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      • KCI등재
      • 백화점 판매사의 직업의식과 이직 의향간의 관계

        이혜임,박대훈 서울保健大學 1997 論文集 Vol.17 No.1

        This study is conducted to examine the relationship between salespeople's perception of distributive education, their job consciousness and their intention of turnover in department stores. The data was collected from 384 department stores salespeople in Seoul. And a survey was conducted by questionaire. Mean, Scheff-test, Cronbach's α, Pearson's correlation, multiple regression analysis, path analysis are used for the analysis of data. Major findings are as follows : 1. Department stores salespeople positively perceive distributive education, their job consciousness is relatively strong, and their turnover intention is somewhat low. 2. Perception of distributive education and job consciousness of salespeople are related to their turnover intention. The more positively they perceive distributive education, the more strongly they have job consciousness, and the lower their turnover intention becomes. 3. Among related variables, education level shows the strongest effect on their perception of distributive education. Their perception of distributive education shows the strongest effect on job consciousness of salespeople. Their job consciousness shows the strongest effect on turnover intention of salespeople. 4. Turnover intention of salespeople is affected by the perception of distributive education directly or indirectly, and by the job consciousness directly. Among related variables, education level and period of work show only indirect effects on their turnover intention through the perception of distributive education and job consciousness of salespeople. Sections of department stores and the motive of choosing their occupation show direct and indirect effects on their turnover intention. Thus, Perception of distributive education and job consciousness of salespeople are the major intervening variables which have strong negative effects on their turnover intention.

      • 老人問題와 衣服과의 關係에 對한 理論的 考察

        이혜임 서울保健大學 1991 論文集 Vol.11 No.1

        This paper is to study relationship between the problems of the elderly and their clothing by reviewing and analyzing previous studies connected with the elderly. The results of study are summarized as follows; The clothing for the elderly affects the problems(especially the problem of emotional support) of the elderly directly and indirectly. Firstly, the clothing for the elderly is very important because they have physical change and psychological problems-isolation, desolation, alienation, uneasiness and so on-incurred by human ageing and a rapid change in modern society. Secondly, the clothing for the elderly appers to be more crucial because the elderly become more and more important groups among customers as the number of the elderly is ever growing and their interest in the clothing is also growing. Thirdly, the adequate clothing behaviors of the elderly help to solve the problems of the elderly, which lead them to have a positive and active attitude, social activites and human relations. However, the elderly indicated that the problems were size, price, color, design and so on when the elderly purchased their clothing. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the elderly with the adequate clothing by studying on their clothing and to have consumer education for the elderly in order to have adequate clothing behaviors.

      • 노인소비자의 시장구매문제 해결책에 관한 기초 연구

        이혜임 건국대학교 1993 대학원 학술논문집 Vol.36 No.-

        This paper is to study the purchase problems of the elderly consumers in the market and the solution for it, by reviewing and analyzing previous studies, and to suggest a model and contents of study for next paper. This study are summarized as follows: Firstly, the elderly consumers had difficulties when they purchased goods and services in the market, because their consumer skill was very poor and they were placed at a disadvantageous market environment. Secondly, to solve the purchase problems, it is necessary to provide the elderly consumers with adequate consumer education, correct and detail informations throughout the proper channel of information resources. Especially, enterprises should reinforce their advertising activities and education of sales personal in other to furnish accurate information. According to the result of this study, next paper will be empirically surveyed on a degree of the elderly consumer problems raised from purchasing goods and services in the market, a degree of needs for informations and educations to solve purchase problems of the elderly consumers and the influential variables related to them such as sex, age, educational level, status of job, monthly allowances, income-stability, income sources, marital status, family solidarity, family type and so on.

      • KCI등재

        중국 "소시" 논

        이혜임 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2010 中國學論叢 Vol.29 No.-

        "小詩"作爲一種詩學的槪念, 타常常"短詩", "短歌", "雜詩"等名目不一的稱謂來指稱1920年代中國詩壇上流行的短小的詩作。具體說來, 這一時間段指從1921年到1924年。在此期間, 衆多的詩人投身於這種一行到四行的詩體的寫作, 從新詩的開拓者胡適, 朱自淸, 兪平伯,郭沫若, 到宣稱創造"新派詩"的胡懷琛, 甚至一些學者文人和舊體詩人如吳芳吉等人也開始寫作"小詩"。由此可見"小詩"寫作在早期中國新詩壇的重要地位。周作人從詩的內質和節奏兩方面著力建構"小詩"的詩學內涵, 力圖在詩的具體做法上爲當時的新詩人提供一種可資借鑒的詩歌新樣式, 回應了詩壇"增多詩體"的提唱。在兼顧傳達原作的精髓, 發揮母語特色兩者上, 周作人的飜譯體現了一種有意識的選擇和轉化的努力, 因此朱自淸稱讚他的飜譯"實在是創作"。遺憾的是, 當時試驗作"小詩"的人中, 眞正有明確的詩體意識的幷不多, 風靡一時的創作潮流遮蔽了內在的貧弱。由於模糊了"小詩體"和"小詩型"的區別, 詩體的要求就被簡單地置換爲大小體積的槪念, 其含混性和暖昧性帶來的矛盾和弊端也就一直連續下來。雖然1920年代的小詩在此後的詩歌寫作中常有餘響, 其活力, 特質及進一步發展的可能性也一直爲人所關注, 但這些探索也只是落在詩型的長短規範上, 而未能看到"小詩"弱點的連續。1920年代的小詩在中國新詩壇上初步建立了一種新詩體. 但當時的詩體建設是相當粗糟和簡陋的, 創作思惟的散文化和外部格式的脫詩化從內外兩方面偏離了"小詩"的詩體探索, 削弱了타的價値, 這種"小詩"自身的弱點和局限是導致"小詩"在1925年後嚴峻的社會現實面前逐漸衰亡的內在原因。最後"小詩"在흔多具體的問題上沒有得到充分的展開和實踐, 這也是理論與創作之間沒能形成흔好回應的緣故。

      • KCI등재
      • 도시주부의 사회교육참여 저해요인과 관련변인에 관한 연구 : 서울과 마산을 중심으로

        이혜임 서울保健大學 1992 論文集 Vol.12 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate what are the major deterrent factors to participation in social education of the urban housewives, and to identify the variables influencing on them. For these purposes, 729 housewives residing in Seoul and Masan were selected from 10th of Sep. to 10th Oct.. Used statistical methods were frequency, percentage, mean, ANOVA, t-test, Scheffe´-test, multiple regression, correlation and Cronbach's α. The major results were as follows ; 1. The factors of deterrent to social educational participation are classified in unfitness of program, the lack of self-confidence, insufficient informations, home life problems, time-related problems and burdensome education costs. 2. The total deterrent level of social educational participation was relatively high and more higher in Seoul than in Masan. Time-related problems is shown as the highest deterrent level, while the lack of self-confidence is the lowest. 3. The socioeconomic and phychological variables which showed differences significantly to total deterrent level were housewives's education level and employment status, family income, living expenses, leisure time, husband's occupation, the degree of family financial security and family intimacy as perceived by housewives. The significant variables which affected total deterrent level independently were the degree of family intimacy and family income. 4. There was a significant negative relationship between the degree of total phychological satisfaction related to home life and the total deterrent level. Based on the above findings, this study suggests as follows; Firstly, social education program for the housewives should be scheduled in compliance with the characteristics and roloes of the housewives and regional factor, basically supported by establishing public nursery to reduce hours donated for children's care and diversified to meet the requirments of various group which will lead to equal chance to attend the program to all the housewives. Secondly, especial concern should be given to advertise the education program to more housewives and in detail. Thirdly, educational entities and government should understand the importance of the education program and exert best efforts to get social consensus because social education program could be activated not only by the understanding and efforts of the housewives themselves but by family and social environment.

      • 백화점 판매원에 대한 소비자 인식과 판매원에 의한 소비자정보 요구

        이혜임,남궁석 서울保健大學 1994 論文集 Vol.14 No.1

        The main purpose of this study is to assess the housewives' perception to the salespersons' delivery of information at a department store and to the improvement of salespersons' quality, and to assess how much they want to get information through them. In this regard, 510 consumers of housewives living in Seoul are randomly selected from 20th of Sep. to 10th of Oct in 1992. Used statistical methods were frequency, percentage, mean, ANOVA, t-test, scheffe's test, multiple regression analysis, correlation, Cronbach's IX and path analysis. The major results are as follows: Firstly, The total level of the housewives' perception to the salespersons' delivery of information at a department store was not relatively affirmative. And consumers generally seem to think much of salespersons' ability and to need salespersons' close explanation and advice. In this regard, salespersons are respected as the consumer information sources, whereas the degrees of purchasing influenced by salespersons' close explanation and advice and consumer's satisfaction are relatively low. Secondly, The degree of educational requirements for the improvement of salespersons' quality was relatively high, in the order of household electronic appliances, furniture, clothes and food. The educational requirements for salesperson of a department store were very high especially understanding about their goods and service mind/professionalism. Consumer fairly require that salespersons should be professionals. Thirdly, consumers require informations from salespersons. Therefore, salesepersons should provide informations to consumers so that salespersons will be available informants to consumers. Fourthly, recognition on the presence salespersons is the major and intervening variable which influenced on consumers` requirement for information. The more positive recognition raises consumers' requirement for information, and hence needs more available salespersons as informants to consumers.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        從文化比較的角度看沈從文文學的獨特性 -以"湘西世界"爲中心-

        이혜임 중국어문학회 2010 中國語文學誌 Vol.32 No.-

        沈從文 문학은"湘西"의 개념을 근간으로 탄생했다고 할 수 있다. 여기에서 말하는 湘西의 개념은 물질과 정신, 즉 지역과 문화적 측면으로 대변되는 두 가지 것으로 구성돼 있다. 지역적으로 오늘날 `상서 토가족 묘족자치주(湘西土家族苗族自治州)`에 속하는 8개의 현(縣) 이외, 회화(懷化)전역, 장가계(長家界)의 대용(大庸) 등이 모두 포함된다. 역사 지리학에서는 古書에 나오는 묘(苗), 요(瑤), 토가족 선조가 거주하던 `오계만(五溪蠻)`지역과 고대 楚人이 상(湘), 악(鄂), 천(川), 검(黔) 경계지역에 세운 `검중군(黔中郡)`등지를 포함한다고 보고 있다. 정신문화적으로 沈從文이 <龍朱>, <月下小景>, <媚金·豹子與那羊>, <神巫之愛>, <鳳子>등 소설에서 생동감 있게 묘족의 풍물을 소개하였지만, 대부분 소설과 산문에서는 고대 楚나라 문화에 대해 아주 세밀한 묘사를 해왔다. 그리하여 그 湘西의 개념을 지역과 정신문화의 측면에서 이해해보면, 작가가 지닌 문화적 천성과 작품 속에 녹아 있는 다양한 湘西 문화적 요소들이 비단 특정 소수민족의 정서뿐만 아니라 楚나라의 원시신앙 문화까지도 결부되어 있음을 알 수 있다. 작가가"湘西世界"를 통해 사람들에게 보여주고자 했던 것은 `세상 밖의 桃源`이 아니라 고향의 기이한 산수 속에 있는 특별한 삶에 대한 추구일 것이다. 이것은 `도시인`과 `시골사람`, `과거` 와 `현재`, `도시문명`과 `향토문명`이라는 대조를 통해 나타나고 있다. 두 종류의 삶의 모습에 대한 추적과 사색을 통해 沈從文은 젊은 시절 湘西에서 지냈던 삶의 형태가 원시적 의미를 지니면서도 가장 자연스럽고 본연적인 것이며 또한 충실한 것이었음을 깨닫게 되었다. 沈從文은 `아름다움은 우려되는 것`이라고 개탄하면서 사상적으로 `내일`에 대한 개념을 내세워 `미래`에 대한 뜨거운 열망을 표현하였다. 그가 `과거`와 `오늘`을 대조하는 목적은 오늘의 사회를 `과거`로 돌려보내려는 것이 아니라 `미래`로 인도하려는 데 있다. 다시 말해 원시 자연인의 품성을 잃지 않는 상황에서 사람들을 현대적으로 묘사하고 미래지향적으로 변하는 모습을 표현하고자 했다. 문학이 지닌 중요한 기능 중에 하나가 인간의 영혼을 변화시키고 그 변화된 영혼이 현실 초월의 이상세계를 통해 인간의 정신적 경지를 승화시킬 수 있다면, 沈從文의 湘西 모티프 작품은 종(시간)과 횡(공간)이라는 두 개의 위도를 대조함으로써 우리에게 건강하고 소박하며 아름답고도 인성에 위배되지 않는 "湘西세계"를 창조해주어 실리주의의 영향을 받아 날로 타락해가는 현실세계를 영혼 구제의 길로 인도하고자 했다. 이것이 바로 沈從文 문학이 지니고 있는 인문 정신이자 문화적 의미이다.

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