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      • 발 반사요법의 효과에 대한 문헌 고찰

        전미정(Mi-Jeong Jeon) 한국뷰티산업학회 2023 뷰티산업연구 Vol.17 No.1

        발이 ‘제2의 심장’이라고 하는데, 현대인들의 건강을 위한 필수적인 발 반사요법의 전반적인 효과에 대한 문헌 고찰 연구가 어떤 형태로 나타나며, 발 반사요법의 연구대상, 연구방법, 발 반사요법의 반사구 명칭, 발 반사요법의 적용사례 등을 고찰해 보았다. 문헌검색으로 1983년부터 2023년까지 발표된 연구물은 학술연구정보서비스(RISS)에서 ‘발 구조’, ‘발반사요법’, ‘발 반사마사지’, ‘발 마사지’, ‘발 관리’ 등으로 검색하여 227편이 선정되었으나 본 연구와 맞지 않는 연구물을 제외하고, 석·박사 학위 논문 134편을 대상으로 선정하였다. 본 연구에서 설정한 키워드로 검색한 결과 연구대상으로 가장 많이 설정한 논문은 노인이 21편이었고, 그 다음은 당뇨환자 11편, 중년여성 7편, 유방암환자 7편, 직장여성 4편, 비만여성 4편 등 순으로 나타났다. 연구방법으로는 효과에 관한 연구가 75편으로 가장 많았으며, 영향연구 50편 등의 순으로 나타났다. 발 반사요법에 대한 명칭은, 발 반사마사지 51편으로 가장 많이 쓰고 있으며, 발 반사요법 27편, 발 마사지 22편, 발 관리 13편 등으로 명칭이 나누어졌음을 알 수 있었다. 또한, 선정된 논문 중 발 반사요법으로 27편에서 피로, 삶의 만족도, 삶의 질, 우울, 피로도, 기분, 심신 이완, 코티졸 등의 적용사례가 가장 많았으며, 그 다음으로 적용사례를 보면 당뇨병, 당뇨병환자, 당뇨병성, 당뇨 등 그 외의 적용사례순위로 나타났다. 본 연구의 시사점으로 발 반사요법은 배우기 간편하여 발 관리를 하는 현장실무에 적용이 가능하며, 발 반사요법을 통해 혈액순환과 림프순환 등을 증진하고 발에 연결된 발 반사구로 통증을 완화하는데 도움 될 것이라 사료 된다. 본 연구의 제한점으로는 학위논문만을 대상으로 하였으나, 후속 연구에서는 모든 출간물을 대상으로 발 반사요법의 효과에 관한 고찰연구가 이루어진다면 더 많은 효과 연구에 대해 고찰해 볼 수 있을 것으로 보인다. The foot is called the “second heart,” and the study on the overall effect of foot reflex therapy essential for the health of modern people appears in some form, and the research subjects, research methods, the name of the reflector of foot reflex therapy, and the application cases of foot reflex therapy were considered. The research published from 1983 to 2023 as a literature search was selected by the Academic Research Information Service (RISS) for ‘foot structure’,‘foot reflex therapy’,‘foot reflex massage’,‘foot massage’, and ‘foot care’ 227 papers were selected, but Among them 134 master's and doctoral dissertations were selected, excluding studies that did not fit this study. As a result of searching with the keywords set in this study, the elderly were 21 papers that were most frequently set as research subjects, followed by 11 diabetes patients, 7 middle-aged women, 7 breast cancer patients, 4 working women, and 4 obese women. As a research method, 75 studies on effects were the most common, followed by 50 impact studies. The name of foot reflex therapy is most commonly used as foot reflex massage 51, and it can be seen that the name was divided into 27 foot reflex therapy, 22 foot massage, and 13 foot care. In addition, among the selected papers, foot reflex therapy had the most applications of fatigue, life satisfaction, quality of life, depression, fatigue, mood, mental and physical relaxation, and cortisol in 27 papers, Next, the application cases were ranked in the order of other application cases such as diabetes, diabetic patients, diabetic, and diabetes. As a implication of this study, foot reflex therapy is easy to learn and can be applied to field practice of foot management, and it is believed that foot reflex therapy will improve blood circulation and lymph circulation, and help relieve pain with foot reflexes connected to the foot. As a limitation of this study, only thesis papers were targeted, but in the follow-up study, more effect studies can be considered if the effect of foot reflex therapy is studied for all publications.

      • 한국형아유르베다 피타형 복부관리 프로그램 개발 연구

        전미정(Mi-Jeong Jeon),윤천성(Chun-Sung Youn) 한국뷰티산업학회 2020 뷰티산업연구 Vol.14 No.1

        본 연구는 한국형아유르베다 피타형 복부관리 프로그램 개발연구로 한국형아유르베다에 관한 선행연구와 학술지를 분석하고, 한국형아유르베다 심리검사 측정 도구 등을 바탕으로 개념정리 및 프로그램을 고찰하고 분석하였다. 한국형아유르베다 심리 검사를 통하여 피타형을 선별하고 아로마 오일과 한국형아유르베다 매뉴얼 테크닉을 이용한 체계적 절차에 따라 복부관리가 수행될 수 있도록 프로그램을 설계하였다. 한국형아유르베다 피타형에 맞는 한국형아유르베다 복부관리 매뉴얼테크닉은 피부에 적당한 자극으로 독소 배출을 중점으로 각 매뉴얼 테크닉 기법을 구성으로 대상자에게 주 2회 각 50분씩 10회를 관리하고, 관리방법 및 효과를 독소배출, 셀룰라이트, 복부감소, 림프순환, 탄력관리의 다섯 가지로 분류하였다. 한국형아유르베다 매뉴얼 테크닉을 10회에 동일하게 적용하되 효과성을 높이기 위하여 관리방법에 따른 매뉴얼 테크닉을 강조하었다. 또한 한국형아유르베다 교육을 받은 피부전공자인 전문가 박사 5명을 대상으로 2020년 6월 20일부터 2020년 6월 25일까지 복부관리 프로그램에 대한 검증을 하였다. 이에 따른 각 결과의 수정·보완 사항에 관한 프로그램을 향후 관련 연구의 발전 방향의 시사점으로 도출하였다. 관련 전문가들에게 검증된 프로그램인 만큼 본 연구가 산업 현장에서 보다 체계적이고 효과적으로 활용되고 한국형아유르베다 체질유형(KACT)에 따른 복부관리 프로그램 개발을 위한 기초자료로 활용되고자 한다. This study is a study on the development of the Korean Ayurveda pita type abdominal management program, analyzed prior studies and journals on the Korean ayurveda, and reviewed and analyzedthe concepts and programs based on the Korean ayurveda psychological measurement tool. The pita type was selected through the Korean Ayurveda psychological examination paper, and a program study was designed to perform abdominal management according to a systematic procedure using aromatic oil and the Korean Ayurveda manual technique. The Korean Ayurveda Abdominal Care Manual Technique, which is suitable for the Korean Ayurveda Pita type, consists of each manual technique technique focusing on toxin discharge with proper stimulation to the skin, andis administeredto the subjects twice a week for 50 minutes, 10 times each, andmanagement methods andeffects Was classified into five types: toxin discharge, cellulite, abdominal reduction, lymph circulation, and elasticity management. The Korean Ayurveda manual technique was applied in the same way in 10 times, but the manual technique according to the management method was emphasized to increase the effectiveness. In addition, 5 expert doctors who were Korean style Ayurveda trained skins were tested for the abdominal management program from June 20, 2020 to June 25, 2020. Accordingly, the program on the revision and supplement of each result was drawn as an implication for the future development of related research. As it is a proven program for related experts, this study is intended to be used more systematically and effectively in the industrial field and to be usedas a valuable basis for developing abdominal management programs according to the Korean Ayurveda Constitutional Type (KACT).

      • KCI등재후보
      • 한국형아유르베다 피타형에 따른 체질적 특성 연구

        전미정(Mi-Jeong Jeon),윤천성(Chun-Sung Youn) 한국뷰티산업학회 2021 뷰티산업연구 Vol.15 No.1

        본 연구는 (전미정, 2020)의 한국형아유르베다 체질유형(KACT)에 따른 복부관리 프로그램 개발 연구를 토대로 한국형아유르베다의 피타형에 따른 체질적 특성을 분석하여 정리하였다. 한국형아유르베다 피타형의 특성을 정리함으로써 열이 많고 염증성이 많은 피부에 자극이 많이 가지 않게 독소 배출을 중심으로 스웨디시와 림프드레나쥐로 관리하는 방법을 제시하는 것이다. 그러므로 한국형아유르베다 피타형의 신체 관리를 하는 방법이나 한국형아유르베다 피타형에게 맞는 아로마 오일 등을 정리하는 것이 피타형을 관리하는데 도움이 될 것이라 사료된다. 또한, 한국형아유르베다 피타형의 체질에게 관리 프로그램을 적용하여 효과성을 높이는데 필요한 자료로 활용 될 것으로 사료된다. 한국형아유르베다 피타형에 따른 체질적 특성 연구는 뷰티산업에서 피타형의 피부관리 프로그램을 개발함으로써 더욱 발전을 시킬 수 있는 기반을 바탕으로 한국형아유르베다 테크닉을 이용한 피타형의 피부관리, 한국형아유르베다 오일 마사지 등으로 산업 현장에서 체계적이고 효과적인 프로그램을 전문가에게 검증하여 한국형아유르베다 피타형 체질 특성에 따른 피부관리 프로그램 개발에 대한 연구에 기초자료로 활용되기를 기대한다. Based on the study on the development of an abdominal management program according to the Korean Ayurveda Constitution Type (KACT) of (Mijeong Jeon, 2020), the constitutional characteristics according to the Korean Ayurveda body type were analyzed and summarized. By arranging the characteristics of the Korean Ayurveda pitta type, it is to present a method of managing with Swedish and lymphatic drenergic mice focusing on the release of toxins so that there is not much irritation to the skin with a lot of heat and inflammation. Therefore, it is thought that it will be helpful to manage the Korean Ayurveda pitta type by organizing the body management method or the aroma oil suitable for the Korean Ayurveda Pitta Type. In addition, it is thought that it will be used as data necessary to increase the effectiveness by applying the management program to the constitution of the Korean Ayurveda pitta type. The study of the constitutional characteristics according to the Korean Ayurveda pitta type is based on the basis for further development by developing a Pita type skin care program in the beauty industry. It is expected that systematic and effective programs such as oil massage will be verified by experts and used as basic data for research on skin care program development according to the characteristics of the Korean Ayurveda pitta type constitution.

      • KCI등재

        아유르베다 체질유형에 따른 피부미용 관리 프로그램에 관한 학위논문 연구동향 분석

        전미정(Jeon-Mi Jeong),윤천성(Youn-Chun Sung) 한국인체미용예술학회 2020 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        A study on the research trends analysis of the degree dissertation on skin beauty program according to Ayurveda Constitution types. In terms of research subjects and data collection, data were searched with the keywords of “Ayurveda Constitution Types”, “Ayurveda Skin Beauty Superintend Program”, “Ayurveda therapy” and “Ayurveda oil” through the Research Information Search System (RISS). Then, a total of 123 master’s and Ph.D. papers were all examined. In addition, first classification was chosen as the title of the paper, and unrelated and redundant papers were filtered out. After a second classification through content examination, the final 32 papers were chosen and reviewed. For a study on Skin Beauty Superintend by Ayurveda Constitution Types, this study was mostly performed, using the papers which adopted measurement tools. Concerning research type, a literature review through a theoretical approach phrase, verification of survey questions and investigation on current constitution were most common. Recently, the number of studies targeted to identify an objective classification method has gradually increased. This study is significant in that it has attempted to analyze theses and dissertations on aesthetic superintend programs by domestic Ayurveda Constitution Types. Therefore, based on the analysis of Ayurveda s prior research and the prior study of the journal and the analysis of the situation in the conceptual theorem program of each keyword term, the development of a standardized aesthetic superintend program by Korean Ayurveda Constitution Type is needed. In addition, it is anticipated that this information would be available for future studies.

      • 한국형아유르베다 체질유형(KACT)에 따른 바디오일 관리 프로그램에 관한 탐색적 연구

        전미정(Mi-Jeong Jeon),윤천성(Chun-Sung Youn) 한국뷰티산업학회 2019 뷰티산업연구 Vol.13 No.2

        본 연구는 한국형아유르베다 체질유형에 따른 바디오일 관리프로그램에 관한 탐색으로 한국형아유르베다를 활용한 상담, 상태개선과 연구 등을 위한 프로그램의 필요성을 제시하는 연구이다. 본 연구의 목적은 한국형아유르베다 바디오일들 중에 한국인이 비교적 접하기 쉬운 아로마 에센셜 오일과 베이스오일 중심으로 탐색하고, 한국형아유르베다 체질분류를 활용하여 개인맞춤체질유형에 맞는 바디오일로 관리할 수 있도록 하는 것이다. 연구대상 및 자료 수집방법으로 문헌연구와 학위논문 및 학술논문연구를 선택하여 검색한 키워드 92개의 논문 중 ‘아유르베다 체질유형과 오일’과 관련된 연구를 참조하였다. 아로마오일과의 상관성을 알아보기위해 아유르베다 바디관리와 오일에 관한 검색을 한 후, 2019년 11월 기준으로 추출된 석·박사학위논문과 학술지에 대하여 고찰하였다. 본 연구의 시사점으로는 일반적으로 한국형아유르베다에서 바타형, 피타형, 카파형으로 분류하여 정리하고, 한국형아유르베다 체질유형별 바디오일 사용에 대하여 현시대의 한국인이 보다 쉽게 적용할 수 있도록 분석하고자 탐색하였다. 제한점으로는 국내 문헌과 학술 논문 자료의 수가 많지 않았고 서로 상충되는 부분이 있어 한국형아유르베다와 체질유형별 바디오일 사용에 관한 추후 연구에 활용되기를 기대한다. Physical and psychological characteristics are different depending on the type of constitution that is the basis of Korean ayurveda research. Therefore, it is necessary to have a program that can identify and explore the Korean type of ayurveda constitution and manage it according to the KACT(Korean Ayurveda Constitution Type). The purpose of this study is to use Korean ayurveda constitution that is suitable for Korean people so that it can be managed with body oil suitable for individual constitution type. In order to conduct treatment, counseling, and research using Korean ayurveda, through accurate constitutional type diagnosis for objectification of constitutional type discrimination, among the oils that is relatively easy for Koreans in terms of situation-adaptive approach and procedure, I will explore the body oil management program of KATC(Korean Ayurveda Constitution Type). focusing on aroma essential oils and base oils. As a research subject and a data collection method, among the 92 articles searched by selecting literature studies, thesis and academic thesis research, we referred to the research related to Ayurveda constitution type and oil . After searching for Ayurveda body care and oil, I studied the master s and doctoral dissertations and journals extracted as of November 2019. The implications of this study are that Korean Ayurveda was classified into three types: vata type, pitta type, and kapha type, and are to explore the use of body oil by Korean Ayurveda Constitution Type for easier application by Koreans of the present age. The limitation of this study is that the number of domestic literatures and academic papers is not large and there is a conflict between them. Therefore, I look forward to future studies on the use of Korean ayurveda and body oils by constitution type.

      • 안전 동요를 활용한 창의적 음악활동이 유아의 안전의식, 안전문제해결 사고능력, 음악적 창의성에 미치는 영향

        전미정 ( Jeon Mi-jeong ) 창조교육학회 2018 창조교육논총 Vol.20 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of creative musical activities using safety song on Children’s safety knowledge, Safety Problem Solving Ability, and Musical Creativity. The specific research questions in accordance with study purpose like this are as follows. 1. What effects do creative musical activities using safety song have on Children’s safety knowledge? 2. What effects do creative musical activities using safety song have on Children’s Safety Problem Solving Ability? 3. What effects do creative musical activities using safety song have on Children’s Musical Creativity? The study was conducted with 52 five-year-old young children in the two classes of I kindergarten in G city, Jeollabuk-do. I kindergarten the children were experimental group 26 children, control group 26 children. The study tools used were “safety knowledge test”, “safety problem solving ability test” and “musical creativity test” of Hur Sunhee (1996). This study was conducted in the order of preliminary study, examiner training and preliminary examination, teacher training, pretest, experimental treatment, and post-test. In this study, creative musical activities using the safety shake were verified by the researcher, and the validity of content validity was confirmed to two early childhood education specialists. Creative musical activities using safety shakes were planned for 14 weeks in a week. There were 5 steps in total, starting with the first stage singing, followed by the second stage musical instrument or body expression, the third stage song replacement, the fourth stage singing book creation, the fifth stage sharing and evaluation. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS 23.0 program. The mean and standard deviation of the pre-and post-test scores of the experimental group and the control group were calculated, and the average increment of the pre- and post- The difference was analyzed by t-test. The results obtained in this study are as follows. First, creative music activities using safety shakes improved infant safety knowledge. Second, creative music activities using safety shakes improved children's ability to solve safety problems. Third, creative musical activities using safety shakes improved young children's musical creativity. The results of this study suggest that creative music activities using safety fluctuations can positively affect infant safety knowledge, safety problem solving ability, and musical creativity. Based on the results of this study, it will be possible to apply creative music activities using safety shake as a safety education program suitable for the level of infants needed in the field of early childhood education.

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