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      • KCI등재

        코로나19 확산에 따른 가족생활 및 가족관계의 변화와 스트레스

        진미정 ( Meejung Chin ),성미애 ( Miai Sung ),손서희 ( Seohee Son ),유재언 ( Jaeeon Yoo ),이재림 ( Jaerim Lee ),장영은 ( Young Eun Chang ) 대한가정학회 2020 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.58 No.3

        This study explores how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed family life and relationships as well as how these changes affect perceived stress among married men and women. This study investigated changes in family time use, household work, child care, leisure activities, income and expenditures along with relationships between spouses and children using a sample of 627 married persons surveyed online from May 19 to 25, 2020. The results showed that the amount of time spent on household work, child care, and family leisure have increased and that the perceived burden of household work and child care has also increased. Gender differences were found in time use, household work, and child care. Leisure activities have changed toward more time watching TV or online media and playing online games and less time on outdoor activities, shopping, and meeting friends. About 38% of respondents reported a reduction in household income and 22% reported an increase in household debt. The majority experienced no change in the quality of relationships with spouses and children, approximately 20% of the sample reported a positive change in relationships with spouses and children. The findings of multivariate regression indicated that change in work time, negative change in household economy, negative change in household work and negative change in relationships with spouses were associated with marital stress. However, this study found that negative changes in child care and in relationships with children did not affect stress among married parents with children in elementary or secondary school.

      • KCI등재

        코로나19에 따른 1인 가구의 일상생활 변화 및 스트레스: 사회적 지원과 가족탄력성을 중심으로

        성미애 ( Sung Miai ),진미정 ( Chin Meejung ),장영은 ( Chang Young Eun ),손서희 ( Son Seohee ) 한국가족관계학회 2020 한국가족관계학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore how single-person households experienced changes in their daily life and perceived stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Using a sample of 159 single-person households surveyed during May 19∼25 2020, this study investigated changes in daily life such as working hours, economic strain, leisure time spent alone, and frequency of meeting with friends and examined the relationships between the changes in daily life and perceived stress with a focus on social support and family resilience. Results: The results showed that 23 percent of the sample reported a reduction in working hours and 40.9 percent reported that their economic situation was exacerbated by COVID-19. In addition, 75.5 percent of single-person households have had less contact with their friends and 27 percent reported an increase in leisure time alone due to the practice of social distancing. The findings of hierarchical regression analysis indicated that social support and family resilience were negatively associated with perceived stress of single- person households, while changes in daily life and economic strain was not associated with their stress. Conclusions: The study highlights the importance of social support and family relationships for the well-being of single-person households during the COVID-19 pandemic.

      • KCI등재

        2. 현대문학 : 동독 아동청소년문학의 흐름과 통독 후의 그 문학적 명맥 -브레히트, 벤노 플루드라, 페트라 카쉬를 중심으로

        장영은 ( Young Eun Chang ) 한국브레히트학회 2014 브레히트와 현대연극 Vol.0 No.30

        이 연구는 우선 국내에 많이 알려지지 않은, 동독 아동청소년문학의 역사적 변천 과정과 대표 작가들을 중심으로 문학의 영향사 측면에서 최근 독일 아동청소년문학과 맞닿아 있는 동독 아동청소년문학의 흐름과 그 문학적 명맥을 시기적으로 대별하여 개관하고자 한다. 그리고 동독 아동청소년문학의 대표 작가로는 브레히트와 더불어 50년대부터 등단하여 작품을 활발하게 발표한 벤노 플루드라 Benno Pludra를 비롯하여 알렉스 베딩 Alex Weddimg, 루드비히 렌 Ludwig Renn, 70년대부터는 울리히 플렌츠도르프 Ulrich Plenzdorf, 롤프 슈나이더 Rolf Schneider, 쿠르트 뷘쉬 Kurt Wunsch와 더불어 80년대의 지그프리트 슈마허 Siegrid Schumacher, 지그리트 디크 Siegrid Dick, 귄터 괴르리히 Gunter Gorlich 등이 손꼽힌다. 그들 가운데 이 연구에서는 동독 아동청소년문학의 척추와 같은 기능을 수행하고 있는 브레히트와, 그의 문학에서 많은 영향을 받은 벤노 플루드라 Benno Pludra (1925∼), 90년대 이후의 젊은 대표작가로서, 동독에서 유년 시절을 보내고 통독 이후의 독일 사회와 독일 재통일을 중심주제로 채택하고 있는 페트라 카쉬 Petra Kasch (1964∼)에 주목한다. 아울러 브레히트의 <상처 입은 소크라테스>(1949)와 통일 전후 독일사회의 변화를 파악할 수 있는 문학적 편린으로서, 플루드라의 <백조들의 섬 Insel der Schwane>(1980)과 카쉬의 <안녕, 베를린 Bye-Bye, Berlin>(2009)을 분석텍스트로 삼아, 동독 아동청소년문학의 패러다임변화와 현재 독일 아동청소년문학에 대한 지속적인 영향을 규명하고자 한다. Der vorliegende Aufsatz befasst sich mit der Analyse der Tendenzen der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur der DDR und ihres literarischen Erben nach der deutschen Wende. Dabei wurden Brechts Der verwundete Sokrates (Erstdruck: 1939, der Kinderbuchverlag 1949), Benno Pludras Die Inser der Schwane (1980) und Petra Kaschs Bye-Bye, Berlin (2007) herangezogen und interpretiert. Etwa 20 Jahre ist es her, dass West- und Ost-Deutschland durch die Maueroffnung wiedervereinigt wurden. Die literarische Entwicklung sowie die reprasentativen Werke im Zeitraum von 1945 bis 1990 wurden skizziert, um einen geschichtlichen Uberblick der KJL der DDR zu ermoglichen. Wahrend des staatlichen Aufbaus und der Etablierungsphase in der KJL der DDR ubten Brechts Werke fur Kinder auf die zeitgenossischen SchriftstellerInnen der KJL in der DDR einen großen Einfluss aus. Brechts Der verwundete Soklates, in dem der antimilitarische Ansatz und die scharfe Kritik gegen den Faschismus hervorgehoben wird, wurde 1949 von einem Kinderbuchverlag publiziert. Brechts Werk fand jedoch nicht immer ein positives Echo: Padagogen kritisierten Brechts Werk. Die KJL der DDR entwickelte sich im Vergleich mit der KJL der BRD in einem anderem Sozialisationszusammenhang. Gemaß dem gesellschaftlichen Prozess und der Reglementierung von Literatur sollte die KJL der DDR als Organ fur die Bewußtseinbildung der Kinder und Jugendlichen fungieren. In der KJL der 70er Jahre wurden die Veranderungen anhand der Hauptfiguren sowie der Handlungsmodelle spurbar, wobei die Innenwelt und die inneren Wunsche der kindlichen Figuren konkret dargestellt werden. Die Stadt bildet den gesellschaftlichen Hintergrund, vor dem die Kinder und Jugendliche ihre Alltagsleben schwerlich bewaltigen. Als ein Beispiel hierfur wurde Benno Pludras Insel der Schwane vorgestellt. Nach der Wende spiegeln sich sowie das Erbe der KJL der ehmaligen DDR als auch die Wiedervereinigung und ihre Folgen in der KJL der Gegenwart wider. In Bezug auf die literarische thematische Vielfalt und den Dirskurs uber die deutsche Wiedervereinigung sind folgende Werke zu nennen: Margareta Gorscheneks Sammelband Wahnsinn! Geschichten vom Umbruch in der DDR, Gunter Preuß Vertauschte Bilder, Elisabeth Zollers Alex-belogen, Karin Konigs Ich fuhl mich so fifty-fifty, Katrien Seynaeves Die Mauer aus Kristall

      • KCI등재

        어머니의 우울과 학령전기 유아의 정서 문제 간의 상호적 관계에 대한 단기 종단연구

        장영은 ( Young Eun Chang ),한효정 ( Hyo Jeong Han ) 대한가정학회 2016 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.54 No.5

        This study examined the causal relationship between a mothers` depression and the emotional problems of their preschool-aged children as indicated by anxiety, depression and emotional reactivity. We analyzed data from 1,528 mothers and their children from the Panel Study of Korean Children (PSKC) collected when the children were 4 years old and 5 years old. Autoregressive cross-lagged modeling was conducted using AMOS ver. 23.0 to investigate the longitudinal reciprocal effects between mothers` depression and children`s emotional problems. The results indicated that both mothers` depression and children`s emotional problems were relatively stable between the ages of 4 to 5. There were significant cross-lagged effects from the mothers` depression to children`s emotional problems and from children`s emotional problems to mothers` depression. Mothers reported higher levels of depression when the children were 4 years old and the children showed more anxiety, depression and emotional reactivity when they were 5 years old. Emotional problems when the children were 4 predicted greater depression among mothers 1 year later. We also examined the group difference (between boys and girls) in the study model. Gender differences were not statistically supported. The results suggested that early assessment and intervention for mothers` depression and children`s emotional problems are essential for a healthy mother-child relationship and later child outcomes.

      • KCI등재

        초등학생의 진로의식성숙도에 애착과 자아개념이 미치는 효과: 성차, 동시효과 및 지연효과에 관하여

        장영은 ( Young Eun Chang ) 대한가정학회 2010 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.48 No.6

        This study examined the effects of parent-, peer-, and teacher-attachment on development of career maturity via the mediating effects of self concept. There were 2844 elementary school students, ages 12 to 13 years old, who participated in the Korean Youth Panel Survey. All data were used for the analyses. Gender differences were found in most of the variables, including attachment, self concept, and career maturity. The Structural Equation Modeling technique applied to the data revealed that there were both concurrent and lagged effects of attachment and self concept on career maturity. It was found that self concept played a mediating role on career maturity.

      • KCI등재

        거주주택자산이 자산불평등에 미치는 영향

        장영은(Chang, Young Eun),이강용(Lee, Kang Yong),정준호(Jeong, Jun Ho) 한국주거환경학회 2017 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.15 No.3

        This paper studies the effect of housing in asset inequality based on Korean Household Financial and Welfare Survey from 2012 to 2016. An important goal of our work is to measure the contribution of housing asset to overall asset inequality using Lerman and Yizhaki(1985) method on the Gini coefficient decomposition techniques. This analysis do not demonstrates assertively that the housing asset is found to be the equalizing asset . In detail, firstly relative contribution to the net asset inequality varies and it is in the descending order of other real estate, residential housing asset, savings and valuables. However liabilities influences to reduce the net asset inequality. Secondly, from the aspect of marginal effect, net asset inequality is reduced by residential housing asset, residence deposit, savings and valuables. The study identifies households that do not own their primary residence as a group subject to state support in the form of tax reliefs and more favorable mortgage conditions. In the aspect of marginal effect the study makes apparent that homeownership status can serve as an important identification factor for targeted asset equalization policies.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        가족의 누적위험요인이 영아기 발달에 미치는 영향

        장영은(Young Eun Chang),권윤정(Yun Jeong Kwon) 한국아동학회 2014 아동학회지 Vol.35 No.2

        The main purpose of this study was to investigate the paths from the cumulative risk factors to infant`s development at 24 months of age via the mediation of maternal parenting behaviors. The data consisted of 3 year`s worth of data harvested from 1802 families participating in the Panel Study on Korean Children (PSKC). The results revealed that cumulative family risk factors tended to stay in the family in relatively stable ways. Early risk factors significantly predicted later risk factors. Cumulative risk factors were negatively associated with the parenting styles of mothers, which in turn, significantly predicted the development of the infants concerned. Statistical tests supported the notion that mothers` parenting behavior is the mediator of the relation between family risk factors and infant`s developmental outcomes.

      • KCI등재

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