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      • The Great Gatsby 硏究 by F.Scott Fitzgerald

        金學于 관동대학교 1972 關大論文集 Vol.1 No.1

        "Begin with an individual," said Fitzgerald, and before you know it you find that you have created a type; begin with a type, and you find that you have created nothing. That is because we are all queer fish, queerer behind our faces and voices than we what any one to know or than we know ourselves." F.Scott Fitzgerald was born in St.Paul, Minnesota, and even as a schoolboy in St.Paul he was writing, and later at Princeton. In 1917 he left Princeton for the army-but didn't get to France- and wrote in his spare moments. Then came [This Side of Paradise] the first of his novels-followed by two volumes of short stories, and at last, [The Great Gatsby], which alone would assure Scott Fitzgerald's place among our writers of major stature. He died in 1940. In Scott Fitzgerald, there was something othe seer. He gave a name to an age-the Jazz Age-lived through that age, and saw it burn itself out. Writing about individuals, F.Scott Fitzgerald drew a portrait of a segment of Ame rican society which may took to be graphic representation of the ways of the idle rich, rather than the product of Fitzgerald's imagination. And, ironically, some young people in the eastern United States tried to live up to the "flaming youth" image of Fitzgerald "flappers" and "said young men." Fitzgerald openly courted financial and social success. His first novel, [This Side of Paradise,] was hailed as a revelation of the philosophy of the disillusioned post-World War I generation. In the early 20s, flushed with acclaim and the after glow of a champagne breakfast, with his lovely wife Zelda at his side, he rode in an open auto down Park Avenue in New York and wept because he knew he would never be this happy again. He was right. Although his finest works were to come-the trenchant [The Great Gatsby], [Tender Is the Night] [The Beautiful and Damned] and the unfinished but promising Hollywood novel, [The Last Tycoon]-there would be tragedy in the remainder of his life. He documented his frightful bouts with alchol in [The Crack-Up,] a disjlointed but uncompromisingly honest long essay. The extent of his literarysuccess was not recognized by criticsuntil after his death in the early 40s. There was no one to know rightly who Gatsby was. Despite this nearly everyone took advantage of his fabulous hospitality. And it really was fabulous. On his superb [ong Island home he gave the most amazing parties, and not the least remarkable thing about them was the fact that few people could recognize their host. He seemed to be a person without background, without history, without a home. yet the irony of this bright and brittle facade was that he had createdit not to impress the world and his wife, but to impress just one person a girl he had loved and had had to leave, a girl who had loved him but was now married to a rich good-for-nothing, a girl whom he had dreamed about for over four years. This dream had long ceased to have any substance or any connexion with reality and for that reason he could not wake from it. He had doped himself with his own illusion. And only death could dispel that dream. Critic Alfred Kazin said of him: "He commented on the world, swam in it as self-contendedly as the new rich, and understood it sagely-when he wanted to; he had no innerness. His senses always opened outward to the world, and the world was full of Long Island Sundays (the languid garden parties of thevery rich). This is what he knew and was stepped in, the procession and glitter that he loved without the statement of love, and he had the touch for it-the light yet jewled style, careless and knowing and affable; the easiness that was never facility; the holiday lights, the holiday splendor, he 20s in their golden bowel, whose crack he knew so well."

      • 민간조사법률(안)에 대한 비교분석

        학우(Kim, hak-woo) 한국사회안전학회 2017 한국사회안전학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        현대사회의 변화와 함께 각종 범죄의 형태가 다양화 되면서 개개인의 생활은 크게 위협받고 불안에 떨고 있다. 국가기관의 인력부족과 업무과다로 인하여 개인들은 자기 자신을 보호하기 위하여 민간업체를 찾아 개인의 비용을 지불하고 직접 자신을 지키는 방안을 찾고 있다. 현재 민간경비업은 경찰청의 관리 · 감독을 받으며 수익자부담원칙에 따라 필요로 하는 개인을 보호하는 역할을 합법적으로 시행하고 있다. 하지만 민간조사업은 우리사회에서 불법이라는 오명을 쓰고 있는 가운데 음지에서 활동을 하고 있다. 1999년 하순봉 의원(한나라당)이 처음으로 ‘공인탐정에 관한 법률’이라는 법안을 만들었지만 정치적 · 사회적 상황에 밀려 발의를 하지 못하였고, 2005년 이상배 의원(한나라당)을 시작으로 2013년 송영근 의원(새누리당)까지 총 여덟 차례 민간조사업법이 발의 되었다. 하지만 민간조사업이 합법화되기까지는 민간조사업의 관리 · 감독을 하는 주무관청 선정과 민간조사업무의 범위를 정하는 것에 관한 충분한 논의가 필요할 것으로 보인다. 이 연구에서는 19대 국회에서 윤재옥의원이 대표 발의한 「경비업법 전부개정법률안」을 중심으로 민간조사제도 법안에 관하여 비교분석하여 문제점을 도출하고 그에 대한 발전방안은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 민간조사법률(안)은 단독법안으로 전문성을 배양하여야 한다. 둘째, 관리감독의 주체를 명확하게 하여야 한다. 셋째, 결격사유에 대하여 세부적인 항목을 통한 엄격한 심사가 이루어 져야 한다. 넷째, 자격시험에 이론을 포함한 실무적인 능력을 배양하여야 한다. As the forms of crimes vary with the changes of modern society, the lives of individual people are greatly threatened and anxious. Due to the lack of personnel and the overwork of the state institutions, individuals are seeking private companies to protect themselves and to pay for personal expenses and protect themselves. Currently, the private security business is under the management and supervision of the National Police Agency and legally enforces the role of protecting the individual in need according to the principle of paying the beneficiary. However, the private sector is working in the shade while writing a stigma called illegal in our society. In 1999, Hahn Sun-bong (the Grand National Party) made the first law on "Public Detective Investigation" but failed to make any suggestions due to the political and social circumstances. In 2013, ), A total of eight private business laws were initiated. However, until the civilian project is legalized, it will be necessary to discuss enough about the selection of the competent authority that manages and supervises the civilian project and the scope of the private investigation. In this study, the problems of the civilian inspection system legislation are analyzed and developed by the representative of the 19th National Assembly, Mr. Yoon Jae - ok. First, the private investigation law (draft) should cultivate expertise as a single measure. Second, the subject of management supervision should be clarified. Third, a rigorous examination should be conducted through detailed items on reasons for disqualification. Fourth, practical ability including theory should be cultivated in qualification examination.

      • 뽕나무 花芽의 器內培養에 있어서 生長調節物質이 器官分化에 미치는 影響

        南鶴祐,文在裕,金浩樂 한국잠사학회 1988 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        Flower buds of the mulberry (Morus alba L., Morus bombycis Koidz.) were cultured under different condition such as basal media. And various concentrations of plant growth substances. Effects of the culture condition on growth of the buds and organ regeneration were investigated and the results obtained are as follows: Murashige and Skoog(M.S) medium was more effective on budding and growth of female (Keomseolppong) and male (Kaeryangppong) flower buds isolated directly from branches, compared to Greshoff & Doy(G.D) and Wolter & Skoog(W.S.) media. The growth of the female buds was promoted at higher concentration of benzyl amino purine(BAP) i.e., 2.0ppm. The female and male buds cultured after cutting for seven days showed better growth than those without cutting treatment. The females and the males bloomed to form healthy stigmas and anthers, respectively, when cultured on M.S media containing high Kinetin with low concentration of indole acetic acid(IAA).

      • 窒素 및 生長調節劑 處理에 의한 뽕나무의 蛋白質, 核酸含量 및 休眠의 變化

        柳根燮,南鶴祐,崔營哲 한국잠사학회 1993 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.35 No.2

        Winter dormancy of the mulberry (Morus species) in Suwon was investigated with regards to mulberry varieties, such as Kaeryangppong, Daeryugppong, Yongcheonppong and Hongolppong application of fertilizers and growth hormone. In general, It initiated at late September and it subsequently became deeper and reached the highest degree through late October to early November. After that early November it gradually turned into the breaking state and was terminated by late November. Intensity and duration of dormancy were lower and shorter in Kaeryangppong. The standard application of N. P. K(30-13-18 kg/10a) affects it delayed, but terminated earlier. On the other hand, the double amount of nitrogen affects the dormancy fast, but terminated late. The treatments of GA3 at the early and termination stages increased the bad sprouting. The contents of RNA and protein in the bark gradually increased as the dormancy becomes deeper.

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