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      • KCI등재

        현대 중국어 존재 동사 `괘(掛)`류/`사(寫)`류의 결과(result) 의미 탐구

        이지현 ( Lee Jihyoun ) 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2017 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.30 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to analyze the process in which existential verb `gua` and `xie` type changing from accomplishment verb obtain result meaning. The activity of `gua` and `xie` type verb in existential construction is deleted through the process of unaccusativization and `gua` and `xie` type verb indicate change of state and duration of state in result phase by combining with aspect marker `le` and `zhe`. Existential verb `gua` and `xie` type choose definite NP object or indefinite `numeral+measure+NP` object for expressing telic meaning and lead the Theme object to have existential result meaning.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 교육환경을 반영한 학습부정행위 가이드라인 연구 : 온라인 학습부정행위 발생 사례를 중심으로

        이지현(Lee, Jihyoun),김지인(Kim, Jiin) 한국열린교육학회 2022 열린교육연구 Vol.30 No.2

        COVID-19로 전 세계 대학교에서 원격수업이 시행되면서 대학 내 부정행위도 위기를 맞고 있다. 이에 COVID-19로 인해 세계적으로 온라인 수업이 진행된 지난 2년간 발생한 온라인 학습부정행위의 유형 및 문제를 파악함으로써 온라인 교육환경이 공존할 앞으로의 사회에서 필요한 학습부정행위 방지를 위한 가이드라인을 도출하고자 한다. 국내 온라인 대학에서 온라인 학습부정행위의 판단 기준 및 방지대책, 온라인 학습부정행위에 대한 선행연구를 고찰한다. 국내·외 신문기사를 통해 보도된 온라인 학습부정행위 사례를 수집하여 유형을 파악하고 국내·외에서 발생하는 온라인 학습부정행위 사례 유형을 분석하여 학습부정행위 방지를 위한 가이드라인을 도출한다. 학습부정행위 중 온라인 수업으로 인한 특징이 드러나는 항목은 출석과 시험 관련 항목이었다. 출석에서는 기계를 사용하여 부정적으로 출석시간을 채우거나 불성실한 수업 수강이 두드러졌다. 시험에서는 사전 답안 공유와 문제 분배, 문제풀이 앱의 도움을 받아 시험부정행위를 저지르는 경우가 가장 많은 것으로 드러났다. 답안을 공유하는 행위는 한국과 미국에서 공통적으로 나타났지만, 외부의 도움을 받아 문제풀이를 하는 행위는 국외, 특히 이공계열에서 다수 발생하였다. 이와 같은 특성을 반영하여 출석 부정행위 가이드라인에서 보완되어야 할 항목은 임의로 화면 밖으로 이탈하는 행위, 의도적으로 화면을 끄는 행위와 같은 출석 위조와 기계적 장치를 사용해 빨리 재생시키거나 여러 개의 수업을 동시에 재생시키는 행위의 부정 출석이고, 시험 부정행위에서 공유 및 의뢰 행위와 관련된 내용이 추가되어야 한다. As remote classes are conducted at universities around the world due to COVID-19, new forms of cheating are causing universities to suffer. Therefore, by identifying the types and problems of online cheating that have occurred over the past two years due to COVID-19, we intend to derive learning ethics education guidelines for preventing cheating in the future online education environment. In domestic online universities, prior studies on the criteria and prevention measures for judging cheating while online learning are reviewed. It collects online learning cheating cases reported through domestic and foreign newspaper articles, identifying the types, and analyzes the types of online cheating cases occurring at home and abroad to derive guidelines for preventing cheating. Among the cheating methods, the items that reveal the characteristics of online classes were those related to attendance and examination. In attendance, the machine was used to negatively fill attendance hours and unfaithful classes were recorded. The test was found that the most common case of committing cheating on the test was with the help of prior answer sharing, problem distribution, and problem-solving apps. Reflecting these characteristics, the items to be supplemented in the attendance cheating guideline should be attendance fraud, such as arbitrarily leaving the screen or intentionally turning off the screen, and fraudulent attendance or having multiple class windows open at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        현대 중국어 어기조사 ‘래착(來着)’의 시제, 상, 양태 의미의 상호 관련성에 관한 시론(試論)

        이지현 ( Lee Jihyoun ) 중국어문연구회 2018 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.89

        This paper suggests that it is relatively valid for the fact that the ‘laizhe (來着)’ which is widely used in the spoken language of northern dialect mainly in Beijing is externally devised to express the four types of the past tense of Manchu language in Qing (淸) Dynasty. Therefore, at the beginning of the formation of ‘laizhe (來着)’, it would have represented all of past perfect/durative. As the grammaticalization progressed, the fact that the situation occurred in the past was marked, but the situation combined with ‘laizhe (來着)’ tended to rule out the telic meaning due to the influence of the durative meaning of ‘zhe (着)’. As the grammaticalization progressed further, the ‘subjectivity’ meaning of the speaker about the past situation was formed. Therefore, the modal meaning of ‘laizhe (來着)’ developed into the meaning of description/confirmation of the past situation and the meaning of indirect reproach and indirect question about the past situation, Since the semantic function of ‘lai (來)’ about the past tense has gradually become weak and the semantic function of the modal meaning of ‘zhe (着)’ has become more expanded, ‘laizhe (來着)’ has developed into the communicational function as a polite question manner that indirectly ask about the individual information of listener. ‘laizhe (來着)’ can be said to be changing continuously to the meaning of the confirmation of the current situation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • A Reanalysis of the Double Object Constructions in Mandarin Chinese - Using the Light verb Phrase and Applicative Phrase

        Lee, ChangHo(李彰浩),Lee, JiHyoun(李知玹) 한국중어중문학회 2021 한국중어중문학회 우수논문집 Vol.- No.-

        The study of double object construction(DOC) has long been addressed in the field of generative grammar. In this paper, several previous analyses of the Chinese DOC and their problematic issues were examined(section 2), and then new ways to solve these problems were sought(section 3). In particular, in section 3, the syntactic structure of the Chinese DOC was re-analyzed using the light verb phrase and the applicative phrase. Relying on this, the DOC in Mandarin Chinese is derived on the basis of the structure of [<SUB>vP</SUB> Subject [<SUB>v</SUB> CAUSE [<SUB>vApplP</SUB> Indirect Object [<SUB>vAppl</SUB> BECOME/給 [RECEIVE/AFFECTED] [<SUB>VP</SUB> ...Direct Object...]]]]].

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