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      • 맥주오염미생물의 동정과 specific PCR primer의한 신속한 검출 방법

        이택인,최신건 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 2008 産業技術硏究 Vol.28 No.A

        Several contaminated bacteria such as Lactobacillus brevis and Pediococcus damnosus in beer production cause beer spoilage by producing off flavours and turbidity. Detection of these organisms is complicated by the strict anaerobic conditions and lengthy incubation times required for their cultivation, consequently there is a need for more rapid detection methods. Recently, two contaminated strains were isolated from vessel of beer production and identified as Lactobacillus species by API kit identificaton as well as 16S-23S ITS sequencing analyses. Two isolated strains were named as Lactobacillus sp. HLAl and Lactobacillus HLB2, respectively. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method was developed for the rapid and specific detection of Lactobacillus sp.. Two sets of primer pairs (HLA1-F/HLA1-R and HLB2-F/HLB2-R) were designed for the amplification of a 1576 base pair (bp) fragment of the HLA1 16S-23S rRNA gene and 1888 bp fragement of the HLB2 16S-23S rRNA. Amplified PCR products were highly specific to detect corresponding bacteria when other contaminated strains were used as PCR templates. However, detection of both strains were limited when 100 ㎕ of cultured samples were mixed with 100 ㎕ of beer sample in arbitrary manner. The sensitivity of the assay still needs to be improved for direct detection of the small amounts of bacteria present in beer.

      • 용접구조물의 안전시공을 위한 현장기술과 용접기술 동향

        택인 한국기술사회 2001 技術士 Vol.34 No.2

        In recent days, welding technology developed in various field of industry, a ship, a building, a structure, a high pressure vessel ect. A welding structure should be base on a safety Welding engineers and welding technicians have a problem in acquiring welding technology, because young people avoid state of the art, beginning their careers In this field. The optimum welding state depends upon the most welding condition, mechanical properties of the base metal, welding processes and arc stability. Base on these fact, the suitable parameters of welding condition can be found through various welding experiments. Therefore, it Is very Important for welding professional engineers to take an active role In advancing new welding technology

      • 文書ㆍ文獻ㆍ文化

        Xiang Zeren(項澤仁) 경북대학교 아시아연구소 2018 아시아연구 Vol.- No.22

        Freeing for calamities and anomalies is a quite particularly political event in Western Han Dynasty. Scholars often discuss the relationship between calamities with anomalies and politics in terms of the history of politics and calamities with anomalies without the concern on the book policies. A variety of book policy for freeing has its own features in content, but its primary part are both composed of charge, negative evaluation and final judgment. Obscure book policies are composed of appreciation, charge, negative evaluation and final judgment. Explicit book policies are composed of responsibility, charge, negative evaluation and final judgment. The others are composed of charge, negative evaluation and final judgment. The content are documented on a wood slip by two lines in official script. The widespread of Confucian classics’ words and expressions indicates that the culture exerts a deep influence on politics. Consecutive calamities with anomalies and responsibility location of advanced officials both constitute the breeding ground of freeing the titles. During the process of restoring the historical truth, we can find that fight in the name of calamities with anomalies between cultural powers is also one reason of the events. Confucian Force represented by Emperor Yuan(元帝) and Emperor Cheng(成帝) defeated Legal Force represented by Yu Dingguo(于定國) and Xue Xuan(薛宣). No-Confucian Force represented by Empress dowager Fu(傳太后) and Zhu bo(朱博) defeated Confucian Force represented by Shi Dan(師丹) and Kong Guang(孔光). Confucian Force represented by Wang Mang(土莽) defeated Non-Confucian Force represented by Dong Xian(董賢). The legend that King Tang of Shang dynasty(商湯) pray for rain in the expense of his own body, was the start of mode that leader blame himself. The mode that leader blame himself, was shifted into a new pattern : leader blame others rather than himself in the middle and late of Western Han dynasty. The new pattern gave an obvious change in Eastern Han dynasty. The first one is the frequent occurrence of freeing for calamities and anomalies: the event was up to 12 times in Western Han dynasty, 58 times in Eastern Han dynasty. The frequency of the event implied the change of three dukes’power in Han dynasty. Three dukes(三公) of Western Han dynastyas the emperor’s right-hand man, whose responsibility is very important. Occasionally, there was freeing for calamities and anomalies. Meanwhile, under the guise of calamities and anomalies, the frequency is not high. After the emperor An(安帝) and emperor He(和帝) of Eastern Han dynasty, the young emperor made the female master take opportunities to govern the country. The responsibility of three dukes(三公) was in significant, freeing for calamities and anomalies became a powerful mean to deal with the officials. The second is the differentiation of historical records: the details of the record are quite different. In The Book of Han History(漢書), there are detailed book policies, However, we can see the freeing time, reason and outcome rather than book policies in The Book of Late Han History(後漢書). The presentation of such differences, or because of the frequent occurrence of freeing for calamities and anomalies with its numerous book policies, will result in the lengthy and complicated writing, which be deleted directly to ensure the simplicity of content. 災兔三公是西漢非常獨特的政治事件。後人多從政治史、災害史的角度出發,著重探討災害對政治的影響,但對作為災兔載體的策書缺乏足夠的電視。策書的具體的容雖有差異,但主體部分均由罪狀、貶詞及斷詞構成。隱晦性災兔策書由褒詞、罪狀、貶詞、斷詞四部分組成:明確性災兔策書由職責、罪狀、貶詢、斷詞四部分組成;其餘災兔策書則言簡意賅,僅由罪狀、貶詞、斷詞三部分組成。策文以隸書兩行寫於一支木簡之上,遍佈策文中的儒家經傳詞句顯示出文化對政治的深刻影響。自然災害的頻仍勻高級官吏的職責定位共同構成了災免事件的溫床。在勾勒災免事件原貌的嘗試中,發現不同 재난을 이유로 3공[三公 : 승상(丞相), 어사중승(御史中丞), 태위(太尉)]을 면직한 것은 서한(西漢) 시대 아주 독특한 정치 사건이었다. 후대인들은 정치사ㆍ재난사의 각도에서 출발하여 재해가 정치에 미친 영향을 심도 있게 토론하였으나, 재난으로 직책을 면직한 것에 대한 의의를 담은 책서[策書 : 중국 고대 역사적 사실을 기록하는 간책(簡冊)]는 중요성을 충분히 인정받지 못하였다. 책서의 구체적인 내용은 차이가 있으나, 주체 부분은 모두 죄상ㆍ폄의어(貶詞 : 부정적인 뜻을 가진 단어)와 단사(斷詞: 판단, 결단의 문구)로 구성되어 있다. 재난을 이유로 파면한 신하의 책서(策書)는 비교적 완곡하고 함축적으로 표현하기 때문에, 먼저 그간의 업적을 칭송하고 그 다음 과오를 문책하는 내용으로 책서(策書)에는 찬사ㆍ죄상ㆍ폄의어ㆍ단사(斷詞) 등 4개 부분으로 구성되어 있다. 그 나머지 재난으로 직책을 면직한 책서는 언간의해(言簡意賅: 말은 간결하나 뜻은 완벽함)이며, 죄상ㆍ폄의어ㆍ단사(斷詞)로 구성되어 있다. 책문(策文)은 예서체로 두 줄을 목간에 썼고, 책문(策文)의 유가 경전 문장은 문화가 정치에 미치는 심각한 영향을 나타내고 있다. 자연 재해의 빈번한 발생과 고급 관리의 직책(職責) 정립이 재난으로 인해 직책을 면직하는 사건의 온상이 되었다. 다른 문화세력이 재앙과 변고를 구실로 삼아 정치 무대에서 벌이는 권력투쟁 게임도 이런 재난을 이유로 직책을 면직하는 사건을 빈번히 발생시키는 원인 중 하나임을 발견하였다. 원(元)ㆍ성(成) 2명의 황제를 대표로 하는 유학세력과 우(于)ㆍ설(薛)을 대표로 하는 법가세력의 투쟁결과 법가세력의 실패와 종말을 고하였다. 전태후(傳太后)ㆍ주박(朱博)을 대표로 하는 비유학 세력과 사단(師丹)ㆍ공광(孔光)을 대표로 하는 유학세력간의 투쟁으로 비유학 세력의 실패와 종말을 고하였다. 상고시기, 상나라 탕왕은 몸으로써 비가 내리길 바라는 전설을 영수가 스스로 책임지는 모델의 맹아로 삼았는데, 역사의 부침을 거쳐 서한(西漢) 중후기에 이르러서는 영수를 문책하는 모델로 분화되었다. 이런 종류의 신 모델은 동한(東漢)시기에 나타난 변화이며, 재난으로 직책을 면직한 사건이 빈번히 나타났다. 서한(西漢) 시기 재난으로 직책을 면직한 사건은 모두 12차례, 동한(東漢) 시기는 58차례에 달하였다. 재난으로 직책을 면직당한 사건의 빈도를 통해 3공(三公)의 권력이 전후한(前後漢) 시기에 긴 파장을 일으킨 후 사라지는 형태를 엿볼 수 있다. 서한(西漢) 3공(三公)은 황제의 유력한 조수로서 직책이 막중하였다. 황제가 재난을 이유로 신하를 파면하는 일이 우연히 발생할 수 있기 때문에, 천재지변을 구실로 3공(三公)을 파면하는 일의 빈도는 높지 않았다. 동한(東漢) 안제(安帝)ㆍ화제(和帝) 이후, 황제는 아직 어려서 황후가 섭정하였으며, 외척의 화근이 나타나기 시작하였다. 3공(三公)의 직책이 가벼울수록, 재앙과 변고를 구실로 3공(三公)을 면직함으로써 외척이 조정의 신하를 대응하는 유력한 수단이 되었다. 그 두 번째로 사적(史籍) 기록의 차이가 나타났다. 전후(前後) 『한서(漢書)』에서 재난으로 직책을 면직하는 일에 대한 기재는 정도 차이가 비교적 크다. 『한서(漢書)』를 통해 책서(策書)의 내용을 상세히 볼 수 있는데, 『후한서(後漢書)』에는 재난으로 직책을 면직하는 시간ㆍ연유와 결과를 몇 마디 정도만 기록하고 책서(策書) 원문과 출처를 상세히 기록하지 않았다. 재난으로 직책을 면직하는 사건이 매우 빈번하게 일어났기 때문에, 책서(策書)가 많아져 일일이 기록하면 문장이 길어짐으로 사관이 생략해서 문장의 간결함을 보장하였다.

      • 보의 층상균열의 위치 및 크기가 진동특성에 미치는 영향

        韓秉基,柳澤仁,李晟熙 弘益大學校 科學技術硏究所 1993 科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        This study aims at finding a effect of various position and length of laminar tear on vibrational characteristics on beam including shear deformation. General solution for nonlaminar tear and laminar tear regions are first established. Recurrence equations relating integration constants for adjacent interior regions are established by satisfying continuity conditions at junctions of interior region. The frequency determinant is then obtained by satisfying contiuity conditions at junction between end region and interior regions immediately next to the end region. Numerical results are compared for experimental and references results.

      • 모자형 단면부재의 평균 압괴하중

        安大植,柳澤仁,韓秉基 弘益大學校 科學技術硏究所 1993 科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        In this study, the mean crushing load of thin-walled closed hat and tube type medel subjected to axial compression is investigated. The energy method for calculating the mean crushing load was based on the Wierzbicki theory for tube section and the Ohkubo theory for single hatted section. And the experiments was performed for comparing with the theoretical results. Among the most important observations and conclusions one may list the following: 1) In the analysis of corner, it is more reasonable to consider the stretching energy by circumferential stretching effect. 2) The difference of energy equations between the tube and the single hatted type model have something to do with the presence of bending energy for flange zone, that is, the equation of the single hatted type model is equal to the equation that added the bending energy in flange zone to the tube type model. 3) In the case of double hatted section member, the stretching energy of corner met with flange as well as the bending energy of flange must be added. Also crash modes of double hatted section member was more complicated and one need more investigation about these.

      • 압축력을 받는 결함이 있는 구조물의 주파수 해석

        姜贊泳,柳擇仁,朴鳳賢,李晟熙,韓秉基 弘益大學校 科學技術硏究所 1998 科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.9 No.1

        Vibration analysis of through-the-width-split beams for predicting buckling load is investigated based on Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. In split region, each segment is considered as a solid beam. In this region, recurrence equations relating integration constants for adjacent interior regions are established by satisfying continuity conditions at junctions of interior regions. The results of present study are compared with those of experiment and their results give good agreement with each other. From the result, it was shown that local buckling phenomena could appear in fundamental mode, however, there exists load carrying capacity after this phenomena.

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