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        만성신부전증 환자에서 Vancomycin 투여 후 발생한 무과립구증 G-CSF를 이용한 성공적 치료

        이병오 ( Byung Oh Lee ),김영옥 ( Young Ok Kim ),김기조 ( Ki Jo Kim ),고명범 ( Myoung Beom Koh ),정현화 ( Hyun Wha Chung ),윤선애 ( Sun Ae Yoon ),이혜경 ( Hae Kyung Lee ),이종욱 ( Jong Wook Lee ),장윤식 ( Yoon Sik Chang ),방병기 ( 대한신장학회 2003 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.22 No.2

        Vancomycin induced agranulocytosis is a rare but life-theratenign complication. We here report a case of vancomycin induced agranulocytosis in a patient with chronic renal failure. A 36-year- old woman receiving hemodialysis via jugular cannulation developed staphylococcus sepsis. The catheter was removed and she was started on vancomycin therapy (1.0 g/week). New catheter was inserted for next hemodialysis. Second sepsis of same organism developed 12 days after initial sepsis inspite of vancomycin therapy. We removed this catheter and continued vancomycin therapy. After 19 days of vancomycin treatment, the patient developed a severe agranulocytosis with white blood cell count of 1,600/mmm^3 and the complete absence of neutrophil. Vancomycin was discontinued and teicoplanin was substituted for vancomycin therapy and G-CSF (granulocyte colony stimulating factor) therapy was begun. White blood cell count including neutropil was completely recovered after 13 days of discontinuation of vancomycin.

      • KCI등재후보

        천안함 피격사건과 자위권 행사

        이병오(LEE Byung Oh) 국제법평론회 2010 국제법평론 Vol.0 No.32

        지난 3월 26일 우리나라는 북한의 공격에 의한 ‘천안함 피격사건’이라는 참상을 경험하였고, 이를 계기로 향후 유사한 도발사건의 발생시 우리나라가 취할 수 있는 국제법적 정당한 자위권은 무엇인가에 관한 의문이 환기되었다. 왜냐하면, 이러한 자위권은 국제평화주의와 무력행사금지원칙의 유일한 예외로서 오늘날 특정 국가가 타국에 대하여 행사할 수 있는 일방적 무력행사에 관한 유일한 국제법적 정당화 요소로 인식되고 있기 때문이다. 현행 자위권은 발동요건으로서 유엔헌장 제51조의 ‘무력공격’의 존재와 그 내재적 한계로서 관습법과 판례가 인정하는 ‘필요성’, ‘비례성’ 및 ‘긴급성’이 요구되므로, 정규군이 행사하는 상당한 정도의 무력공격이 발생한 경우 즉각적으로 이를 격퇴할 수 있는 것이 무력대응일 수밖에 없는 때 그러한 대응의 목적과 정당히 비례할 정도로 이루어지는 무력을 행사할 권리라고 할 수 있으며, 이러한 입장에서 천안함 피격행위 당시에는 북한의 명백한 불법적 무력공격에 대하여 이를 격퇴하는데 무력대응을 할 수 있었음은 당연하다고 할 것이나, 적어도 북한의 실질적 공격행위가 종료한 시점 이후에는 ‘필요성’이나 ‘긴급성’이 요구된다고 할 수 없음으로, 아무리 ‘정당화될 수 있는 지연’(justifiable delay)의 논리가 적용된다고 하더라도 합동조사단의 발표시점 이후나 현시점에서의 자위권을 행사는 불가할 것이다. 예방적 자위권의 개념은 유엔헌장 제51조의 해석과는 무리가 있으나, 자연권이라는 본질적 속성상 제한적으로 인정된다고 보아야 하며, 이러한 입장에서 차후 북한의 중대한 군사적 도발이 예상되고 그 무력공격 위협의 압도적 중대성 및 급박성이 인정된다면 이를 효과적으로 저지하기 위한 비례적인 무력대응이 가능할 것이고, 이 경우 ‘누적적 사건론’에 따른 공격의 현재성을 인용할 수 없지만, 그 논리에 따른 공격의 예상 증명이 용이할 것이므로 예방적 자위를 판단하는데 효과적일 것이다. 한편, 자위권 내지 예방적 자위권의 행사가 국제법적으로 합법적이지 않더라도 반드시 그 자위 결과가 정당화될 수 없는 것은 아니라는 점을 상기할 필요가 있다. 즉, 실질적으로 북한에 대한 무력대응시 국제공동체 내지 유엔을 위한 설득력 있는 증거를 철저히 수집ㆍ제시하고 결과적으로 그러한 대응이 북한의 군사적 도발위협에 비례한 정도로 효율적으로 행하여지고, 그러한 위협요소만을 제거하는데 국한되었다는 평가를 받는다면 국제공동체의 비난 가능성을 줄이고 우리의 정당방위에 대한 불가피성을 통해 실질적으로 면책받을 가능성이 충분히 있기 때문이다. Republic of Korea underwent a disastrous attack on its naval warship ‘Cheonan’ by North Korea on the 26th of March, which have aroused questions regarding self-defense rights under International law our nation could exercise in similar situations. The right of self-defense is the sole exception to the prohibition on the use of force and in the era of international peace, and a unilateral use of force by a state can only be justified by it. The right of self-defense is exercised by the UN Charter Article 51, by the existence of an ‘armed attack’, and also ’necessity’ and 'proportionality' is required as an immanent limit by customary law and case law. If an armed attack by the size of a near regular military forces occurs, a possible immediate response can only be by way of force, and this kind of use of force exercised within its object to respond and in proportion is called the right of use of force. According to this perspective, a definite illegal armed attack by North Korean on our Cheonan warship calls for an for an armed response. However, after the actual attack of the North Koreans, the ‘necessity’ and ‘urgency’ cannot be required and even though the theory of 'justifiable delay' is applied, the right of self-defense cannot be exercised after the report of the co-investigation. The concept of anticipatory self-defense cannot be derived by interpreting the UN Charter Article 51, but it can be acknowledged restrictively by the right of natural law. By this perspective when a serious armed provocation is anticipated and if its seriousness and urgency is acknowledged, a proportionate armed response could be exercised to effectively block it. In this case, the presence of an attack by 'the theory of accumulation of cases' cannot be quoted but a anticipated verification of an attack is re levant by this theory and can be effective in judging anticipatory self-defense. However, even though the exercise of self-defense or anticipatory self-defense is not legitimate under international law, the exercise of self-defense can be justified. By collecting and presenting persuasive evidence to the international society and the UN in the case of armed response to North Korea showing that the response was proportionate and restricted to eliminating armed threat, and receives such evaluation, our self-defense could be actually justified and be exempted by the international community.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        평화유지활동 참여자의 위법행위에 관한 국제법적 책임논의

        이병오(Lee, Byung-Oh) 국제법평론회 2012 국제법평론 Vol.0 No.35

        In the 20th century, the international society has formed collective security system such as the UN and deployed 'peacekeeping operations(PKO)' in effort to restore and maintain international peace and security in dispute areas. However, the increase in numbers of PKOs has brought severe side effects. Criminal offense has frequently occurred by those affiliated to peacekeeping troops and other peace operations('peacekeepers'). Crimes committed by peacekeepers include civilian heavy casualties inflicted by mistaken bombings, violation of humanitarian laws and war crimes seen also in the past Kosovo war. Recent cases of mass sexual crimes committed during PKO in DRC and Sudan are reported continuously drawing international criticism. For the international community to regulate these crimes, crimes under the Rome Statute which are traditionally understood as international crimes should be included in the discussion along with crimes of international feature such as human trafficking and drugs trade. The UN and other international organizations in charge of PKOs do not have independent court and do not possess alternative mechanism to regulate these international crimes in the absence of jurisdiction of the receiving state. Therefore criminal jurisdiction over peacekeepers should be studied in relation with traditional state jurisdiction. Basically, criminal jurisdiction concerning international crimes belongs to domestic criminal court and therefore they should initially be punished by domestic laws. However, due to the structure of PKOs, criminal jurisdiction of the receiving state is mostly excluded by SOFA which is based on the exemption of the sending state and international organizations as an exception of the territorial principle. Applying the universal jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of the ICC in order to prevent the exemption of jurisdiction are also in question due to its secondary character and the lack of support from the international society.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        서양식 음식점 선택속성의 경제적 가치 추정

        이병오(Byung Oh Lee),윤진우(Jin Woo Yun),김현노(Hyun No Kim) 한국농식품정책학회 2017 농업경영정책연구 Vol.44 No.2

        This study examines consumers’ preference for western restaurants in order to enhance their competitiveness using choice experiment methods. Using the data gathered from the consumer survey, we analyze the economic impact of restaurant-related attributes such as freshness and quality of ingredients, cleanliness, food taste, and cost on the choice of western restaurants. Findings reveal that parameter estimates in the conditional logit model follow expected signs and all attributes have a positive impact on the restaurant choice. In addition, the marginal willingness to pay for each choice attribute appears to be substantial. Based on empirical findings, this paper provides valuable guidelines which would be of interest to western restaurant industries and policy makers tasked to improve their competitiveness as well as to revitalize the consumption of domestic agricultural products.

      • KCI등재

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