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      • KCI등재

        금북정맥 주변 산림조각의 경관생태학적 해석

        장갑수,Jang, Gab-Sue 한국조경학회 2007 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.35 No.1

        The objective of this study was to delineate forest patches in the cities around the Geum-buk mountains at the north of the Geum River using multiplesatellite remote sensing data. Landsat visible and near-infrared satellite images obtained at multiple dates in the growing season were used to create a forest distribution map. Fragstats 3.3 was used to get the landscape indices delineating the distribution of forest patches. Additional ground truth data was used to assess the accuracy of the classification. Factor analysis was used to get the 26 landscape indices clustered into 4 factors. Factor I was labeled as' size of forest patches', factor II as 'fragmentation of forest patches', factor III as 'shape of forest patches', and factor IV as 'complexity of forest patches'. Factor I described large patches and their core area, while others did small patches and their shape and complexity. Cities including Cheonan, Gongju, Cheongyang, and Boryeong near the main ridge of the Geumbuk Mtns. had a small number of large-sized forest patches. However, cities including Taean, Seosan, Dangjin, Hongseong near the ridge of the western Geumbuk Mtns. had a large number of small-sized forest patches. Finally, this study showed that the region near the coast line in Chung-nam province has various types of forest patches having an irregular forest edge due to the elevation and slope lower than the one of the region far from the coast line which is near the ridge of the Geum-buk Mountains. Remote sensing data were useful to understand the distribution of forest patches, and landscape indices could be keys to delineate the relationship between forest patches. And the factor analysis, which simplified 26 landscape indices into 4 landscape patterns allowed us to understand the distribution and relationship of forest patches in an easy way.

      • KCI등재

        농촌 조건불리지역의 경관개선을 위한 접근

        장갑수,박인환,Jang, Gab-Sue,Park, In-Hwan 한국조경학회 2008 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.36 No.2

        경상남도 창녕군 이방면을 대상으로 토지이용 제한인자인 홍수피해, 토양침식 그리고 휴경 잠재성을 종합한 토지평가에 따라 조건불리지역으로 선정된 지역에 대하여 경관복원을 위한 제언을 하고, 이를 바탕으로 경관복원 전후의 경관구조 비교를 통하여 경관개선 효과를 평가하였는데, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 토지평가 결과 연구지역 내 농경지 면적 2,924.34ha 중 1급지는 388.560a, 2급지는 623.25ha존재하였고, 3급지는 138.08ha, 4급지는 230.4ha, 그리고 5급지는 67.91ha 존재하였다. 이 중 3급지와 4급지에 해당하는 지역은 조건불리지역으로 간주하여 경관개선을 위한 제안을 하였다. 둘째, 침수잠재성을 가진 조건불리지역은 습지와 그 완충지역으로의 복원을 제안하였고, 이 때 복원대상 토지의 소유주에게는 경관보전직접지불제에 의한 보상이 이루어질 수 있을 것으로 판단하였다. 토양침식잠재성을 가진 조건불리지 역 의 경우, 초생재배, 대상식생, 잠재자연식생으로의 전환을 통한 지력보강 방법을 제안하였다. 셋째, 조건불리지역의 경관복원에 대한 제안에 따라 경관복원 전후의 경관구조를 평가한 결과, 산림은 그 패치의 수, 경관비율, 최대패치지수, 경관형태지수, 산재 병렬지수, 그리고 핵심지역 면적에서 모두 증가한 반면, 논 밭과 과수원에서는 패치수, 경관형태지수를 제외한 대부분의 지수에서 감소하는 것으로 확인하였다. 우리나라 산림은 과거 농업이 경쟁력을 가질 당시에 지나치게 확장되어 현재 홍수피해, 휴경 등 여러 가지 열악한 여건을 가지고 있으므로 이를 개선하기 위한 노력이 필요하다고 보며, 그런 의미에서 본 연구가 나름의 의미가 있다고 사료된다. Three land-use limitations including water hazard, soil erosion and fallow potential were evaluated to define an unfair area. Landscape indices in the unfair areas, defined by evaluations before and after landscape enhancement, were computed by Fragstats v3.3 and compared in order to propose a landscape enhancement plan. The results are as follows: First, as a result of the land evaluation, 388.56ha was analyzed for the 1st class(S1), 623.25ha for the 2nd class(S2), 138.08ha(S3s: 82.47ha, S3e: 51.88ha) for the 3rd class(S3), 230.44ha(N1w: 194.91ha, N1e: 23.09ha, N1es: 13.94ha) for the 4th class(N1), and 67.91ha(N2w: 60. 89ha, N2es: 7.02ha) for the 5th class(N2). The classes under the 3rd class(including the 3rd class) were determined as an unfair area, and proposed landscape enhancement for them. Second, it was proposed that unfair areas with potential water hazards(N1 w, N2w) be restored as a wetland and buffer zone. At this point, the farmers owning these fields could be compensated using the direct payment for landscape conservation(DPLC). Areas witha relatively lower slope(S3e) or a steep slope(N1e) containing soil erodibility potential were proposed to be restored as a sod-culture-applied field and substitute vegetation or potentially natural vegetation, respectively. The unfair areas having fallow potential(S3s, N1es, N2es) were proposed to apply special use crops for the S3s fields, native plants for the N1es fields, and intended fallow for the N2es fields. Third, after landscape enhancement, theforest had higher values in the indices of NP, PLAND, LSI, IJI, and TCA, while paddy and upland had lower values in most indices except NP and LSI. The forest patches increased and were more plentiful with their restoration and had much greater possibility to join with nearby patches. With continued restoration, forest patches will have a large core area and small number of patches due to the conglomeration of patches, which positively influences the species of diversity in the forest patches.

      • KCI등재

        최근린사상법을 활용한 금강서해유역 녹지네트워크 구축에 관한 연구

        장갑수,Jang, Gab-Sue 한국조경학회 2007 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.35 No.5

        This study used the nearest feature model to connect forest patches within the western Geum River Basin. Due to many different forest patch sizes, 3 alternative methods were tested to determine the best way to establish an ecological network with forest patches. Alternative 1 used all forest patches to determine whether patches were large enough. Alternative 2 used forest patches over 10 ha in size. Alternative 3 used natural conservation indices to select forest patches containing better qualities in the natural conservation level. As a result 635 out of 724 patches of over 10 ha were selected for comparison. Alternative 1 showed that forest patches of less than 10 ha were outliers interrupting the establishment of the ecological network. They generated an unnecessary ecological network to link core areas to comparison features. The ecological network was improved by using forest patches greater than 10 ha in size(Alternative 2). Each comparison feature was much more hierarchically connected to core areas in Alternative 2 than in Alternative 1. Forest patches filtered by natural conservation indices were useful for obtaining the best ecological network. Alternative 3 clearly showed the connections in the ecological network between core areas and forest.

      • KCI등재

        산림기반 야생동식물보호구역 조경을 위한 기초연구

        장갑수,Jang, Gab-Sue 한국조경학회 2008 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.36 No.1

        This study was conducted in order to recommend forest-based wildlife protection areas in Chung-nam Province using several basic habitat conditions. The conditions used in this study were the forest patch size with the potential to keep wildlife animals safe, the distance from water sources, and the availability of food for wildlife. The fractal dimension index was also used to find the edge line dynamics, which can influence on habitat conditions for edge species. The natural conservation management indices including a forest map (indicating the level of forest age), a slope map, and an elevation map were used to find the forest patches with enough space for wildlife to live on. Water resources and their buffer areas were considered as factors to protect the space as an ecological corridor. Deciduous trees and trees mixed with deciduous trees and conifers were chosen to provide wildlife animals their food. In total, 525 forest patches were chosen and recommended for the wildlife protection area. Five of these forest patches were recommended as wildlife protection areas managed by the provincial government. The other 520 forest patches were recommended to protect local wildlife animals and be managed by each county or city. These forest patches were located around the Geum-buk and Geum-nam mountains, and the forest patches are important resources as habitats to keep wildlife in the area. An ecological network consists of these separate forest patches with the ecological integration. A fractal dimension index was used to divide forest patches into several categories in order to find how patches are shaped. The forest patches with longer edges or more irregular shapes have a much higher possibility of being inhabited by various types of edge species. Through comparison of the wildlife protection areas recommended in this study to the current wildlife protection areas, we recognized that the current wildlife protection areas need boundary adjustments in order for wildlife animals to survive by themselves with water sources and food.

      • KCI등재

        금북정맥의 산림훼손 특성 분석

        장갑수,전성우,김상수,Jang, Gab-Sue,Jeon, Seong-Woo,Kim, Sang-Soo 한국조경학회 2008 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.36 No.5

        충청남도 핵심생태축인 금북정맥의 지속가능한 보호를 위해 위성영상 분석과 현장조사를 통하여 금북정맥의 산림지역에 발생한 훼손지의 특성을 파악하였다. DEM을 활용하여 조사범위를 선정하고 SPOT 5 영상을 활용하여 의심되는 훼손지를 추출하였으며, 추출된 훼손지 정보에 대해서는 현장조사를 통하여 검증과정을 거쳤다. 그 결과, 금북정맥을 단절시키는 도로는 75개소였으며, 3m 이하의 경미한 도로단절 구간이 26개소이고, 왕복 2차선 이상의 도로에 의해 단절된 지점이 40개소 존재하였다. 도로는 대부분 도로 양쪽을 양분하여 원래 하나의 생태계였던 것을 분리하는 특징을 가지고 있으므로 도로 단절에 의한 생태계 분리의 최소화를 위해 도로 주변의 생태계 모니터링이 요구된다. 금북정맥의 산림에 영향을 미치는 훼손지는 2,083개소 5,760.7ha로 나타났다. 훼손지에는 과수원이 가장 큰 면적을 차지하였고, 공공시설과 자연초지 순으로 높게 나타났다. 이로 미루어 보아 인위적인 토지이용이 고도와 경사에 관계없이 빈번하게 이루어 졌음을 알 수 있었다. 금북정맥이 지속적으로 훼손되고 있으나 남아있는 자연성을 유지하고 갱신하기 위해서는 지속적인 모니터 링과 분석을 통한 보전지역의 설정과 보전을 위한 지역민들의 공감대 형성이 요구된다. The characteristics of forest damage in the Geum-buk Mountains were analyzed by using satellite images and a field survey for landscape conservation purposes. A survey scope was fixed using DEM, and areas of damage in the mountain range were analyzed via ArcMap v. 9.2 using SPOT 5 images, a high resolution satellite image. All damaged areas were reviewed and corrected in a field survey. As a result, 75 roads were found to completely fragment forest patches. Of those roads, 26 have the width under 3m, which means that the fragmentation of the forest by these roads may have a minor effect on forest habitat and its ecosystems, while other roads such as two-lane roads may have broader detrimental influences on the ecosystem. Two thousand eighty-three sections of accounted for a total area of about 5,760.7ha. Orchard areas including chestnut tree plantations were ranked as the largest in the damaged area within the Geum-buk Mountains, followed by public facility areas and grassland areas. This means that man-made land usage has progressed in the area regardless of slope and elevation.

      • KCI등재

        도시녹지 내 주요 식물상의 개엽시기 및 잎의 성장 특성 비교

        장갑수 ( Gab Sue Jang ) 한국환경복원기술학회(구 한국환경복원녹화기술학회) 2012 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        Global climate change and urban heat island have been the main factors which changed leaf burst timing and leaf growth performance in urban forests, Therefore, the ecosystem in urban forests were modified and the types and composition of wildlives, living in the urban forests, were desperately changed due to the urban heat island. This study was done to identify phenological phenomena appeared in urban forests due to the urban climate change by comparing the morphological changes of leaves due to the change of temperature in Spring. The study focused on nine urban forests distributed in Daegu city, where weekly temperature and the morphological changes of the plants were mainly observed. Urban forests had different temperature depending on where each was located in the urban area. The difference of temperature in forests in and outside the urban area was verified by SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), which divided the urban forests into about three groups; the one located outside the city, another group located in the middle of the city, and the other located close to the outside forests. The forests located in the middle of the city were showing the earlier leaf burst timing and leaf growth performance, while forests, distributed outside the city, were showing relatively late leaf burst timing and leaf performance.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        상습침수 농경지의 토지평가를 위한 고도별 침수 잠재성 분석 - 경상남도 창녕군 이방면을 대상으로 -

        박인환,장갑수,서동조,Park In-Hwan,Jang Gab-Sue,Seo Dong-Joe 한국조경학회 2005 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.33 No.2

        A large scale of riverside rearrangement has been recently done in the major rivers in Korea. So inundation possibility in agricultural area closed by these rivers has been higher than the possibility a few years ago. However, land use in this area has not been adjusted to a change of this situation near the rivers. Therefore, when typhoon or heavy rain is happened on this area, it can cause a large damage in agricultural area. This study analyzed inundation potentiality in agricultural area at Ibang-myeon, Changnyeong-gun, Kyeongnam-province, Korea by using the logistic regression model and the piecewise regression model. The first thing we did was to transfer the inundation area per elevation to the accumulated inundation area per elevation. This accumulated inundation area per elevation as an distribution function could be described by the logistic regression model(LRM), and piecewise regression model(PRM) could make it much more accurate to analyze the inundation area per elevation. As a result, the regression models derived from LRM and PRM showed $R^2$ over 0.950. The models derived from LRM and PRM in Ibang-myeon noted that frequently inundated area(FIA) was shown up to 12.12m in elevation, and potentially inundated area(PIA) was shown up to 14.60m in elevation. In FIA, regular agricultural activity would be impossible. And It would be not easy to continue the regular agricultural activity in PIA. So, this land should be rearranged to be used for a buffer zone for ecosystem protection, landscape conservation and things like that in riverside.

      • KCI등재

        공간구문론과 ERAM모델을 활용한 대학 캠퍼스 내 '소로' 특성 분석

        박인환,정보광,장갑수,Park, In-Hwan,Jeong, Bo-Kwang,Jang, Gab-Sue 한국조경학회 2007 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.35 No.4

        Side roads on campus areone of the important factors affecting campus landscape and quality. So far, side roads have appeared irregularly and have been main causes for disrupting the campus landscape. The purpose of this study was to investigate side roads in three university campuses using Space Syntax and ERAM model and to find some typical characteristics of the campus in three universities: Kyungpook National University, Yeungnam University, and Keimyung University. Kyungpook National University and Yeungnam University had 68 and 64 places respectively showing a high frequency of side roads, while Keimyung University had only 13 side roads, a much lower frequency. Side roads, surveyed on site, appeared to be concentrated in some regions, and side roads were analyzed to have different frequencies and location depending on their specific function and characteristics, though roads have similar sizes and areas.

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