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      • KCI등재

        The stack of gerbes in a quotient stack

        정대웅 충청수학회 2019 충청수학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        For a DM stack $\x,$ Chen, Marcus and \'{U}lfarsson (\cite{CMU1}) constructed a stack $\mathcal{G}_{\mathcal{X}}$ of gerbes in $\x$ that plays a key role in their setting up the theory of very twisted stable maps to $\x.$ This stack is realized as a rigidification of the stack $S_{\mathcal{X}}$ of subgroups of the inertia stack of $\mathcal{X}$. In this article, we show that when $\mathcal{X}$ is a quotient stack, the stacks $\s_\x$ and $\g_\x$ are also quotient stacks.

      • KCI등재

        『白蛇傳』 彈詞 小考

        정대웅 한국중국소설학회 1999 中國小說論叢 Vol.9 No.-

        『白蛇傳』起源於杭州西湖, 結局也在杭州西湖. 『白蛇傳』是一個起源古遠ㆍ流布廣泛ㆍ內蘊豊富的神話傳說故事. 『白蛇傳』集多種文藝形式爲一體. 本文以 『白蛇傳』彈詞的演變ㆍ發展爲對象, 探討了 『白蛇傳』故事的發展ㆍ創新. 白蛇故事基本上是 『白蛇傳』尙未形成之前已在人民中間口耳相傳的一批民間故事. 此類故事總是在講述人與蛇的戀愛故事, 是蛇變化成人, 與人婚配, 而后發生種種波折的這樣一類故事. 就是 『夷堅志』中的「孫知縣妻」, 「錢炎書生」, 「衡州司戶妻」, 「濟南王生」, 「姜五郞二女子」等五則故事來與 『白蛇記』, 『西湖三塔記』比較, 就發現了타們之間在主題上的重大差異. 前者是人蛇戀愛的悲劇, 蛇女受到了同情; 後者却强調了「人妖不可共居」.『白蛇傳』所反映的宗敎信仰, 前期是佛法無邊, 崇道仰佛與佛道結合, 結局是白娘子「生子得第」, 「妻成仙」, 許仙「夫成佛」. 后期是否定「佛法無邊」的法力, 法海成爲神權的代表, 最終失敗, 一頭鑽進西湖蟹殼裏去了. 『白蛇傳』還較充分地反映了南宋以來的民俗風習. 又「變形」的信仰, 甚至認爲「人可以變獸, 獸可以變人」的觀念. 這種「異類變形」思想, 在宣揚「輪回轉生」觀念的佛敎傳入中國以后, 人獸互變的怪異之說, 與「三世(前世, 現世, 來世)因果」的敎義日益盛行, 從而反映遠古原始人精神世界與物質世界的人和異類戀愛故事, 應運而生, 層出不窮, 用來寄托人們的情感與願望. 從南宋代佛敎說話 『白娘子永鎭雷峰塔』, 演變成明代杭州藝人演唱的 『雷峰塔』彈詞, 到淸代蘇州彈詞 『義妖傳』. 一, 『白蛇傳』故事, 從南宋形成了基本定型. 『白娘子永鎭雷峰塔』話本是歌頌佛敎徒法海鎭壓白娘子的, 再現了「蛇蝎」的傳統思想. 因此, 不久就失去藝未生命力. 明代藝人不說這個話本, 創造了歌頌反抗封建地主階級的彈詞 『雷峰塔』. 同樣, 『新編宋調白蛇傳』宣揚了釋迦牟尼佛, 也被 『義妖傳』歌頌白娘子爲仙女所代替. 明代彈詞 『雷峰塔』, 爲淸代 『新編東調雷峰塔白蛇傳』所繼承, 而且一直流傳到今天. 二, 明代成化年間, 江南杭州ㆍ蘇州一帶城市商業繁榮, 市民階層也日益擴大. 這些因素在文藝上要求有表現市民生活ㆍ思想與願望的作品. 嘉靖年間杭州彈詞藝人演唱的 『雷峰塔』完全是適合市民欣賞而出現的. 杭州藝人傳抄本 『雷峰塔』彈詞來看, 타歌頌了勤勞ㆍ朴素ㆍ老實ㆍ忠厚的店員許仙, 歌頌了勇敢ㆍ善良ㆍ堅貞的白娘子, 這是市民階層向上發展的反映. 所以 『雷峰塔』彈詞, 和 『白娘子永鎭雷峰塔』話本的主題思想ㆍ人物完全不同了. 這是社會變化發展促使 『白蛇傳』故事發生根本演變的結果. 在這個變化中, 彈詞藝人在城市的瓦舍中演唱時, 爲了吸引觀衆, 就必須演唱爲市民們所歡迎的ㆍ表現他們生活情趣的作品. 三, 從明代杭州演唱的 『雷峰塔』彈詞, 到淸代乾隆年間的蘇州彈詞 『新編東調雷峰塔白蛇傳』, 是一次藝術形式上的飛躍. 以七字句組成的明代 『雷峰塔』彈詞, 由一位演員彈着琵琶演唱, 從頭唱到底, 而且是唱一場就唱完的短篇, 已不符合廣大市民文化娛樂的要求. 蘇州彈詞藝人吸取了昆曲與評話表演藝術的優點, 突破舊形式, 成了說ㆍ唱ㆍ表ㆍ갹俱全的新形式. 演唱也出現兩人分別彈奏琵琶ㆍ三弦的雙당, 成爲兩位藝人能表演象昆曲中不同角色的一台戱. 在雙당彈詞藝人的不斷實踐中, 出現了 『新編東調白蛇傳』. 這部書五十回, 是能演唱半個月以上的長篇, 而且運用吳語, 能更細致深入生動地刻화人物的心理活動, 大大豊富了 『白蛇傳』故事的情節, 這是藝術形式的革新. 所以 『新編東調雷峰塔白蛇傳』,繼承了明代 『雷峰塔』彈詞的反封建的民主性傳統, 更加强了白娘子的反抗精神, 增强了許仙對白娘子忠實的愛情. 『雷峰塔』中富有藝術語言表現力的唱詞, 也吸收到了 『新編東調雷峰塔白蛇傳』中, 使這部吳語彈詞, 具有豊富的藝術色彩. 四, 從明代彈詞『雷峰塔』, 到淸代的『義妖傳』, 無數民間藝人歌頌了白娘子, 將白娘子寫成仙女, 對許仙的多情ㆍ忠貞ㆍ體貼入微ㆍ舍生冒死救許仙, 創造了市民階層的一個「眞善美」的婦女典型稱타爲東方愛神是無愧的.

      • KCI등재

        사이클론형 열분해 반응기의 설계를 위한 열적특성 수치해석

        정대웅,윤종혁,송형운 한국환경기술학회 2022 한국환경기술학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        A comparative study on the design of a cyclone-type pyrolysis reactor system is performed and an optimized geometries is proposed. As the semiconductor industry develops, environment regulations for semiconductor waste gas are being strengthened. Although semiconductor waste gas is removed through the pyrolysis process, there is a problem in that silicon dioxide (SiO2) particles are generated as by-products. In this study, design proposal for a cyclone-type pyrolysis reactor was presented to collect SiO2, a reaction by-product. Thermal and hydrodynamic characteristic were identified. The pressure drop inside the reactor was 19.3 Pa, and it was possible to remove more than 91.7 % of the 5 μm particles. In addition, it was found that the system area was reduced by about 37.7 % when vacuum insulation was applied compared to the commercial thermal insulation(mineral wool) for reactor compaction.

      • KCI등재

        Galkin's lower bound conjecure for Lagrangian and orthogonal Grassmannians

        정대웅,Manwook Han 대한수학회 2020 대한수학회보 Vol.57 No.4

        Let $M$ be a Fano manifold, and $H^\star(M;\C)$ be the quantum cohomology ring of $M$ with the quantum product $\star.$ For $\sigma \in H^\star(M;\C)$, denote by $[\sigma]$ the quantum multiplication operator $\sigma\star$ on $H^\star(M;\C)$. It was conjectured several years ago \cite{GGI, GI} and has been proved for many Fano manifolds \cite{CL1, CH2, LiMiSh, Ke}, including our cases, that the operator $[c_1(M)]$ has a real valued eigenvalue $\delta_0$ which is maximal among eigenvalues of $[c_1(M)]$. Galkin's lower bound conjecture \cite{Ga} states that for a Fano manifold $M,$ $\delta_0\geq \mathrm{dim} \ M +1,$ and the equality holds if and only if $M$ is the projective space $\mathbb{P}^n.$ In this note, we show that Galkin's lower bound conjecture holds for Lagrangian and orthogonal Grassmannians, modulo some exceptions for the equality.

      • KCI등재

        Study on the Growth of Monoclinic VO2 Phase Applicable for Thermochromic Ceramic Tile

        정대웅,김응수,조우석 한국세라믹학회 2015 한국세라믹학회지 Vol.52 No.5

        Vanadium dioxide (VO2) of monoclinic phase exhibits Metal Insulator Phase Transition (MIPT) phenomenon involving a sharp change in electrical and optical properties at 68oC. Solution-based process is applied to form uniform VO2 coating layer on ceramic tiles. This can selectively block the near-infrared light to possibly reduce the energy loss and prevent dew condensation caused by the temperature difference. Heat treatment conditions including temperature and dwell time were examined to obtain a monoclinic VO2 single phase. Both rutile and monoclinic VO2 phases were observed from in the tiles post-annealed below 700oC. Desired monoclinic VO2 single phase was grown in the tiles heat treated at 750oC. Nano facets of irregular size were observed in the monoclinic VO2 phase involving the phase-transition. Grain growth of monoclinic VO2 phase was observed as a function of dwell time at 750oC.

      • KCI등재

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