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      • KCI등재

        1914년 독일공작연맹 전시회 유리산업전시관의 근대건축사적 의미 -브루노 타우트(Bruno Taut)의 유리집(Glashaus)-

        이재익,Lee, Jae-Ik 한국건축역사학회 2004 건축역사연구 Vol.13 No.4

        The German Werkbund, which was founded in 1907, played an important role in the history of modern architecture. Its exhibition 1914 in Cologne is estimated as a meaningful event in the development of modern architecture. Especially two examples, among which were built at that time, are worthy of notice. The one is the 'Modelfactory' by Walter Gropius and the other 'Glashaus' by Bruno Taut. Generally in the Textbook on the history of modern architecture, the Taut's Glashaus is rarely mentioned or described as a early example of some expressionistic architecture, while the Modelfactory by Gropius is regarded as an essential workpiece in the early stage of modern movement. the time of searching alternative not only from rationalistic modernism but also postmodernism and today in the time of plurality, Taut's Glashaus could bring us more interesting and meaningful aspects in architectural design. Through investigating the background in the planning stage and analysing the composition of space, construction, circulation etc. it is to try to understand the building as really as what it was. Furthermore, historical meanings of the building in the modern architecture is reinterpreted in the following aspects; what should be reflected in architecture and how could 'Zeitgeist' be architecturally adopted?

      • KCI등재

        서구 근대건축 파구스공장(Faguswerk)건축의 형성과정과 역사적 평가에 대한 재조명

        이재익,Lee, Jae-Ik 한국건축역사학회 2007 건축역사연구 Vol.16 No.5

        The Fagus Factory at Alfeld on the Leine in Germany, which was built in 1911 and 1914, is a well-known and very important object in the history of modern architecture. Alan Colquhoun mentioned that it is "prophetic of the 'objective' (sachlich) Modern Movement of the 1920s". Vittrio M. Lampugnani evaluated it as "a Pioneer building of the architectural Realism". Most of historian of architecture explain that these achievements were accomplished mainly by the master architect Walter Gropius and sometimes by his co-worker Adolf Meyer. Through investigating the background in the planning stage and the process of design it is to try to find out what is truly happened during the project time. Furthermore, historical meanings of the building in the modern architecture is reinterpreted in the following aspects; who or which elements have influence on the Fagus Factory? and what kind of problems can be caused by the digested architectural history?

      • KCI등재

        A Research on Creative Convergence of Nano Art using Nano Technology

        Lee, Jae Ik(이재익) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2018 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.34 No.-

        Nano art is a representative artistic expression upon which a transition to art using nano technology is reflected. Nano art, based on its nano technology and creative convergence, has been applied to diverse future industries of the 21st century, and its expectancy effects are significant. Nano art is a newly created result of the integration between innovative influences and artistic influences. As far as nano art is concerned, Richard P. Feynman, a Nobel Prize Winner in Physics, and various scientists such as K. Eric Drexler, Eduardo Kac, and Cris Orfescu conducted an artistic experiment in the nano world, and as imaging technology capable of replicating the nano world made progress in the 1980’s, nano art has become a genre. The purpose of this research was to analyze the precedent researches, theoretical considerations, statuses and research trends and detailed cases required to conduct a research on creative convergence of nano art using nano technology, and, thereby, suggest a directions for future progress. The research content and method were as follows. Phase 1: To theoretically consider the definitions, concepts, characteristics, fields, progress and future, and precedent researches through understanding nano technology and nano art as a concept emphasizing creative convergence. Phase 2: To understand and analyze the trends and detailed cases of creative convergence of nano art. Phase 3: To suggest a direction for future progress based on the results acquired through theoretically considering nano technology and nano art, and through analyzing the trends and detailed cases of creative convergence of nano art. The results of this research were as follows. Initially, the researches on creative convergence of nano art using nano technology have been using diverse techniques to explore diverse forms of the extremely microscopic world, phenomena, issues and values not only inside the laboratory, but also outside the laboratory through a state-of-the-art nano microscope. Secondly, although the researches on creative convergence of nano art using nano technology deal with the extremely microscopic world, phenomena, issues and values, due to its enormous influence and ripple effect, it is an innovative future-oriented field that essentially requires a new concept of imagination. Thirdly, the exhibitions involving creative convergence of nano art are particular in that they are experiential, intellective exhibitions emphasizing the combination between art and science technology, the cultural convergence between nano science and nano technology, and the visual tactility based on the touch of an electron microscope. The conclusion and suggestion of this research were as follows. Initially, the researches on creative convergence of nano art using nano technology should serve as an expression of the technological revolution seeking a better future where the future 4th industries such as robot engineering, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and augmented reality are connected. Secondly, the researches on creative convergence of nano art using nano technology should serve as part of the work process and education system connected to the future 4th industries, and it is necessary to develop an education program and establish a research environment for that purpose. Thirdly, although the researches on creative convergence of nano art using nano technology are actively conducted in various fields such as nano antibiotic technology, nano clothing products, skiing products, lotus effect automobiles, 3D nano printing, nano wine and nano architecture, since such researches are limited to the fields of fine art and building industry in Korea, it is necessary for the interested parties to make efforts for improvements, and for the government to provide its political support.

      • KCI등재

        기업의 비용구조가 자본구조에 미치는 영향

        이재익(Jae-Ik Lee),신민식(Min-Shik Shin) 한국산업경제학회 2017 산업경제연구 Vol.30 No.5

        본 연구는 한국거래소에 상장된 기업을 대상으로 비용구조가 자본구조에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 분석하였다. 기업의 비용구조는 Kahl et al.(2012)과 Kulchania(2016)의 방법으로 측정하였고, 정태적 자본구조 모형뿐만 아니라 동태적 자본구조 모형 하에서, 비용구조가 자본구조에 미치는 영향을 분석하였으며, 중요한 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 기업의 비용구조 상으로 영업비용 중에서 변동비용의 비중이 높은 기업은 매출액 변화에 대한 영업비용 변화의 민감도가 증가하여 레버리지 비율이 증가한다. 따라서 비용구조 상으로 변동비용의 비중이 높은 변동비용구조 기업은 고정비용의 비중이 높은 고정비용구조 기업보다 고정비용 부담으로 인한 채무불이행 위험이 감소하므로 레버리지 비율을 더 증가시킬 수 있다. 또한, 변동비용구조 기업은 정태적 자본구조 모형뿐만 아니라 동태적 자본구조 모형 하에서도 고정비용구조 기업보다 고정비용부담으로 인한 채무불이행 위험이 감소하므로 레버리지 비율을 더 증가시킬 수 있다. 결론적으로, 한국거래소에 상장된 기업 중에서 비용구조 상으로 변동비용의 비중이 높은 기업은 고정비용 부담으로 인한 채무불이행 위험이 감소하므로 레버리지 비율을 더 증가시킬 수 있다. 이러한 연구 결과는 비용구조가 자본구조에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 새로운 변수라는 점을 인정하여 재무정책을 수립할 필요가 있음을 시사하며, 비용구조와 자본구조 간의 관계에 관한 연구 문헌에도 공헌할 것으로 기대한다. This study empirically analyzes the effects of cost structure on corporate capital structure. The sample firms are selected from firms listed on the Korea Exchange from 1999 to 2015 and are classified into flexible cost structure firms and fixed cost structure ones. Cost structure is determined using the methodology of Kahl, Lunn, and Nilsson(2012) and Kulchania(2016). The main results of this study can be summarized as follows. The cost structure has positive and significant effects on the corporate capital structure, implying that the cost structure is positively related to capital structure. This result shows that firms with higher flexible costs hold higher levels of leverage. This result further shows that firms that see a change in the cost structure toward more flexible costs increase their leverage ratio. Consequently, this result implies that fixed cost structure firms have lower leverage ratios to reduce the probability of default risk. Even though controlling several characteristic variables, there are still the positive effects of cost structure on corporate capital structure. Furthermore, in the frameworks of static and dynamic capital structure, cost structure have consistently significant and positive effect on corporate capital structure. Therefore, this study implies that managers must consider cost structure as a new determinant of capital structure.

      • KCI등재

        Green Energy Contents Research of Sun, Wind, Bio, Water

        Lee, Jae Ik(이재익) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2018 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.32 No.-

        In Korea, active development policies and the need for investment by government is increasing and it is responding to global external factors such as enactment of the convention on climate change and the continued high oil prices. In particular, as the supply of local governments and private enterprises to major green energy such as solar power, wind power, bio, and hydroelectric power has expanded, various support and upbringing strategies such as energy zero science museum research linked with tourism industry have been also suggested. This study will upgrade the cities of each local government to a clean smart city image in response to this trend and to study green energy content development plan of solar, wind, bio, water linked with and to activate tourism industry. The contents and method of the study are as follows: First, we examine the current status and research trends of green energy at home and abroad. Second, we study the characteristics of green energy content and image attributes for clean smart city. Third, we will integrate the results of research on the current status and research trends, policies, and detailed projects of domestic and foreign countries, and the results of research on solar energy, wind, bio, water green energy contents. As a result, policy development plans and guidelines for green energy contents research that can contribute to the formation of advanced clean smart city image, energy balance development linked with tourism industry by each local government, green energy contents utilization plan for energy zero science museum. The results of this study are as follows: First, as a result of studying overseas situation and research trends, The following countries lead in distribution and investment in the following fields: China in water energy, solar energy power generation, wind energy, solar heating; UK in land wind energy; the U.S in bio energy such as bio diesel and bio ethanol; Germany in wind energy; Indonesia in geothermal power generation. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a clear policy intention and a practical policy to cope with the policy changes of countries in the world due to the expansion of the green energy market and the spread of the electricity tariff system. Second, as a result of examining the domestic situation and research trends, the government`s active support for clean green energy and the interest of private civilian and public should be further expanded. In particular, policy support, investment and growth strategies for various local governments such as energy zero science museum research connected with tourism industry per local government and green energy contents research for a smart city of sun, wind, bio, and water should be further expanded Third, as a result of examining the current status and cases of green energy contents in the world, Spain, Denmark, Germany, USA, UAE, etc. are integrating solar energy, wind energy, bio energy and water energy, even presenting it as tourism resources. In Korea, efforts are underway to plan the construction of smart cities by local governments in conjunction with energy zero science museums research and to make it as tourism resources. However, there is a great deal of conflict in the national consensus and the government and politicians need to present the solution for this. Fourth, it is absolutely necessary to develop and agree on a policy roadmap for the sequential distribution and replacement on clean green energy sources and be wary of unconditional rejection of high-efficiency energy sources such as nuclear power rising out of concerns for the distribution, investment, and support of clean green energy. Fifth, just as solar energy, wind energy, bio energy, and water energy need to maximize the advantages and disadvantages and symbolic values of each clean energy source, the balanced energy development considering regional characteristics of Korea should be closely co

      • KCI등재

        신실버세대의 스마트기기 접근성 모델 연구

        이재익(Lee, Jae Ik),남현우(Nam, Hyun Woo),정형기(Jung, Hyong Gi),장세은(Jang, Se Eun),김혜연(Kim, hye yoen) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2013 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.13 No.-

        스마트기기는 그 역할과 용도가 개인적인 활용에서 업무보조까지 다양한 기능을 수행하게 되면서, 현대 사회인들의 라이프스타일까지 새롭게 변화시키고 있다. 이러한 스마트기기의 등장으로 현대 사회인들의 라이프스타일이 새롭게 변화되면서 스마트기기를 사용하는 사용자 계층 또한 다양해지고 복잡해졌다. 특히 신실버세대는 신체적·정신적 변화와 감각기관의 기능저하에 영향을 많이 받는 세대로 스마트기기에 친숙하지 않은 관계로 이에 대한 접근성을 향상시킬 수 있는 연구가 필요하다는 가설을 설정하였다. 연구결과, 신실버세대의 지각경로, 학습능력, 응답 및 반응시간에 관한 개념을 고찰하였다. 그리고 스마트기기 접근성 요소분석을 위하여 스마트폰과 스마트패드를 기준으로 인지성, 운영성, 이해성으로 구분하였고, 세부적으로는 화면크기, 화면구성, 조작방식, 등으로 나누어서 진행하였다. 이렇게 분석된 데이터들을 기반으로 스마트기기의 사용성 향상화 방안과 접근성 향상화 모델(SAIM)을 제안하였다. 본 연구를 통해서 제안된 향상화 모델은 스마트기기 사용자 계층에서 소외되었던 신실버세대들도 쉽게 스마트기기에 접근할 수 있을 것으로 기대되며, 향후 연구에서는 신실버세대의 스마트기기 UX디자인과 어플리케이션에 대한 연구와 표준화 등이 진행되어야 할 것이다. Smart appliances perform various functions in their role and purpose from the individual use to job assistant, and are changing new even the lifestyle of modern society. With the advent of these smart appliances lifestyle of modern society has been changed new and the user layers of the smart appliances also became diverse and complicated. Especially the new silver generation is frequently affected by physical and mental changes, and deterioration of the sense organs. Iset the hypothesis that the study is needed to improve their accessibility to smart appliances because they are not familiar with smart appliances. According to the findings, to analyze mental model of the new silver generation, the conceptions about the perception routes, learning ability, and response and reaction time of the new silver generation were investigated. And for the analysis of accessibility element to smart appliances, Idivided these elements into perceivability, operability, understandability based on smart phone and smart pad. The study was performed by dividing into screen size, display configuration, applications, operation mode, etc. in details. Based on these analyzed data Isuggested the plan for the improvement of smart appliances usability and the model for the improvement of smart appliances accessibility (SAIM). Through this study, it is expected for the new silver generation excluded from the smart appliance users also to access easily to them. In the next research I plan to carry out the study and the standardization of smart appliances UX design and applications for the new silver generation.

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