator between Allah and people. Sometimes Wali helps people to figure out their daily matters. Because of Wali, Sufism could be spread so fast beyond the middle East regions. In Indonesia, the most important reformist association is Muhammadiyah which is established in 1912. It established nu merous modern schools and focused on purifying the faith and combating syncretistic practices. The NU(Nahdlatul Ulama) est ablished in 1926 has been defending traditional sufi practices and schools. Sufism take a role as a mediator between these two groups. In the 21st century, Sufism has been changed with various forms in Indonesia by well-educated middle class muslims. Sufism has never been washed away, so Christians need to understand Sufism and its influence in order to carrying out the Gospel in appropriate ways.

      • PCK 이슬람대책위원회의 과거와 현재 그리고 미래

        정승현(Chung, Seung-hyun) 주안대학원대학교 2024 주안신학논단 Vol.- No.-

        This paper reviews the seminar materials and publications published by the PCK World Mission Department and the Islamic Committee since 2011. Then, it proposes ways to appropriately testify the gospel to Muslims in each region. The PCK Islamic Committee has had less discussion about Muslims than about Islam, and even when it did, it mainly treated them as an object of caution rather than friendship. Also, although there are differences depending on the author, they have an overall negative view of Islam. This tends to give Christians who are unfamiliar with Islam and Muslims a hostile image rather than helping them gain an objective understanding. The PCK Islamic Committee can quickly discover diversity if it studies Islam and Muslims with a focus on context. It is also necessary to understand the worldview of Muslims from a missionary perspective. As Paul Hiebert argues, if Christian missions are not limited to spreading a two-tiered version of Christianity but aim to change the worldview of Muslims, understanding the worldview of Muslims must come first. The PCK Islamic Committee must collect and organize data centered on missionaries in the Islamic world. In particular, by accurately identifying the current status of Muslims in the country and providing information to each presbytery and a local church, confusion caused by inaccurate statistics can be prevented. In addition, there is a need to open a course centered on field missionaries so that PCK missionaries working in the Islamic world can participate without restrictions on time and place through online methods such as Zoom. The PCK Islamic Countermeasures Committee must help Christians who are not yet familiar with Islam and Muslims lead Muslims with the worldview of the Ummah to the community of Christ.

      • KCI등재후보

        보쉬(David J. Bosch)의 선교, 전도, 그리고 교회의 상관관계 연구

        정승현 ( Seung Hyun Chung ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2012 복음과 선교 Vol.18 No.-

        This article aims to understand the mission theology of David Bosch in holistic views. Besides his significant volume, Transforming Mission, which was called The Summa Missiologica by Lesslie Newbigin, Bosch wrote more than 160 articles in relation to mission. According to J. Kevin Livingston, Bosch contributed to at least three different areas in Missiology; 1) a biblical foundation for mission with emphasizing the intrinsically missionary nature of the church, 2) a holistic and theological definition of mission and evangelism, and 3) an appropriate meaning of the Gospel in South African context. In this article I focus on the second one in understanding of two other contributions. When Bosch dealt with the meaning of evangelism he stressed the fact that word and deed must go together. As a Christian who had lived in the situation of apartheid, he knew that only verbal proclamation without proper action did not mean anything for Christ. In this sense, evangelism should deal with both spiritual and social issues. In addition, evangelism is not an event for bring people into a church, but an invitation to people to follow the life and work of Jesus Christ through whole life. Bosch also underlined that evangelism is not only a matter of personal salvation but also a participation in a new community. Church is supposed to be an alternative society in a wider world. It is called to be in the world, but not of the world. For Bosch, mission is more comprehensive term rather than evangelism. Mission is much bigger than simply bringing people into a church or planting a new church. According to Luke 4:1819, it concerns various kinds of human needs. Bosch argued that mission is not about fixing problems of human beings or social structures. Instead mission is supposed to be epiphany, a manifestation of God`s presence. Bosch always paid attention to the role of church in the mission of God. The Triune God is a missionary God and his people are missionary as well. God initiates mission and church participates in his mission. It means church is not a subject in terms of doing mission but an instrument to manifest his love to the world. When church performs mission, she has to cross all different kinds of barriers and frontiers. The Christian mission is not only to cross geographical boundary but also to overcome social, political, and other barriers in the name of Jesus. In the context of South Africa many Afrikaners are Christians but they rarely cross a boundary between races. Bosch boldly insisted that this kind of church is a heresy. In final, Bosch suggested a ``victim-missionary`` rather than ``exemplar-missionary`` in terms of doing mission. He alarmed the superiority of western missionaries over local people in Africa, Asia and other places. As an ambassador of God, missionary should be humble like Jesus and live in and through with them in any given situation.

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