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        상악 전치부 치은선의 평균치에 관한 연구

        정민영,임성빈,정진형,Chung, Min-Young,Lim, Sung-Bin,Chung, Chin-Hyung 대한치주과학회 2004 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.34 No.1

        Tooth is the most important element in esthetic consideration on facial area. Tooth alignment which is in harmony with gingiva, lips, and face is also key element. The purpose of this study was to give a clinical discipline for restoration of gingival contour, which contains a ratio of maxillary 6 anterior teeth, research for gingival contour etc., in case of rehabilitation of maxillary anterior teeth. 300 Dankook university dental school students ,who is their twenties and free from periodontitis, participate in this study. The result was from each 70 males and females who had normal occlusion and tooth alignment. Length, width and length/width ratio of maxillary 6 anterior teeth were 0.74-0.81 in male, 0.81-0.84 in female. There was significant difference between male and female. The most deepest position of gingiva in maxillary central incisor and canine was located in distal part of teeth and maxillary lateral incisor was middle portion. In maxillary central incisors, gingival line of the most deepest point appeared significant difference between male and female (p<0.01) whereas there was no difference in lateral incisors and canines. Distance between interdental papilla apex and the most deepest portion appeared significant difference between male and female. Distance of the deepest position of gingiva is statistically significant except maxillary central incisors and lateral incisors. Standard deviation and mean of the width of labio-lingual were measured in cervical area and there was a significant difference both male and female.(p<0.01) From this result, we could get the mean of maxillary anterior gingival line and these results have great value in clinical guidance in studying maxillary anterior teeth.

      • KCI등재후보

        혈소판 응집능에 미치는 인슐린의 in vitro 효과에 관한 연구

        박철주(Cheol Ju Park),조재현(Jae Hyun Cho),강호철(Ho Cheol Kang),선영덕(Young Duck Sun),양승원(Seung Won Yang),정민영(Min Young Chung),이태희(Tai Hee Lee) 대한내과학회 1996 대한내과학회지 Vol.51 No.1

        Objectives: It has been suggested that functional abnormalities of platelets play a role in the pathogenesis of diabetic macro- and microangiopathy. Platelets obtained from diabetic patients have been shown to exhibit increased sensitivity to aggregating agents. It was reported that insulin influence on platelet and the long term insulin deficiency might account for the enhanced platelet aggregability frequently observed in diabetic patients. Our aim in this study was to clarify the influence of insulin on platelets in vitro. Methods: We investigated the effects of insulin on platelets response by incubating PRP(platelet rich plama) at 37℃ with different concentrations of the insulin for 5 or 30 min before adding the aggregating agents. Insulin final concentratons were 40, 100μIU/ml, assuming that the basal insulin concentration of PRP is 10 μIU/ml. The responses of platelets to ADP(adenosine diphosphate) and collagen were examined under basal conditions and after the addition of insulin, and they were quantified as the maximal aggregation(M) and T1/2(time consumed to reach 50% of the maximal aggregation). Results: 1) The subjects aged 27.4±2.5(mean±SE) years with body weight 62.5±6.3 kg. 2) The maximal aggregation of the control platelet in response to ADP(60.3±2.7%) was significantly reduced after PRP incubation for 30 min with 40 μIU/ml insulin(52.7±2.7%, 100 μIU/ml insulin(48.7±3.2%) (p<0.01). 3) The T1/2 of the control platelet in response to ADP(30.9±1.9sec) was significantly increased after PRP incubation for 30 min with 40pIU/ml insulin (36.6 ±1.7sec), 100 p μIU/ml insulin(38.3±1.7sec) (p<0.01). 4) The maximal aggregation of the control platelet in response to ADP(60.3±2.7%) was significantly reduced after PRP incubation for 5 min with 100 μ IU/ml insulin(56.9±2.5%), PRP incubation for 30 min with 100 μIU/ml insulin(48.7+3.2%)(p<0.01). 5) The T1/2 of the platelet incubated for 5 min in response to ADP(31.9±2.1sec, 32.5±2.0sec) was significantly increased after 30 min of incubation(36.6 ±1.7sec, 38.3±1.7sec) at 40μIU/ml, 100μIU/ml insulin concentration(p<0.01). 6) The maximal aggregation of the control platelet in response to collagen (63.9±2.8%) was significantly reduced after PRP incubation for 30 min with 40 p IU/ml insulin(58.3±3.0%), 100μIU/ml insulin(55.1±3.3%) (p<0.01). 7) The maximal aggregation of the control platelet in response to collagen(63.9±2.8%) was significantly reduced after PRP incubation for 5 min with 100 μIU/ml insulin(57.8±2.9%), PRP incubation for 30 min with 100 μIU/ml insulin(55.1±3.3%)(p<0.01). Conclusion: Insulin reduces the platelet response to ADP, collagen in vitro, especially in 30 min PRP incubation at same concentration.

      • KCI등재

        중년남녀의 여가활동 유형과 효과에 관한 비교연구

        정민영(Min Young Chung) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2001 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.21 No.-

        This study attempts to provide basic data regarding leisure activities by comparison of the types and effectiveness of leisure activities between middle aged men and women. In order to achieve this goal, I used cluster stratified random sampling using a population of 720 middle aged men and women living in the City of Inchon. To analyze the data. I used frequency analysis, coefficient of reliability analysis, one way ANOVA, and the chi-square test. Based on these methods and procedures, I reached following conclusions. 1. Leisure activities on weekdays were as follows: For both men and women, the break down was: watching television (55.74, 43.92%), for men, sports activities(11.48%), reading newspapers and books (8.20%), for women, housework (31.76%), shopping (5.41%). There was a significant difference at the level of 0.1% between men and women. 2. Leisure activities on weekends were as follows: For both men and women, the break down was: watching television (31.15, 32.43%), for men, meeting friends (14.75%), sports activities and fishing (9.84%), religious activities (6.56%), for women, housework (21.62%), religious activities (21.26%). There was a significant difference at the level of 0.1% between men and women. 3. The number of hours for leisure activities on weekdays were as follows: For both men and women, the breakdown by types was: less than 1 hour (27.87, 30.41%), 12 hours (31.15, 33.11%), 2-3 hours (21.31, 22.30%), 3-4 hours (9.84, 8.93%). There was no significant difference at the level of 5% between men and women. 4. The number of hours for leisure activities on weekends were as follows: For both men and women, the break down was 2-3 hours (34.43, 45.27%), for men, 3-5 hours (31.15%), more than 5 hours (26.23%). For women, less than 1 hour (21.62%), 3-5 hours (18.92%). There was a significant difference at the level of 0.1%. 5. The cost for leisure activities were as follows: For both men and women, the breakdown was: 10,000-30,000 won (27.87, 27.70%) was highest portion. For women, less than 10,000 won was 26.35%. There was no significant difference at the level of 5% in the cost. 6. Future leisure activities desired were as follows: For both men and women, the breakdown was: traveling (34.43, 35.14%), for men, sports activities (26.23%), fishing (2.95%), meeting friends (4.92%), for women, flower arrangement (19.59%), sports activities (18.24%), meeting friends (5.41%). There was a significant difference at the level of 0.1%. 7. The causes preventing leisure activities were as follows: For both men and women, the bread down was: lack of time (48.65%), cost (16.39, 21.62%), lack of facilities (13.11, 9.46%). There was a significant difference at the level of 5%. 8. The effectiveness of leisure activities were as follows: For men, the break down was: social effectiveness(M=3.945), psychological effectiveness (M=3.901), physical effectiveness (M=3.756), for women, psychological effectiveness (M=3.939), social effectiveness (M=3.923), and physical effectiveness (M=3.878). There was no significant difference at the level of 5%.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        청소년비행 제재수단에 관한 연구

        정민영(Min Young Chung) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 1996 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.13 No.-

        The leisure and sport profession faces a critical issue today, relating to at-risk youth. The urgency for the profession to develop a cohesive and educational approach for youth-at-risk is increasing. Little is known about leisure in the lives of adolescents who engage in delinquent activity for excitement and pleasure. Adolescents often regard delinquent activities as their leisure. The purpose of this study was to determine the reasons of juvenile delinquency and to propose the ways of reducing the problems. A review of literature suggested that Access to socially acceptable leisure participation is blacked by a mumbler of constraints such as financial problems, lack of skill level, timing, resources, and so on. Adolescents may perceive constraints differently from adults. Consequently adolescents strive to satisfy their unmet needs such as release of stress, achievement, pleasure, and competence through delinquent experiences. Delinquent activities may be reduced by increasing self-esteem, fostering self-efficacy, and enhancing self-concept. Through leisure education, adolescents may be able to acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes, and resources that can help them to gain access or facilitate meaningful forms of socially acceptable leisure. Leisure and sport service providers must understand the motivation for such delinquent behaviors to increase access to socially acceptable leisure opportunities that will satisfy the needs of this population. Collaboration and partnership-building are important to effectively solve the problems about youth. Partnerships with other social service organizations and business help augment programs. Leisure and sport programs without clear goals and objectives will be challenged to articulate benefits and justify community support. Policy implications of this study seem to be rather critical.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        3. 현대 예술 및 문화 : 재인식의 웃음 -로리오의 희극성

        정민영 ( Min Young Chung ) 한국브레히트학회 2014 브레히트와 현대연극 Vol.0 No.30

        우리 코미디의 질적 개선과 웃음의 차원을 끌어 올려야 하는 상황에서 그 자극제의 역할을 할 수 있는 예를 독일의 경우에서 찾는다면 우선 카를 발렌틴 Karl Valentin(1882-1948)과 로리오 Loriot(1923-2011)를 들 수 있겠다. 발렌틴은 희극배우, 카바레티스트, 극작가, 영화제작자 등으로 다양한 활동을 하며 1920년대와 1930년대, 버라이어티 쇼 수준에 머물러 있었던 당시 독일의 대중오락을 예술 차원으로 발전시킨 중심인물이다.로리오는 발렌틴의 다음 세대로서 독일의 현대 대중예술, 특히 대중 코미디 분야를 대표한다. 만화작가, 희극배우, 연출가, 무대미술가, 무대의상 디자이너 등 다양한 활동을 펼친 그는 그 활동의 폭과 민중의 삶에 밀착된 독특한 유머로 발렌틴의 뒤를 잇는 걸출한 희극인이라 할 수 있다. 로리오는 일반 시민의 평범한 일상에 숨어있는 부조리와 모순을 드러내고, 독일 사회가 가진 여러 형태의 경직성을 공격하여 보편적 공감을 획득함으로써 진정한 희극성은 현실의 삶과 깊이 연결되어야 함을 보여준다. 특히 1970년대 ARD를 통해 방영된 텔레비전 코미디 시리즈물은 로리오의 이 같은 특성을 잘 나타내는 것으로 그의 예술 세계를 이해하는 데 핵심이 될 뿐만 아니라 우리 코미디의 발전을 위해서도 수용 가능한 예가 되리라 판단한다. 이 같은 판단에서 이 글은 1970년대에 로리오가 텔레비전 작업을 위해 발표한 스케치 Sketch중 대표적 작품을 주요 주제별로 분석하여 그의 대중예술이 갖는 가치를 밝히고, 나아가 독일 대중코미디 분야의 심도 있는 연구를 위한 기초자료를 제공하기 위해 쓰여진다. 한국에서 이 분야는 아직 연구의 공백으로 남아있기 때문이다. 또한 로리오를 처음 소개하는 이 글을 통해 표피적 웃음의 한계에 머물러 있는 것으로 보이는 한국 코미디와 희극이 날카로운 풍자와 따뜻한 인간애의 유머가 결합된 의미 있는 예술로 그 지평을 확장할 자극을 얻기 바라는 것, 그것이 이 글이 품은 또 하나의 기대이다. Auch in Korea wie in Deutschland werden die popularen, humoristischen Werke, vor allem die Comedy oder Gags, geringgeschatzt. Der elitare Standpunkt in Gelehrtenkreisen, dass die Massenunterhaltung nur einen einmaligen Lacheffekt hat, ist noch vorherrschend. In dieser Situation kann man am Beispiel von Loriot eine Moglichkeit entdecken, dass sich die humoristischen Arbeiten zur sozialwertigen Kunst entwickeln konnen. Das kunstlerische Spektrum Loriots umfasst Zeichnungen, Filme, Prosa, dramatische Werke, Schauspielerei, Regiearbeit usw. In dieser Breite seiner Kunst zeigen vor allem die Sketche fur die Fernseharbeit, die in den 1970er Jahren geschrieben wurden, das Wesen seiner Komik. Die Satire von Loriot ist zeitlos und nicht ortlich. Sie verbindet sich nicht mit einer bestimmten Aktualitat oder dem Zeitgeist, sondern grundet sich auf das Allgeimeingultige wie die Beziehung zwischen Mann und Frau, Kommunikationsstorungen und kleine Fehler des Menschen, die man uberall in unserer Gesellschaft sehen kann. Damit verbindet sich der Humor, der seinen warmen Blick auf das menschliche Leben hat. Deswegen werden seine komischen Satiren nicht als bosartig und direkt verletzend empfunden. Durch die Sketche von Loriot erkennt man die Unzulanglichkeit des Menschen und zugleich lachend sein personliches Verhalten und sein eigenes Leben selbst wieder. Die Werke Loriots funktionieren als Spiegel der Gesellschaft zur Verbesserung des Menschen.

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