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        다문화가정 청소년의 인구사회학적 구조에 따른 비행관련요인의 차이 분석 연구

        장일식 ( Jang Il-sik ) 한국다문화 디아스포라학회 2015 다문화와 디아스포라연구 Vol.7 No.-

        최근 한국사회 내 다문화가정의 증가에 따른 다문화가정 청소년들의 급속한 성장에 주목해야 할 필요가 있다. 이러한 한국사회 내 인구구성의 변화는 국가적·정책적 관심은 물론 국민적 관심을 불러일으키고 있다. 반면에 이들의 인구구성 비율의 증가는 인종과 민족에 대한 차별, 사회통합의 문제 등 다양한 측면에서 우려를 낳고 있다. 실제 다문화가정의 청소년들도 교육현장에서 ‘왕따’ 등 소외를 당하고 있음에도 불구하고, 이들의 피해상황은 물론 비행 또는 범죄로 연결된 사례 등은 아직 언론이나 학계에 많이 보고되고 있지 않다는 이유로 경찰 내부에서도 다소 소홀히 취급되고 있으며, 다문화가정 청소년들의 비행 및 범죄에 대해서는 아직 공식적인 통계까지 산출되고 있지 않은 현실이다. 이러한 다문화가정 청소년들이 겪는 다양한 문제들은 향후 비행과 범죄로 연계되어 결국에는 사회 불안을 가중시키고, 치안수요를 증가시킬 것으로 예상된다. 이에 이 연구에서는 다문화가정 청소년의 비행에 영향을 미치는 요인과 그 영향력을 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 위해 이 연구에서는 비행에 영향을 미치는 요인으로서 ‘갈등요인, 적응능력, 정체성, 충동성’으로 한정하여 살펴보았으며, 서울특별시, 경기도 안산시, 경기도 시흥시, 충남 아산시, 경북 구미시, 경북 경산시, 경남 진해시, 충북 음성군, 경남 김해시, 전북 군산시, 전북 정읍시, 전북 임실·무주·진안·장수군 등 15개 시·군 지역에 거주하는 초등학교 4학년 이상 다문화가정 청소년 333명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 이 연구의 분석결과 다음과 같이 나타났다. 다문화가정 청소년들의 갈등요인, 적응능력, 정체성, 충동성은 비행에 영향을 미친다. 충동성의 하위요인인 본인 충동성이 비행에 유의미하게 영향을 미쳤다. 사회적 갈등요인이 높아질수록 학교적응능력과 문화적응능력이 낮아졌고, 자기 정체성도 낮아졌다. 또한 본인충동성이 높아질수록 비행에 큰 영향을 미치고 있다는 결과를 도출하였다. 자료 수집 및 경찰에 대한 거부감으로 현장에서 많은 애로사항이 있었지만 다행히 적극적인 협조자들의 도움으로 다문화가정 청소년들의 문제점에 대해 심도 깊게 접근할 수 있었다. 다만 직접 다문화가정 청소년들을 면담하지 못했으며 보다 더 체계적인 설문지 구성과 전국적인 설문 수집의 한계점을 갖는 만큼 후속 연구에서는 이런 점을 보완한 수준 높은 연구가 진행되길 기대한다. Adolescents are the main members of society and a noble existence to lead Korea in the future, so there is a need to pay attention to the rapid growth of adolescents of multi-cultural families according to the increase of multi-cultural families within Korean society. Such changes in population composition within Korean society arouses national interest as well as national·political interest. Notwithstanding that adolescents of multi-cultural families are actually neglected under the name of ‘outcast’ in the education field, condition of there damage are being treated carelessly even within the police by the reason that such damages have not been reported much to the press or academic world yet, and it is reality that no official statistics on the delinquency and crime committed by the adolescents of multi-cultural families have been calculated. Such a variety of problems that adolescents of multi-cultural families are undergoing are expected to be connected to future delinquency and crime, and are led to addition of social unrest and increase in demand for public security after all. Thus, this study aimed to investigate whether or not psychosocial characteristics and delinquency experience of adolescents of multi-cultural families differ according to the sociodemographic structure, understand interrelations among conflict factor, adaptability, identity, impulsivity, delinquency adolescents of multi-cultural families and their delinquency, and seek for police countermeasures to prevent delinquency of adolescents of multi-cultural families through the foregoing. This study suggested following five research questions and results are as follows. First, psychosocial characteristics of adolescents of multi-cultural families differed according to the sociodemographic structure. Second, delinquency experience of adolescents of multi-cultural families according to the sociodemographic structure differed. Third, conflict factor, adaptability, identity, impulsivity and delinquency of adolescents of multi-cultural families have a significant interrelation each other. Fourth, conflict factor, adaptability, identity and impulsivity of adolescents of multi-cultural families affects their delinquency. Fifth, as police countermeasures for preventing delinquency of adolescents of multi-cultural families, this study suggested countermeasures in the aspects of manpower, organization and operation system. There were a lot of difficulties in the course of data collection and on-the-spot observation due to unwelcome attention to police, but fortunately, this study was able to had an in-depth access to the problems of adolescents of multi-cultural families indebted to positive assistance of supporters. However, this study failed to have a direct interview with adolescents of multi-cultural families and has limits with respect to composition of a more systematic questionnaire and nationwide survey, so follow-up researches are expected to be ones of higher quality by compensating such shortcomings.

      • 글로벌 한류와 팬덤(Fandom) - 한국 드라마를 중심으로 -

        장일식 ( Il-sik Jang ) 한국영화교육학회 2023 영화교육연구 Vol.17 No.1

        본고에서는 한류와 팬덤의 현상과 정의를 규명하고 드라마를 중심으로 전반적인 전개 양상을 살펴보고자 한다. 전 세계인들이 한국의 대중문화를 동경하고 좋아하는 현상을 한류라고 한다. 한류에 대한 시작지점에는 많은 주장이 있지만 한국 이외의 국가로 한국 문화가 전파되고 전파된 한국의 문화에 공감하며 열광하고 즐기는 것이 한류의 가장 중요한 부분이라고 할 수 있겠다. 한 나라의 문화가 언어의 장벽을 허물고 문화의 장벽을 넘어서는 가장 보편화된 방법은 콘텐츠 전달 방법이다. 그중에서 시각적 영상 콘텐츠의 활용 방법은 가장 음악적 분화 방법과는 차별화된 따라 하기 식의 공감대를 형성할 수 있다. 한국 드라마의 한류 팬덤 문화 형성은 시기별로 다른 특징을 보여준다. 아날로그 세대는 찾아가기의 팬덤 문화가 형성되었으며 인터넷이 발전하면서 동시간대 시청 문화가 활성화되었고 이는 한류 전파시간이 급격하게 줄어들면서 드라마 한류의 팬덤 문화가 더욱 빠르게 형성되기 시작하였다. 코로나19 팬데믹 이후 OTT 플랫폼 기반의 뉴미디어 세대로 접어들며 이러한 동시간대 팬덤 문화의 형성은 하나의 국가를 뛰어넘어 전 세계인들의 팬덤 문화 형성이 빠르게 이뤄지는 현상을 만들어 냈다. 현재 한국의 한류에 의해 형성된 여러 팬덤 문화는 음악, 영화, 드라마, 음식, 의상 등으로 커져가고 있으며 더욱 다양한 플랫폼의 개발로 이러한 한류가 오래도록 세계인들에게 기억되길 기대해 본다. In this paper, we would like to investigate the phenomenon and definition of Hallyu and fandom, and examine the overall development pattern centered on dramas. The phenomenon that people around the world admire and like Korean pop culture is called the Korean Wave. There are many arguments at the beginning of the Korean Wave, but it is the most important part of the Korean Wave to sympathize with and enjoy Korean culture that has spread and spread to countries other than Korea. The most common way for a country's culture to break down language barriers and overcome cultural barriers is the method of content delivery. Among them, the method of using visual video content can form a consensus in the following equation according to the method of most musical differentiation. The formation of a Korean Wave fandom culture in Korean dramas shows different characteristics by period. The analog generation formed a fandom culture of visiting, and as the Internet developed, the viewing culture was activated at the same time, which rapidly reduced the spread time of the Korean Wave, and the fandom culture of the Korean Wave began to form faster. After the COVID-19 Pandemic, as the OTT platform-based new media generation entered, the formation of a fandom culture in the same time zone has created a phenomenon in which people around the world quickly form a fandom culture beyond one country. Currently, various fandom cultures formed by the Korean Wave are growing into music, movies, dramas, food, and costumes, and we hope that the Korean Wave will be remembered by the world for a long time through the development of more diverse platforms.

      • KCI등재

        사회적 약자 보호 확대를 위한 경찰 교육정책에 관한 연구

        장일식 ( Jang Il Sik ) 한국경찰학회 2018 한국경찰학회보 Vol.20 No.4

        Recently, the best value of police is ‘human rights police’. The police has mainly focused on the policing that stand out conspicuously such as investigation like arrest of criminals, solution of cases, management of massive rally and protest situations etc. As continuous public security policies for ‘the socially disadvantaged’ are more and more brought into the seamless safety net, however, police is minimizing blind spots now. Related to the foregoing, the police is now analyzing cases of unsatisfactory field measures for strengthening initial reaction capability in relation to the main field cases regarding ‘the socially disadvantaged’, and reflecting the results to the education of educational institutions such as new appointment education etc., establishing curriculum in the actual educational institutions and departmentalizing subjects for education. In tune with the changing trend of security, the necessity for assignment in the front lines after they have a thorough understanding of the socially disadvantaged before their turn in office with fruitful education together with reorganization of curriculum throughout the whole system of police education under the main subject titled ‘the protection of the socially disadvantaged’, and especially increasing time of subjects for new appointment courses for police cadets in the Central Police Academy and Korean National Police University has been raised. Thus, this study examined current conditions and problems of police education for ‘the protection of the socially disadvantaged’, and suggested improvement measures. As improvement measures, this study suggested First, expansion of the organization of subjects for the protection of the socially disadvantaged, Second, necessity for investigation of detailed items at the time of survey on the job satisfaction, Third, execution of educational service programs for the protection of the socially disadvantaged and Fourth, establishment of the program for the protection of the socially disadvantaged for the incumbent police officers.

      • KCI등재

        석탄층 메탄가스 생산정의 자료 기반 분류 및 유사정상상태 분석을 활용한 생산 거동 예측

        신효진(Hyo-Jin Shin),임종세(Jong-Se Lim),장일식(Il-Sik Jang) 한국에너지학회 2024 에너지공학 Vol.33 No.1

        As the importance of natural gas resources grows, there is a concurrent focus on developing gas within coalbeds. The production trend of hydrocarbons differ from conventional resources due to their desorption from the coalbeds, necessitating advanced prediction technology. Ensuring the reliability of coalbed methane production forecasting involves deriving average production by categorizing groups based on similar geological characteristics. Results are then compared using a pseudo-steady state assumption. To achieve this, production trends were analyzed by understanding coalbed production and decline patterns. Subsequently, a screening process was established, considering production trend differences and deriving average production for specific groups and main production fluids. Additionally, a tool for pseudo-steady-state analysis was developed to adjust factors influencing production behavior, matching them with field production history. The confirmed ability to forecast production for ongoing fields stemmed from the predicted production profiles. The application of this proposed method to production data reflecting the fluid behavior of coalbed methane is expected to yield more reliable results.

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