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      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 일부 간호사들의 기초 및 색조 화장행동 요인

        이명희 ( Moung Hee Lee ),백미라 ( Mi Ra Back ) 한국미용학회 2006 한국미용학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        To give nurses motivation of adequate make up for effectiveness and achievement of the hospital work, Survey of 302 female nurses about the attitudes of nurse for make-up and related factors was done 1. Over half of nurses thought there`s relation between their appearance and patient`s reliability on them and they already knew the importance of making up suitable to the working environments even though they`ve never trained before. 2. Most of them put on light make up emphasizing eyes lines. Pink is the most popular color for cheeks, eyes shadow and lips among participants. Making up means a resource of getting an image of intelligence to them and it tends to be done within 10 minutes. Many of them answered that they are doing this in order to be looked more beautiful. An opinion like this hold a majority. They seemed to be interested in cosmetic products especially facial ones although they don`t consider seasons or fashion trends that much. 3. We learned from color tone related questionnaire there appears to be meaningful relationship between make up behavior and such general characteristics as income, age, marital status, the length of their own services, personality and their own places in the hospitals in order. So their income turned out to be closely related to their make up behavior. Being lacking of time, knowledge and techniques to the make up, they couldn`t find their own way to express themselves properly. We came to learn that making up have a connection with general characteristics mentioned above by analyzing them but it was really difficult to find out their particular make up style anyhow. An effective and systematic program should be introduced to establish basic theory in which they can learn how to make up as a nurse.

      • KCI등재

        대칭형 인공자기도체 구조를 이용한 메타물질 특성의 고임피던스 표면 구현 및 SAR 특성 분석

        이승우(Seungwoo Lee),이명희(Moung-Hee Lee),이승엽(Seung-Yeop Rhee),김남(Nam Kim) 한국통신학회 2013 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.38 No.9(네트워크)

        본 논문에서는 메타물질 특성을 구현하기 위하여 고임피던스 표면을 갖는 인공자기도체(AMC) 구조를 제안하였다. 설계한 AMC 구조는 3.2GHz에 적용하는 것을 목표로 하였으며, 특성 분석을 위해 다중의 AMC 구조를 일정하게 배열한 반사판으로 제작 및 측정하였다. AMC 반사판의 표면에 형성되는 높은 임피던스로 인하여 반사 특성이 좋아지고, 간섭 및 시스템의 크기를 줄이며, 안테나의 성능을 증가시킨다. 제안된 구조는 설계된 AMC와 접지면을 잇는 via hole을 사용하지 않고, 유전체의 두께와 유전율, 구조의 특성을 이용하여 고임피던스를 구현하였다. 기존의 연구된 via hole이 없는 구조와 비교하여 대역폭이 약 150% 증가하였다. 또한, 금속(PEC) 반사판과 동일한 반사특성을 보이는 대신, 안테나와 반사판 간의 거리를 λ/10까지 줄일 수 있다. 실험을 통하여 안테나와의 거리가 약 10mm 지점에서 방사 특성이 3dB 증가한 것을 확인하였다. 설계된 반사판은 반사거리가 작아 휴대용 무선 통신기기의 내부에 삽입이 가능하며, 안테나의 효율을 증가시키고, 후방 방사를 차폐함으로써 전자파인체흡수율을 94% 이상 획기적으로 감소시킬 수 있다. In this paper, we proposed new type of an artificial magnetic conductor(AMC) structure, which has a high impedance surface for realizing the meta-material characteristics. The designed AMC structure set a goal of 3.2GHz, and the reflector, which consists of periodically arrayed AMCs is fabricated and measured. The high impedance improves the reflection coefficient, decreases the system size and interference, and increases the antenna performance. The structure has embodied the high impedance by the thickness and relative permitivity of the dielectric substrate and the design configuration without the metallic via hole which connects the AMC to the GND. The bandwidth is 150% broader than the similar AMC structures. Also, the distance between the antenna and the AMC reflector is decreased by λ/10 as working as the metal(PEC) reflectors. The antenna radiation characteristics are 3dB increased at 10mm away from reflector by measurement. The proposed reflector could be inserted in the portable mobile devices, and the antenna’s performance has improved by the reflector. The specific absorption rate is dramatically decreased over 94% because the back radiation of the antenna is shielded.

      • 이태준 장편『花冠』考

        李明禧 숙명여자대학교 대학원원우회 1992 원우논총 Vol.10 No.-

        In this paper, I have studied the novel「Hwa-Kwan」with respects to types of characters, dialect of reality and ideal, internal consciousness of the writer, composition and organization, and limit of popularity, in order to view the literary meaning of Lee Tae-Jun's novel, and to recognize its significance in the 1930s. The types of characters are classified into three types: individualistic characters, characters inclined to society, and converted characters between individual and society. In「Hwa-Kwan」, the third type of characters emphasizes the 'life of characters inclined to society', in the process that 'social characters' change into 'individualistic characters' in the contrast of the former and the latter. Characters inclined to society consider ideal reality as the index of their life, which is never appreciated as an ideal ignoring reality. Especially, the writer exposes closely female college students' recognition of reality, and also he tries to synthesize ideal and actuality. Their ideal is the social inclination expressed as 'sacrifcial life as a teacher' in Won-San, and as the publishing business. This social inclination is explained as the spokesman for the weak, Korean mission in the colonized period, and the responsibility for social inclination. Also, it is linked with the writer's own social consciousness. In the novel, the writer's internal consciousness appears in the views of education, marriage and female. The view of education emphasizes the education for mothers more than the education for females. The views of marriage and love emphasize the synthesis of reality and ideal. The style is simple, descriptive and psychological. The method of composition, i·e, guotation of letters, makes the outliness and the implication of contents and affairs-development be easy. Moreover, this composition-method accentuates or settles the conflict and tensions of charcters. Lee Tae-Jun's novel involves the limit of popularity which makes the internal structure of work be abscure by vague love-affairs. However, this limit is the problem which the 1930s' writers confront rather than his own problem, on considering that popular novels are based on the theory of popular literature and the theory of novels, and that serial novels of newpapers are severely llimited. In「Hwa-Kwon」. Lee Tae-Jun uses his own style and composition-method with respect to form, and expresses social consciousness by 'characters inclined to society' with respect to content. Therefore, in the 1930s, Lee Tae-Jun's novels are works realizing his own view that a novel is the synthesis of content and form.

      • 일본의 사회과 교육과정

        이명희 한국사회과교육연구학회 2001 社會科敎育學硏究 Vol.- No.40

        본고에서는 일본에서 사회과 교유과정 개정의 배경과 방향을 검토하고, 소 · 중 · 고등학교 사회과 교육의 목표와 내용 구성을 분석하여 그 특징을 부조하여 보았다. 먼저, 교육과정 개정의 배경으로서는 세계화(국제화), 정보화, 과학기술의 발전 등 사회변화에의 대응을 들고 있다. 그리고 사회과 교육과정 개정의 방향에서는 국제사회를 살아가는 일본인의 자질로서 일본과 세계를 다면적을 고찰하고 공정하게 판단하는 능력 및 태도와 함께, 일본의 역사와 국토에 대한 이해와 애정, 국제 협력의 정신 및 국제사회에서 일본이 담당하고 있는 역할에 대한 인식을 강조하는 한편, 학습방법과 조사방법의 학습, 작업적 · 체험적 학습과 문제해결학습 등 학생들의 주체적인 학습을 보다 중시하고 있다. 사회과 교육의 목표 설정에 있어서는 소 · 중학교의 의무교육단계에서 공민적 자질의 기초를 육성하는 것을, 고등학교 단계에서 국제사회에 사는 일본인으로서의 자질 함양과 공민적 자질의 육성을 목표로 설정하여 계열화하고 있다. 그리고 지적인 목표로서 일본의 국토와 역사에 대한 이해가 매우 구체적이고 명시적으로 강조되고 있으며, 기능적인 목표로서 다양한 자료에 기초하여 다면적 · 다각적으로 고찰함으로써 공정히 판단하는 능력의 육성과 사고력의 육성을 강조하고, 가치 · 태도 목표로서 '넓은 시야에 선다', '관심을 높인다', '다면적 · 다각적으로 고찰한다', '공정히 판단한다' 등과 같이 행위의 방법과 관련되는 태도를 강조하고 있는 것이 눈에 두드러진다. 사회과 교육의 내용구성에서는 중점화의원리에 의해 내용 요소를 대폭 감소하고, 학문의 체계보다는 학생들의 관심과 요구의 관점을 우선적으로 고려하여 내용 선정을 하고 있으며, 지리, 역사, 공민 분야의 3분야의 구분을 전제로 일관되게 내용 편성을 하고 있으며, 3분야의 통합 시도를 중학교의 공민분야를 통해서만 조심스럽게 행하고 있다. This study reviewed the background and the directions of revising the Japanese national curriculum in social studies. Based on this study, This study analyzed the target and the configuration of the contents of the social studies in Japanese elementary and secondary education. First, the backgrounds of reforming the curriculum are to come up with the social changes: globalization(internationalization), information, the development of technology, etc.. The directions of revising the curriculum emphasizes not only Japanese history and the understanding and affection of Japanese land, the spirit of Japanese cooperation in the world, and the recognition of Japanese role in the world, but Japanese student-oriented learning which contains the learning of the methodology and survey, working and experiencing learning, and problem-solving learning, along with the abilities and attitudes of observing and judging Japan and the world in every aspect from the viewpoints of Japanese people. The target of the social studies is set up for developing the basis of public people in the obligatory stage of the elementary and junior school as well as fostering Japanese people as people living in the world and activating the attitude of public people at high school level. As an intellectual target, the understanding of Japanese land and history is emphasized specifically and apparently. As a functional target, the development of the fairly judging and thinking ability based on various materials and on observations in many sides and angles is also emphasized. As the target of value and attitude, the emphasis of the attitudes involved in the methods of such behaviors as 'stand in the wide perspectives', 'attract much interest', 'observe in many sides and in every angle', 'judge fairly.' etc.. can be seen as a big feature. The elements of the contents in social studies are reduced in the aspect of the content organization. Instead of it, students' interest and demand are considered first of all, so the contents are chosen and developed consistently on the basis of dividing 3 parts as geography, history, and public people. But the integration of the 3 parts has been made an attempt carefully.

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