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      • 모빌 에이전트간의 효과적인 공동작업 지원을 위한 통신관리자 설계

        이대규(Dae-Kyu Lee),이승근(Seung-Geun Lee),왕창종(Chang-Jong Wang) 한국정보과학회 2000 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.27 No.2Ⅱ

        에이전트간의 통신 방법에는 에이전트간 직접 통신을 하는 직접 통신 방법과 다른 매개체를 이용하여 통신하는 간접 통신 방법이 있다. 기존 연구에서의 직접 통신 방식은 에이전트의 위치를 계속하여 추적하고 관리하는 방식으로 동기 통신을 지원하고, 간접 통신 방법은 매개체를 두어서 그를 통한 비동기 통신방법을 지원한다. 하지만, 직접 통신의 경우, 에이전트의 추적과 관리에 따른 오버헤드와 공동 작업에 필요한 멀티캐스팅을 지원하기 어려운 문제점이 있어 이동 에이전트에는 부적합한 통신방법이고, 간접통신의 경우 동기적 상호작용을 지원하기 어렵다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 기존의 간접 통신방법을 확장하여, 멀티캐스팅 기능과 동기 통신 방식을 지원하는 에이전트간의 통신 관리자를 설계한다. 이를 위해서 에이전트의 이벤트 리스너를 통신관리자에 등록을 시켜서 이벤트가 발생할 때마다 해당되는 에이전트에게 전달되도록 하였다. 또한 통신 관리자가 멀티캐스팅 기능을 지원하도록 하였다. 이렇게 함으로써, 공동 작업에서 필요한 신뢰성 있는 동기 통신 방식과 멀티캐스팅 기능을 지원함으로써 이동 에이전트 기반 CSCW 응용개발에 사용할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        The Polish United Workers' Party in Crisis, 1980-1981

        Dae-Kyu Lee(이대규) 21세기정치학회 2004 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.14 No.2

        In the period 1980-1981, Poland was crippled with a political instability. Particularly, in 1981, the PUWP disintegrated and faced a major political crisis. There were a number of reasons why the party suffered the major political crisis : the rapid decline of the party membership ; the frequent change of the party leadership ; the weakness of the party function ; and the disintegration of the party. The crisis of the PUWP encouraged the working people to establish Solidarity and finally, the military to intervene in politics. The crisis of the party, however, provided the Poles with a chance for the democratization of Poland. Because the crisis of the party exercised an indirect influence on the establishment of the military government and non-communist government in Poland even though the catalyst for the death of Polish communism was the Solidarity movement.

      • Dual source CT에서 high pitch chestpain cardiac scan mode를 이용한 angiography 검사의 유용성 평가

        이대규(Dae Kyu Lee),이민영(Min Yung Lee),장광현(Kwang Hyun Chang) 대한CT영상기술학회 2015 대한CT영상기술학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        목적 : 128 channel dual source computed tomography(이하 DSCT)의 high pitch mode를 이용하여 뇌혈관, 경동맥, 심장혈관을 1초 이하의 scan time 으로 한번에 검사하는 CT protocol 을 연구, 검사하였고 기존의 helical scan mode로 심장혈관을 검사하고, 조영제 추가 주입 후 뇌혈관, 경동맥을 같은 방법으로 검사한 영상을 비교하여 그에 따른 선량감소와 그 유용성을 비교해 보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 팬텀실험에서는 2개의 128-channel detector의 사용이 가능한 Somatom Definition Flash(Siemens Healthcare, Forchheim, Germany)CT 장비, organ dose 측정을 위해서 Alderson Rando phantom(CNMC Company, USA)을 사용하였다. 선량측정을 위해 형광유리선량계인 Dose Ace(GD-351, 12 mm, FGD-1000 reader, Asahi Techno Glass Cooperation, Shizuoka, Japan)를 사용하였다. 또한 유리 선량계를 주 선속 부위에 속하는 두부, 목, 폐, 심장 부위에 각각 2개씩 위치 organ dose를 측정하였다. 임상조건에서는 2014년 3월 부터 2014년 8월 까지 CCTA를 시행한 환자 210 명을 대상으로 이 중 heart rate가 60 이하인 104 명을 high pitch scan mode 로 검사하였고 106명은 helical scan mode로 검사하였다. Phantom 연구와 동일한 장비를 사용하고 같은 조건으로 나누어 검사 하였으며, 조영 증강을 위해서 이중 조영제주입기(dual flow injector, Stellant, Medrad, Inc, USA)를 사용하였다. 각각의 방법에서 두부, 목, 심장 부위의 CNR,SNR 을 측정하여 비교하였고, 영상은 4단계로 구분하여 2명의 영상의학과 심장판독 전문의가 평가하였다. 선량 평가는 CTDIvol, DLP와 유효선량을 평가하였고, 임상영상평가와 선량평가를 위한 통계학적 분석은 Levene의 등분산 검정을 통하여 정규성 검정을 하였고 통계학적 유의수준은 0.05 미만으로 하였다. 결과 : 1. Phantom 선량평가 : High pitch scan mode가 standard pitch scan mode & helical scan mode 에 비하여 effective dose 는 약 35.7% 정도 감소하였다(p<0.05). 2. 임상 연구 선량평가 : Head ~ coronary 까지 1 scan 으로 high pitch mode 에서 검사한 유효선량 값이 standard pitch & helical scan 로 나뉘어 2 scan 한 선량보다 약 30% 낮았다(p<0.05). 3. 임상영상평가 : 두 검사모드의 정성적 정량적 평가 값에서 모두 유의한 차이를 나타냈다(p<0.05). 결론 : Heart rate가 60대 이하이면서 안정된 환자에게 있어 Chest pain cardiac scan mode 로 검사 시, image quality는 떨어지지 않으면서도 2.5 mSv 이하의 저 선량으로 뇌혈관, 경동맥, 심장혈관을 한번에 검사할 수 있으므로 이는 곧 건강검진 환자나 심장 뇌혈관 질환 환자의 진단에 유용할 것으로 사료된다. Purpose : Using chest pain flash mode of 128 channel dual source computed tomography (below DSCT), we studied and tested one scanning CT protocol with less than 1 second scan time for intra cranial, carotid, and coronary vessel, then examined coronary angiography with helical scan mode, comparing the images that intra and carotid after injecting additional contrast media, following that purposed the dose reduction and usefulness. Materials & Methods: In this phantom test, Somatom Definition Flash (Siemens Healthcare, Forchheim, Germany)CT equipment for two 128-channel detector and Alderson Rando phantom(CNMC Company, USA) was used for the organ dose evaluation. For dose evaluation, Dose Ace (GD-351, 12 mm, FGD-1000 reader, Asahi Techno Glass Cooperation, Shizuoka, Japan) which is fluorescent glass dosimeter was used. Also, organ dose were measured by glass dosimeters positioning each two on head, neck, lungs and heart, belonging to the main flux. The clinical condition tested by high pitch scan mode with 104 patients whose heart rate was under 60 and tested by helical scan mode with 106 patients targeting 210 patients having CCTA from March 2014 to August 2014. Phantom studies using the same equipment and inspection were divided in the same condition, and the double-contrast injector (dual flow injector, Stellant, Medrad, Inc, USA) for enhancement was used. In the way each evaluated, was compared by measuring the head, neck and heart CNR, SNR, and evaluated two reading heart specialist of Radiology, separated by step of 4 images. Statistical analysis for the subjective assessment was used to Mann-Whiteny test of Graphpad Instat ver 3.05 and statistically significant was less than 0.05. CTDIvol, DLP and effective dose were evaluated to dose evaluation, for statistical analysis, normality test was used through equal variance examination, T- test were for analysis, and statistical significance level was done less than 0.05. Results: 1. Phantom dose evaluation: the effective dose of High pitch scan mode decreased about 35.7% (p <0.05) comparing to standard pitch scan mode & helical scan mode. 2. Clinical study dose evaluation: the effective dose value tested high pitch mode with one scan from head to coronary decreased about 30% (p <0.05) which done two scan by standard pitch and helical scan. 3. Clinical image evaluation: Both were significant differences in the two test mode for qualitative and quantitative evaluation value (p <0.05). Conclusion : If Scanning chest pain Flash scan mode for patients whose heart rate is below 60, it is possible that direct one scanning intra cranial, carotid, and coronary angiography exams with less than 2.5 mSv and image quality is equal. So it could be considered to diagnosis for health care and heart- brain vessel disease patients usefully.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        군부정치개입원인의 비교연구

        이대규(Dae-Kyu Lee) 21세기정치학회 2003 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.13 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to provide a basis for theory building of the causes of military intervention in politics by testing and comparing the hypotheses of causes of military's political intervention in Poland, Thailand, and Korea. The hypotheses of the causes of military's political intervention in the three countries were verified. First, the performance failures of the governments provided the military with the precipitating opportunities for intervention in politics. Second, the protection of national interests provided the military with the ideological justifications for intervention in politics. Third, the defense of the military's corporate interests provided the military with the latent motivations for intervention in politics. From the tested hypotheses through comparison of the three cases, a proposition can be established that the military is motivated to intervene in politics in order to defend its corporate interests when certain precipitating opportunities and ideological justifications are present. Thus, this study takes a further step in theory building of the causes of military intervention in politics.

      • KCI등재
      • Dual Source CT에서 High-pitch Cardiac Scan Mode를 이용한 관상동맥 검사의 유용성

        이대규(Dae Kyu Lee),김문찬(Moon Chan Kim),방성호(Sung Ho Bang),한동균(Dong Kyoon Han) 대한CT영상기술학회 2010 대한CT영상기술학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        Purpose To evaluate the usefulness of prospectively ECG gated high-pitch cardiac scan for CT coronary angiography(CTCA) using dual source CT by analyzing the dose effect and image quality for CTCA protocols. Materials and methods CTCA was performed by using 5 current clinical protocols to evaluate effective dose and organ dose in prima1y beam area with anthropomorphic female phantom and glass dosimetric system. Also, ACR phantom was used to analyze image quality at 128 channel multi-detector CT (scan parameters: 320 mAs at 120 kVp, collimation: 128 × 0.6 mm, scan range :137 mm, reconstructed slice thickness 0.6 mm, increment 0.4 mm). Heart beat rate of phantom was maintained 60 bpm in ECG gating. In a retrospectively ECG gated helical scan mode was done with 280 msecgantry rotation time, 0.23 pitch. Peak dose was used without cardiac dose modulation (pulsing off mode). Peak dose was adopted in range of 60%~80% of R-R interval and 25% reduction in others with cardiac dose modulation (pulsing manual mode). And peak dose was adopted in range of 60%~80% of R-R interval and 4% reduction in others with cardiac dose modulation (pulsing MinDose-manual mode). In a prospectively ECG gated sequential scan mode data were acquired at 70% R-R interval (middle diastolic phase in cardiac cycle), and 170 msec gantry rotation time was used. In a prospectively ECG gated high-pitch cardiac scan mode data were acquired from 60% R-R interval, and 3.4 pitch was used. Analysis of image quality was clone by evaluating objective noise, uniformity, high contrast resolution, and linearity. Results The mean effective dose for pulsing off mode without cardiac dose modulation in a retrospectively ECG gated helical scan was 20.8 mSv, and die mean organ dose of heart was 116.7 mGy. Pulsing manual mode showed 49% reduction, compared with that of pulsing off mode. And pulsing MinDose-manual mode showed 60% reduction compared with that of pulsing off mode. And at die adaptive sequential scan mode under prospective ECG gating die mean effective dose was 2.7 mSv, and die mean organ dose of heart was 17.5 mGy, d1is represents an 86% reduction compared with that of pulsing off mode. In the high pitch cardiac scan under prospective ECG gating die mean effective dose was 1.8 mSv, and the mean organ dose of heart was 10.3 mGy, this represents an 91% reduction compared with that of pulsing off mode. No differences in quantitative measures of linage quality were found between high pitch cardiac scan mode and others for noise, uniformity, high contrast resolution, linearity. Conclusion In patients with a low and stable heart rate, prospectively ECG gated high-pitch cardiac scan provides excellent image quality equivalent to retrospectively ECG gated helical scan-corelated acquisition but reduced effective dose.

      • KCI등재후보

        인터넷 밈 번역 시스템 개발을 위한 데이터 구축 방안

        이대규 ( Lee Dae Kyu ),이찬 ( Lee Chan Kyu ) 중앙대학교 인문콘텐츠연구소 2023 인공지능인문학연구 Vol.15 No.-

        This paper explores the impact of the mainstreaming of cyberspace on language use and proposes an internet meme translation system as a solution to communication problems between speakers familiar and unfamiliar with cyberspace language, which is a complex compound of various cultural elements, including text, images, sounds, music, gestures, postures, facial expressions, and composition. Prior to building the internet meme translation system, experiments were conducted to validate the internet meme data. First, a dictionary of internet memes was constructed, which contained 1035 lemmas and 1654 inflected forms. Based on this dictionary, the proportion of internet memes used in actual cyberspace language data was analyzed. The paper then discusses how to build a translation system using the internet meme data collected in this study. This paper begins by addressing the task of distinguishing target data from general data. It then explores the classification of memes that share similar semantic characteristics with idiomatic expressions and their correspondence to existing idiomatic expressions. Furthermore, it examines the amplification and reproduction of socially stigmatized and provocative content, stemming from the unethical nature of internet meme data. Lastly, the paper delves into the methodology for the continuous construction of internet meme data. Ultimately, it is hoped that a comprehensive approach to internet memes will pave the way for significant research on communication in both cyberspace and physical space.

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