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        압수·수색에 있어서 개별처분취소의 가부와 별건증거발견에 관한 검토

        이세화 전북대학교 부설법학연구소 2018 法學硏究 Vol.58 No.-

        In the process where a single seizure and search warrant against the information storage medium is executed, the seizure and search would be ended up through a series of the individual disposals, while not only relevant information but also irrelevant one have been collected. Then, the quasi-complainer may divide the seizure and search process into steps and thereby, may well request for the cancellation of the individual disposals. In such a case, however, the seizure and search thereafter could not well be blocked; in this case, only the problems whether the products of seizure and search should be kept by the investigation authority would remain. Therefore, the legitimacy of seizure and search should be judged first with regard to the products of seizure and search. Namely, it is necessary to distinguish the judgement about the relevant information from that about the irrelevant one. Then, based on the judgement about the legitimacy of each individual disposal about the relevant information, it is necessary to decide on the legitimacy of the entire disposal with regard to the relevant information; as far as the relevant information is concerned, each disposal is a part of a series of execution by a single warrant. The case of irrelevant information is not different. After all, the disposal for the irrelevant information is an important violation of law or the principle of warrant requirement. On the other hand, if the person being seized and searched should not be assured of his or her right to participate in the process of seizure and search, the execution of seizure and search would constitute a grave violation of the law. In addition, the information storage medium contains not only the relevant informationbut also the irrelevant one in most cases, the personal privacy may well be infringed upon during the process of seizure and search. Hence, in order to prevent the irrelevant information from being searched by the investigation authority, an independent third-party institution needs to be authorized to decide on the relevancy of the information, and thereby, have only the relevant information delivered to the investigation authority. Nevertheless, the investigation authority can seize the irrelevant information in the process of their seizure and search according to the following procedures; ① When they are searching for the relevant information legally, ② if they happen to find another important information, ③ they should stop searching and then, ask the court for another seizure and search warrant, and then, they can execute the new seizure and search warrant legally. However, in this case, the person being seized and searched is not guaranteed for his or her participation in the process of seizure and search, while the irrelevant information happens to be discovered, the second warrant for another information is not lawful. Such a conclusion might be criticized because it only emphasizes the procedural legitimacy, overlooking another important principle of the criminal proceedings or ‘discovery of the substantial truth.’ Of course, the discovery of the substantial truth and the legal procedure should be harmonized with each other, but in the light of the historical spirit for the criminal justice, the principal of the legal procedure is deemed to be emphasized more, because the principle is the beginning and basis for realization of the criminal justice. 정보저장매체에 대해 하나의 압수·수색영장을 집행하는 과정에서 일련의 개별처분들을 거쳐 압수·수색이 종료되고 유관정보뿐만 아니라 무관정보가 수집된 경우에, 준항고인이 전체압수·수색 과정을 단계적으로 구분하여 개별처분의 취소를 구하더라도, 그 이후의 압수·수색을 저지한다는 것을 상정할 수 없고 수사기관에게 압수·수색의 결과물을 보유하도록 할 것인지의 문제만 남게 되므로 이러한 경우 압수·수색의 위법 여부는 처분의 결과물이 무엇인가를전제로 그 결과물을 압수한 처분에 대하여 위법 여부를 판단해야 한다. 따라서 본 사안에서는먼저 영장집행의 결과물인 유관정보에 대한 판단과 무관정보에 대한 판단을 구분해야 한다. 이후에 유관정보에 대한 각 개별처분의 위법 여부에 대한 판단을 전제로 그것을 종합하여 전체적으로 위법의 중대성을 판단해야 한다. 유관정보에 관한 한 각 개별처분은 하나의 영장에 의한일련의 집행과정이기 때문이다. 무관정보도 마찬가지이다. 한편 정보저장매체는 유관정보뿐만 아니라 무관정보가 혼재된 경우가 대부분이므로 그 압수·수색시 사생활의 비밀 등 법익이 침해될 가능성이 높다. 이에 무관정보가 수사기관의 탐색대상이 되는 것을 방지하기 위한 사전장치로서 독립적인 제3의 기관에서 유·무관정보를 구별하여 유관정보만 수사기관에게 넘기도록 할 필요가 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 수사기관이 유관정보를 탐색하는 과정에서 발견한 무관정보에 대해서는 ①압수·수색이 종료되기 전 유관정보를 적법하게 탐색하는 과정에서, ②별건정보를 우연히 발견한 경우에, ③더 이상의 추가탐색을 중단하고 법원으로부터 별건에 대한 압수·수색영장을 발부받은 경우에 한하여 적법하게 압수·수색할 수 있다. 이러한 결론에 대해 절차적 적법성만을 강조한 나머지 형사소송절차의 또 다른 이념인 실체진실발견의 요청을 도외시한 것이라고 비판할 수도 있다. 실체적 진실규명과 적법절차의 준수는 조화를 이루어야 하는 것이나, 양자의 균형과 조화를 추구함에 있어, 적어도 아직까지의 형사사법정의에 대한 시대정신에 비추어 볼 때, 적법절차의 준수가 더 강조되어야 할 여지는 충분하다. 적법절차의 원칙이 형사사법정의실현의 첫걸음이고 근간이기 때문이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        모래놀이치료에 표현된 네팔 아동복지시설 거주 청소년의 지진경험 이미지

        이세화,프라카슈 사단법인 한국임상모래놀이치료학회 2016 상징과 모래놀이치료 Vol.7 No.1

        Trauma from natural disasters such as the earthquake affected people who have an especially adverse effect on adolescents living in welfare facilities, they suffer psychological distress and post-traumatic stress. This study analyzes the symbols, verbal and non-verbal expression expressed during sandplay therapy for adolescent who suffered the Nepal earthquake and living in welfare facilities. In April 2015, 9 months after the great earthquake in Nepal, sandplay therapy were provided to 18 adolescents living in welfare facilities in the Kathmandu, under the consent of the care-giver, records from three adolescents were provided. The sandplay therapy was conducted one-on-one between a patient and a therapist, for 45-minute each three sessions over 10 days. Sandplay therapy takes a Dora Kalff's approach where a safe and protected environment is provided in a non-directive, non-structured approach. There five themes were commonly found in treatment sessions: Safety and protection, peaceful garden, scene of risk or earthquake, God who is related to everything, and the future of life and independence. In at least two sessions, they have made pictures of direct verbal expression and scene of risk or earthquake, and simultaneously expressed religious image of Buddha or Shiva. Additionally, they decorated a garden praying for paradise or expressed this verbally.

      • KCI등재

        말레이시아 거주 로힝야족 난민 아동의 집단모래놀이치료 주제 및 상징연구

        이세화,장미경 사단법인 한국임상모래놀이치료학회 2018 상징과 모래놀이치료 Vol.9 No.1

        This study analyzed the common themes and symbols expressed in group sandpictures of Rohingya refugees children who had fled from racial and religion oppressions in Myanmar and settled in Malaysia. A total of eight children who attended an international refugee school located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia participated in the study. The school is under the auspice of the UN Refugee Agency. These children were given three group sandplay sessions of 90 minutes over a period of two weeks. The participants’ sandpictures and comments during therapy were interpreted through an analytical psychological approach, after which the collected data was classified according to their similarities. Then the data was narrowed down, and themes that often arose in the sandpictures were categorized. As a result, five common themes were observed: destruction and death, ceaseless fighting, family members at risk, survival of the boat people, and the first step toward a normal life. The participants represented traumas they received, from the process of violent repression, evacuation, and adaptation to Malaysia, through direct linguistic expressions together with destructive and endless fighting sandpicture scenes. This study provided them with an opportunity to express their traumas and psychological distress under a trust-based relationship amongst the group members and to recognize the possibility that they could bring changes into their lives.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        기후변화교육에 관한 유아교사의 인식과 유아교육기관에서의 실천과 노력

        이세화,김은혜 한국교원대학교 유아교육연구소 2024 한국유아교육연구 Vol.26 No.1

        본 연구는 유아교사의 기후변화교육에 대한 인식과 유아교육기관에서의 실천과 노력을 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다 이를 위하여 유아교사 6명과 개별 또는 집단으로 심층 면담을 진행하였다 면담 내용은 녹음하여 전사하였으며 질적연구의 분석 과정을 거쳐 분석하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 유아교사들은 다양한 경로를 통해 기후 위기가 우리 삶에 가까이 오고 있음을 느끼고 기후변화교육이 다음 세대를위해 꼭 필요한 교육임을 인식하고 있었으나, 기후변화교육이 다소 모호하고 막막하다고 생각하고 있었다. 둘째, 유아교사들은 유아교육기관에서 일상생활 속에서 올바른 습관과 태도가 형성되도록 기후변화교육을하고 있었으며, 자연 속에서 자연과 교감하며, 가정과 지역사회와 연계하여 기후변화교육을 실천하고 있었다. 셋째, 유아교사는 유아의 놀이와 연계하여 기후변화교육을 실행하는 것과 학부모, 기관장과의 인식의 차이로인한 어려움을 겪고 있었으며, 이를 지원하기 위한 다양한 사회적, 물리적, 행정적 지원과 노력이 필요함을제기하였다. 이러한 결과는 유아교육현장에서 기후변화교육의 실천과 유아교사의 전문성 향상을 위한 기초자료로 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 생각한다. Early childhood teacheThe purpose of this study is to examine early childhood teachers' perceptions of climate change education and their practices and efforts in early childhood education institutions. To this end, in-depth interviews were held individually or collectively with six early childhood teachers. The interview was recorded and transcribed, and analyzed through a qualitative research analysis process. The results of the study are as follows. First, early childhood teachers felt that the climate crisis was approaching our lives through various channels and recognized that climate change education was a necessary education for the next generation, but thought that climate change education was somewhat ambiguous and vague. Second, early childhood teachers were providing climate change education so that basic habits could be formed in their daily lives at early childhood education institutions, communicating with nature in nature, and practicing climate change education in connection with families and communities. Third, it was raised that early childhood teachers are having difficulties due to differences in perception between parents and institutional heads and need various social, physical, and administrative support and efforts to support them. These results can be useful as basic data for implementing climate change education and improving the expertise of early childhood teachers in early childhood education sites.rs' perceptions of climate change education and practice and effort in early childhood education institution

      • KCI등재

        국내외 아동학대 관련법과 처리절차에 반영된 아동 정서학대 및 방임의 정의

        이세화,장미경,손금옥,이여름 대한아동복지학회 2020 아동복지연구 Vol.18 No.1

        This study closely examines how child emotional abuse and neglect are defined not only by international regulations but also in South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Those of the United Kingdom influenced Korean policies on children, and the child abuse policies of the United States were the prime contributor to the establishment of child abuse prevention policies in Korea. This study seeks to explore how child emotional abuse and neglect are punished and dealt with in those two aforementioned countries and reflected in the specific guidelines for clarifying the definition and understanding of child emotional abuse and neglect in Korea. The research findings show that child emotional abuse and neglect are synonymous with failure in providing responsible care and any act that undermines a child’s healthy emotional development, including infringement of children’s rights and mental exploitation. Thus there is an obvious need for discussions at a social and policy level, with consideration of the following. Laws and regulations regarding the abolishment of child corporal punishment need urgent review, and we must analyze standards of emotional abuse and neglect to draw obvious lines between disciplinary behavior and illegal, abusive behavior towards children. Also, we must state a uniform understanding of definitions and types of emotional abuse and neglect in the most specific ways possible. We must expand the definition of a perpetrator of child abuse not to the parents but to the actual perpetrator, and we must thoroughly study the definitions to avoid legal ambiguity. The subject to legal protection also needs expansion, so that the law requires anyone who provides childcare to report emotional abuse and neglect. .

      • KCI등재

        형법 제347조 기망행위의 태양에 관한 소고

        이세화(Lee Se-Hwa) 한국법학회 2009 법학연구 Vol.34 No.-

        사기죄의 구성요건적 행위는 상대방을 기망하여 착오를 일으키게 하고, 그 착오로 하여금 상대방이 처분행위를 하도록 하는 것으로서, 그 핵심은 기망행위이다. 학설은 이러한 기망행위를 ‘작위에 의한 기망행위’라 하여 다시 명시적 기망행위와 묵시적 기망행위로 나누고, ‘부작위에 의한 기망행위’와 구별한다. 부작위에 의한 기망행위를 인정하자면 보증인의 의무가 있어야 하고, 부작위가 작위와 동일한 가치를 가지는 것으로 평가되어야 한다. 여기서 보증인의 의무란 특정내용을 설명해야 하는 고지의무(작위의무)를 의미하고, 이러한 고지의무는 신의성실의 원칙에 근거해서 인정된다는 것이 학설과 판례의 입장이다. 그러나 일반적 학설이 설명하고 있는 ‘부작위에 의한 기망행위’는 다음의 이유로 인해 인정하기 어렵다. 첫째, 기존 견해가 설명하는 ‘부작위에 의한 기망행위’란 보증의무 있는 자가 알고도 방치하는 것인데, 사기죄에서의 기망행위란 진실한 사실을 은폐하는 행위이고, 이는 일반적으로 작위로 평가되어야 한다. 특히 착오상태를 벗어나지 못하게 하거나 착오상태를 유지하도록 하는 것은 적어도 묵시적 행위, 즉 적극적 작위에 의해서만 일어날 수 있다. 둘째, 기존 견해가 설명하는 ‘부작위에 의한 기망행위상황’이란 것은 서로의 관념에 일정한 작용을 가하는 상황이 아니다. 그렇다면 이러한 경우 실질설에서 제시하는 보증의무 발생근거로서의 특별한 신뢰관계는 인정되지 않는다. 셋째, 부작위에 의한 기망행위의 전제인 보증의무 발생근거로서의 신의성실은 범위를 한정짓기 어려워 보증의무 발생근거의 확대를 초래한다. 넷째, 기존 견해에 의하면 부작위와 착오간의 인과관계라는 것은 보증의무의 이행이 있었더라면 착오에 빠지지 않았을 것이라고 판단되는 경우에 인정되는데, 부작위에 의한 기망행위란 상대방이 이미 착오에 빠져 있을 것을 전제로 하므로 위와 같은 인과관계 등식이 성립하지 않는다. 다섯째, 기존 견해는 부작위에 의한 기망행위 및 사기죄를 인정하고 있으면서도 구체적이고 타당한 예를 제시하지 못한다. 따라서 ‘작위에 의한 기망행위’의 개념에 상응하는 ‘부작위에 의한 기망행위’란 인정하기 어렵다. The fraud crime requires the behavior of deceit. The deceit is the action that makes the man fall into an error by a false statement. The explicit deceit is performed by the statement and the document, if the deceit is the aggressive expression though it is performed by the gesture, that's the explicit deceit. On the other hand, if it is the passive expression though it is performed by the statement, that's the implied deceit. As the common notion has distinguished explicit deceit from implied deceit in the fraud through commission, there are no interests in such a distinction. So it is desirable to accept the single conception of the fraud through commission. The distinction between the implied deceit and the fraud through omission is the difference of passivity. The fraud through omission is the perfect-zero, but the implied deceit is the nonexistence with the description value. But the fraud through omission of the common notion is not existed. Because first, the fraud through omission of the common notion is the negligence of guarantor, but the deceit of fraud must be regarded as commission. Second, the situations of fraud through omission of common notion are not the situations which affect each other. Therefore, the special-trust-relations cannot be approved. The third, the precedents is reasoning the guarantor-status and notification obligation from the principle of the faith and trust. But the principle is very ambiguous, so it may injury the clearance of the criminal law. The fourth, the casual relationship in the fraud through omission of the common notion is not acceptable because the fraud through omission of the common notion requires the premise that the victim is drowned in the errors already. The fifth, although the precedents and the common notion have accepted the possibility of the fraud through omission generally, the fraud through omission in the precedents can be included in the conception of the fraud through commission without an exception. Also the examples of the fraud through omission in the common notion can be recognized as a fraud of commission or asked to the civil law or malfeasance in office. In other words, the fraud of omission cannot be proved in practice. Consequently, the possibility of the fraud through omission must be denied.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Group Sandplay Therapy on Psychological Health and Resilience of Adolescent Survivors of Nepal Earthquake

        이세화(Lee, SeHwa),장미경(Jang, Mikyung) 한국임상모래놀이치료학회 2020 상징과 모래놀이치료 Vol.11 No.2

        The authors analyzed the effects of group sandplay therapy on the psychological health and resilience of adolescent survivors 16 months after the 2015 Nepal earthquake, and explored the themes these adolescents expressed during counseling. Group sandplay was found to have significantly decreased the adolescents’ internalizing problems such as anxiety/depression and withdrawal/depression, while their resilience had also significantly improved. The narrative analysis in turn yielded seven themes: magical wish fulfillment/hope for recovery; direct expression of danger of disaster; relationship with gods revealing human’s identity; desire for protection and care from danger and damage in reality; recovering the order of life from chaos; creation of a new world from the chaotic world; and return to their normal daily life.

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