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        교착 회피를 고려한 Job-Shop 일정의 최적화

        정동준,이두용,임성진,Jeong, Dong-Jun,Lee, Du-Yong,Im, Seong-Jin 대한기계학회 2000 大韓機械學會論文集A Vol.24 No.8

        As recent production facilities are usually operated with unmanned material-handling system, the development of an efficient schedule with deadlock avoidance becomes a critical problem. Related researches on deadlock avoidance usually focus on real-time control of manufacturing system using deadlock avoidance policy. But little off-line optimization of deadlock-free schedule has been reported. This paper presents an optimization method for deadlock-free scheduling for Job-Shop system with no buffer. The deadlock-free schedule is acquired by the procedure that generates candidate lists of waiting operations, and applies a deadlock avoidance policy. To verify the proposed approach, simulation resultsare presented for minimizing makespan in three problem types. According to the simulation results the effect of each deadlock avoidance policy is dependent on the type of problem. When the proposed LOEM (Last Operation Exclusion Method) is employed, computing time for optimization as well as makespan is reduced.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        콩도르세의 노예해방론

        정동준(Dong-Jun Jeong) 한국세계문화사학회 2007 세계 역사와 문화 연구 Vol.0 No.16

        This study is to examine the antislavery ideas of Condorcet. His Reflexions sur l Esclavage des Negres(1781) argue that many europeans (white men) have racial prejudices about colored people, and that their prejudiced view is resulted from the long subordination of colored people by white men. But he found black people generous, mild and passionate. So he propose the embargo on colored slaves, the improvement of their living and the emancipation of them. He relied upon the legal action to achieve those aims. According to him, if the colored slaves are free, the salaried free workers will take their place. And if the workers cultivate haciendas of the West Indies, it will be more profitable and productive than the colored slaves work. For that reason, he thinks that the forced labor by colored slave is only to satisfy the landowner s avarice. In order to stop the trade of slaves and to free the colored slaves, Condorcet joins la Societe des Amis des Noirs. But this club has not a large membership. The club leaders disappeared, when the Girondins were destroyed in the end of 1793. Although Condorcet criticizes the slavery in his Reflexions sur l Esclavage des Negres , the trade amount between France and the West Indies was increasing, the trade scale of colored slaves was larger and larger. So the trade of colored slaves and the slavery are too important for french economy to give up.(Daejin University)

      • KCI등재

        7세기 중반 백제·신라의 대외정책 비교

        정동준(Jeong, Dong-jun) 신라사학회 2018 新羅史學報 Vol.0 No.42

        이 글에서는 7세기 중반 백제·신라의 대외정책에 대하여 검토해 보았다. 정리하면 아래와 같다. 630~640년대 전반 백제・신라의 대당외교를 사신 파견의 빈도와 그 내용으로 판단해 보면, 빈도에서 백제가 앞서는 데다가 내용면에서도 당에게 보다 많은 신뢰를 얻고 있는 모습을 확인할 수 있다. 다만 이러한 상황이 지속되지는 못하였고, 특히 645년 당 태종의 고구려 원정을 준비하는 과정에서 당이 백제의 이중외교적 태도를 문제로 삼기 시작하였고, 전쟁 이후 백제가 대당외교를 일시적으로 중단함으로써 백제에 대한 당의 신뢰는 급속도로 낮아지기 시작하였다. 반면 신라의 경우 전쟁과정에서 백제의 공격을 받으면서도 수만의 지원군을 파견함으로써 당의 신뢰를 획득하는 데에 성공하였고, 전쟁 이후 백제가 사신 파견을 중단함으로써 오히려 대당외교라는 측면에서 백제보다 우위에 설 수 있는 기회가 마련되었다. 이 때에 648년 김춘추가 당에 파견되어 적극적인 외교활동을 벌임으로써 당 태종의 신뢰 속에서 나당동맹이 결성되었고, 이후 국내에서 한화 정책이 강력하게 추진됨으로써 양국간의 신뢰를 확실히 구축하였다. 그러한 상황은 태종이 사망하고 고종이 즉위한 후에도 변화하지 않아서, 651년 당 고종이 백제에 보낸 조서를 보면, 백제가 사신 파견을 재개하였음에도 불구하고 거의 일방적으로 신라의 편을 드는 모습을 확인할 수 있다. 그렇다면 나당동맹의 결성은 648년 김춘추의 입당이 직접적 원인이기는 하지만, 645년 이후 백제가 사신 파견을 중단함으로써 당과 신라의 접근을 저지할 수 없었던 상황이 바탕에 있었다고 할 수 있을 것이다. In this article, I compared the foreign policy of Baekje and Silla during the mid-7th century. A summary is as follows. When the foreign policy of Baekje and Silla toward Tang was judged by frequency and substance of their dispatching of an envoy during 630s and the first half of 640s, Baekje was superior in the frequency and got more trust from Tang than Silla. However, this condition did not last long. Especially, Tang pointed out Baekje’s dual diplomacy between Goguryeo and Tang in the process of their war preparation against Goguryeo. As a result, Tang’s trust in Baekje began to degrade rapidly because Baekje temporarily suspended diplomatic relation with Tang after the war between Tang and Goguryeo. On the other hand, Silla succeeded in winning Tang’s trust by sending tens of thousands reinforcements despite Baekje’s attack. After the war between Tang and Goguryeo, as Baekje suspended dispatching of an envoy, Silla had a chance to achieve superiority in the diplomatic relation with Tang. At that time, Silla-Tang alliance was formed based on Taizong(太宗)’s trust by virtue of Kim Chunchu’s active diplomatic activity toward Tang. Therefore, Silla and Tang firmly built up trust by pushing strong Chinese assimilation policy in Silla. Even after Taizong’s death and the accession of Gaozong(高宗) to the throne, this condition has not changed. According to the rescript from Gaozong to Baekje in 651, Gaozong was unilaterally on Silla’s side although Baekje resumed dispatching an envoy again. Then the formation of Silla-Tang alliance directly resulted from Kim Chunchu’s diplomacy toward Tang, but it was fundamentally arisen from the condition that Baekje could not interrupt Silla’s approach to Tang due to their suspension of dispatching of an envoy.

      • KCI등재

        백제 근초고왕대의 마한 영역화에 대한 사료 재검토

        정동준(Jeong, Dong-Jun) 한국고대사학회 2018 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.0 No.91

        이 글에서는 백제 근초고왕대의 마한 영역화에 대하여 근초고왕대의 지배체제에 대한 논쟁, 남부 마한세력 공격, 지방통치라는 3가지 주제로 나누어 그 논거자료 중 『삼국사기』 백제본기와 『일본서기』를 중심으로 재검토하였다. 정리하면 다음과 같다. 근초고왕대의 지배체제에 대해서 전쟁에 동원된 많은 군사력과 영역 확대, 군사체계의 변화, 율령 반포, 역사 편찬 등에 근거를 두고 근초고왕대의 백제를 부체제나 연맹왕국보다 진전된 단계인 집권적 형태의 국가로 파악한 종래의 통설은 재검토의 여지가 있었다. 무엇보다 고구려와의 전쟁에서 승리하였다는 점이 크게 작용한 것으로 추정되었으나, 그것을 지배체제상의 우위로 해석하기에는 이후 백제의 열세를 설명하기 어려웠다. 남부 마한세력 공격에 대해서는 『일본서기』 신공기에 대한 해석을 둘러싸고 백제가 어느 지역까지 영역화하였는지에 대한 논쟁이 있었다. 『일본서기』 신공기에 대하여 재검토한 결과, 등장인물, 근거자료, 현실성 등에서 많은 문제점이 드러나서 백제가 남부 마한세력을 공격하고 영역화하였다는 근거사료로 활용하기에는 적절하지 못하다는 결론에 이르렀다. 지방통치에 대해서는 『일본서기』 인덕기를 담로제의 시작으로 해석할 수 있는가에 대하여 근초고왕대나 개로왕대의 사실로 해석하는 입장과 사료로 이용하기에 부적절하다는 학설의 대립이 있었다. 『일본서기』 인덕기에 대해서 재검토한 결과도 『일본서기』 신공기와 마찬가지로 등장인물, 근거자료 등에서 많은 문제점이 드러난 데다가, 내용을 인정한다 하더라도 사료의 과도한 해석에 의해 근초고왕대의 담로제에 연결시켰다는 결론에 이르렀다. This article reexamined basis materials on Baekje’s territorialization of Mahan during the reign of King Geunchogo(近肖古王), centering on Samguksagi(三國史記) Baekjebongi(百濟本紀) and Nihonshoki(日本書紀), by three main themes such as the argument about the Baekje’s ruling system of that time, the attack of the southern Mahan(馬韓) and the local ruling. A summary is as follows. As for the ruling system during the King Geunchogo’s reign, common theory, which understands Baekje in this period as a centralized state which is more advanced one than Bu system(部體制) and confederated state(聯盟王國) based on the fact that mass militaries mobilized in the war, the expansion of the territory, a change in military system, the promulgation of the statue and the compilation of the history, is in need of reexamination. That theory presumed that the Baekje’s victory in the war against Goguryeo(高句麗) was the most important fact rather than other elements in the theory. However, it is difficult to explain the fact that Baekje was inferior to Goguryeo after the victory of that time, therefore the victory can’t be interpreted as the reason of superiority on the ruling system. As for the attack of the southern Mahan, scholars argued over Baekje’s range of the territorialization based on the interpretation of Nihonshoki Jinguki(神功紀). As a result of the reexamination on Nihonshoki Jinguki in this article, many problems related to characters, basis materials, and reality were discovered, so it is concluded that Nihonshoki Jinguki can’t be a basis material which can explain the Baekje’s attack and territorialization of the southern Mahan region. As for the local ruling, scholars argued over their theories about the beginning of Damro(檐魯: proveince) system by the interpretation of Nihonshoki Nitokuki(仁德紀). There were scholars who interpreted it as a fact during the reign of King Geunchogo and King Gaero(蓋鹵王) and who considered it was inappropriate to use as a basis materials. Alike Nihonshoki Jinguki, many problems related to characters, basis materials, and reality in Nihonshoki Nitokuki were discovered in this article. Even if the context are acknowledged, it can be concluded that the excessive interpretation led to the connection with Damro system during the reign of King Geunchogo.

      • KCI등재

        의자왕대 백제에 대한 당의 인식 변화 -외교문서의 분석을 중심으로-

        정동준 ( Dong-jun Jeong ) 수선사학회 2016 史林 Vol.0 No.55

        This article aims to examine changes in the perception of Tang(唐) dynasty toward Baekje, which were seen Tang’s diplomatic document during the period of King Euija(義慈王). The rescript sent to King Mu(武王) or Tang’s attitude on the funeral of King Mu, showed that Tang dynasty was amicable to Baekje when King Euija ascended the throne. Tang dynasty’s friendly perception toward Baekje remained until the early reign of King Euija. However, Silla complained of pincer movement by Goguryeo and Baekje, then it gave Tang two causes that the tribute road was blocked and Silla faced the crisis to be destroyed. Tang began to suspect Baekje of a collaborator for Goguryeo, which caused a crack in Tang’s perception around Baekje. Goguryeo-Tang war became an opportunity to improve Tang’s suspicion about Baekje. Tang kept suspecting Baekje in the early part of the war preparation, but decreased its suspicion in a certain degree because of Baekje``s positive elucidation by sending the prince Buyeo Gangshin(扶餘康 信). According to the analysis of rescript to Baekje and Silla, which were sent at the almost same time in the early period of 645, we can find out that Tang had more confidence to Silla than Baekje at least about the war preparation. It is hard to tell only with the rescript whether Tang``s regular relations between both kingdoms kept in the same manner like above. While Silla supported Tang actively by sending reinforcements in the Goguryeo-Tang war, Baekje merely supplied Tang with arms and attacked Silla. Therefore Tang could not remove the suspicion around Baekje, but rather assumed that Goguryeo and Baekje collaborated. As Tang distrusted seriously Baekje since Goguryeo-Tang war, Silla took advantage of this moment to organize an alliance with Tang. On the other hand, Baekje concentrated on attacking Silla instead of having negative relationship with Tang, but it could not yield desired result. Rather Baekje was placed on the defensive because of Kim Yushin(金庾 信)``s military activities. When Taizong(太宗) of Tang dynasty died and Gaozong(高宗) was crowned, Baekje sent an envoy to sound Tang out. In the rescript, Tang clearly showed that it stood on the side of Silla after the alliance. As Baekje tried improving Tang’s attitude once again to fail, it did not send any envoy more to Tang. Since then Baekje only could choose to strengthen relations with Goguryeo and Wae(倭).

      • KCI등재

        드라마 · 영화에 나타난 한국고대사

        정동준(Jeong, Dong-jun) 한국고대사학회 2016 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.0 No.84

        이 글에서는 2000년 이후 제작된 영상물을 정리한 후, 그 ‘기획의도’를 분석하여 유형화하고, 구체적으로 몇몇 영상물을 분석하여 시대상 표현이나 현대적 의미까지 분석하여 평가해 보았다. 그 내용은 다음과 같다. 2000년 이후 제작된 19개 영상물을 정리해 보면, 대상시기는 7세기, 대상국가는 고구려, 주인공은 왕실 관련 인물, 방영(개봉)시기는 2005~2009년, 장르는 퓨전이 가장 많았다. 특히 2005~2009년에 동북공정에 대한 대응 차원에서 고구려·발해 관련 드라마가 집중적으로 제작되었다가, 그 이후에는 대상국가나 주인공이 다양화되는 경향에 있었다. 다음으로 기획의도를 분석해 보면, ①민족주의(국수주의)에 바탕을 두고 제국을 꿈꾸는 것이 8개, ②개인이나 국가를 재평가하려는 것 7개, ③새로운 소재와 내용을 보여주려는 것이 4개였다. 복수의 영상물에서 공통적으로 나타나는 왜곡된 시대상으로는 ①‘황제’(‘제국’) 호칭과 연호, ②중국과의 대결 중심으로 표현된 대외정책, ③광활한 대륙의 지배를 들 수 있었다. 영상물에서 잘 표현된 시대상의 사례로는 ①김유신에 대한 재해석, ②무왕의 탄생비밀에 대한 해석, ③정사암회의에 대한 묘사, ④고대사회의 신비주의적 정치에 대한 해석 등이 있었다. 영상물에서 맥락 없이 과도하게 표현된 현대적 의미의 사례로는 ①단일민족적 묘사, ②멜로드라마 구도를 차용하여 내용상 사적 영역이 지배하는 경향을 낳았다는 점을 들 수 있었다. 영상물에서 잘 표현된 현대적 의미의 사례로는 새로운 인물의 부각이나 인물에 대한 재해석을 들 수 있었고, 현실 사회에서 벌어진 정치적 사건을 고대적으로 풍자한 개별 작품의 사례도 있었다. This article researched the videos on ancient Korean history since 2000 and then classified them by analyzing their purposes, and reviewed several videos of them by analyzing historical representation or contemporary meaning. Among 19 videos produced after 2000, we can find that most of them described royal family, Goguryeo and the 7th century with the genre of fusion historical drama. Most of those videos was televised or released between the year of 2005 and 2009. Notably, the dramas regarding Goguryeo and Balhae were produced intensively to cope with China’s Northeast Project from the year of 2005 to 2009. Then, after that, the countries or protagonists described in dramas or movies have become varied. The purposes of 19 dramas and movies can be analyzed as follows. Motives of 8 videos’ were dreaming the empire based on the nationalism or chauvinism. 7 videos intended to revaluate certain individuals or ancient countries. 4 videos tried to show new materials and stories. We can point out that common distorted reflection of the historical era from 19 videos such as using the title of an emperor or empire and era name, foreign policy described mainly as the conflict with Chinese dynasty, and the rule over the vast continent. A number of the examples from the videos were well depicted: reinterpretation of Kim Yushin(金庾信), new interpretation of the secret of King Mu(武王)’s birth, depiction of the council of Jeongsaam(政事巖) and interpretation of the mystical politics in ancient society. A few contemporary meanings without the context were inserted excessively in the videos. They were the description of a nation-state and melodramatic story controlled by private space. Other examples well described in the modern context were emergence or reinterpretation of new characters. There was also an individual work satirizing current political issue with the ancient mode.

      • KCI우수등재

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