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        Suggestions for Cultivating Comprehensible Output in a College English Camp

        장형지,성명희 한국영어교과교육학회 2010 영어교과교육 Vol.9 No.3

        This study investigates English camp for college learners in Korea and suggests that cultivating comprehensible output in the program is effective in developing the communicative competence in terms of learners' affective variables and their competence in speaking. In the study, eighty college students participated in the English camp and reported their increase of willingness to communicate in English and their decrease of communication anxiety. During the camp, participants experienced the abundance of English input with English mediated instructions, English reading materials and English speaking media from morning to evening for three weeks, along with the pushed output through English presentation, situational conversation, topic discussion, TOEIC speaking preparation, and peer talks in the small group activities. In the results, besides the positive effects of comprehensible input in the language acquisition process, cultivating comprehensible output through the way of pushed output is proved to be a reliable facilitator to activate learners' willingness as well as to reduce anxiety in communication. The speaking test scores of the participants evaluated by native speakers increased.

      • KCI등재

        The Flipped Classroom Approach for Tourism English Learners

        장형지 한국영어교육학회 2020 ENGLISH TEACHING(영어교육) Vol.75 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the Flipped Classroom (FC) approach on Tourism English learning. For the study, 93 students in a Tourism English (TE) course were encouraged to participate in the FC activities, designed by the PARTNER (Preparation, Assessment, Relevance, Team activity, Nub lecture, Evaluation and Reflection) model. A quasi-experiment was conducted for 15-weeks of a semester, and the effectiveness of the FC activities on the TE learning was analyzed in accordance with the course satisfaction, problem-solving skill, and collective efficacy. The problem-solving skill survey was designed to measure the cause analysis, alternative development, practice, and assessment, while the collective efficacy survey comprised items related to fostering leadership, exchanging ideas, evaluating ideas, and integrating ideas. In the findings, the FC activities showed the positive effect on the development of the problem-solving skills, collective efficacy, and course satisfaction. The pedagogical implications are discussed in terms of the FC activities on Tourism English learning in this study.

      • KCI등재

        Designing a Culture-based College English Reading Class for the Development of Cultural Literacy

        장형지 한국영어교과교육학회 2013 영어교과교육 Vol.12 No.1

        This study is aimed at revitalizing the English reading class for college learners to develop the cultural literacy. The study recruits 50 college students and asks them to participate in culturally responsive English reading for 15weeks. At first, the study evaluated the currently used English coursebooks to measure the appropriateness for teaching culture and suggested supplementary reading materials to extend the culture-based reading. With a set of quasi-experimental instruction, the college English reading class was executed with three stages of culture teaching, which included the cultural input,interaction and language output. In the input stage, culture-based reading was explored by silent and oral readings. In the interaction stage, small group discussion was encouraged to confirm what they read. In the output stage,individually, participants took the intercultural notes, which allowed learners to grasp the unstated implications from the reading. To ascertain the effectiveness of a culture-based reading class, the study asked the participants to complete pre-and post-surveys for the semi-Stephen Multi-group Acculturation and Willingness to Communicate. In the results, the study found the significant increases in participants’ willingness to communicate in English due to the culturally-enriched English reading instructions.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Intensive Domestic Immersion English Camps in Korea: Focusing on Speaking Competence, Language Learning Strategies and Intercultural Sensitivity

        장형지,성명희 한국중원언어학회 2015 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.37

        This study aimed at investigating the effects of Intensive Domestic Immersion (IDI) English camps for Korean EFL college learners in regard to the relations among the variables: English speaking competence, language learning strategies, and intercultural sensitivity. For the study, 80 undergraduates enrolled in the IDI camp for three weeks. They were also recruited and encouraged to take a pre- and post set of the VERSANT speaking test, complete Oxford's Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL), and respond to the Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (ISS). The study concluded with three notable findings as follows. First, the IDI camp was effective to facilitate English speaking competence. Second, the participants in this study significantly increased the use of English learning strategies and intercultural sensitivity. Third, the correlation analysis of the speaking test, SILL and ISS showed that the use of memory, cognitive, affective, and social strategies, and intercultural attentiveness facilitate the development of accurate usages in speaking. Specifically, it is probable that intercultural attentiveness facilitates the development of accurate vocabulary in speaking, and the use of social strategies also helps to develop oral fluency.

      • KCI등재

        7차 교육과정 이후의 어린이영어교육에 대한 연구: 현대영어교육을 중심으로

        장형지 현대영어교육학회 2010 현대영어교육 Vol.11 No.2

        This study aims to review the studies about English education for children on the basis of the 7th National Curriculum, which lays great emphasis on the communicative competence, proficiency based learning, and culture based language learning. Particularly for 3rd graders in elementary school, English class has been implemented in the regular curriculum since the 7th National Curriculum, and this change deserves the early childhood English education be vitalized and facilitated. In this study, through the journal of Modern English Education, the synthesis and analysis of the studies on English education for children are conducted and the research data are categorized by the aspects of research methods and relevant topics. As a result, most of the conducted research methods were surveys and experiments, and the main topics were related to the curriculum design and teaching methods. In addition, the suggestions to enforce the goal of the 7th National Curriculum are extended reading and writing courses to make the balance of four language skills, invitation of various teaching methods like the storytelling, digital textbook, and students’ portfolio, intensive teacher training program,and lastly the process based assessments tool for young learners.

      • KCI등재

        Revitalizing College English Reading Class through Free Voluntary Reading (FVR)

        장형지 현대영어교육학회 2011 현대영어교육 Vol.12 No.1

        The present study examines the college English Reading Class (ERC) to cultivate Free Voluntary Reading (FVR), which enables learners to read for enjoyment and acquire reading competence spontaneously. Seventy participants were recruited and divided into two groups: traditional ERC only and traditional ERC with FVR. FVR was conducted on the basis of Sustained Silent Reading (SSR), Self-selected Reading (SR),a book presentation, and making reading notes for one semester. For proposing the effect of FVR on ERC, the study adopted pre- and post tests designed to measure learners’ reading competence and affective variables in English learning. In the reading competence test, the questions were extracted from a TOEIC reading comprehension test, which consists of vocabulary finding, grammar use, and text comprehension. In addition, estimating reading speed was appended. In the surveys on affective variables in English learning, the scales of AMTB (Attitudes and Motivation Test Battery) and WTC (Willingness to Communicate) were utilized. In the results, the study suggests that implementing FVR into college ERC proves to be effective in developing reading competence in the aspects of reading comprehension and attitudes/ motivation in English learning, but not in the aspects of reading speed and willingness to communicate in English. (199words)

      • KCI등재

        Empowering Intercultural Communicative Competence through Metacognitive Reading Strategy

        장형지 한국영어어문교육학회 2012 영어어문교육 Vol.18 No.2

        This study aims to propose using English reading strategies to enhance Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) for EFL learners. The study recruited college-level participants who were enrolled in a general English reading course (N=30) and administrated the surveys with a Repeated Measures Design (RMD). In the survey, an intercultural sensitivity scale and metacognitive reading strategies inventory were conducted for comparison. During the instruction, participants were asked to use the R.I.D.E.R. (i.e. Read, Image, Describe, Evaluate, and Repeat) strategy for visualization of text, which is aimed at facilitating the use of metacognitive reading strategies. In the results, participants showed a statistically significant increase both in the intercultural sensitivity level and the use of metacognitive reading strategies after the practice of R.I.D.E.R for one semester. Further analysis was appended to the results by the correlation and regression analysis, and proposed that participants benefit their development of intercultural sensitivity from the use of metacognitive reading strategies. Therefore, the study suggests that implementing metacognitive reading strategies facilitates college EFL readers to increase their cultural sensitivity, which empowers ICC through English reading (176words).

      • KCI등재

        Critical Review of Research on Aural and Oral English Competence for Enhancing Culture Learning

        장형지 한국영어어문교육학회 2014 영어어문교육 Vol.20 No.1

        The present study is aimed at reviewing the previous research findings about the aural and oral English competence of Korean EFL learners in order to confirm the importance of culture learning in the language classroom. In the study, 83 journal articles (23 for aural, 46 for oral and 10 for aural and/or oral) were collected from the Journal of English Language Literature and Teaching (ELLT). Then, the research conducted a statistical review with Frequency Analysis (FA) to get the gist of collected journal articles and Correlation Analysis (CA) to confirm the relation of research variables: date of publication, research methods, applicable levels, research topics and cultural implications. Next, the content analysis was appended to investigate the perspectives of culture learning from the studies of aural and oral English competence. In the results, the gist of descriptive information proves that cultural implication is more recommended in the studies of oral English learning. Besides, the significant correlation among research variables is reported. Lastly, the results of content analysis suggests that cultural implications in the studies of aural and oral English competence are categorized according to the components of Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC), which are intercultural awareness, knowledge, skills, attitudes and traits, and proficiency.

      • KCI등재

        ESP Instruction Design Based on Digital Literacy for Tourism English Learners

        장형지 영상영어교육학회 2024 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.25 No.3

        The present study aims to investigate the ESP instruction based on digital literacy for tourism English learners. In this study, digital literacy is defined as the ability to understand, synthesize, and use multiple forms of information from digital sources to create new information for one’s own purposes. To address the deficits of digital literacy of ESP learners, the study is conducted through design-based research, which is considered to be a problem-solving approach in education. Firstly, a total of 92 tourism English learners were asked to complete the Knowledge and Information Processing Competency (KIPC) survey to diagnose their digital literacy levels. Secondly, the study proposed the digital literacy related activities to facilitate the learners collecting, processing and using digital knowledge and information. The instruction was based on a coursebook-driven approach which added digital literacy activities to the traditional ESP instruction. Lastly, the reflective journals of learners were examined through frequent word analysis. In the findings, ESP learners showed competency in collecting rather than utilizing digital knowledge and information, thus the ESP instruction based on digital literacy was designed to facilitate learners to utilize more digital knowledge and information which helped them to develop teamwork, problem- solving and self-assessment.

      • KCI등재후보

        Revisiting College TOEIC Course through Self-Directed Language Learning (SDLL)

        장형지 한국영어교과교육학회 2011 영어교과교육 Vol.10 No.3

        This study is aimed at implementing the concept of Self-Directed Learning (SDL)into a college TOEIC course, which expects to foster learner autonomy in language use. In the study, 45 college students participated in the Self-Directed Language Learning (SDLL)-based instruction for 15 weeks of the semester. After the semester, the statistical comparison between the pre- and post- Self-Directed Learning Readiness (SDLR) scale showed a significant increase to the average level from the below average level of readiness for SDLL. The study conducted analysis on the SDLL activities―a learning contract and reflection notes―which the participants were asked to write in and out of the classroom in order to keep their SDLL pace. In the notes, learners showed that SDLL notes assisted them in identifying the self-selected goal of instruction and enabled self-vocabulary learning and developed self-assessment competence. Accordingly, the study concludes that the SDLL-based TOEIC course is effective in developing learner autonomy with the help of SDLL activities, such as the guided note-taking activities.

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