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      • KCI등재

        톱밥과 왕겨로 제조된 세라믹을 첨가한 한지벽지의 물성

        임현아,오승원,강진하,Lim, Hyun-A,Oh, Seung-Won,Kang, Jin-Ha 한국가구학회 2006 한국가구학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        This study was carried out to explore a new application of traditional Hanji and obtain fundamental properties for producing Hanji wallpaper by incorporating ceramics from wood and rice-husk as an interior building material. The results of properties determined were summarized as follows: The addition of ceramics in Hanji paper reduced its apparent density, but increased bulk density due to the ceramic particles distributed on the surface and inside the fiber of Hanji wallpapers. In particular, woodceramic particles were specifically distributed on the fiber surface, while particles of rice-husk ceramics were permeated into the inside surface of fibers. The density of rice-husk ceramics were greater than that of woodceramics. The physical properties of Hanji wallpapers, such as breaking strength, wet breaking strength, burst strength, tear index and folding endurance were deteriorated with the addition of ceramics. However, the addition of woodceramics in the Hanji wallpaper resulted in better strength in most cases than that of rice-husk ceramics, except tear strength. Therefore, an optimum addition level of woodceramics into the wallpaper was found to be 5% on the basis of intensity. The addition of ceramics also prolonged the combustion time because it lowered air permeability and brightness of the wallpaper.

      • KCI등재후보

        개화기 전·후 친일매체의 고전소설 활용양상 -『한성신보』 소재 「곽어사전」을 중심으로-

        임현아 ( Lim Hyun A ) 영주어문학회 2016 영주어문 Vol.34 No.-

        근대 초 친일매체지인 『한성신보』에 소설이 게재되면서 소설의 場이 변화하였다. 먼저 신문사가 기존의 필사자의 역할을 대행하게 되었고, 독자는 소설의 連載라는 새로운 독서방법을 경험하게 되었다. 또한, 신문을 통한 고전소설 유통구조의 변화로 장소에 상관없이 정보를 교환하거나 수용할 수 있게 되었다. 「곽어사전」은 俄館播遷당시 실추된 일본의 이미지를 바꾸기 위한 정치적 의도가 드러난 작품으로, 주제의식은 조선인들에게 익숙한 忠·孝·烈이다. 그러나 孝와 烈은 흥미요소로만 설정하고 독자의 관심은 軍談에 집중시킨다. 「곽어사전」에는 이전에 없던 새로운 軍談이 설정되었는데 이는 일본에 대한 반감과 부정적이미지를 무마하고, 긍정적 인식을 심어주기 위해 『한성신보』에서 정치적인 의도로 게재한 작품이라는 것을 보여준다. As a novel is published in Hanseong Sinbo, which is a pro-Japanese newspaper in early modern times, the place (場) of novel is changed. First of all newspaper company replaced the role of transcriber, and readers came to experience new reading method such as serial publication. People could exchange or accommodate information regardless of places resulted from the changes in classical novel distribution structure through newspapers. Gwakeosajeon is the piece written with political intention to change the image of Japan which was tarnished at the time of Agwan Pacheon. The themes were fidelity, filial loyalty and chastity which are familiar with people in Joseon. However, filial loyalty and chastity were used for interest only and readers`` attention was attracted to various war stories. In Gwakeosajeon, new typesof war stories were shown. It is to mitigate animosity against Japan, improve negative image, and inculcate positive perception into people, which shows that Hanseong Sinbo published this work with political intentions.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 수의용 소재로 활용을 위한 줌치한지의 물성에 관한 연구

        전양배 ( Yang Bae Jeon ),김기훈 ( Ki Hoon Kim ),임현아 ( Hyun A Lim ) 한국의류학회 2014 한국의류학회지 Vol.38 No.3

        In this study, various types of Jumchi Hanji were made to develop shroud materials as a new use for Hanji. The properties of Hanji (basis weight, thickness, apparent density, bulk, tensile strength, wet tensile strength, elongation ratio, tear strength, bursting strength, and folding endurance) are measured. In all cases, Jumchi Hanji had a higher thickness, lower apparent density and higher bulk than Hanji because pores inthe intervals of mulberry fiber are composed of bulk. So, it is considered to carry a value as a textile material. As for the results of the strength analysis of Jumchi Hanji, Jumchi technique enhances 25% of elongationratio, which is regarded the most important role in textiles and 35% of bulk. Moreover, it was shown that it enhanced overall strength. In conclusion, it implies the possibility of applying it as a shroud material. Jumchi Hanji is thought to have enough potential to be developed as a material to carry the characteristics of Hanji in the textile market.

      • KCI등재

        <삼강명행록>의 여성 인물 연구

        임현아 ( Lim Hyun-a ) 영주어문학회 2020 영주어문 Vol.45 No.-

        <삼강명행록>은 31권 31책의 대장편소설로 명나라 초기 ‘정난지변’이라는 역사적 사건을 중심으로 정씨 가문의 이산(離散)과 중국 지리서인 『해내기관』을 바탕으로 한 주인공들의 유람, ‘천태’라는 땅에서 건문제와 충신의 가족들이 안주하는 과정을 그리고 있다. 주목할 점은 이 작품에는 처첩갈등이 드러나지 않는 대신 등장인물들이 각기 다른 방식으로 ‘삼강’의 덕목인 충·효·열(忠·孝·烈)을 강조한다는 것이다. 작품에 등장하는 여성들은 유교적 이념에 순응하는 여성으로, ‘열’이념을 충실히 이행한다. 뿐만 아니라 <삼강>은 나라의 위기에서 남편과 헤어져 고난을 당하는 가운데 여성들이 ‘절개’(節槪)를 지키고 가문을 유지하는 것을 강조한다. 그러나 작품 속 여인들이 전란을 겪으면서 보여주었던 유교적 세계에서의 삶은 작품 말미 그들이 佛敎와 仙道라는 초월적 세계를 지향함으로써 이 작품이 유교적 이념과 함께 불교와 선도를 함께 수용하였음을 보여준다. < Samgangmyeonghaengrok >, a full-length novel consisting of 31 volumes and 31 books, depicts the Jeong's family's scattering (離散), the excursions of the protagonists based on the Chinese geography 『Haenaegigwan』, and the process of settling of Emperor Jianwen and the families of loyalists in the land called 'Tiantai', focusing on the historical event of ‘the Battle of Jingnan’ in the early days of Ming dynasty. It should be noted that rather than revealing conflicts between the wife and concubine in this work, there is emphasis on how each character displays the three moral principles of 'Samgang' which includes loyalty, filial piety, and virtue (忠-孝-烈) in their own ways. The women appearing in the work are women who conform to the Confucian idea and faithfully implement the ‘virtue’ ideology. < Samgang > emphasizes that women keep 'fidelity' (節槪) and maintain their families in the midst of the country's crisis, suffering from the separation from their husbands. However, the Confucius lifestyle lived by the women during the turmoil shows that they accepted Buddhism and Taoism ideologies as they pursued the transcendental world of Buddhism and Taoism at the end of the work.

      • KCI등재후보

        「정수정전」에 나타난 성 역할 인식의 변화 고찰

        임현아(Lim, Hyun-a) 한국학중앙연구원 2015 장서각 Vol.0 No.33

        「정수정전」의 주인공 정수정은 조선사회가 요구했던 여성의 삶을 따르지 않고, 사회적 역할을 수행하는 새로운 여성의 삶을 제시하였다. 여성의 사회적 역할에 대한 주인공 자신의 인식 변화정은 男裝을 통한 남성성의 내면화 과정을 거쳐 가정ㆍ사회ㆍ국가가 요구하는 여성의 삶을 거부함으로써 기존의 여성관을 뒤집는 새로운 형태의 여성의 삶으로 구현된다. 그리고 이 과정에서 여성의 사회적 역할을 두고 주변의 보수적 인물과의 갈등이 일어난다. 작품의 주인공인 정수정이 보여준 사회적 역할은 극단적 형태로 제시되나 여성의 사회적 능력을 인정하지 않던 사회ㆍ국가가 그 능력을 인정함으로써 전통적 여성의 역할에 대한 변화가 수용된다. 「정수정전」에는 여성의 새로운 삶과 사회 역할에 대한 변화 현상이 구체적으로 드러나는 가운데 男裝을 통한 여성의 영웅성 발휘가 더 이상 필요하지 않다는 점도 직접적으로 제시된다. 따라서 이 작품은 다른 여성영웅소설과 달리 여성의 성 역할에 대한 인식 변화과정이 구체적으로 제시된다는 점에서 그 의의를 찾을 수 있다. Jeong Su?jeong, the heroine of Jeongsujeongjeon, did not follow women’s life demanded by the Joseon society but suggested a new style of women’s life performing social roles. The change in the heroine’s perception of women’s social role is embodied through the internalization of masculinity that happens as the heroine disguises herself as a man, and is implemented into a new style of women’s life overturning the traditional view of women by rejecting women’s life demanded by the family, the society and the state. In this process, furthermore, there are conflicts over women’s social role with conservative figures. The social roles exhibited by Jeong Su?jeong, the heroine of this work, are suggested in an extreme form, but change in women’s traditional role is accepted as the society and the state, which had been reluctant to acknowledge women’s social abilities, admit her abilities. As women’s new life and changes in their social role are revealed specifically in Jeongsujeongjeon, it is also suggested directly that the expression of women’s heroicity through disguise of a man is not necessary any longer. Accordingly, this novel is meaningful in that, different from other heroine novels, the process of change in the perception of women’s sex role is suggested concretely.

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