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        IPA기법을 이용한 섬체험관광목적지의 체험속성 분석과 전략

        이재달,류정섭 한국전략마케팅학회 2016 마케팅논집 Vol.24 No.4

        사람이 찾지 않는 섬은 무인도다. 비록 방문하더라도 다시 찾지 않는다면 여전히 무인도일 수밖에 없다. 이러한 명제를 반영하여, 섬을 보유한 지자체와 지역은 지속가능한 섬 체험관광목적지 개발과 효과적 섬관광지의 마케팅에 대한 관심을 집중하고 있다. 지금까지 섬 관광 관련연구는 주로 섬의 관광목적지 매력물 개발과 생태적․환경적 보존 등의 물리적 영역에서 이루어져 왔으며, 섬체험관광객 관광행동 측면의 연구는 미흡하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 섬체험관광객의 관광행동 특성을 분석하여 섬을 체험관광목적지로서의 선택속성과 이를 이용한 지속가능한 발전전략을 도출하고자 하며, 이를 위해 216명의 섬체험관광을 경험한 관광객을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 자료를 수집하고, 수집된 자료를 토대로 IPA기법을 활용하여 섬체험관광 목적지의 체험속성별 중요도와 성취도를 실증 분석하였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 섬체험관광객의 심미적 체험속성이 가장 높은 수준의 중요도와 성취도를 나타내는 것으로 분석되었다. 둘째, 일탈적 그리고 교육적 체험속성은 중요성은 높았지만 성취도는 낮게 나타났다. 셋째, 오락적 체험속성의 중요도와 성취도가 네 가지 체험속성 중에서 가장 낮은 것으로 분석되었다. 지속가능한 섬관광을 위한 전략적 함의는 첫째, IPA 메트릭스의 Ⅱ사분면에 위치한 교육적 체험속성과 일탈적 체험속성에 속한 문제를 가장 먼저 해결하고, 둘째, Ⅰ사분면에 속한 섬의 심미적 체험관광 속성의 강점을 강화하여 섬관광객의 맞춤식 체험속성을 토대로 일반 대중관광과의 차별화를 기해야 할 것이다. Islands without any other visitors exist uninhabited island. If any visitors, they can’t invite the next visitors, also the island still will remain one of the isolated islands. Reflecting upon these propositions, regional municipalities and islands’ localities have focused on the development of sustainable island experience destinations for tourists and effective island tourism marketing strategies. Many of island tourism-related researches have been carried on the developing areas, such as, physical attractions in tourist destination, ecological and environmental conservation, but little on the islands’ tourist behavior aspects. The study, therefore, was to analyze islands tourists’ behavior as well as to draw out sustainable development strategies of islands as a tourism destination. To obtain these research aim, an IPA analysis was conducted by collected data from 216 respondents who have experienced islands’ tourism. The results are as follows: Firstly, it was analyzed that the aesthetic properties of the island tourists represented the highest level of both importance and performance. Secondly, the escaping and educational experience attributes were the higher in importance, but performance was significantly the lower. Thirdly, the recreational experience attributes of importance and achievement were analyzed to the lowest of the four experience properties. Finally, strategic implications for the sustainable islands tourism, it is necessary to: In the firstl place, solve the problems belongs to the educational and escaping experience attributes located in quadrant Ⅱ of IPA matrix. Secondly, to strength the aesthetic islands tourism experience attributes in quadrant Ⅰ, for differentiating with the mass tourism in general.

      • KCI등재

        지역축제 방문객의 참가동기와 행동의도에 대한 지각된 만족의 매개효과

        이재달,유정섭 한국전략마케팅학회 2017 마케팅논집 Vol.25 No.2

        ‘Gaecheon Art Festival', not only one of representative local festivals but the 1st one, combines community cultures and arts with festival. In spite of the long history and high stature, but few researches on the festival has been maintained up to now. The target of this study limited as the 67th Gaecheon Art Festival held on October 3, 2017 to 10 for 8 day long. The study tried to verify the mediation effects on visitors' behavioral intention out of participation motivation and perceived satisfaction after joining in the festival through the structural equation modeling using AMOS 18.0. The result, based on the statistical significance of the path coefficients, showed that visitors' behavioral intention was influenced by motivation and satisfaction of their participation. However, bootstrapping result strongly supported fully mediating model different from the original entire model. Findings of the study is to be useful in developing local festivals in practical use or following researches afterwards. 지역문화와 예술을 축제와 접목시킨 우리나라 최초의 지방문화예술 축제가 개천예술제다. 개천예술제의 역사성과 높은 위상에도 불구하고 지금까지 동 축제 관련연구는 거의 전무하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 개천예술제 방문객 행동특성을 분석하여 지속가능한 지역축제 발전전략을 도출하고자 하였으며, 이를 위해 2017년 10월 3일부터 10일까지 개최된 제67회 개천예술제 방문객을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 유효한 447부를 분석하였다. 연구의 주된관점은 동 축제 방문객들의 참여 동기가 향후 행동의도에 미치는 영향을 방문객의 방문 후지각된 만족의 매개형태와 관련하여 공분산구조분석을 통하여 규명하고자 하였다. 연구결과, 첫째, 경로계수의 통계적 유의성을 근거로 개천예술제 방문객의 참가동기는 지각된 만족과행동의도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 지각된 만족은 방문객의 행동의도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 뿐만 아니라 모든 경로계수와 분산은 유의미한결과로 나타났다. 셋째, 부스트래핑의 결과에 의하면 전체 모형검정의 결과와는 달리 참가동기가 행동의도에 직접적으로 영향을 미치는 효과는 유의하지 않으므로 완전매개모형을 지지하는 것으로 나타났다

      • KCI등재

        문화예술축제 경연참가자의 동기요인과 만족도 간의 구조관계 - 제63회 개천예술제를 중심으로 -

        이재달,류정섭 한국전략마케팅학회 2014 마케팅논집 Vol.22 No.3

        최근 대한민국은 축제공화국이라고 불릴 만큼 많은 축제가 열리고 있으며, 2012년 한 해 동안 전국적으로 758개의 지역 축제가 개최되었다. 이러한 추이를 반영하듯 축제 관련 연구도 최근 들어 비교적 활발하게 이루고 지고 있다. 지금까지 축제연구는 주로 특정 축제를 중심으로 축제 소비자의 방문행동 중심의 연구와 공급자의 서비스 만족 중심의 연구로 대별되어, 두 가지 방향으로 이루어지고 있다. 그러나 문화예술축제에 있어서, 축제의 가장 중요한 컨텐츠 중의 하나인 경연대회에 대한 연구는 전무하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 특정 축제자체에 대한 연구가 아니라 특정 축제에 수반되는 축제 경연대회를 연구대상으로 하였다. 축제 경연대회는 축제 소비자로서뿐만아니라 공급자로서도 축제의 특성을 공통적으로 담고 있기 때문이다. 그리고 경연대회 참가자는 축제의 소비자이기도 하면서 축제의 품질을 결정하는 공급자이기도하기 때문에 이들의 참가동기와 만족도는 당해 축제평가 및 향후 축제의 성장ㆍ발전에 매우 유의미한 영향을 미치게 될 것이다. 이러한 관점을 전제로 본 연구는 2013년 10월 3일부터 10일까지 경상남도 진주시 일원에서 개최된 우리나라 문화예술축제의 효시인 개천예술제의 부대행사 중의 하나인 제63회 개천예술제 경연대회 참가자를 대상으로 참가 동기요인과 만족도 간의 인과관계에 대해 공분산구조방정식을 이용하여 규명하고자 하였다. 연구결과, 개천예술제 경연대회 참가자의 참가동기는 체험동기와 유희동기 요인으로 구분되었으며, 이들 두 동기는 경연대회 참가자들의 참가자 만족과 인과관계에 대한 유의성이 있었다. 그리고 경연참가자들의 경험동기와 유희동기 간에는 유의한 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 나아가 본 연구에서 제시된 결과는 축제 주관 지자체와 도시의 축제와 함께 개최되고 있는 각종 경연대회에 적용함으로써, 경연대회뿐만 아니라 주관하는 축제의 질적 성장과 효율적인 축제 경영전략 및 축제 마케팅 전략 수립에 활용되기를 기대한다. Recently, approximately 2,600 local festivals are being held annually in nationwide, and we have called these situation as country of festival. Festival-related researches are lively being fulfilling in reflecting these trends on nowadays. Until now, festivals researches have mainly been conducted on festivals themselves in two directions, such as, visitors’ behavior as a festival consumer and visitors’ satisfaction to festival quality provided by festival organizers. In this study, however, we just studied the festival contest held during the 63rd Gaecheon Art Festival, but one of general festivals in particular region, because festival contest contains common properties both of festival consumers and those of providers. And as participants of the festival play roles in becoming consumers as well as providers of festival, their motivation and satisfaction of festival contest will have significant effects on the evaluation, future growth and development of festival. Based on the above standpoint, the study tried to find out casual relationships between participants’ participation motivation and satisfaction of the contest held during October 3 to 10, 2013 in the vicinity of Jinju, Gyeongsangnam-do by using structural equation modeling(SEM). Results, 1stly showed that the contest participants’ motivations were divided into for experience and that of pleasure, and also these two motives of the participants have the significance for a causal relationship to the participants’ satisfaction in the contest, and 2ndly show that there were significant correlation between participants' experience motivation and that of pleasure of the contest. Furthermore, we expect that the results presented in this study can be utilized in making decision on organizing festival in local and municipal, and in applying for the development of various festival contests, competitions, as well as for the management strategies and effective marketing strategies of successful festival.

      • 美國의 新通商政策에 대한 批判과 韓·美 通商關係의 發展方案

        이재달 진주여자전문대학 2002 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        U.S. commercial policies have been basically maintained by fair and free trade system. Throughout the 1970s and l980s, however, most of commercial policies have been focused not only to gear up economic power, but also to overcome crisis in national economy with the cooperation of both public and private sector, because U.S. has suffered from serious economic difficulties. In particular, the government of United States has pursued aggressive trade policies based on her own interest to grasp world-wide economic leadership from the end of cold war to the present, and private company continuously has pressed government to protect its early market share, in order to effectively have access to foreign market. In compliance with the strong willingness of government and the critical pressure of private company, U.S. commercial policies made an crucial axis as a new commercial policies together with aggressive reciprocity under the free and fair trade system. This means that US. is likely to become more aggressive in pressing her comparatively advantageous sectors or to protect part for the purpose of opening foreign market. It became one of critical factors, as trade conflicts, between trade partners. On the other hand, in considering the trade frictions were arisen out of dissatisfactory conditions between trade partners, it is reasonable to find out the existence of conflicts beforehand to reflect on commercial policy making. But present pressure with trade can not be confined special division and required extensive market opening, it is very important to choose proper political decision making as a main policy maker. U.S. commercial policies have still more a lot of critical part. Although U.S. requires somewhat unreasonable requirements on our unfair trade practices and restrictions to market entry of American companies, there should not be critical attitude for criticism in order to form better future commercial relations.

      • KCI등재후보

        감성적 도시재생관광지 관광자의 시간관과 지각된 만족, 행동의도 간의 구조관계 분석

        이재달 한국토지주택공사 토지주택연구원 2022 LHI journal of land, housing, and urban affairs Vol.13 No.1

        As city tourism has recently been evaluated as a major indicator of urban competitiveness, strengthening the role of cities as tourist destinations has received more attention. However, industrialization and urbanization of many cities lead to population decline, extinction of traditional industries, and deterioration of living environments, weakening urban functions and competitiveness. Thus, it is essential for declining cities to build a measure to restore urban competitiveness by enhancing urban functions. Accordingly, this study focused on socio-cultural urban regeneration by exploring physical spaces for tourism destinations in declining cities. Different from general tourist destinations, tourism destinations of urban regeneration have a temporal perspective covering the past, present, and future. How does the temporal perspective of urban regeneration tourist destinations affect tourists' satisfaction and behavioral intention? In order to address these questions, this study conducts an empirical analysis based on structural equation modeling (SEM) using the sample of tourists who have visited urban regeneration tourism destinations. With SEM, this paper investigates structural relationships across variables by testing the hypothesis established in the proposed research model. The results show that precious memories of the past are the most important factor for tourists to visit urban regeneration tourist destinations. The empirical findings of this study will contribute to the research areas of urban tourism, urban regeneration tourism, and urban regeneration tourism destinations. In addition, this study can provide practical implications to develop socio-cultural contents of urban regeneration areas as tourism resources to establish plans for urban regeneration projects and achieve sustainable development strategies.

      • KCI등재

        기업의 자금조달에 있어서 주거래은행의 역할 분석

        이재달,김인수 한국기업경영학회 1997 기업경영연구 Vol.4 No.2

        This paper made an empirical analysis to examine the Main Bank`s role whether they share banker`s credit to enterprises as a business correspondent or not. And also, this paper is to examine the capital-cost-reduction effect of Maim Bank by analyzing the debt-cost-reduction effect and the internal-fund constraint relief effect. As a result of this analysis, I found out the following conclusion such as: Firstly, Main Bank reduce debt cost, but when it is dealing with a company which has financial problem, debt-cost-reduction effect is negative. Secondly, after examining not only Main Bank itself but also the size of company which control the internal fund-constraint-relief factor and the information-relief factor, I could meet with the following result that Main Bank will relieve the constraint internal-fund. The reasons for this result can be traced as follows: (1) excessive demand of finance, (2) sample selecting problem confining target of analysis to be listed enterprise, (3) non-autonomous relationship between bank and company, and (4) underdevelopment of capital market.

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