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      • KCI등재

        대중제 골프장 이용객의 안전사고 관련 권리와 의무에 관한 연구

        이석동(Lee, Seok-Dong),전태준(Jeon, Tae-Joon) 한국사회체육학회 2017 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.67

        Using public golf clubs in Korea means signing utilization contract by club users and club owner or club management company. In other words, rights and obligations for contractors follow to the all sides of contractors automatically. This is why the utilization contract is important to all contractors. The fact that negligent accidents are rarely analysed academically so far, is the prime need for assessing this research. The statistic data are required to define in the respect of Korean positive law for public golf club management and for the substantive realization guarantee of the user’s rights. With these reasons, the purposes of this study is to define the types of negligent accidents in public golf club in Korea with the view of Korean positive law. To accomplish the purpose of this research, statistic data were collected according to the types of negligent accidents on the cooperation of B public golf club. The research results are as follow; First, the public golf club users have the obligation for regulation observance regarding negligent accidents, risk aversion, basic knowledge acquisition of golf, rescue in emergency, positive law observance, compensations on damage claim and burden of proof. Secondly, the public golf users have the rights to request for notice regarding negligent accidents, renovation, risky facilities, rescue in emergency and claims for damages.

      • KCI등재

        골프장 운영자의 이용객 안전사고에 관한 의무와 권리에 관한 연구

        이석동(Lee, Seok-Dong),전태준(Chon, Tae-Jun) 한국웰니스학회 2017 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        골프장내 이용객의 안전사고는 골프장 경영을 위협하는 가장 큰 위기 중 하나이다. 핵심은 관련된 문제에 대한 인과관계의 본질을 어떻게 이해하는가에 있다. 그 책임관계를 이해함에 있어서 현재 시점에서 가장 정확한 수단은 실정법의 적용과 해석이라 할 것이다. 본 연구는 첫 번째로 골프장 이용객의 안전사고에 관하여 골프장 사용자의 의무와 권리에 대하여 법률적으로 접근하여 정의하고, 해석하며, 두 번째로 이러한 정의를 바탕으로 하여 안전사고 발생에 관련하여 사용자의 측면에서 제언을 제안하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이와 같은 목적을 달성하기 위하여 문헌고찰방법을 사용하였으며, 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 골프장 운영자는 법률적으로 소유자, 고용자, 사용자로 정의할 수 있다. 둘째, 골프장 운영자는 안전사고에 대하여 정보제공의무, 설명의무, 안전조치의무, 개인정보보호의무, 안전배려의무 그리고 손해배상책임을 갖는다. 셋째, 골프장 운영자는 안전사고와 관련하여 합의사항 준수 요청권, 구상권, 손해배상청구권을 갖는다. User’s negligent accident is a significant negative issue to the golf club business because negligent accident in golf country club could threat the golf business management. Point is that how to understand and discover the causalities and apply them. To understand the relationship, The most accurate measurement for the understanding, discovery and application is positive law of Korea in present. The purpose of this research was firstly to investigate the obligation and rights against the golf country club user’s negligent accidents with the view of Korean positive law and secondly proposed several suggestions regard users’ neglect accident in golf country club. To accomplish the purpose literature review method was used. The research results were as follow; First, the golf club business operator should be defined with user. Second, the golf club operators have the information provide duty, personal information protect duty, Safe Care duty and claims for damages. Third, the golf club operators have the request rights of agreements, right to indemnity and liability of damages.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Total Mixed Fermentations with Bean Curd Dregs on Growth Performance of Growing Hanwoo Heifers

        우제석(Jae Seok Woo),장선식(Sun Sik Jang),임석기(Seok Ki Im),이석동(Seok Dong Lee),이명식(Myeung Sik Lee),박정용(Jung Yong Park),홍성구(Seong Koo Hong),이성실(Sung Sill Lee),이상민(Sang Min Lee) 한국생명과학회 2011 생명과학회지 Vol.21 No.10

        본 연구는 비지박을 이용한 섬유질발효사료(TMF) 급여가 육성기 한우 암소의 증체, 사료섭취량 및 체형변화에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 수행하였다. 6개월령 한우 암소 30두(평균체중125.9±12.0 kg)를 공시하여 3처리로 각각 10마리씩 완전 임의배치하여 6개월간 사양시험을 수행하였다. 처리구는 T1 (볏짚 자유급여와 배합사료(체중1.7%/일) 제한급여구), T2(TMF 자유 급여구) 및 T3 (TMF, 볏짚 자유급여와 배합사료(체중 1.0%/일) 제한급여구)로 수행하였다. 섬유질발효사료는 비지박 60%, 옥분 16.5%, 밀기울 10.4%, 볏짚 5%, 왕겨 7%, 요소 0.5%, 고토석회 0.5%, Lactic acid bacteria 0.1%를 첨가하여 제조하였다. 섬유질발효사료의 화학적 성분과 pH 값은 저장 0, 24, 48 및 72시간에 측정하였다. 비지박을 이용한 TMF의 저장기간에 따른 결과에서 건물, 조지방, 및 조섬유의 함량은 차이가 없었다. 저장 72시간에서 ADF 및 NDF함량은 0시간에서 보다 각각 9.52 및 3.15% 유의적으로 감소하였다(p<0.05). pH 또한 저장시간에 따라 점점 감소하였다. 체중, 사료섭취량 및 일당증체량은 TMF 급여구(T2, T3)에서 T1급여구 보다 높았다(p<0.05). 체형변화에 있어서도 T1처리구 보다 TMF 급여구가 높았다(p<0.05). 따라서 본 연구의 결과 비지박을 이용한 TMF 사료의 급여는 육성기 한우 암소의 발육을 향상시키는 것으로 나타났다. This study was conducted to determine the effects of total mixed fermentation (TMF) with bean curd dregs on body weight gain, feed intake and body size of growing Hanwoo heifers. Thirty Hanwoo heifers, 6 months of age and weighing 125.9±12.0 kg, were randomly allocated to 3 experimental groups of 10 animals each for a 6-month feeding trial. The groups were T1 (rice straw offered ad libitum with restricted (1.7% BW/day) concentrate), T2 (TMF only offered ad libitum) and T3 (TMF and rice straw offered ad libitum with restricted (1.0% BW/day) concentrate). TMF feeds were composed of 60% bean curd dregs, 16.5% corn meal, 10.4% wheat bran, 5% rice straw, 7% rice hulls, 0.5% urea matter, 0.5% magnesia lime and 0.1% lactic acid bacteria. The chemical composition and pH value of TMF feeds were measured at 0, 24, 48 and 72 hr after storage. In TMF with bean curd dregs, there were no differences in concentrations of DM, EE, and CF according to storage periouds. The ADF and NDF at 72 hr of storage time showed a significant decrease (9.52 and 3.15 %, respectively) compared to 0h of storage time (p<0.05). The value of pH was gradually decreased during the storage periods. Body weight gain, feed intake and average daily gain were higher in the TMF groups (T2, T3) compared to the T1 group (p<0.05). Changes in body size were also higher in the TMF groups compared to the T1 group (p<0.05). Thus, the present results indicate that TMF with bean curd dregs may help improve growth performance in growing Hanwoo heifers.

      • KCI등재

        오징어 부산물의 급여가 한우암소 산육 및 도체특성에 미치는 영향

        Sang Min Lee(이상민),Sun Sik Jang(장선식),Seok Dong Lee(이석동),Seong Koo Hong(홍성구),Sung Sill Lee(이성실),Jae Seok Woo(우제석) 한국생명과학회 2012 생명과학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 한우 암소의 산육 및 도체특성에 있어 오징어 부산물의 급여 효과를 알아보기 위해 수행되었다. 한우 16두(나이 7세, 체중484.1±63.6 ㎏)를 대조구 및 처리구(오징어 부산물 첨가), 등 2그룹(각각 8두)으로 완전임의 배치하였다. 사료급여는 두 그룹 모두 자유채식토록 하여 150일간 시험을 수행하였다. 일당증체량은 처리구가대조구 보다 유의적으로 높았다(p<0.05). 시험기간 내 사료섭취량 및 사료요구율은 처리구가 대조구 보다 유의적으로 낮았다(p<0.05). 육량특성에 있어서, 등지방두께, 등심단면적 및 육량지수는 두 처리구간 비슷한 경향을 나타내었고, 도체중은 처리구가 363.4 ㎏ 대조구 353.1 ㎏으로 처리구간 유의적 차이는 없었다. 육질특성에서는 육색, 지방색, 조직감 및 성숙도는 두 그룹간 유의적 차이가 없었다. 그러나 근내지방도 및 육질 1등급 이상 출현율은 대조구 보다 처리구가 높았다. 그러므로 본 연구의 결과 오징어부산물의 급여는 한우 암소의 산육 및 도체특성을 향상시키는 것으로 생각된다. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of feeding squid by-products on the growth performance and carcass characteristics of Hanwoo cows. Sixteen Hanwoo cows, aged 7 years and weighing 484.1±63.6 ㎏, were randomly allocated to 2 feeding groups (8 animals per group): control and treatment (fed squid by-products). Both groups were fed ad libitum for 150d. Average daily gain was significantly higher in the treatment group than in the control group (p<0.05). During the experimental period, DMI and feed conversion ratios were significantly lower in the treatment group than in the control group (p<0.05). The results of yield traits, back fat thickness, rib eye area, and yield index were similar between the two groups. Carcass weights were 363.4 ㎏ and 353.1 ㎏ for treatment and control, respectively, but these differences were not statistically significant. Quality traits such as meat color, fat color, texture, and maturity were also not significantly different between the two groups. However, marbling score and rate of appearance of high quality grade (1??, 1?, and 1) were higher in the treatment group than in the control group. These results suggest that feeding squid by-products may improve the growth performance and carcass characteristics of Hanwoo cows.

      • KCI등재

        한우의 번식률 개선을 위한 영양대사물질 기초분석

        강성식,김의형,이석동,이명숙,권응기,장선식,조상래,Kang, Sung-Sik,Kim, Ui-Hyung,Lee, Seok-Dong,Lee, Myeong-Suk,Kwon, Eun-Ki,Jang, Sun-Sik,Cho, Sang-Rae 한국초지조사료학회 2018 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        The aim of the present study was to identify the metabolic changes that have occurred in Hanwoo Native Cow. Analysis of serum metabolites was carried out to investigate relationship of pregnancy rate and feeding systems. Totally, 281 cows were used for grazing and barn feeding. Grazing was carried out for 5 months in the pasture. In barn feeding, concentrate 3.0 Kg(TDN 68%, CP 14%) and rice straw 6 kg(TDN 50%, CP 6.5%) were fed. Artificial insemination(AI) carried out by timed AI procedure. The level of glucose(mg/dl), cholesterol(mg/mL), BUN(mg/dl), AST(U/l), ALT(U/l), and NEFA(uEq/l) were analyzed. In Table 1, barn feeding with 120% group was showed high Cholesterol and BUN levels compared those with 80% feeding group(p<0.05). In Table 2, 60 pregnant cows in grazing herd showed low Cholesterol, AST and NEFA levels compared to 43 non-pregnant cows($149.8{\pm}4.9$, $99.1{\pm}2.6$, $326.7{\pm}15.7$ vs. $165.9{\pm}4.6$, $108.9{\pm}3.2$, $419.2{\pm}32.8$, respectively, p<0.05). In Table 3, 126 grazing feeding cows showed high Glucose, Cholesterol, AST, ALT, and NEFA levels compared to 22 barn feeding cows($84.8{\pm}1.3$, $142.5{\pm}2.5$, $97.7{\pm}2.3$, $34.3{\pm}0.5$, $317.8{\pm}13.6$ vs. $56.0{\pm}1.3$, $128.9{\pm}4.6$, $80.9{\pm}2.0$, $27.1{\pm}0.9$, $160.2{\pm}18.9$, respectively, p<0.05). Further study needed to obtain more accurate level of metabolites in serum for pregnant and non-pregnant cows. 본 연구는 한우 번식우에 있어서 영양대사물질 분석을 통하여 영양수준을 구명하여 번식우의 수태율 개선을 위한 기초 자료로 활용하기 위해서 실시하였다. 번식우의 정확한 영양수준 분석을 위해서 사료급여량을 80%, 100%, 120%로 구분하여 사양관리를 실시한 결과 Cholesterol과 BUN 농도가 120% 급여구에서 유의적으로 높은 결과를 나타내었다(p<0.05). 방목우 중에서 임신우와 비임신우의 영양대사물질 수준 분석 결과, Cholesterol, AST, NEFA 농도가 임신우에 비해 비임신우에서 유의적으로 높은 결과를 보였다(p<0.05). 이와 같이 임신과 관련한 영양수준 분석에 Cholesterol, AST, NEFA 의 3가지 항목을 설정하는 것이 필요할 것으로 사료된다. 방목과 사사 사육에 대한 결과 분석에서 Glucose 농도는 방목우 84.8, 비방 목우 56.0 mg/dl 으로서 방목우에서 유의적으로 높은 결과를 보였고(p<0.05), Cholesterol 수준은 방목우에서 142.5 mg/dl로서 사사 사육 128.9 mg/dl 보다 유의적으로 높았으며(p<0.05), ALT(34.4 vs 27.1 IU/l)와 NEFA 농도(317.8 vs 160.2 ЧEq/l) 역시 방목우에서 유의적으로 높은 결과를 보였다(p<0.05). 결론적으로, 암소에 사료 급여시 Cholesterol, ALT, NEFA 수준을 낮출 수 있도록 하는 것이 한우 암소의 수태율을 높일 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

      • KCI등재

        티모시 건초 급여 한우 씨수소 정소상체 정자의 수정 효과

        강성식,김의형,이석동,이명숙,조상래,Kang, Sung-Sik,Kim, Ui-Hyung,Lee, Seok-Dong,Lee, Myeong-Suk,Cho, Sang-Rae 한국초지조사료학회 2018 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        본 연구는 티모시 건초와 농후 사료 위주의 사료를 급여한 한우 씨수소 정소상체 정자 체외수정 효율 조사를 통해 정자의 활용 가능성을 조사하였다. 농후 사료는 체중의 1.8%를 급여하고 양질의 티모시 건초를 자유채식 시킨 14개월령 거세우의 정소에서 분리된 정소상체 미부의 정자를 회수하고 동결 흉해 후 체외수정을 실시한 결과는 다음과 같다. 웅성전핵과 자성전핵이 형성(2PN)된 난자는 정상수정으로, 1개의 전핵(1PN), Expanded Sperm Head (ESH), Polyspermy 형태는 비정상적인 수정의 형태로 평가하였다. 정상적으로 수정된 난자의 비율은 정소상체 정자의 경우 전체 침투율은 49.7% 그리고 정상적인 2PN을 가진 난자는 18.5%를 보였으며, 대조구 정자의 전체 침투율은 54.4%로서 정소상체 정자 보다 높은 결과를 보였으나 유의적인 차이를 보이지는 않았다. 정상적으로 2PN을 형성한 비율은 36.7%로서 정소상체 정자를 이용한 정자 보다 높았으나 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 체외수정 후 발달률 조사에서 정소상체 정자의 분할률은 81.2%, 대조구 정자는 82.7%로 유사한 결과를 보였으나, 배반포 발달률은 정소상체 정자 24.4%와 대조구 정자 12.2%로 정소상체 정자를 사용한 난자의 발달에서는 유의적으로 높았다(p<0.05). In this study, we examined effect of sperm penetration of oocytes after in vitro fertilization (IVF) with cauda epididymal spermatozoa in Hanwoo bull after feeding of timothy hay. One testicle with epididymides was castrated from one Hanwoo bull (14 months of age) and spermatozoa recovered from cauda epididymis and cryopreserved. As control, frozen Hanwoo semen was used. Matured cumulus oocyte complexes were co-incubated with frozen-thawed cauda epididymal spermatozoa for 12 or 18 hours. After IVF, presumptive zygotes were cultured in modified synthetic oviductal fluid. In experiment 1, we examined sperm penetration rate at 12 hours of IVF with epididymal sperm. Total penetration rate among cauda epididymis and control was similar(mean${\pm}$standard error, cauda epididymis and control vs. $49.7{\pm}11.3$ and $54.4{\pm}12.8%$). In experiment 2, cleavage and blastocyst developmental rate were evaluated at day 2 and day 8 after IVF for 18 hours. Cleavage rate among cauda epididymis and control was similar(cauda epididymis and control vs. $81.2{\pm}3.4$ and $82.7{\pm}2.5%$). However, blastocyst developmental rate of cauda epididymis group was significantly higher than that of control group(cauda epididymis and control vs. $24.4{\pm}1.6$ and $12.2{\pm}2.8%$, p<0.05). In conclusion, cauda epididymal spermatozoa in Hanwoo bull has high embryo developmental competence and can be used as an alternative to ejaculated frozen sperm in vitro.

      • 캐디들의 의식구조에 관한 연구

        백병주, 이석동 용인대학교 체육과학연구소 2000 體育科學硏究論叢 Vol.10 No.1

        There are generally two kinds of cadies such as a house cads and a player cady. However the duty of cady is basically helping the golfer who only concern with the comfortability of their shots. For a cads to help the player well, The country club should have a good climate. Cadies say they do not like their working atmosphere because of the lack of facilities and lounges. Since the cads had worked all day earlier, if the country club could prepare those facilities, lounges, and a place to sleep, they would work better. The cadies mentioned that the golfer treated them with ignorance and unhuman being. Even if the golfer Paid the cads, they should be treated as a human beings. The cady noted also golfer should have good manners and keep golf rule instead of playing well. Sometimes golfer think it was cady's mistake when they did not play well. The other thing was that the manager of country club should consider the health of cads While the cadies work as toadies, their health are getting worse because of irregular work. Everybody has experiences of trouble one or two times with the cads even though it could be the mistake of golfer or cads. At this time if golfers keep the wolf rule to themselves and if cadies do their job to the best with manager support for the cads to work better, everybody will enjoy.

      • 골프지도자의 지도실태 조사연구

        백병주,이석동 龍仁大學校 體育科學硏究所 2002 體育科學硏究論叢 Vol.12 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to research about teaching condition of golf instructors. The study of this subject was performed by sample survey for 50 professional golf trainers. The study shows the following facts. Most of the instructors depended on their experiences rather than teaching plans and their income varied by their levels of qualification or locations and regions where they worked. The average age of the sample was 31 years of age and high school graduates took the biggest share (33 people ) in education level. 36%(18 people) of sample instructors had 6 to 10 years of teaching career and 78% (39 people)of them were qualified as an instructor with certificate. 11 PGA professional golfers in the sample trained student golfers and earned a large amount of money. On the other hand, the semiprofessionals in the sample gave a lesson to adults and were paid 100,000~200,000 Won per person for monthly lesson fee. The non-qualified instructors worked mostly at indoor golf practice ranges and they earned 1,000,000Won~ 1,500,000 Won of montly salary and they are not paid well comparing wit professionals or semiprofessionals. In most case, the instructors got advice from their peer or senior instructors when they came across obstacles in teaching. 40%(20 people)of the instructors did not have any instruction plans but gave lessons to their trainees based on their own golf experiences in an unplanned way. 60%(30 people)of the instructors said they were studying the method of teaching and 74%(37 people)said they kept consistency in their methods. The instructors focused on trainees interest and enjoyment with a high priority and they used round score as the key estimative objective of trainees. We rarely have any well-established course for professional golf trainers in Korea in the present. It was a few years ago that we began to open a golf department in universities such as Y, J, H University and started to educate professional instructors. Despite the current realities, the PGA member has settle up few trainership programs. Accordingly, the related organizations are required not to select professional trainers only for their physical abilities but to establish instructorship courses and select trainers in a period of time during the courses.

      • 프로골프선수의 인성 및 훈련실태분석

        백병주,이석동 龍仁大學校 2001 용인대학교 논문집 Vol.19 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to provide an instructional and educational reference to enhance their performance by establishing semi professional golfers' identity through reviewing and understanding their individualities, family backgrounds and way of thinking. 80 pro golfers, who passed the semi-pro test in the second half in 2000, were selected to answer a questionnaire and the result was reviewed and statistically analyzed. 1) The age of the sample group spread in their teenage (27.5%), 20's (52.5%) and 30's(20%). The major career of golf was 8 years. 2) A number of people (43.8%) did not earn money whereas their spending for golf practice was considerable. 3) They practiced mainly at golf centers but were not inclined to go rounding. 4) A large number of people (40%) had started golf by the motivation or encouragement by their family. 5) The majority believed the prosperity as tour pro golfers. 6) Most of them were highly content with their job as a pro golfer. 7) A large number of golfers thought that the number of tours and the amount of awards were not enough and this would make them destitute accordingly.

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