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      • 한국과 미국의 교원단체 활동 비교 분석

        임규진(Lim Kyu Jin) 공주대학교 교육연구소 2007 교육연구 Vol.21 No.-

        이 연구는 한국과 미국 교원단체의 법적ㆍ제도적 환경, 성격과 조직체계, 그리고 교섭구조 등을 비교, 분석함으로써 한국 교원단체 발전에 보탬이 될 수 있는 기초 자료를 제공하려는 데에 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약, 제시해 보면 먼저 미국의 양대 교원단체인 NEA와 AFT는 단체의 성격 면에서 전문직적 노동조합(professional union)으로써의 정체성을 확립해 나가고 있다는 점이다. 그리고 두 단체 모두 교사의 권익옹호나 교직의 위상 제고 문제 등에 못지않게 학교교육의 질 향상과 이를 위한 교육투자 증대에 관심을 기울이고 있다. 또한 교원의 단체교섭 구조가 법적ㆍ제도적으로 전문직 단체인 한국교총과 교원노조로 이원화되어 있는 우리 나라와는 달리 배타적ㆍ독점적 교섭대표 제도(The Exclusive Bargaining Representative System)라는 독특한 교섭방식을 통하여 단체교섭의 효과를 높이고 있다. 끝으로 NEA와 AFT는 종전의 대립적 관계에서 상호 협력과 선의의 경쟁체제로 그 관계를 개선해 나가고 있으며, 교원단체의 역량 강화를 위해 중앙과 지역 단위 조직에서 통합을 위한 노력이 적극 시도되고 있다는 점 등은 우리나라에 시사하는 바가 크다고 하겠다. The purpose of this study was to provide implications for teacher unions’ operation in Korea by comparing and analyzing teacher unions in Korea and America. In order to complete of this research work, article, books and other materials relating teacher unions’ legislation, operation and organizational structure were collected and analyzed. There are two major teacher organization in America; National Education Association(NEA) and American Federation of Teachers(AFT). Two union have been established on firm identity as professional union. The mission statement of them clearly describe its objectives, some of which include not only supporting members’ interest, enhancing the status of teaching profession but also improving the quality of schooling, expanding public educational investment. By the exclusive bargaining representative system, the two organization have attempted to realize the objects described in the statement. The two union in America, the NEA and the AFT, are competitive in nature. However, in recent year, it has been recognized that necessity of cooperative relationship and good competition. The merger between two organization has been attempted at level of the center and the branches. Their attempt to merge will give some insight for the operation of korea teacher organization.

      • 롤투롤 그라비어 오프셋 중첩인쇄에 의한 EL Lamp 전극인쇄

        최병오(Byung-Oh Choi),김동수(Dong-Soo Kim),조정대(Jeong-Dai Jo),임규진(Kyu-Jin Lim),류병순(Byung-Soon Ryu) 대한기계학회 2010 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2010 No.11

        A new gravure-offset printing unit is developed, and utilized to construct a R2R(Roll-to-Roll) gravure-offset press with 3 units in line. The rear electrodes of EL Lamp are printed on 125 ㎛ PET film by using the R2R mutilayer gravure-offset press. Electrode pattern is 600 ㎛ line width, Barrier line 200 ㎛, and the gap is 100 ㎛. One pattern pitch is 1000 ㎛. Printing results show that its registration accuracy is in the range of 10 ㎛, and thickness is around 6 ㎛ of 3-layer printing and 4 ㎛ of 2-layer printing. Using the printed electrodes, test samples of EL Lamp were fabricated and tested. Preliminary lighting tests were successful and satisfactory.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 인쇄전자를 위한 롤투롤 그라비아 옵셋 인쇄 장비

        김충환(Chung Hwan Kim),최병오(Byung Oh Choi),류병순(Byung Soon Ryu),임규진(Kyu Jin Lim),이명훈(Myung Hoon Lee),김동수(Dong Soo Kim) 대한기계학회 2007 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2007 No.5

        There has been a great interest in printing technology as a low cost and mass production method for the application of printed electronics such as printed TFT, solar cell, RFID Tag, printed battery, and so on. In this study, apparatuses of gravure-offset printing are developed for fine line-width/gap printing and examining pattern distortion occurred in gravure-offset printing process. The fine line-width/gap pattern shows that it is possible to make around 20 micro-meter line-width/gap printing patterns. Pattern distortion is modeled, and the amount and shape of the distortion are calculated by using commercial FEM code. The roll-to-roll printing system under development consists of unwinder/rewinder, two printing units, one coating unit, drying units, guiding unit, vision system, and other auxiliary devices. For multi-layer printing, the system is designed to be capable of printing two different materials.

      • 外國의 敎員人事制度 比較硏究

        임규진 국립7개대학공동논문집간행위원회 2003 人文學論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to present theoretically and practically the basic data to set up a new direction of personnel management system for teachers by analysing the cases of foreign countries. As subject nations, the USA, the Great Britain, Germany, Japan and France were selected among nations which can be references in our system development. The results of the analysis were as follows: (1) teacher training system; (2) teachers' qualification system; (3) teachers' salary system; (4) welfare policies for teachers; and (5) in-service training system. What is important among the comparison results of teacher training system is the trend to extend training years from the level of undergraduate courses to that of graduate courses. In the case of Japan differential qualification certificates for teachers are awarded according to levels of schools and kinds of qualifications. Also in the cases of Germany and France qualification certificates for teachers are awarded to the applicants who passed the national examination for employing teachers. Germany and France adopt the apprenticeship for a certain period before employing teachers formally. As for the salary system, most of the developed countries adopt the incentive policy for employing new teachers who got degrees of Masters and Doctors. In addition to this, special advantages are given to excellent teachers with good ability and record. Finally, in the case of welfare system various kinds of benefits are given to teachers in the following areas: (1) the area related with the life of teachers as instructors; (2) the area related with teachers' life in both home and community; and (3) the area related with teachers' life after retirement.

      • 學校組織風土 類型과 敎師集團 凝集性의 關係

        林奎辰 공주대학교 학생생활연구소 1987 學生生活硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        本 硏究에서 究明하고자 한 具體的인 目的은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중등학교의 組織風土 類型을 診斷한다. 둘째, 중등학교 敎師集團의 凝集性 수준을 測定, 分析한다. 셋째, 중등학교의 組織風土 類型과 교사집단의 凝集性과의 관계를 밝히는 한편 學校組織 의 背景要因別 즉, 學校級別, 學校設立者別, 學校所在地別로 어떤 差를 나타내는지 알아본다. 本 硏究에서 중등학교의 組織風土 類型 분석을 위하여 사용된 道具는 Halpin과 Croft의 組織風土記述質問紙 (Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire)를 우리나라의 實情에 맞도록 축소, 제작한 簡便型 OCDQ이었다. 그리고 교사집단의 凝集性 測定을 위한 道具는 Scott와 Roland가 意味分析法을 기초로 하여 개발한 道具를 그대로 번역, 사용하였다. 本 硏究의 調査對象은 충남도 내에서 類層·無線標集한 중·고등학교 교원500 명이었고, 그 가운데 質問紙를 회수, 처리한 인원수는 405명 (회수율81.0 %)이었다. 資料分析에 사용된 統計的 方法은 ??, SD, CR, χ²,P등이었다. 本 硏究 주요 結果를 요약, 제시해 보면 다음과 같다. (1) 중등학교의 組織風土 類型은 전체적으로 開放風土 類型(74.1 %)이 閉鎖風土 類型 (25.9%)보다 훨씬 높은 비중을 차지하고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. (2) 중등학교 교사들의 전체적인 集團凝集性 수준(4.56점)은 平均수준을 상회하는 것으로 나타났다. 學校級別로는 고등학교보다 중학교 교사집단의 凝集性이 다소 높은 수준을 보였으나 양 집단 간에는 P > 0.5 수준에서 有意한 差가 없는 것으로 밝혀졌다. (3) 중등학교의 組織風土 類型과 교사집단의 凝集性 간에는 有意한 相關이 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 즉, 중등학교의 組織風土 類型이 開放風土인 경우 교사집단의 凝集性이 높고, 閉鎖風土인 경우 교사집단의 凝集性은 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 이들 양자간의 相關의 정도는 C = .229 ( C의 極大値는 .707임 ) 수준으로 밝혀졌다. (4) 學校組織의 背景要因別로 중등학교의 組織風土 類型과 교사집단의 凝集性의 關係를 분석해 본 結果는 다음과 같다. 먼저 學校級別로는 중·고등학교 모두 전체적인 경향과 동일하게 組織風土 類型이 開放風土일 때 교사집단의 凝集性이 높고, 閉鎖風土일 때 교사집단의 集性은 낮게 나타났으며 이는 각각 P < .01, P < .02 수준에서 의미하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 學校設立者別로는 국·공립 및 사립에 관계없이 모두 전체적인 경향과 동일한 결과를 보여 주었다. 學校所在地別로는 市 地域 중등학교의 경우 전체적인 경향과 동일한 結果를 나타냈으나, 邑·面 지역 중등학교의 경우에 있어서는 組織風土 類型에 관계없이 교사집단 凝集性 수준이 모두 平均 이상의 수준을 보여주었다. The specfic purposes of this study were (1) to classify the styles of secondary schools climate, (2) to analyze the level of teacher-group's cohesiveness, (3) to identify the relationship between the styles of school climate and teacher-group's cohesiveness, and (4) to identify this relationship according to some background variables of schools- the grade of schools, school establishments, and the location of them. Two kinds of questionnaires were administered to a sample of 500 teachers stratified-random sampled from secondary schools in Choong-Nam province. One was to measure the organizational climate styles, OCDQ, the other to measure the teachers' cohesiveness developed by Scott and Rowland. The statistical methods used were ??, SD, CR, χ²and P. The Results were as follows ; (1) It was found that the majority of secondary schools in Choong-Nam provines belong to 'Open climate' style(74.1 %). (2) The level of total teachers' cohesiveness was over the average score of it, and according to the grade of schools, the level of it in Middle Schools was higher than in High Schools. (3) The relationship between the school climate styles and teachers; cohesiveness was signigicant (C=. 229), in other words, the level of teachers; cohesiveness was higher in 'open climate' style than in 'closed climate' one. (4)The analysis of that relationship in accordance with the background variables of schools showed that the degree of the relationship was the same with the result mentioned above in(3), unrelatedly to the school establishments and urban schools. But in revel schools, the level of teachers; cohesiveness was over the average unrelatedly to the styles of school climate.

      • 敎師의 自我槪念 및 精神健康 診斷

        林奎辰 東國大學校 敎育問題硏究所 1992 교육문제연구 Vol.7 No.-

        This study was started in an attempt to investig the level of teachers' self-concept and mental health. The concrete purposes were to make investigation into (1) the level of teachers' self-concept on the whole and by its sub-factors(Academic, Social, Moral and Character factors), and (2) the level of their mental health on the whole and by its sub-factors(Anomie, Inferiority, Psychopathic Deviate, and Psychosthenia). The questionnaire for measuring the teachers' self-concept and mental health was constructed by selected items developed by Won-sik Jeong(1968), In-sub Song(1982) and Ji-woon Choi(1983). The questionrire was administered to 550 teachers of elementary and secondary schools from Choong-Nam Province and Dae-jeon City. The data of the present study were analyzed by the statistical methods of one-way ANOVA through SPSS package. The magor results were as follows. 1. The analysis of the level of self-concept of teachers. 1) The teachers showed positive self-concept in general. In analyzing by sub-factors, they showed the average level in two factors-Academic and Character-and above the average in the rest two factors-Social and Moral. 2) In analyzing the teachers' self-concept by their background variables, the male teachers showed more positive one than the female ones did, master teachers than teachers, the longer experienced than the shorter ones. 3) The secondary school teachers showed a little more positive one than the elementary ones in Academic factor. 4) In Character factor, male teachers showed a little more positive one than female ones. 2. The level analysis of mental health of teachers. 1) It was found that the teachers generally had good mental health in every sub-factor selected. 2) In analyzing the level of mental health by their backgrownd variables, the elementary school teachers showed lower level than the secondary ones, and in the other variables on difference was found. 3) But, in two factors, Anomie and Psychosthenia the elementary teachers showed lower level than the secondary ones. 4) In Inferiority factor, the elementary teachers showed lower level than the secondary ones, the longer experienced than the shorter ones, and in Psychopathic Deviate factor, the female showed lower level than the male did.

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