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      • KCI등재

        복부에서 측정하는 일회 호흡용적의 정확도 평가

        李仁光(In-Kwang Lee),金盛植(Seong-Sik Kim),張鐘贊(Jong-Chan Jang),金君珍(Koon-Jin Kim),金敬娥(Kyung-Ah Kim),李泰洙(Tae-Soo Lee),車殷宗(Eun-Jong Cha) 대한전기학회 2008 전기학회논문지 Vol.57 No.7

        Respiration is induced by muscular contraction of the chest and abdomen, resulting in the abdominal volume change. Thus, continuous measurement of the abdominal dimension enables to monitor breathing activity. Conductive rubber cord has been previously introduced and tested to develop wearable application for respiratory measurements. This study implemented respiratory monitoring system with the conductive rubber cord in the patient's pants in purpose of quantitative estimation of tidal volume. Air mixed with 0~5% CO₂ was inhaled and the respiratory air flow rate, abdominal dimension change, and end tidal CO₂ concentration were simultaneously measured in steady state. CO₂ inhalation significantly increased the tidal volume in normal physiological state with the subject unawared. The tidal volume estimated from the abdominal dimension change linearly correlated with the tidal volume measured by a pneumotachometer with a correlation coefficient of 0.88. Customized calibration for each subject resulted in relative errors less than 10%. Therefore, the tidal volume was accurately estimated by measuring the abdominal dimension change.

      • KCI등재후보

        의복착용형 무선 호흡모니터 시스템

        이인광 ( In Kwang Lee ),김성식 ( Seong Sik Kim ),장종찬 ( Jong Chan Jang ),김군진 ( Koon Jin Kim ),김경아 ( Kyung Ah Kim ),이태수 ( Tae Soo Lee ),차은종 ( Eun Jong Cha ) 한국센서학회 2008 센서학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Respiration is induced by muscular contraction of the chest and abdomen, resulting in the abdominal volume change. Thus, continuous measurement of the abdominal dimension enables to monitor breathing activity. Conductive rubber cord has been previously introduced and tested to develop wearable application for respiratory measurements. The present study implemented wireless wearable respiratory monitoring system with the conductive rubber cord in the patient`s pants. Signal extraction circuitry was developed to obtain the abdominal circumference changes reflecting the lung volume variation caused by respiratory activity. Wireless transmission was followed based on the zigbee communication protocol in a size of 65 mm×105 mm easily put in pocket. Successful wireless monitoring of respiration was performed in that breathing frequency was accurately estimated as well as different breathing patterns were easily recognized from the abdominal signal. CO2 inhalation experiment was additionally performed in purpose of quantitative estimation of tidal volume. Air mixed with 0 ~5% CO2 was inhaled by 4 normal males and the respiratory air flow rate, abdominal dimension change, and end tidal CO2 concentration were simultaneously measured in steady state. CO2 inhalation increased the tidal volume in normal physiological state with a correlation coefficient of 0.90 between the tidal volume and the end tidal CO2 concentration. The tidal volume estimated from the abdominal signal linearly correlated with the accurate tidal volume measured by pneumotachometer with a correlation coefficient of 0.88 with mean relative error of approximately 8%. Therefore, the tidal volume was accurately estimated by measuring the abdominal dimension change.

      • KCI등재

        1980년대 한국 현대도예 작품연구

        이인진(Lee, in - chin),김진아(Kim, jin - ah) 한국조형디자인학회 2009 조형디자인연구 Vol.12 No.4

        In 1980s, progressive, experimental, and creative ceramic art rapidly grew up owing to the development of technology and the increase of ceramic art population. Therefore, this paper purported to examine the inside of the modern ceramic art, differently from the existing efforts of having described only the external circumstances of the modern ceramic art, and further, it attempted to prepare systematic theoretical foundations for the modern ceramic art. The subject of this study is the works that were made and released through private exhibitions in 1980s, and craftsmen’s works, which reproduced Goryeo celadon porcelains, white porcelains, and grayish-blue-powdered porcelains, were excluded from the subject of this study. experts’interpretations of the works, it tried to infer the tendency of the works of the modern ceramic art in that period. Therefore, this paper examined Korean modern ceramic art in 1980s in three parts. That is, in the first chapter, it simply examined the circumstances of Korean modern art and ceramic art in that period, and in the second chapter, it examined the characteristics of Korean modern ceramic art in 1980s, together with the tendency of the works. In the last chapter, it studied more in detail about the characteristics and the meanings in the works in that period

      • KCI등재후보

        무유소성(無釉燒成) 기법과 작품연구

        이인진(Lee, In-Chin),김진아(Kim, Jin-Ah) 한국조형디자인학회 2008 조형디자인연구 Vol.11 No.3

        The various steps will be available to develop the original pottery culture since earthenwares has been manufactured from the Neolithic Age. But the vessel used by our ancestor actually in every life , was not one´s own fashion but unglazed pottery, kind of earthenware techniques which is not painted in glaze. Even though it has been used for long time, the existence of vessel is not embossed in pottery history of Korea specified on the center of pottery manufactured by unglazed work. And also, Korean particular unglazed work in the unbroken various thousands year, is still little interested and not only technical study thesis but there are few writers to work the modern work. The earthenware and unglazed pottery occupied in front of Korean Ceramics, are high valued work of art together with long history, which shows the power of traditional art. Especially, the natural glaze phenomenon such as painted in glaze after ash of wood is sticked to the surface of vessel and various kiln happenings are only the characteristic in unglazed pottery. Recently, the structure of wood kiln was improved and the kiln happening was possible to be made by artificial means. And many potters is paying attention to the attraction of wood kiln. So, this study is to consider the aesthetic value of Korean traditional ceramic art in center of relic and work manufactured by unglazed work and overcome the crisis of extinction for traditional skill by unglazed work manufactured in modern and propose the possibility to manufacture the more various modern works of pottery through the succession and development.

      • KCI등재후보

        이세자키 준(伊勢崎 淳)의 작품연구

        이인진(Lee, In-chin),김진아(Kim, Jin-ah) 한국조형디자인학회 2010 조형디자인연구 Vol.13 No.4

        비젠도기가 천년 이전의 기법을 고수하고 그것을 발전시켜 현재까지 그 명성을 유지하면서 도자사의 한 영역으로 자리하고 있다는 것은 아마도 현대의 첨단 사회와는 거리가 있는 원시성이 강한 도기라는 점이 일본인들의 미의식과 잘 어울렸기 때문일 것이라 생각된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 역사와 사회적 분위기에 호응하며 변화해 가는 비젠도기의 변천과정 및 특징과 더불어 일본 비젠도기 분야에서 5번째로 인간국보에 지정된 이세자키 준을 주목하고자 한다. 앞서 지정된 비젠도기 분야 인간국보 4인에 대한 연구는 본 연구자의 다른 논문에서도 다룬 적이 있으나 이세자키 준은 가장 최근에 국보로 지정됨으로써 아직 한국에는 이 작가의 일생과 작품에 대해 알려진 바가 거의 없으며 이에 대한 연구가 부족한 실정이다. 따라서 이 작가가 일본에서 국보로 지정될 수 있었던 배경과 그의 작품에 대한 연구를 함으로써 일본 비젠도기의 폭넓은 이해를 도모할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 따라서 본 논문은 크게 세 부분으로 나누어 이세자키 준의 생애와 작품을 연구하였는데 제Ⅱ장에서는 이세자키 준의 생애와 작품관을 중심으로 다룸으로써 그의 작가적 배경과 작품의 이론적 토대를 살펴보고자 하였다. 제Ⅲ 장에서는 특히 작품의 제작 방법 및 기술을 중심으로 연구함으로써 비젠의 일반적인 특징과 그의 작품에 나타나는 특징, 또한 다른 인간국보들과의 기술적, 조형적 차이점이 있는지를 비교하며 다루었다. 마지막으로 제Ⅳ장에서는 이세자키 준의 작품에 대한 전문가 혹은 관계자들의 평가를 통하여 그의 작품에 대한 가치를 살펴봄과 동시에 일본의 현대 비젠도기 작품의 특징과 경향, 그 의의를 고찰해 보고자 하였다. Recently, jewelry has been made continually to discover new formative feature in various part of an effort to regard accessaries as a formative sector. Since an accessory that requires a wearable function has a limit in size, weight, form, etc, compared to other formative objects, it needs more delicate process not to mention formative feature. Mechanical industry that has been rapidly developed since the modern industrial revolution made available mass production in almost every sphere. Such an industrialization wave influenced architecture and art to create aesthetic criteria that highlight new mechanical formative feature and structural shape. Such a change affected on the range of accessories where handicrafts occupied, so mass-produced components of the same size and the same shape were connected with a simple assembly method to make available in various shapes. It means that an opportunity to easily create new formative objects without any skills in handling metals. In this paper, such a method was examined that gives a three-dimensional change to accessories in the shape change of a component unit mass-produced when accessories made with a cold joint have a structural shape. Hence, this study would be useful to expression of effective space on formative art of jewelry.

      • 비선택성 제초제 Glufosinate-ammonium 오용이 사과나무의 품종별 생육반응 및 수확에 미치는 영향

        이인,박용석,김성민,강철아,전병철,박재읍,Lee, In-Yong,Park, Yong-Seog,Kim, Sung-Min,Kang, Cheol-Ah,Chun, Byeong-Chul,Park, Jae-Eup 한국잡초학회 한국잔디학회 2010 Weed&Turfgrass Science Vol.31 No.3

        비선택성 제초제인 글루포시네이트암모늄액제를 농작업자의 오판에 의한 오용으로 사과나무에 직접 살포된 경우 품종별, 수령별로 나타나는 약해반응과 수확에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 사과나무 품종에 따라 약해정도가 다르게 나타났다. 약제살포 당해연도에는 산사 > 쓰가루 > 홍로 > 후지 순으로, 약제살포 다음해에는 후지 > 쓰가루 > 홍로 > 산사 순으로 피해가 나타났으나, 그 피해정도는 당년에 비해 경미하였다. 이듬해, 후지에서는 꽃과 착과정도에서만 30%정도 감소하였으나 쓰가루, 홍로, 산사에서는 개화상태, 착과율 등에서 전혀 피해증상이 관찰되지 않았다. 약해를 받은 당년에 조생종 쓰가루와 중만생종후지 대상으로 각각 수확기 10일전에 사과 중 잔류량을 검사한 결과, 잔류량은 검출한계(0.04ppm) 미만이었다. 그리고 오용 2년 후(2009년)에는 후지, 쓰가루, 홍로, 산사 모두에서 약해증상이 나타나지 않았다. This study was conducted to investigate the phytotoxic reaction and the impact on the growth of apple fruit included the yield amount by misuse of non-selective herbicide, glufosinate-ammonium in apple field and for the study, 4 cultivars of apple were tested. The results showed that the highest phytotoxic degree was observed on Sansa-cultivar and then the degree was diminished on Tsugaru, Hongro and Fuji in order in the application year. In one year after application, the highest phytotoxic degree was showed on Fuji and then diminished on Tsugaru, Hongro and Sansa in order. However, in one year after application, the phytotoxic symptom was negligible in comparison with the degree in the year of application and the flowering and fruiting were reduced 30% only in Fuji, but in the other cultivars, the phytotoxic symptoms were not observed. Meanwhile, the residue of glufosinate-ammonium was below the detection limit as 0.04ppm in all tested cultivars and in 2years after application, the phytotoxic symptom was not observed in all cultivars of the apple.

      • KCI등재

        비선택성 제초제 Glufosinate-ammonium 오용이 사과나무의 품종별 생육반응 및 수확에 미치는 영향

        이인용(In-Yong Lee),박용석(Yong Seog Park),김성민(Sung Min Kim),강철아(Cheol Ah Kang),전병철(Byeong Chul Chun),박재읍(Jae-Eup Park) 韓國雜草學會 2010 Weed&Turfgrass Science Vol.30 No.4

        비선택성 제초제인 글루포시네이트암모늄액제를 농작업자의 오판에 의한 오용으로 사과나무에 직접 살포된 경우 품종별, 수령별로 나타나는 약해반응과 수확에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 사과나무 품종에 따라 약해정도가 다르게 나타났다. 약제살포 당해연도에는 산사 > 쓰가루 > 홍로 > 후지 순으로, 약제살포 다음해에는 후지 > 쓰가루 > 홍로 > 산사 순으로 피해가 나타났으나, 그 피해정도는 당년에 비해 경미하였다. 이듬해, 후지에서는 꽃과 착과정도에서만 30%정도 감소하였으나 쓰가루, 홍로, 산사에서는 개화상태, 착과율 등에서 전혀 피해증상이 관찰되지 않았다. 약해를 받은 당년에 조생종 쓰가루와 중만생종후지 대상으로 각각 수확기 10일전에 사과 중 잔류량을 검사한 결과, 잔류량은 검출한계(0.04ppm) 미만이었다. 그리고 오용 2년 후(2009년)에는 후지, 쓰가루, 홍로, 산사 모두에서 약해증상이 나타나지 않았다. This study was conducted to investigate the phytotoxic reaction and the impact on the growth of apple fruit included the yield amount by misuse of non-selective herbicide, glufosinate-ammonium in apple field and for the study, 4 cultivars of apple were tested. The results showed that the highest phytotoxic degree was observed on Sansa-cultivar and then the degree was diminished on Tsugaru, Hongro and Fuji in order in the application year. In one year after application, the highest phytotoxic degree was showed on Fuji and then diminished on Tsugaru, Hongro and Sansa in order. However, in one year after application, the phytotoxic symptom was negligible in comparison with the degree in the year of application and the flowering and fruiting were reduced 30% only in Fuji, but in the other cultivars, the phytotoxic symptoms were not observed. Meanwhile, the residue of glufosinate-ammonium was below the detection limit as 0.04ppm in all tested cultivars and in 2years after application, the phytotoxic symptom was not observed in all cultivars of the apple.

      • KCI등재

        절개선을 활용한 직물의 신장변화에 관한 연구

        이정숙(Joung Suk Lee),성수광(Su Kwang Sung),이인아(In Ah Lee) 한국의류산업학회 2002 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.4 No.3

        To propose a basic material that can improve the crumples in the knee area and can be applied as an element of garment design, the present study examined the elongation rates of the samples by differentiating the number of cutting lines according to the direction of the fabric, and then determined the puckering phenomenon by judging the conditions of the seams based on the looks of seam lines after bi-axil elongation. After the subjective evaluation on the knee areas of both the standard and modified trousers, the following conclusion was drawn : The elongation rates of the samples are: warp (3.98%)<warp1 (4.29%)<weft1 (5.30%)<weft (5.82%)<warp2 (5.68%)<bias (6.96%)<weft2 (8.64%). The samples in the warp direction: as the cutting lines increase, the elongation rate grows by 1.4%. The elongation rates of the samples in the weft direction: the sample with one cutting line has 0.52% lower rate than that in the weft direction without cutting line; that with two cutting lines has 1.68% higher rate than that running on the bias. The subjective evaluation on the knee areas: the subjects wearing the standard trousers feel more comfortable when sitting on a chair (0.2) >cross-legged (-0.2) > squatting down (-0.4); those in the modified trousers feel more comfortable when sitting on a chair (0.2) > cross-legged (0)> squatting down (-0.6). In the cross-legged posture, the modified trousers (0) has higher scores in the subjective evaluation than the standard ones (-0.2). The evaluation on the looks of needleworks in the samples with cutting lines along the direction of the fabric: weft2 (5.0)<weft1 (4.8)<warp1 (3.8)<warp2 (2.8).

      • KCI등재

        팔, 손가락, 정맥에서 채취한 혈액의 혈당검사결과 비교 분석

        김경아(Kim, Kyung-Ah),이인광(Lee, In-Kwang),신은영(Shin, Eun-Young),김양미(Kim, Yang-Mi),김경옥(Kim, Kyoung-Oak),차은종(Cha, Eun-Jong),박경순(Park, Kyung-Soon) 한국산학기술학회 2012 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.13 No.4

        팔부위에서 혈당을 측정하는 것은 모세혈관에서 혈액을 채취하는 동안 느끼는 통증을 줄일 수 있다. 본 연 구에서는 팔부위 혈당검사의 임상적 유효성을 평가하기 위해 팔부위 혈당검사결과를 손가락 및 정맥에서의 혈당검사 결과와 각각 비교하였다. 당뇨환자 61명이 포함된 555명의 피검자를 대상으로 금식 상태에서 휴대형 혈당계로 손가락 과 팔 안쪽 부위에서 혈당검사를 수행하였으며, 1시간 이내에 피검자 514명의 정맥혈액으로 혈당검사를 수행하였다. 측정값들에 대해 선형회귀분석, 급내 상관분석(intraclass correlation), Passing-Bablok 회귀분석 기법으로 다양하게 비교 분석해 보았다. 팔부위 혈당값은 환자군에서 손가락 및 정맥 혈당값과의 상관계수(r)가 0.97(P<0.0001)로 높은 선형관 계를 나타내었으며, 정상군에서도 r값이 약간 작았지만 유사하였다. 채혈 부위에 따른 혈당값의 평균 차이는 두 집단 에서 모두 ±10mg/dL 이내이었다. 급내 상관계수는 r값에 비교하여 약간 작았지만 두 집단이 유사한 수치를 나타내었 다. Passing-Bablok 분석에서 기울기의 95% 신뢰구간과 절편은 각각 <±20%, <±20mg/dL로서 임상 허용범위 이내의 값을 나타내었다. 본 연구에서 사용한 세 가지 통계분석 결과 팔부위 혈당값이 손가락과 정맥에서 측정한 혈당값과 충분히 일치함이 입증되었다. 팔부위 혈당검사가 표준방법인 손가락 혈당검사와 높은 일치성을 나타내었으므로 금식 상태에서의 임상적용 가능성을 확인할 수 있었다. Capillary blood sampling on the forearm reduces pain caused by skin puncture. The present study compared the blood glucose test results performed at different sampling sites of the forearm, finger, and vein to evaluate clinical validity of this alternative site blood sampling technique. Subjects numbered 555 including 61 diabetic patients participated to measure the glucose concentration on the finger (GF) and the forearm (GA) with a portable glucometer under overnight fasting state. Then, the venous glucose concentration (GV) was measured in 514 subjects in less than 1 hour. The test results were analyzed by simple linear regression, intraclass correlation, and Passing-Bablok regression techniques. GA was highly correlated with GF or GV showing the correlation coefficients (r) of approximately 0.97 (P<0.0001) in the normal group. The patient group also resulted similarly high correlation with only slightly lower r value. The mean differences in glucose concentration were less than ±10mg/dL regardless of the sampling sites. Intraclass correlation coefficients were slightly smaller than r but very much similar in value in both groups. The 95% confidence intervals of the slope as well as the intercept in the Passing-Bablok regression analysis were <±20% and <±20mg/dL, respectively, which were within the clinically acceptable ranges. These three statistical techniques introduced in the present study well demonstrated the consistency of GA with GF and GV. Therefore, the forearm blood glucose test could be considered as clinically valid under fasting condition. Key Words : Blood glucose test, Alternative blood sampling, Comparative analysis

      • KCI등재

        글루텐 감수성에 대한 꾸지뽕잎 추출물의 효과

        김신애(Shin-Ae Kim),신용욱(Yong-Wook Shin),이인아(In-Ah Lee) 한국식품영양과학회 2018 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.47 No.5

        본 실험에서는 꾸지뽕잎 추출물의 항산화 활성과 글루텐 감수성에 대한 항알레르기 및 항염증 효과를 확인하였다. 꾸지뽕잎 추출물의 DPPH 라디칼 소거 활성을 확인한 결과 농도의존적으로 라디칼 소거능이 증가함을 보였다. 꾸지뽕잎 추출물의 투여가 글루텐 감수성으로 인한 체중 감소 효과가 있는지 확인한 마우스 실험 결과 꾸지뽕잎 추출물 투여군은 농도 의존적으로 글루텐 감수성으로 인한 체중 감소 억제효과가 있음을 확인하였다. Y-미로를 이용한 작업 기억 능력 측정에서 자발적 교대 행동을 평가한 결과 꾸지뽕잎 추출물의 투여는 글루텐 감수성으로 인한 작업 기억 능력 감소억제에 효과가 있음을 확인하였다. 글루텐 감수성으로 인한 염증 반응의 전이를 확인하기 위하여 마우스 대변의 장내 세균수 변화를 관찰한 결과 꾸지뽕잎 추출물 투여군의 CFU/mL 값은 글루텐 투여군에 비하여 낮다는 것을 확인할 수 있었으며, 이로 인해 꾸지뽕잎 추출물의 투여는 글루텐으로 인한 소장의 염증 반응 전이를 억제 효과가 있다고 추정할 수 있다. 글루텐에 의한 면역반응으로 생성된 알레르기성 사이토카인 IL-4 생성량을 마우스의 소장과 혈청에서 확인한 결과 소장과 혈청 모두에서 꾸지뽕잎 추출물 투여군은 농도 의존적으로 IL-4의 생성이 감소함을 확인하였으며, 이 결과로 꾸지뽕잎 추출물의 투여는 글루텐으로 유발된 알레르기 반응에서 생성되는 IL-4 농도를 감소시키는 효과가 있음을 확인하였다. 꾸지뽕잎 추출물은 LPS로 유도된 대식세포에서 염증반응으로 인한 NO의 생성 억제 효과가 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 꾸지뽕잎 추출물의 투여는 글루텐 감수성으로 인한 알레르기와 염증 완화 효과를 가질 것이라 생각하며, 이는 꾸지뽕잎이 기능성 식품으로서의 개발 가능성을 가진다고 생각한다. In this study, we used Cudrania tricuspidata leaf ethanol extract and confirmed its anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial activities, antioxidant, anti-hyperlipidemia, anti-hypertensive, and anti-cytotoxic effects. Anti-allergic effect on food allergies, which has increased in incidence due to recent westernized eating habits, was confirmed by mouse model-induced gluten sensitivity. For 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl scavenging activity, C. tricuspidata leaf ethanol extract showed concentration-dependent radical scavenging activity and greater than 80% radical scavenging activity (above 4 mg/mL). In a mouse experiment in which gluten sensitivity was induced by providing gluten diet, the effect of inhibiting weight loss was confirmed in the experimental group administered C. tricuspidata ethanol extract compared to the gluten administration group. In addition, IL-4, an allergic cytokine, was measured in the small intestine and serum using ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), and the results indicate that IL-4 production was significantly reduced in the C. tricuspidata administration group compared to the 200 mg/kg of gluten group. In the lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW 264.7 cell experiment, NO production decreased with increasing concentration of C. tricuspidata leaf ethanol extract. As a result, it was confirmed that C. tricuspidata leaf ethanol extract has high antioxidant ability and mitigates gluten sensitivity-induced inflammation-related allergic reaction.

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