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      • KCI등재

        삼림환경인자에 의한 굴참나무임분의 (林分) 생산력추정

        이동섭,정영관 ( Dong Sup Lee,Young Gwan Chung ) 한국산림과학회 1986 한국산림과학회지 Vol.75 No.1

        This study was initiated to estimate productivity of Quereus variabilis stand. However the practical objective of this study was to provide some information to establish the basis of selecting the suitable site for Quercus variabilis. The productivity measured in terms of DBH, height, basal area and stem volume was hypothesized, respectively, to be a function of a group of factors. This study considered 32 factors, 20 of which were related to the forest environmental factors such as tree age, latitude, percent slope, etc. and the rest of which were related to soil factors such as soil moisture, total nitrogen, available P₂O_5, etc. The data on 4 productivity measurements of Quercus variabilis growth and related factors cited were collected from 99 sample plots in Kyeongbook and chungbook provinces. Some factors considered were, in nature, discrete variables and the others continuous variables. Each kind of factor was classified into 3 or 4 categories and total numbers of such categories were eventually amounted to 110. Then each category was treated as an independent variable. This is amounted to saying that individual variable was treated a dummy variable and assigned a value 1 or 0. However the first category of each factor was deleted from the normal equation for statistical consideration. First of all, each of 4 productivity measurements of Quercus variabilis growth was regressed and, at the same time, those 110 categories. Secondly, the partial correlation coefficients were measured between each pair of 4 productivity measurements and 32 individual foctors. Finally, the relative scores were estimated in order to derive the category ranges. The result of these statistical analyses could be summarized as follows: 1) Growth measurement in terms of height seems to be a more significant criterion for estimation of productivity of Quercus variabilis. 2) Productivity of forest on stocked land may better be estimated Sn terms of forest environmental factors, on the other hand, that of unstocked land may be estimated in terms of physio-chemical factors of soil. 3) The factors that a strongly positive relation to all growth factors of tree are age group, effective soil, soil moisture, etc. This implies that these factors might effectively be used for criteria for selecting the suitable site for Quercus vdriabilis. 4) Patent rock, latitude, total nitrogen, age group, effective soil depth, soil moisture, organic matter, etc., had more significant category range for tree growth. Therefore, the. suitable site for Quercus variabilis may be selected, based on this information. In conclusion, the above results obtained by the rnultivsriable analysis can be not only the important criteria for estimating the growth of Quercus variabilis but also the useful guidance for selecting the suitable sites and performing the rational of Quercus variabilis forest.

      • KCI등재

        임목의 (林木) 개체간 경쟁효과 추정에 대한 고찰

        이동섭,이여하 ( Dong Sup Lee,Yeo Ha Lee ) 한국산림과학회 1985 한국산림과학회지 Vol.71 No.1

        This study was carried out to know the difference in growth and degree of competition between individuals of thinned and unthinned larch stands. Annual increment and total growth were obtained from the cores sampled at breast height. The correlation between adjacent individual trees was investigated. 1) The correlation between radius growth and basal area was used to estimated the degree of competition among individual trees. 2) In estimating the degree of competition the correlation between two individual trees was better method than others. 3) Up to 9 years after planting no competition between individual trees occurred and the Night positive correlation was shown. 4) High degree of competition was observed at age of 10 years after the planting, as the correlation coefficient was getting smaller. 5) The degree of competition among individual trees increased with increase of the growth of total stand.

      • KCI등재

        울릉 분지 저층수의 아질산염

        이동섭,김일남,강동진,김동선,Lee, Tong-Sup,Kim, Il-Nam,Kang, Dong-Jin,Kim, Dong-Seon 한국해양학회 2007 바다 Vol.12 No.3

        울릉분지의 일부 저층수에서 아질산염의 존재가 확인된 것은 용존산소가 매우 풍부한 환경에서 예상되지 않던 결과로서 괄목할만한 사실이었지만 과학적으로 설명되지 않았다. 오캄의 제안에 따르면 가능한 몇 가지 설명 가운데 대륙사면 표층 퇴적물 안에서 일어나는 탈질산화의 중간산물로써 해수로 유출되는 것이 제반 여건과 가장 잘 부합된다. 그런데 울릉분지에서는 이런 탈질산화에 따른 무기질소의 손실을 보상하는 특별한 방법이 존재하지 않은 것으로 보이며 이는 현재 심해수의 낮은 질소: 인의 비와 일맥상통한다. 여기에 열염순환을 약화시키는 온난화의 효과가 가중될 경우 현재의 생물펌프가 위축될지 또는 현재 식물플랑크톤 군집을 대체하는 새로운 군집으로 바뀌게 될지도 모른다. 그 경우 이는 동해 생태계가 직면하게 될 심각한 도전이 될 것이다. 한편으로는 수중에 산화제가 풍부함에도 불구하고 표층 퇴적물의 유기탄소함량이 아주 높게 나타나서 울릉분지에서 질소(유기물)의 순환에 대해 풀리지 않는 문제가 여전히 남아있다. Presence of bottom water nitrite in the Ulleung Basin was remarkable because it is totally unexpected phenomenon at such an oxygen-rich environment. Yet no scientific explanation was set forward. Of several plausible explanations, following the Ockham's suggestion, a leaching of nitrite as an intermediate product of denitrification in the top sediment at the slope is most agreeable to given environmental settings. There seems no complementary process to make up the loss of N in the Ulleung Basin, which seems contribute to the characteristically low N:P ratio in the deep waters. If warming proceeds that weakens the thermohaline circulation, a current biological pump may stall and the phytoplankton assemblage might replaced drastically. If so this will pause an utmost challenge to the ecosystem of the East/Japan Sea. Still there remains a contradictory sedimentary signature that requests further explanation regarding the N (or organic C)-cycle such as extraordinarily high organic carbon content despite abundant oxidants in the overlying waters.

      • KCI등재후보

        액화천연가스 운반선(LNGC)의 발전 추세

        이동섭,Lee, Dong-Sup 해양환경안전학회 2009 海洋環境安全學會誌 Vol.15 No.3

        LNGC(Liquefied Natural Gas Carrier)의 역사는 1959년 $5,000m^3$ 급 LNG선 "Methane Pioneer"호를 시작으로 1969년에는 $71,500m^3$ 급, 1973년에는 Moss Type의 최초 LNG운반선 "Norman Lady($87,600m^3$)호, 1980년대 $125,000m^3$ 급을 시작으로 1990년대를 거처 $135,000m^3$ 급, 2007년 $210,000m^3$급 그리고 2008년에는 $266,000m^3$ 급의 초대형 액화천연가스 운반선이 출현하였다. 또한 2006년 11월에는 기존 내 외연 기관이 아닌 발전기 기동으로 Propeller를 움직이는 DFDE(Duel Fuel Diesel Electric)엔진, 육상의 Storage Tank를 생략한 기화설비를 갖춘 LNG-RV(Re-gasification Vessel)와 주 기관은 Slow Diesel을 택하고, 운항 중 발생하는 BOG(Boil Off Gas)를 재액화시키는 설비를 갖춘 DRL(Diesel Re-Liquefaction)선박 및 해상 LNG 생산 저장시설인 LNG-FPSO(Floating Production and Storage Offshore), 그리 고 해상 LNG 인수기지 역할을 하는 LNG-FSRU(Floating Store and Re-gasification Unit) 등이 개발되었다. 이 논문에서는 LNG Project, 전 세계 에너지 시장과 LNGC의 발전 추세에 대하여 다루었다. Recently, the construction of Liquefied Natural Gas Carriers(LNGC) is being promoted larger and larger depending on long voyage. In 1950 years, $5,000m^3$ class of LNGC had been changed to $71,500m^3$ class in 1973. and to $210,000-266,000m^3$ class in 2007. Especially, the system of main engines and cargo control, Re-liquefaction of natural gases have become possible in LNGC. This research deals with the LNG projects, world markets of energy and developing tendency of liquefied natural gas carriers.

      • KCI등재

        산양삼 재배지의 기상특성 및 생육에 관한 연구

        이동섭 ( Dong Sup Lee ) 한국산림과학회 2010 한국산림과학회지 Vol.99 No.6

        We investigated geographical condition and soil characteristic of ginseng cultivation site. At all sites, crown density adjusted by 80%. and Air and soil temperature were also measured. The geographical condition vary ato all sites. and soil shows similar characteristics with typical forest soil of Korea. The results shows the Air temperature needs to be higher than 15℃ for seed budding at April When soil temperature reach at 8, leaf of foest ginseng starts to bud. A forest ginseng is influenced by forest type, planting type and budding rates. In the case of a seedling planting, an seeding emergence rate is high, but the rate is decreased rapidly after three years On the other hand, direct seeding shows lower seedling emergence rate, but survival rate is higher than seedling-planting.

      • KCI등재

        속성수를 이용한 쓰레기 매립지 침출수의 중금속 및 유해성분의 흡수 , 제거 가능성

        이동섭(Dong Sup Lee),우수영(Su Young Woo),김동근(Dong Geun Kim),김판기(Pan Gi Kim),권오규(Oh Kyu Kwon),배관호(Kwan Ho Bae),이은주(Eun Ju Lee) 한국농림기상학회 2001 한국농림기상학회지 Vol.3 No.2

        Populus euramericana and Betula platyphylla var. japonica have been identified as possible species for use for phytoremediation of landfills. To identify the capacity of waste leachate absorption in Populus euramericana and Betula platyphylla var. japonica, four different treatments were applied to these seedlings: leachate solution (100% leachate), 50% dilution (50% leachate: 50% water, v/v) and 25% dilution (25% leachate: 75% water, v/v) were applied to these two species. After the experiment, concentrations of heavy metals in tree biomass were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma emission spectrometer (ICP). These two species can take up the hazardous parts of the leachate such as heavy metals. Especially, these species showed good absorption capacity of Al, Cr, and Fe elements. The result of this study suggested that these two species can take up the toxic materials through their roots and transport them to stems or leaves.

      • KCI등재

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