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        동함유 제올라이트상에서 일산화탄소의 산화반응

        이창용,서곤,하백현,최고열 한국화학공학회 1989 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.27 No.2

        이온 교환 및 담지에 의해 제조한 동함유 제올라이트 촉매상에서 일산화탄소의 산화반응을 실시하였다. 수소형 모더나이트(HM)과 이를 열처리 및 염화암모늄 용액으로 이온 교환을 반복 실시하여 부분적으로 탈알루미늄된 모더나이트(HM#), 그리고 HY를 질산구리 용액으로 이온 교환하여 동의 함량을 달리하는 이온 교환 촉매를 얻었다. 또한 HY, HM# 및 HZSM-5에 1 wt%의 동 및 백금을 담지시켜 이들과 이온 교환 촉매의 활성을 비교하였다. 일산화탄소의 산화반응에 대한 이온 교환 촉매의 활성은 동의 함량에 따라 증가하였으며 또 동의 원자가 상태가 Cu(II)<Cu(I)<Cu(0)의 순으로 증가하였다. 또한 이온 교환 촉매의 활성은 제올라이트 구조내의 실리카-알루미나 비에 의해서도 영향을 받는 것으로 생각된다. 즉, 부분적인 탈알루미늄에 의해 실리카-알루미나 비가 커진 CuHM#가 가장 큰 활성을 보였다. 동이 담지된 촉매는 같은 양의 동이 이온 교환된 촉매보다 더 큰 활성을 보였다. 또한 담지 촉매에서도 이온 교환 촉매와 마찬가지로 구조내의 실리카-알루미나의 비가 증가함에 따라 활성은 증가하였다. 또한 Cu(0)의 경우 환원으로 인해 생성된 금속 동이 제올라이트 결정 표면에 편재하게 되어 활성을 증가시키기 때문으로 생각된다. The oxidation of carbon monoxide was carried out on the copper zeolites prepared by ion exchange and impregnation. Hydrogen mordenite(HM), partially dealuminated mordenite(HM#) obtained by repeating thermal treatment as well as ammonium ion-exchange and HY were ion-exchanged in cupric nitrate solution to get the copper zeolites having various level of copper content. HY, HM#, and HZSM-5 were impregnated with copper or platinum in 1 wt% and the activities of these impregnated catalysts were compared with those of ion-exchanged ones. The activities of ion-exchanged catalysts for the oxidation of carbon monoxide increased with an increase in the copper containing level of the catalysts, but decreased with an increase in the valence state of the copper [i.e., Cu(0)>Cu(I)>Cu(II)]. It is considered that the activity of ion-exchanged catalysts is affected by the silica-alumina ratio of the zeolite structure. Partially dealuminated copper mordenite showed highest activity among the catalysts. The impregnated catalyst was more active than the ion-exchanged one at the same level of copper content. The activity of impregnated catalysts also increased as their silica-alumina ratio of the structure increased as the same as the ion-exchanged catalysts. The higher activity for Cu(0) could be also explained by the increase of copper concentration on the surface of zeolite.

      • 鮮代詩에 대한 李白詩 受容樣相

        李昌龍 建國大學校 人文科學硏究所 1983 인문과학논총 Vol.15 No.-

        In the Dang age of China Li Po was well-known all over the world with Tu Fu. Their poems were much read in the last days of Silla and had a great influence on it. Since the beginning of the Yi dynasty the poets of those days were less concerned about Li Po who believed in Buddism than Tu Fu who had Confucian ideas. For the government in the Yi dynasty established Confucius and got to take a growing interest in it. So, Li Po might as well begin to lose his popularity as compared with that of Tu Fu. Yet, the poets in those days had as much concern about Li Po as before. The purpose to study this thesis is at once to investigate how to receive the poetry of Li Po and to research into the great influence which gave to Korean literature. In the first attitude of receiving Li Po, they paid a tribute of admiration on his born talents and reputation aside from his poetry. And then they would imitate him and borrow his poetic techniques: that is, to incite his poetic dictions, or to derive the materials from his lines, or they went so far as to write their own poems changing his stanzas. And also, Toegye's poetry was much influenced by Li Po's as the same ways of it. The poets of the Yi dynasty composed a verse rhyming with the favorite words used by Li Po. This method has a profound meaning in the study of comparative literature. The poets in Yi dynasty were deeply impressed by man and poet of Li Po and that conduced greatly to their poetry. Therefore, he may well be said to enhance the quality and value of Korean literature.

      • 蘇東坡의 投影 : A Study of Sources on the Poetry of the Koryo Kingdom 高麗漢詩를 中心으로 그 材源 硏究

        李昌龍 建國大學校 人文科學硏究所 1975 인문과학논총 Vol.8 No.-

        Su Tung-po was both a politician and a poet at the era of the Song Kingdom in China. He followed the traditional poetry of Tang, but at the latter period he wrote more unaffected, unstained, and free style of poetry than that of Tang, He was retired on account of having stood against the policy of the Revolutional Party as a leader of the Conservative Party, This led to the richly pregnant moment as he could be engrossed in his literary life. He left his many works to posterity which were worth while to be counted among his masterpieces on behalf of Song. Therefore he was so great and well-known that he got welcomed warmly and everybody loved to read his works among Koryo Poets. As they were politician and poets like Su Tung-po and belonged to nearer period than that of Tang, most of the Koryo poets wereclosely related to him. Now, the main subject is how Koryo poets received and assimilate his works. they respected not only his character but his works. In the way of receiving his works they tried out to cite an entire content, a passage of poem, or even a word, and made their own works from them. With the reference to the way to assimilate his works, they imitated them and invented a new world of their works. To conclude, Su Tung-po cast the shadow on those of Yi-Dynasty as well as Koryo poets.

      • IMF 調整 프로그램의 經濟的 評價

        李昌鏞 서울大學校經濟硏究所 1998 經濟論集 Vol.37 No.4

        1997년 이후 한국이 경험하고 있는 경제위기를 'IMF 사태' 라고 부르는 데서 짐작할 수 있듯이 IMF 경제정책에 대한 우리의 인식은 부정적이고 때로는 상당한 오해를 수반하고 있는 듯하다. 본고는 IMF 경제정책의 내용과 이론적 근거가 무엇인지 살펴봄으로써 이러한 부정적 평가가 올바른 것인지 논의하고 있다. 본고는 다음과 같은 이유에서 IMF 정책이 보약은 아니지만 그나마 믿을 수 있는 약이기에 택해야 한다고 주장한다. 첫째, IMF가 긴축재정을 강요하고 있다는 주장은 한국의 통합재정수지 측정 방식을 이해하지 못한 데서 발생한 오해이다. 외환위기를 해결하는 과정에서 금융산업 구조조정과 고용보험 확충을 위해 1997년 한 해 발행 예정된 공채는 5월 현재 일반회계 예산의 40%에 달한다. 그러나 정부가 원리금 상환에 대한 실질적 책임을 지고 있음에도 불구하고 이들 공채는 통합재정수지적자 계산에 포함되고 있지 않기 때문에 재정정책이 긴축적이라는 오해가 생겼다. 둘째, IMF 고금리 정책은 부작용이 큰 것이 사실이지만 외환시장의 안정을 위해 취한 불가피한 선택이었다. 만일 금리를 인상하지 않았다면 국내 금융기관이 중앙은행 차입을 통해 외환을 구입하는 악순환을 막지 못했을 것이다. 또한 고금리 정책을 포기하더라도 실질금리는 크게 하락하지 않을 가능성이 크다. 현재의 고금리는 IMF 정책의 결과라기보다 높은 부도율로 인해 위험프리미엄이 증가하였고 환율인상에 따라 기대 물가상승률이 증가한 데 기인한 바 크다. 따라서 위험 프레미엄의 결정요인인 부채비율을 낮추지 않는 한 통화공급이 증가하더라도 실질 금리 하락 폭은 크지 않을 것이다. 셋째, IMF가 제시한 구조조정 정책은 오래 전부터 우리 모두가 필요함을 알고 있었던 일들이다. 그간 이를 집행하지 못했던 것은 구조조정에 따른 단기적 고통을 국민들에게 요구할 수 있는 정치력과 제도적 장치가 없었기 때문이다. 다만 IMF 프로그램은 구조조정의 방향만을 설정하고 있지 구체적 실행방법에 대해서 함구하고 있기 때문에 성공적인 구조조정 추진안을 수립하는 것은 전적으로 우리의 몫이다. 이와 관련하여 이 글은 구조조정 방안 중 공기업 매각의 중요성을 강조하고 있다.

      • 高麗 詩人과 陶淵明 : A Study from Comparative Literary Point of View 比較文學的 觀點에서 考察

        李昌龍 건국대학교 1973 學術誌 Vol.16 No.2

        The purpose of this thesis is to study how poets of Koryo were influenced by Do, Yun-Myung of the East Jin in China. He was introduced to the period of Three Kingdoms-Koryo, Paikje, and Silla. At that time monks and envoys had so frequently intercourse with China that it was natural for his works to be generally well-known to them. In the United Silla Dynasty Kim, Choon-Choo, having been to T'ang in person to observe all the systems, established the school. Moonseon was among the textbooks used at school. The works of Do, Yun-Myung were appeared in this textbook, ant it was selectd one of many subjects at the higher public service examination. It was proper, therefore, that poets of Koryo should become thoroughly acquainted with his works. The method of this study is to investigate how the themes of his works were received by poets of Koryo through these courses. It is Kwikeoryasa that his works had profoundly influenced on poets. It is one of the most famous works, which chiefly rejected the longing for a rural life. As most poets were engaged in government service, they lived in anxiety for fear that they should be expelled from their position. Therefore, in their works they expressed envy for Do, Yun-Myung whose situation retired from government service and led a rural life. The theme of solititude and attachment to drink can be stated neat. Do, Yun-Myung considered life as vanity and trouble, so that he took to drink in order to soothe his solitary mind. However, he was too poor to take wine as he pleased. Among such an urgent situation he imagined the world of fiction like Dowhawongi. He thought it the only resort to enable himself to live safely. No poets of koryo like Do, Yun-Myung engaged in agriculture for themselves. According, their works ended in the longing world and did not give an actual feeling. In this way the influence of Do, Yun-Myung continued to have in the Yi Dynasty as well as the Koryo Dynasty. Therefore, it can be considered that our ancient literature was greatly influenced by him.

      • 星湖(李瀷)의 杜詩註解에 對한 考察 : 比較文學的 見地에서 그의 仲介的 意義 His Intermediary Meaning from Stantpoint of Comparative Literature

        李昌龍 建國大學校 人文科學硏究所 1978 인문과학논총 Vol.11 No.-

        The last chapter of Seongho Sasel (Sasel means as unorthodox.) contains explanatory notes about poems and sentences whose objects of criticism was mainly the works of Chinese poets. The purpose of this thesis is to study the poet Tu Fu among Chinese poets. Explanatory notes is, in a general sense, said to paraphrase or make a review of difficult and ambiguous sentences. But translations play an important role in case of foreign works. Therefore, Seongho served as an intermediary in comparative literature. An intermidiary is one who makes literary works of two countries have an effect oneach other, the literary works and ideas of one country interchange with those of the other country that is to say, one who introduces foreign works or makes them easy to understand. From this point of view, Seongho can be regarded as an intermediary. Seongho's opinion as a pioneer in the study of positivism learning to study the science necessary for the actual life, not learning to be removed from realities before the seventeenth century-was that a positive and critical attitude had to be taken and based on the nethedology of historical research. When their arguments did not agree with his, great masters as they might be, he refused to follow theirs and sought to create the new world in his own way through deeply thinking and translating with an independent view. Such an attitude was acted on giving explanatory notes to Tu Fu poems. But the spirit of positivism was well expressed only on the attitude towards study, but couldn't be found in building up the contents of works in the way of giving explanatory notes. Dividing Seongho's explanatory notes into three types; first, he thought of his own explanatory notes as peculiar ones; secondly, there were some explanatory notes like his, thirdly, there were some creative explanatory notes in his own way. From standpoint of comparative literature Seongho played an important role as a intermediary in introducing Chinese literature to Korean literature. In other words, he taught to understand Tu Fu poems in a right way and therefore many readers and students began us to appear. Moreover, he made a great contribution to developing our literature.

      • 比較文學의 發生과 形成

        李昌龍 건국대학교 교육대학원 1986 敎育論叢 Vol.5 No.-

        The aim of this thesis is to study the process from the origin if comparative literature and its formation of the nineteen century. Even from the age of Greece and Rome people exchanged their literary works between two nations, though there was no awareness of the value and validity of comparative literature in there mind. In the process of exchanging their works one should be subjected to the other's influence. Accordingly, it was natural that comparative literary studies should come to be advanced into systematic and scientific learning under relations of literary influence. The Greeks would be so accustomed to their own literary works that they could not have critical and historical views on the works of others. In the middle age, however, they began to take on an active interest in exchanging their literary works with other countries. And had only to find out some cribs and to found the judgement of value instead of making an objective or a subjective comparison. Towards the eighteenth century, since the inspiration of partiotic hearts of people aroused by nationalism, the awareness of national literature, the trends of classicism and later romanticism hot to take on an international character, they accelerated the further study oe their own literature through understanding the relation with others' literation to develop comparative literature. In the early years of the nineteenth century, A.F. Villemain(1790~1870) began to lecture on comparative literature in France, bibliography was made, and came to publish a journal. As they began to study and establish an independent field of science in earnest, in the twenties was published, beginning with P.Van Tieghem.

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