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      • 이벤트종사원의 직무만족과 이직간의 관계연구

        이준엽 ( Jun Yup Lee ),박재관 ( Jae Kwan Park ) 한국이벤트컨벤션학회 2005 이벤트 컨벤션 연구 Vol.1 No.-

        This study evidentially examines the aspects that influencing job satisfaction and job movement of event company workers in order to enhance efficient management techniques, which may result in decrease of job movement. The discussion on job satisfaction and job movement propencity of the people in event companies, which is the core subject of this study, may be able to suggest fundamental evidences to prepare systematic ``Human Resources Administration`` of event business, which provide human services in changes of event services. This study helps to understand overall job satisfaction and job movement tendency of event company personnels and provides importance meaning to human resources administration of event companies if further studies are executed on causes of job satisfaction and job movement propensity.

      • KCI등재

        축제방문자의 먹거리 구매행동 예측에 대한 계획행동이론의 적용

        이준엽(Jun-Yup Lee),안태기(Tai-Gi An) 한국콘텐츠학회 2008 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.8 No.2

        축제에서 제공되는 먹거리는 그 자체가 축제매력요소로 작용하게 되며, 다양한 먹거리는 축제평가에서도 중요한 부분으로 평가되고 있다. 한정된 축제 기간에 지역주민, 축제방문자 그리고 상인들의 과대 유입으로 인하여 축제성공에 반하는 사고와 여러 문제점들이 나타날 수 있다. 본연구에서는 축제방문자가 축제먹거리를 어떻게 지각하고 있으며, 먹거리 구매 행위와의 인과관계를 계획행동이론을 적용해 규명하고자 하였다. 실증분석결과, 행동의도에는 신념, 주관적 규범, 지각된 행동조절 모두가 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 최종 먹거리구매에 대한 영향 관계에서는 행동의도가 정의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 지각된 행동조절은 유의수준 p<.05에서 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 축제장은 일탈성을 강하게 강조되는 장소이므로, 먹거리에 대한 축제방문자 각 개인의 능력보다 축제의 매력과 흥미에 의하여 소비가 일어나고 있다고 볼 수 있으므로, 축제 먹거리에 대한 체계적인 위생관리가 필요하다. The foods served in festivals only affect attractiveness on visitors in itself. Because residents, tourists and vendor flow into the site in opening periods. In this case, there are always the possibility to happen to accident in site unprecedently. Therefore, The purpose of the study is to examine how visitors perceive the foods vendors served in festivals and how the factors influence among the casual relationship to applying the planned behavior theory. The Results is following up. Behavior Intention is affected the variables of belief, subjective norm and perceived behavior control. Final varialbe Food buying is affected the variable of behavior intention positive , but perceived behavior contro is not significant(p <0.05). Festivals make for the depar from the life, the attractiveness of the food happen to buy it stronger than the control ability of visitors. The health control for the food is needed systemically on the focus of the risk management.

      • KCI등재

        지역주민 의식에 기초한 문화예술도시 구축방안

        이준엽(Jun-Yup Lee),최광환(Kwang-Hwan Choi) 한국콘텐츠학회 2011 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.11 No.6

        여수시는 2012년 여수세계엑스포의 개최 확정으로 문화도시로 자리바꿈할 큰 기회를 맞고 있으며, 여수시 또한 주요업무추진계획을 통하여 문화예술도시를 중심으로 한 국제해양관광?레저도시 건설을 천명하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 여수시의 지역주민의 의식에 기초하여 여수시의 현재 문화 상황을 조명하고 여수시 지역주민이 인식하는 문화도시와 문화도시 구축방안을 도출하고자 수행되었다. 분석결과 첫째, 여수지역의 문화예술에 불만족하고 있는 것으로 나타나 여수시민에게 다양한 문화예술공간을 제공할 수 있는 시설을 확보하고 강화하는 것이 필요하다고 판단된다. 둘째, 여수시의 문화예술행정에 대해 불만족하고 있는 것으로 나타나 성공적인 문화예술도시 추진과 세계엑스포의 성공적 개최를 위해 지역주민이 참여하고 호응할 수 있는 행정을 진행해야 할 것으로 판단된다. 셋째, 여수시의 문화예술도시의 추진방향은 2012 세계엑스포 진행과정과 세계 엑스포 이후 설립된 시설에 대하여 소규모의 문화예술행사를 수행할 수 있는 공간의 확충과 손쉬운 임대와 대관의 전략수립이 필요하다. 또한 여수지역의 문화예술인에게 창작과 예술 활동과 여수시민의 문화예술에 대한 참여의 기회를 확대하는 것이 필요하다고 분석된다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the attitudes and perception of Yeosu citizen towards cultural arts and city policy of Yeosu for establishing the culture city. The results of the study shows that first, the citizens of Yeosu is dissatisfied with the local culture and arts. It is necessary to provide a variety of cultural arts space, and the facility for the citizen. Second, the citizens are dissatisfied with their culture and arts policy and administration. For successful promotion of urban cultural art as well as the for successful hosting of the 2012 Yeosu World Expo, the policy to participate of local people in the culture and arts administration should proceed. Third, as the policy of culture and arts city of Yeosu, the established facilities for the World Expo 2012 should be transformed and be leased out for small-scale of local arts and cultural events. Finally, the study shows that opportunities for artistic creation and cultural activities should be available to local artists and the opportunity to participate for the arts is necessary to expand for Yeosu citizens.

      • KCI등재

        한국 관광 브랜드 슬로건으로서의 "Dynamic Korea" 에 대한 유용성 연구

        이준엽(Jun Yup Lee),최광환(Kwang Hwan Choi) 한국광고홍보학회 2007 한국광고홍보학보 Vol.9 No.3

        국제 관광산업에서 무엇보다 중요한 것은 국가 브랜드 이미지라고 할 수 있으며, 관광객들은 관광을 하나의 상품으로 인지하게 되므로 이러한 국가 브랜드 이미지는 관광지를 선정할 때 아주 중요한 요소로 작용하게 된다(Fakeye & Cromton, 1991). 슬로건은 브랜드 이미지에 관한 전략적 핵심 메시지로서 브랜드 이미지의 형성에 매우 중요한 요소이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 한국 국가브랜드 슬로건의 유용성을 살펴보고자 ``Dynamic Korea``에 대한 만족도, 공감도, 이미지, 연관성, 한국 관광 해외 홍보 적합성, 문제점을 조사하였다. 인식조사 결과, ``다이내믹 코리아``의 적합성은 전반적으로 경제분야에서 높은 것으로 나타났으나 문화측면에서의 적합성은 상대적으로 낮은 것으로 분석되었다. 국가 브랜드의 가치는 특정 국가가 갖는 이미지와 국가 브랜드 전략 활동에 의해 부여되는 한 국가가 포함하는 국민, 기업, 정부, 상품 등과 관련된 국가 브랜드 자산의 총체이기 때문에 ``경제/투자``부문 또한 ``스포츠`` 부문뿐만 아니라, ``문화/관광``, ``사회/정치``, ``자연경관`` 또한 ``역사/유물`` 부문에서도 긍정적인 평가를 받아야 한다. 이러한 사회의 각 부문에서 긍정적인 반응이 높을 때 국가브랜드는 높아지는 것이며, 이러한 국가의 각 부문들이 모여져 총체적으로 의미있는 국가브랜드가 형성되는 것이다. 이는 ``Dynamic Korea``가 한국의 관광브랜드 슬로건으로서는 다소 미흡한 점이 있다는 것과 아직 개발해야 할 문화자원과 적극적으로 홍보해야 할 관광상품이 많다는 것을 의미하는 것이다. 따라서 정부의 적극적인 지원과 축제나 지역문화재 등 한국의 관광상품을 충분히 포함할 수 있으며, 국가브랜드 슬로건과 상호보완 역할을 할 수 있는 한국 관광 브랜드 슬로건 개발이 필요하다 하겠다. The slogan, as the strategic core message about the brand image, is a very important factor in constitution of the brand image. To see the usefulness of the Korean brand slogan, this study researched on the satisfaction, sympathy, image, and relevance of ``Dynamic Korea,`` and the appropriateness and problems of Korean tourism`s international advertisement. In the results of the research, the overall appropriateness of ``Dynamic Korea`` in field of economics appears to be high, but appropriateness in the field of culture appears to be relatively low. Because the value of national brand is the image which a specific nation has and the whole body of national brand assets about the citizens, firms, government, which the national brand strategic practice endows, When positive reaction grows on each of all parts(``economics/investments`` or ``sports.`` ``culture/tourism,`` ``community/politics,`` ``nature scenery,`` and also ``history /artifacts`` parts) of society, the national brand will be rated higher, and these each part of will be accumulated, and as whole, meaningful national bran is constituted. This means that there are many cultural resources that should be developed and tourism product that should be actively advertised. Thus, active support from government and development of Korean tourism brand slogan, which can thoroughly include festivals and regional tour products, that is able to function as mutual complementary with national brand slogan is needed.

      • 축제 프로그램의 체험성에 관한 연구 : 서산해미읍성 사례를 중심으로

        이준엽(Lee, Jun-yup),유정림(Yoo, Jung-lim),조현민(Cho, Hyun-min),조태영(Cho, Tae-young) 한국문화관광학회 2005 문화관광연구 Vol.7 No.2

        Nowadays experiential factor has an great effect on regional festivals since tourism is chnging from simply seeing to participation. Therefore, this study investigates the extent of experience in order to see the different level of satisfaction from the participants of the Seosan HAEMIUPSUNG Festival, and analyzes the contents of festival program by Contents Analysis.

      • KCI등재

        국내 관광지 이미지에 대한 외래관광객의 평가에 관한 연구

        이준엽(Jun Yup Lee) 한국호텔외식관광경영학회 2001 호텔경영학연구 Vol.10 No.3

        The study on the image of Korea as a tourist destination is a fundamental element for the marketing activities to attract international tourists into Korea. However, there is a scarcity of research material on the image of Korea as a tourist destination among foreign tourists. The purpose of this study is to examine the Image of 5 major tourist destinations of Korea among foreign tourists. This research also finds out some factors that influences foreign tourists to choose their tourist destinations. In order to meet these purposes of the study, researchers developed a survey instruments based on related literatures. Data was collected from 255 international tourists during March 4, 2001 to March 28, 2001. The questionnaire has 7-point Likert type scale, ranging from very important to very unimportant. The research was conducted using statistical packages of SPSS PC^+ and Multidimensional Scaling Method. To measure the attribute of the image of international tourists, factor analysis was applied in this research. The t-test and One-way ANOVA was employed to assess the potential differences between demographic characteristic of the tourists and the image attributes. The study also applied the Multidimensional Scaling Method to examine the preference of the tourist destination.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        축제 성공요인에 대한 프리리스팅 연구

        이준엽 ( Lee Jun-yup ) 한국이벤트컨벤션학회 2018 이벤트 컨벤션 연구 Vol.14 No.3

        The evaluation of local festivals has been actively discussed by experts and scholars. But, not as much attention has been given to the success factors of local festivals which are critical to their qualitative growth and higher survival rate. In terms of festival cycle, what is important in evaluating a festival is a decision on the outcome of the local event after it is executed. When we define success factors, on the other hand, the importance and usefulness lie in the processes before its execution. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to sample and develop key variables that correspond to the success factors of local festivals in South Korea. When these factors are finally defined. In this paper, the freelisting method was used to understand the critical success factors to festivals. Freelisting, literally, is a simple research technique by which the researcher lets respondents list the items in the areas the researcher intends to understand, thereby having the respondents define the contents of the areas. The freelisting analysis was performed using a software called ANTHROPAC.The study shows, “Festival identity” (Group 1) appeared to be the key factor for the result of freelisting. This factor includes responses such as distinctive and unique event program, items considering regional characteristics and etc. Following the first, publicity, residents’ participation (Group 2) as well as professionalism (Group 3) were also determined as Korea regional festival’s key success factor.

      • KCI등재

        LNG : 발전 수익성 개선 방안에 관한 연구 변동비 차익 및 제한적 가격입찰제도를 중심으로

        권규섭,이주용,조영상 대한전기학회 2020 전기학회논문지 Vol.69 No.9

        In this study, we analyzed the factors affecting the variable cost margin required for the recovery of investment costs for LNG generators and proposed a restrictive price bidding pool(RPBP). For this, we investigated the issues of Korean LNG generators focusing on the profitability and reviewed some alternatives for overcoming these issues. Next, we calculated the minimum required variable cost margins for 23 Korean LNG generators, and obtained an average of 16.7 KRW/kWh. We also performed multiple regression and found that the investment cost, operation and management cost, and the allocation time for price-setting schedule energy(PSE) have statistically significant effects on the minimum required variable cost margin. Finally, we proposed a RPBP based on the results and analyzed the effect of the RPBP on the electricity market from the perspective of game theory. This study is academically and institutionally meaningful in that it is the first attempt to design the RPBP system using the real-world data of LNG generators.

      • KCI등재

        서울지역 특1급 호텔 귀빈층의 고객 만족도에 관한 연구

        이준엽(Jun Yup Lee),이창호(Chang Ho Lee) 한국호텔관광학회 2000 호텔관광연구 Vol.2 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine the situation of the EFL (executive floor lounge) of super deluxe hotels in Seoul and to analyze attribute of importance and consumer satisfaction of those hotels. This research also finds out some factors that encourages hotel customers to return or re-visit to the hotel. In order to meet these purposes of the study, researchers developed a survey instruments based on related literatures. Data was collected from 295 hotel guests from 8 different super deluxe hotels in Seoul. The data collection period was August 12, 1998 to September 15, 1998. Among 295 questionnaires, 23 questionnaires were unusable because they did not response all of the questions. The participants were given an introduction which explained the research purpose and the confidentiality of their responses. The questionnaire for importance has 7-point Likert type scale, ranging from very important to very unimportant. The questionnaire for satisfaction also has 7-point Likert type scale, ranging from very satisfied to very unsatisfaied. Very important and very satisfied is represented by the highest score of seven, and very unimportant and very unsatisfied is represented by the lowest score of one. The reliability of the instrument was provided through the Cronbach correlation coefficient, which is a reliability measure for consistency. The Cronbach inter-item reliability for each sub-scale was acceptable, through they were not high, for the EFL questionnaire with an average of 0.6157 and a range of 0.5631 through 0.6765. Specifically, the Cronbach Alpha correlation coefficients were 0.5631 for `Space,` 0.6076 for `Facility,` and 0.6765 for `Menu.` For the questionnaire for employee the Cronbach Alpha was reported as an average of 0.7190 and 0.8026 for `Right Service,` 0.6936 for `Nature of Service,` and 0.6610 for `Dealing with Complaint.` The result of Cronbach Alpha coefficients showed that the questionnaires were valid. The Factor Analysis, one-way ANOVA, and Regressional Analysis were applied to the study. The result of this study showed that all of 5 factors (`Menu`, `Facility`, `Right Service`, `Nature of Service`, and `Dealing with Complaint`) have influenced on re-visit of hotel customers, except the factor of `Space`. Among these factors, `Menu` and `Right Service` have most influences on hotel customers` returns.

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