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        연구논문 : 전통발효유 타락을 이용한 젤리의 품질 특성

        이경연 ( Kyung Yeoun Lee ),이지원 ( Ji Won Lee ),한영숙 ( Young Sook Han ),윤현근 ( Htyung Eun Yoon ),고성희 ( Seong Hee Ko ) 한국식품조리과학회(구 한국조리과학회) 2013 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.29 No.5

        Tarak is our own traditional fermented milk made through lactic acid fermentation by using makgeolli as inoculum for milk or using already made tarak as inoculum but it is hardly known to people as its related studies are also insufficient. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to manufacture jelly by using tarak and analyze its quality characteristics for the diversification of consumption promotion and demand of traditional fermented milk tarak. Tarak jelly that was made according to the percentage of adding tarak showed a tendency that the content of crue protein, crude fat and crude ash except for moisture water meaningfully increased as the amount of tarak added increased (P<0.05). In the case of pH, it declines as the amount of tarak added was high. The chromaticity measurement result of tarak jelly was 54.32 in the case of control group for L, and it increased as the amount of tarak added increased. In the case of a, it decreased as tarak was added, whereas b meaningfully increased. There was meaningful difference between samples in the case of chewiness, fracturability and adhesiveness (p<0.05). The sensory test result showed that there was meaningful difference between samples in their appearance and taste but there was no meaningful difference in the case of overall preference, scent and texture.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        창원시 식품접객업소의 위생실태에 관한 조사 연구

        이경혜(Kyung-Hea Lee),류은순(Eun-Soon Lyu),이경연(Kyung-Yeoun Lee) 한국식품영양과학회 2001 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.30 No.4

        본 연구에서는 창원시에 소재하고 있는 264개 식품접객업소의 위생실태를 조사하였으며 조사결과는 다음과 같다. 조사대상자(조리책임자)들은 40대가 가장 많았고, 여성이 70.1%로 대부분을 차지하였다. 학력을 보면 63.7%가 고졸이었으며, 업종에 있어 경양식 업종이 다른 업종에 비해 연령층이 낮고 학력이 높았다. 위생교육은 전체 업소의 66.5%가 종업원에 대한 위생교육을 실시하고 있었으며 가장 높은 비율을 보인 업종은 한식 업종(83.1%)이며 가장 낮은 비율을 보이는 업종은 경양식 업종(55.6%)이었다. 종업원의 96.6%가 더러운 것을 만진 후에 손을 씻었으며 돈을 만진 후에는 77.5%가, 전화 사용 후에는 51.7%가 손을 씻고 있었다. 또한 58.5%는 주방 내에서 전용신발을 착용하며, 55.4%는 위생복을 착용하지만 모자를 착용하는 비율은 20.6% 밖에 되지 않았고, 악세사리의 착용에서 반지는 13.6%, 팔지는 8.5%, 시계는 14.3%가 착용하고 있었다. 위생점검표는 24.2%만이 보유하고 있었다. 도마는 전체적으로 일주일에 l회 소독이 74.8%로 조사되었다. 경양식 업종은 55.4%로 다른 업종보다 낮게 나타났다(p<0.01). 칼은 조사대상 업소의 71.6%가 매일 소독하고 있었으나 경양식업종은 59.4%로 낮게 나타났다(p<0.01). 행주는 조사대상 업소의 92.7%가 매일 소독을 수행하고 있으나 경양식 업종이 81.5%로 다른 업소보다 낮게 나타났다(p<0.01). 조사대상 업소의 81.8%는 정기적인 방충·방서 작업을 시행하였고 쓰레기통의 조리실과 옥외용의 분리는 조사업소의 83.1%가 분리하여 사용하고 있었다. 작업종료 후 작업장 바닥의 청소에서 97.3%는 세제를 이용하여 세척하고 있으나 소독은 68.2%만이 실시하고 있어 소독 수행이 잘 이루어지지 않고 있었다. 식품접객업소의 93.3%는 조리된 음식과 조리되지 않은 음식을 분리해서 보관하고 있었다. 한번 해동시킨 식품을 다시 냉동하여 사용하는 업소의 비율도 49.8%로 조사되었다. 19.4%는 배식 후 남은 음식을 다시 사용하고 있었다. 또한 냉동식품을 해동시킬 때는 식중독의 위험이 높은 실온에서 49.4%가 해동시켰으며, 특히 갈비 업종의 경우 66.7%가 실온에서 해동하고 있었다. 이상의 결과를 살펴볼 때, 식품접객업소의 종업원에 대한 위생교육 실시가 낮으므로 정부에서는 이들이 종업원에게 위생교육을 전체적으로, 지속적으로 실시하는 방안에 대한 제도적인 장치를 마련하여야 하겠다. 위생교육 내용에서도 식당시설, 기기 등 취급시의 손세척 실시와 도마소독, 작업장 바닥 소독이 미비하므로 소독의 중요성과 소독방법에 대해서도 강조하여야 하겠다. 식품 취급시 조리된 음식에 대한 온도관리가 미비하고 해동시의 온도관리가 제대로 시행되지 않았고 특히, 위생에서 온도-시간관리의 개념이 매우 부족하므로 식품접객업소의 경영주와 종업원을 대상으로 이러한 측면에 대한 정기적인 위생교육이 실시되어야 하겠다. The sanitary status of 264 restaurants was investigated to develop a program of sanitary education at restaurants for improving sanitary levels of restaurant and consumers' food safety. This investigation was performed through direct interviews on general items and sanitations for employees, facilities, equipments and food treatment. The restaurants are grouped into four different types according to the food served: Korean style food, Japanese style raw fish, roasted ribs, and western style food. It is found that sanitary education for employees are conducted at 66.5% of the total restaurants. The highest percentages are obtained by Korean style food restaurants (83.1%) and the lowest by western style food restaurants (55.6%). Washing facilities for employees are equipped at only 66.8% of the total restaurants. In the personal sanitation, 96.6% of the employees wash their hand after touching a dirty stuff, 77.5% after touching money and 57.1% after using a telephone. It is also revealed that during food preparation shoes, overgarments, and caps are worn by 58.5%, 55.5%, and 20.6% of the employees, respectively. 73.5% of the restaurants are equipped with dish storages facilities while only 59.2% of restaurants have sterilizers for dishes. Also, chopping boards are sterilized more than once a week by 74.8% of them and knives everyday by 71.6%. 15.4% of restaurants sterilize their knives only once a week. 56.8% of restaurants check temperatures of the refrigerators and 26.2% of restaurants do not even sterilize the refrigerators. 31.8% of restaruants sterilize the kitchens with sodium hopochlorite after cooking. 93.3% of the restaurants store the raw food and the cooked foods separately. 49.8% of the restaurants refroze thawed food and 19.4% of the restaurants reuse leftovers. The frozen foods are thawed at room temperature by 49.4% of the total restaurants and 66.7% of the roasted rib restaurants.

      • KCI등재

        지역아동센터 급식 서비스의 품질요인과 만족도에 관한 연구

        고성희,이경연,Ko, Seong Hee,Lee, Kyung-Yeoun 한국식품영양학회 2014 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.27 No.5

        This study was conducted on children from 10 community children centers located in northern Seoul. The quality factors of the food services of the community children centers were divided into five factors, including sanitation, food, environment, subsidiary service and staff. Analysis of the differences in the importance of factors and satisfaction with the food service quality indicated satisfaction to be higher than importance for in all the factors except 'environment'. In particular, of the food service qualities, significant differences were found between importance and satisfaction in relation to the attributes of 'food' and 'environment'. As a result of IPA of the food service qualities in community children centers, 'sanitation' was found to be in the maintenance area, 'environment' to be in the area of concentration, and the quality attributes of 'staff' and 'subsidiary service' were found to be in the low priority area. In contrast, the 'food' quality corresponded to the area of oversupply.

      • KCI등재

        단체급식을 위한 콩국의 곽향 첨가에 따른 품질평가

        고성희 ( Seong Hee Ko ),이경연 ( Kyung Yeoun Lee ) 한국식품조리과학회(구 한국조리과학회) 2013 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.29 No.6

        건강에 관한 최근의 관심은 약선에 관한 관심으로 이어지고 있으며, 이에 약선을 이용한 단체급식용 메뉴개발은 건강식, 기능식에 관심이 높은 고객들의 요구에 부응함은 물론 사용되는 한약재로부터 다량 조리로 인한 위생상 위해를 감할 수 있는 부가적인 효과를 기대할 수도 있다. 이에 본 연구는 곽향 첨가에 따른 콩국의 미생물적 품질과 관능적 품질을 평가함으로써 곽향을 이용한 단체급식용 약선 메뉴개발을 위한 기초자료를 제고하고자 하였다. 미생물 품질 평가 결과, 표준평판균수의 경우 곽향 첨가량이 많아질수록 유의적으로 감소하는 것을 알 수 있었으며(p<0.001), 조리 후 보관 3시간까지 상온과 냉장 모두에서 곽향을 첨가한 콩국은 안전 기준치인 5.00 CFU/g을 만족하는 수준이었다. 대장균군수의 경우에도 곽향의 첨가량이 많아질수록 유의적으로 감소하는 수준을 보였는데 대조군의 경우 상온과 냉장보관 1시간 후 안전 기준치인 2.00 CFU/g을 초과한 반면 곽향 1% 첨가군인 G1의 상온 보관을 제외하고 모든 시료에서 안전한 수준을 보임으로써 콩국 제조 시 곽향의 첨가는 콩국의 미생물 수준을 낮출 수 있음을 알 수 있었다. 3일간의 냉장저장에 따른 미생물적 품질변화에서도 표준평판균수와 대장균군수 모두 저장일에 따라 유의적으로 증가하였으나, 곽향 첨가에 따라 낮은 수준을 보여 주었다. 관능검사 결과 대조군이 5가지의 관능특성 중 3개에서 가장 높은 평가를 받았으나, 곽향 1% 첨가군인 G1의 경우 맛과 전반적 기호도의 2개 특성에서 가장 높은 평가를 받았다. 또한 G2의 경우에도 색과 향에서 각각 4.45와 4.15로 대조군보다는 낮았으나 보통 이상의 평가를 받았다. 이상의 결과 단체급식에서 콩국의 다량조리시 곽향의 첨가는 미생물적 품질에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 평가되었으며, 관능적 품질평가를 감안할 때 1 %의 첨가가 바람직하다고 사료되는 바이다. 그러나 본 연구는 단체급식을 위한 콩국 제조 시 곽향의 첨가가 긍정적이라는 결과 제시는 하고 있으나 관련 선행 연구의 미비로 충분한 고찰이 미비한 한계점을 갖는다. 이에 향후 곽향을 이용한 약선메뉴는 물론 한약재를 이용한 약선에 관한 다양한 연구가 진행되어야 할 것으로 보인다. Developing a menu for foodservice operations utilizing a Yaksun meets with the desire of customers who have keen interest in health food. In addition, it is possible to expect the additional advantage of decreasing hygiene risk, which can be caused by large quantity cooking, by the efficacy of medicinal herbs used in Yaksun. Accordingly, this study provides with basic information for the development of a Yaksun menu for foodservice operations utilizing Gwackhyang by evaluating the sensory quality and microbiological quality of bean soup added of Gwackhyang. The standard plate counting significantly decreased as the addition quantity of Gwackhyang increased (p<0.001). All bean soups, which were kept at room temperature and refrigerator for 3 hours after cooking, met the safety standard 5.00 CFU/g. The number of coliforms also significantly decreased as the addition quantity of Gwackhyang increased. The bean soups in control group exceeded the safety standard of 2.00 CFU/g after 1 hour at room temperature and in refrigerator. On the other hand, all Gwackhyang bean soups met safety standard, only excluding G1 with 1% Gwackhyang kept at room temperature. Accordingly, it has been confirmed that the addition of Gwackhyang during bean soup production decreases the microorganism level of bean soup. Both standard plate counting and the number of coliforms significantly increased after 3 days in refrigerator; however, the increasing extent of Gwackhyang bean soups were less than the control group bean soups. The control group received scored highest in 3 sensory characteristics out of 5 sensory characteristics. However, G1 with 1% Gwackhyang also scored highest in 2 sensory characteristics, which were taste and overall preference. G2 also scored 4.45 in color and 4.15 in fragrance, which were lower than the control group but were above average.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        건강빵 제품 유형에 대한 구매 실태 및 소비자의 선택 요인

        고성희(Sung-Hee Ko),이영림(Young-Lim Lee),이경연(Kyung-Yeoun Lee),김혜영(Heh-Young Kim) 동아시아식생활학회 2009 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        This study was a preliminary investigation of healthy breads in the domestic bakery industry and examined conditions for consumer purchases. The analyzed data will be used for future product improvements within for the domestic bakery market. The key results were as follows: First, the subjects' choosing of healthy breads was 'Usually' (34.1%) and women were more knowledgeable about healthy breads than men. About 31.2% of the subjects responded 'Do not know well', but 98% had clear purchase intentions and showed positive acclaims for healthy breads. Second, the ranking of selection factors that subjects considered when buying healthy breads was 'curiosity>taste>safety>health>price>diet>employee representation> brand'. Women (3.89) had more sensitive reactions than men (3.47) to the 'Diet' variable, and there were statistical differences in 'Health', 'Taste', and 'Employee explanation' (p<0.05, p<0.001). Finally, highly educated considered brand more (3.87).

      • KCI등재

        Sous vide Cook-Chill법으로 생산된 삼치 데리야끼 조림의 레몬즙과 생강즙 첨가에 따른 품질 평가 -이화학적 및 관능적 품질을 중심으로-

        김혜영 ( Heh Young Kim ),고성희 ( Sung Hee Ko ),이경연 ( Kyung Yeoun Lee ),박화 ( Hwa Yyun Park ) 한국식품영양학회 2009 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.22 No.3

        In this study, we evaluated the physicochemical and sensory quality of Glazed Spanish Mackerel in Teriyaki sauce containing added lemon juice and ginger juice using a Sous vide Cook-Chill method. The products were stored at below 3℃ and then its physicochemical and sensory quality was estimated after varous storage periods(0, 5, 10, 15 days). Measured extent of 40.91~52.04% in extent and reheating after of 42.35~54.40% when moisture content and did not significant by storage period in all sample are until save 15 days. The VBN was increased as the storage period increased. A similar trend was observed after reheating, and while lemon juice additions was significantly low on 15 days(p<0.01). Based on the results of the sensory evaluation, the Teriyaki sauces containing the added lemon juice additions were evaluated that had a better sensory quality is excellent in external appearance, flavor, taste, texture, and acceptability than the control group, and while were the evaluated excellently in overall flavor and taste in occasion of were found to be excellent after the addition of ginger juice.

      • KCI등재
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      • KCI등재

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