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        국어교사 효능감의 성별 및 경력별 차이의 변화 분석

        이수나(Lee Su Na),박영민(Park YoungMin) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2013 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.13 No.5

        이 연구는 국어교사를 대상으로 국어교사 효능감의 구성 요인별 수준을 분석하고 선행 연구와 대조하여 국어교사 효능감의 성별 및 경력별 차이의 변화 양상을 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 2010년 8월부터 2013년 1월에 걸쳐 전국적인 수준에서 국어교사 269명을 표집하여 국어교사 효능감에 관한 반응을 수집하였다. 검사 도구는 박영민·최숙기(2009)에서 사용된 OSTES(Ohio State Teacher Efficacy Scale)를 활용하였다. 국어교사 효능감 구성 요인의 성별 및 경력별 차이의 변화 양상을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 국어교사 효능감의 하위 구성 요인별 수준은 수업 관리 효능감, 학생 참여 효능감, 교수 전략 효능감 순으로 높게 나타났다. 선행 연구와 대조해 볼 때 이러한 크기의 순서는 동일하게 유지되고 있음을 확인하였다. 둘째, 국어교사 효능감의 하위 요인에 따른 성별 차이는 모든 요인에서 유의한 차이가 있었던 선행 연구의 결과와는 달리 수업 관리 효능감과 교수 전략 효능감에서만 통계 적으로 유의한 차이가 발견되었다. 셋째, 국어교사 효능감의 하위 요인에 따른 경력 별 차이는 경력의 증가에 따라 전반적으로 효능감 수준이 증가하는 것으로 나타났던 선행 연구와 달리 교수 전략 효능감에서만 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 이러한 변화 양상이 일반적인지 아닌지를 파악하기 위해서는 지속적인 조사가 후속적으로 더 이루어져야 할 것이다. The aims of this paper is to analyse the level of factors of teacher efficacy in Korean language teachers and then to find tends of change for the differences in teacher efficacy by each gender and career. To get the purposes, in-service Korean teachers 269 are sampled on a national scale from August, 2010 to January, 2013. OSTES(Ohio State Teacher Efficacy Scale), Park and Choi(2009) carried out, was used as testing tool. The results are as follows. (1) the level of factors of Korean language teachers’ efficacy shows that following classroom management efficacy on the list were student engagement efficacy and instructional strategy efficacy in numerical order. This order has been maintained the same compared with the advance researches. (2) unlike the results of the advance researches, there are significant gender gap of efficacy of Korean language teachers in classroom management and instructional strategy efficacy. (3) unlike the results of the advance researches that show level of efficacy is generally increasing with building experience, only efficacy of instructional strategy is statistically significant. Continuous follow-up examination should be conducted to see whether these aspects is general or not.

      • 공예의 형식 설계, 견양(見樣)

        이수나 ( Lee Su-na ) 이화여자대학교 도예연구소 2017 陶藝硏究 Vol.- No.26

        조선왕실의 행사용 공예품은 의례나 이념적 규범에 따라 화원이 그린 견양(見樣)과 도상을 참작하여 장인들이 국가의 관리를 받으면서 제작하였다. 의궤는 국가 행사의 전모에 대한 세밀한 기록문서이지만 사실상 행사의 논의 과정이나 행례 자체에 관한 것 보다는 행사에 필요한 주요 물품을 준비하고 제작하는 과정에 대해 많은 부분을 할애하고 있다. 행사에 소용되는 각종 물품을 그림으로 기록하여 견양으로 참작하였다. 조선시대 영건도감 의궤에서 표현된 도설(圖說)들은 견양으로서 제작하였을 관련성을 제기한다. 견양(見樣)은 근대 도안이 나타나기 이전 개념으로 오늘날 사전적 정의로서 건물의 설계도면이나 일정한 물건에 겨누어 정한 치수와 양식(樣式), 즉 견본(見本)을 의미한다. ‘겨냥’의 취음(取音)으로 일정한 목적물을 겨누는 일, 즉 본을 뜨는 행위를 가리키기도 한다. 근대도안은 식산흥업정책을 구현하는 데 가장 중요한 요체로서 1880년대 이후부터 시도되었다. 도안은 대량생산 체제의 필수 요소로서 공예의 근대적 변모를 가늠하는 중요한 요건이 됨은 물론, 설계와 제작이 분리되는 산업디자인의 시원이 된다는 점에서도 의미가 각별하다. 도안의 탄생은 제작 시스템의 전환과 국가적 통제의 필요성이라는 두 가지 요인에 따른 결과였다. 공예가의 손을 떠나 기계로 옮아간 제작현장에서 도안은 제작의도를 정확하게 전달하는 의사소통 기능을 담당하게 되었다. 도안 형태를 평면화해 펼친 그림의 형태로 규격과 문양, 단면 등을 표시하는 도면은 서양 근대과학의 발명품이었다. 근대 도면이 등장하기 이전의 공예품 도안은, ‘견양(見樣)’이라 하여 입체 모형을 만들거나 혹은 그림을 그려두고 제작하는 방식이 동아시아 전반에서 애용되었다. 조선시대 관요(官窯)에서는 견본용 도자기를 ‘견양’이라 하여 미리 견본을 만든 뒤에 이를 기준 삼아 제작하였다. 조선의 경공장 체제에서 공예는 중앙으로부터 각 지방관부에 전달된 실물견본과 혹은 그림 두 종류의 견양을 기준으로 동일한 규격으로 제작된다. 정세한 품질기준, 형식의 정형화, 엄격성이 중시된 왕실 공예품에 의해 견양이 제작되었으며 규격화된 공예품의 제작규범이 형성되었던 것으로 보인다. 국가의 정책지표나 지배이념과 사상에 영향을 받으면서 정밀한 기준에 부합하는 공예품을 완성하기에 앞서 평면형 도화체제, 실물대 모형 및 축소 모형의 견양을 미리 제작하였다. 견양이라고 하는 견본품을 미리 제작하여 통일된 공예품을 정밀한 제작규범에 맞추어 제작한 것이다. 조선 관청수공업에 제작규범에 따라 수급된 견양은 형태를 평면화해 펼친 그림의 형태로 규격과 문양, 단면 등을 표시하는 근대 도면으로 이양된다. The modern drawing, which is the most important factor to implement the policy for the industrial growth, has been attempted since the 1880s. Drawing is highly significant not only because it is a requirement to understand the modern transformation of craft as an essential element of mass production system, but also because it marked a starting point of industrial design where design and production are separated. The birth of modern design was the result of two factors: the conversion of the production system and the necessity of national control. At the production site in which hands of craftsmen were replaced by machines, drawing became responsible for the communicative function of accurately conveying the production intent. The modern drawing showing the standard, pattern, and section in the form of figure flattened out was the invention of Western modern science. Prior to its emergence, craftwork drawing was called 'Gyeon-yang'. Throughout East Asia, craftsmen usually created stereoscopic models or drawings for products. In Gwan-yo of the Joseon Dynasty period, ceramics for sampling were called 'Gyeon-yang', and craftsmen made such prototype in advance and then made their products in earnest. 'Gyeon-yang' is a concept before the appearance of modern drawing. According to recent dictionary definition, it refers to sample, in other words, a construction design of a building or a measurement and form for a specific object. In addition, it also implies an act of ‘imitating’, 'aiming at a certain target', as a borrowing-sound of ‘Gyeon-yang’. In the light-manufacturing system in the Joseon Dynasty, crafts were produced on the same standard, based on the actual samples sent to each local branch from the central government, or two types of Gyeon-yang drawings. This study examines the use of Gyeon-yang according to the type of supply and demand of government officials by classifying it into a planar drawing system, a full scale model, and a reduced scale model. Moreover, this study attempts to closely investigate the design of crafts prior to the birth of modern drawing by exploring an artisan regarded as the maker of Gyeon-yang.

      • KCI등재

        과일소주가 초기 우식치면에 미치는 영향

        이수나 ( Su-na Lee ),김나영 ( Na-yeoung Kim ),김지은 ( Ji-eun Kim ),최충호 ( Choong-ho Choi ),정기호 ( Ki-ho Chung ) 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2021 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.45 No.4

        Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the tooth erosion potential of liqueur and to confirm the anti-erosive effect of calcium. Methods: After purchasing commercially available liqueur in Korea and measuring the pH, products with low pH and high consumption were selected and used as experimental beverages. Calcium (1%) was added to the selected beverages. Chamisul was used as a negative control, and Coca Cola was used as a positive control. Healthy bovine teeth samples were soaked in the selected beverages for 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, and 30 minutes. The changes in the tooth surface after beverage treatment were observed and analyzed using microhardness (VHN, Vickers hardness number) and scanning electron microscopy. Results: Jinro Grapefruit (-88.03±13.05) had the highest surface microhardness difference (ΔVHN) before and after 30 minutes of treatment in each group, followed by Coca Cola (-61.31±21.90) (P< 0.05), Jinro Grapefruit+Calcium (there was no significant difference (-25.46±4.43)), and Chamisul (-3.53±27.79) (P >0.05). When comparing changes in surface microhardness over time, Jinro Grapefruit+Calcium (pH 3.75) had slightly lower surface microhardness than Chamisul, but the difference was not statistically significant. Jinro Grapefruit+Calcium has a lower surface microhardness change value than Coca-Cola and grapefruit dew group (P<0.05), so it is thought that the risk of tooth erosion is lower than that of the two groups. Conclusions: The study results suggest that the consumption of liqueur with a low pH may increase the risk of tooth decay. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the risk of tooth decay when ingesting liqueur and seek dietary guidance that can minimize damage. It was also determined that manufacturers need to consider ways to lower the risk of tooth decay, such as adding appropriate amounts of calcium to the beverages.

      • KCI등재

        해방기 정현웅의 신문소설 삽화

        이수나(Lee Su-na) 한국근현대미술사학회 2015 한국근현대미술사학 Vol.30 No.-

        A new visual art, ‘novel illustration’ in newspaper serial novels in modern period, was published in more various newspaper novel illustrations in liberation period. In liberation period, total 18 newspaper novel illustrations by Jeong Hyeon-ung were published in the five newspapers including 『Seoul Sinmun』, 『GyeonhyangSinmun』, 『MinjuIlbo』, 『HanseongIlbo』, 『TaeyangSinmun』 from 1946 to 1950 prior to his defection to North Korea. The themes of the newspaper novel illustrations by Jeong Hyeon-ung were categorized according to their types of illustrations and novels as follows: the popular novels, such as 「Cold Current, Warm Current (寒流暖流, 1948.11.2-12.11(verified)」 by Seol Jung-sik in 『MinjuIlbo』, 「The wave (波濤, 1949.4.24-12.31)」 by Kim Young-su in 『GyeonghyangSinmun』. the historical novels, such as 「The Japanese Invasion of Korea (1949.9.15-1949.12.13) by Park Tae-won」 in 『Seoul Sinmun』, the translated novels, such as 「The Plague (1950.5.25-6.15 (verified))」 by Camus in 『HanseongIlbo』, the children’s novels, such as 「The Cat (1947.11.29)」 by Park Young-jun in 『Seoul Sinmun』. In each type, the features of illustrative expressions varied according to the newspaper novel illustration themes and the novel contents in the works of Jeong Hyeon-ung in liberation period. The popular materials occupied the major proportion of his works in liberation period. The illustrative expressions of popular materials had drawing-style in general, with strong contrast and western-appearance figures. They were characterized as film/theater style with camera-work as if they had imitated a scene of movies or stages. The illustrative expressions from the historical materials used the traditional ink painting techniques with ink lines with Orientalpainting style. The illustrative expressions from the children’s materials used the wittily simplified lines. In the translated materials, the drawingconstructions like western magazines or movie stills were notable. In other words, the newspaper novel illustrations by Jeong Hyeon-ung had different features according to the novels. Jeong Hyeon-ung was regarded as an experimental illustrator in the modern art circles in liberation period. In the point of the conversion after the establishment of an independent government, Jeong Hyeon-ung concentrated to the newspaper novel illustrations more than before. Although he resigned the editor position of 『Sincheonji』 and conducted the works with higher payments, such as producing cover arts or binding books. It was assumed to be associated with the difficulties of livelihood due to the conversion among the culture circles. Moreover, it was also assumed that he focused on drawing newspaper novel illustrations in a variety of features along with the social atmosphere of rapid increase of newspaper serial novels in liberation period. The intense transitional nature as drawing-study to explore his own drawing style with diverse experiments characterized the illustrations by Jeong Hyeon-ung in liberation period. Although Jeong Hyeon-ung mentioned that an accidental opportunity led him to draw illustrations, he clearly had a distinct identity as an illustrator. In his article in “An essay on Illustrations”, Jeong Hyeon-ung stated that illustrations “belong to an artistically unique field rather than explanatory sketches subjected to literature texts”. He also stated that “regarding the only difference between a fine art painting and an illustration, a fine art painting aims to be placed in a wall, while an illustration is published in a newspaper in the morning and thrown out and kicked by walkers in evening.” His mention, “having the world of readers in illustrations may equate with having the world of readers in fine arts. Only geniuses can achieve it”, revealed his passion for illustrations. His passion for illustrations made more specific outcomes by regularly conducting publish arts for people in the art circles in North Korea after his defection to North Kore

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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        뇌실내 출혈을 동반한 와이번 메이슨 증후군 1예

        신창현,이수나.Chang Hyun Shin. MD. Su Na Lee. MD 대한안과학회 2010 대한안과학회지 Vol.51 No.1

        Purpose: To describe a case of Wyburn-Mason Syndrome, which is characterized by arteriovenous malformations in the central nervous system and the retina. Case summary: A 13-year-old girl who underwent neurosurgical intervention for intraventricular hemorrhage was referred to our ophthalmic clinic because brain angiogram and MRI finding revealed arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) that extended from the orbit and optic chiasm along the optic pathway. Fundus and fluorescein angiography of the left eye showed marked dilation and tortuosity of the retinal vessels. Fluorescein angiographic findings showed rapid filling of all vessels and no dye leakage. Conclusions: Retinal racemose hemangioma should be considered for Wyburn-Mason syndrome, and the finding of retinal AVMs should warrant cerebral imaging studies including MRI and angiography. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2010;51(1):145-149

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