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      • KCI등재

        미용 소셜커머스에 대한 소비자 구매행동과 만족도

        임지은 ( Ji Eun Im ),장미숙 ( Mee Sook Chang ) 한국미용학회 2013 한국미용학회지 Vol.19 No.5

        This study is aimed to analyze consumers` purchasing behavior and satisfaction with beauty social commerce and determine avenues for improvement. The following results were obtained: According to analysis of purchase behavior for beauty social commerce, 53.6%responded that they had visited a beauty social commerce site at least once. Regarding satisfaction with beauty social commerce, positive answers were relatively high in ‘convenient search and easy use’ and ‘satisfying beauty service products’ in terms of satisfaction with the site and ‘able to get the services at low prices’ and ‘willing to recommend beauty social commerce products to others’ in terms of satisfaction with the product. But negative responses were high in ‘willing to write a comment on the product’ and ‘lower quality service compared to the offline service’. In terms of gender, satisfaction was higher in female consumers(p<.05). In particular, the intention to revisit the beauty social commerce site was higher in the female group, the group with high educational background and the group with shopping experience through a smartphone or PC(p<.05). This study shows that social commerce has been established as a new shopping culture that should not be overlooked from the marketing perspective as well. To guide beauty social commerce in the right direction, therefore, it is necessary to manage systematic problems, earn customer trust and enhance quality of service.

      • KCI등재

        실시간 한반도 지진위험지도 생성 방법

        오혜주(Oh Hye ju),임지은(Im Ji eun),이예림(Lee Ye lim),윤상후(Yoon Sang hoo) 한국방재학회 2018 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.18 No.1

        2016년 경주에서 발생한 규모 5.8의 지진으로 인해 지진에 대한 우려가 증가하고 있다. 따라서 지진 재해에 대한 대응방안 마련이 필요한 시점이다. 본 연구는 기상청 웹으로부터 지진자료를 크롤링하여 지진위험을 시각화하였다. 자료는 1980년부터 2016년까지 한반도에서 발생한 규모 2.0 이상의 지진이며 총 1,411건이다. 수집된 자료로부터 지진위험지도를 생성하기 위해 150×150 격자를 생성하여 지진 위험성을 나타내었다. 추가적으로 지진발생추세를 알아보기 위해 2000년 전후의 지진 위험성을 평가하였다. 그 결과 지진위험지도는 경주, 평안북도, 황해지역이 지진의 위험성이 높은 것으로 나타났으며 2000년 이후 한반도의 지진발생이 북서지역이나 황해, 동해에서 남한 내륙으로 이동했음을 확인할 수 있었다. The 5.8 magnitude earthquake in 2016 raises concerns about earthquakes. Therefore, it’s necessary to prepare countermeasures against earthquake disaster. This study visualizes the earthquake risk by crawling earthquake data from the Korea Meteorological Administration web. The data are 1,411 earthquakes with a magnitude of 2.0 or more on the Korean Peninsula from 1980 to 2016. 150×150 grid was generated from the data to generate an earthquake hazard map, which indicated an earthquake hazard. In addition, the seismic risk before and after 2000 was evaluated to see the trend of earthquake occurrence. As the results, southeast region, northwest region and the yellow sea are at high risk of earthquakes. And we could find that the trend of earthquake occurrence since 2000 has changed from northwest region, yellow sea, east sea to north inland.

      • KCI등재

        노화에 따른 남녀간의 코골이 빈도에 관한 연구: 폐경의 위험 인자 연구를 위한 예비 연구

        김탁 ( Kim Tag ),정화경 ( Jeong Hwa Gyeong ),임지은 ( Im Ji Eun ),조권문 ( Jo Gwon Mun ),박성훈 ( Park Seong Hun ),이규완 ( Lee Gyu Wan ),김선행 ( Kim Seon Haeng ) 대한폐경학회 2003 대한폐경학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        목적 : 남성과 여성의 코골이 발생빈도의 차이와 여성의 코골이 빈도에 영향을 주는 인자를 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법 : 고려대학교 안산병원에 내원한 남자 2277명, 여자 1893명을 대상으로 코골이 유무 및 정도에 관한 문진과 호르몬 검사를 시행하였다. 그리고 남성과 여성, 코골이군과 비코골이군, 그리고 나이에 따른 코골이 발생빈도를 비교하였다. 결과 : 코골이 발생빈도는 남성과 여성에서 각각 39.91%, 19.65%로 남성에서 더 높았다. 그러나 50대 이후에서는 각각 29.67%, 30.40%로 비슷한 발생빈도를 보였다. 폐경 전과 후 여성에서 코골이 발생빈도는 각각 15.19%, 29.67%로 통계적으로 유의 있게 페경 후 여성에서 더 높았다(p<0.0001). 코골이군에서 안드로스테네디온, 에스트라디올, 디하이드로에피안드로스테론 설페이트는 낮게, 테스테스테론 수치는 낮게 나왔다. 결론 : 폐경 상태를 코골이의 변동성의 원인 인자 중 일부를 설명할 수 있으리라 생각된다. 폐경 후 여성에서 호르몬 분비 변화가 코골이 발생빈도에 영향을 주는 지의 여부는 더 연구가 필요하겠다. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference in prevalence of snoring between aging male and female, and to explore a risk factor affecting snoring in female. Methods: A total of 4170 subjects (male:2277(54.6%), female:(45.40%)) enrolled in ANSAN Health Study were randomly recruited and questions related snoring including demographic information and sleep-related symptoms were taken by well trained surveyors. We calculated the prevalence of snoring in male and female, and compared the difference of prevalence distribution. Results: The overall prevalence of snoring was higher in male than that of female (M: 39.91%, F: 19.65%). The peak age in male was 40-50s and in female was 50s, but the prevalence of snoring became almost same level with the progress of age after 50s. And the prevalence in postmenopausal group is same as that in more than 50s group (29.67%, 30.408). Conclusion: This study shows two interesting results; (1) The snoring increased significantly after menopause. (2) After menopause, the prevalence of snoring becomes almost same in both male and female. This data provide that post-menopausal hormonal change may influence the mechanism of snoring leading to increase the prevalence of snoring in menopausal women. The further patho-physiologic evaluation may be needed in women.

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